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Fantasy AP: Convergence (The Underworld)



Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
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Welcome all!

This page will deal with the "underworld" of Assassin's Pledge: Convergence.

The "underworld" is ominous talk for the darker side of society. Thief guilds. Pirates. Bounty Hunters. Mercenaries. Rogues. Assassins. Organized Crime Rings. Professional Snitches. And more.

So let's start at the top and work our way down the list!!


Thieves in this world come in one of two forms: "Natural" Thieves, and "Professional" Thieves

Natural Thieves are those who simply grow up on the streets and operate on their own when it comes to thieving. They may form a group with other survivors as well for mutual benefit. But they are not an "organized" group and therefore they're known as "Natural" Thieves because they're just part of basic society.

Professional Thieves are those who operate out of Guilds, and who work for a paycheck and have a clientele which govern their personal agenda. These Thieves train almost exclusively in stealth and more often than not forego any and all forms of combat in favor of never getting caught and forced to fight in the first place. Stealth, agility, dexterity, and patience are their primary weapons of choice. And they use them to devastating effect.


Pirates roam the seas preying on both cargo and passenger vessels alike for various reasons which can include searching for good "company" (wink, wink), stealing good alcohol (as it's a hot commodity on the seas), stealing the ship itself if they can manage, gathering more members for their crew from the survivors of a raid/ambush, etc.

Pirates aren't particularly "organized," but they do know each other and there's a sort of "respect" among the thieves of the seas.

Keep to your own, and your own will you keep.

Bounty Hunters

They work alone.

They work fast.

And they never forget a debt.

Bounty Hunters can be honorable people at times. It depends on how they were raised before committing to this life style.

Honorable - Typically they'll choose their bounties based not on price, but by the "reason" behind the bounty.

Non-Honorable - Typically choose their bounties based on highest price.

While neither side is set in stone, and they can alternate from time to time, most Bounty Hunters who are honorable have stronger social skills and can integrate with regular society whereas their counterparts usually have a difficult time of it.

Still, at the end of the day Bounty Hunters are something of a "clean up crew" for society which is why so many people, regardless of faith, give them space and don't complain when they bring their bounty in.


Mercenaries are hired swords who will work for the highest bidder on any job with no questions asked.

In fact, that's their only real creed: The highest bidder receives no questions, only results.

What separates Mercenaries from Bounty Hunters is that Mercenaries do not do what they do for just themselves. They do what they do for the good of the Guild they belong to.

There are no "rogue" mercenaries or "solo" mercenaries. They always operate out of a Guild because that's just the life style. Some of them don't like it and would prefer to be loners. But the problem is that they'll become instant targets by every Guild in the area if they try.

Rogue Mercenaries are considered no better than Rogues, period. And they'll be hunted by the Guilds on principle alone.

Speaking of Rogues...


Rogues are any kind of person who seeks a life of violence for personal benefit. Often times they don't even do it for money. They'll hunt their food and water in the wilds and wait for any victim they can take down for their lives, their money, their women, or whatever else they damn well feel like.

Rogues have no creed. They have no Guild. They have no allegiance. They have no morals.

They exist solely to do whatever the fuck they want, and nobody's going to tell them otherwise.

They are hunted on principle by Mercenary Guilds if discovered, so whenever they're in a Guild area they usually keep a low profile as much as possible.

Despite their attitude towards life, they're usually just crazy enough to know how to blend with society and go unnoticed (at least for a while).


Assassins, like Mercenaries, operate solely out of either a Guild or an "Organization."

The difference is that Guilds operate on their own power and in smaller numbers whereas an "Organization" is far larger and is usually funded and given supplies for their duties by at least one major benefactor (typically upper echelon nobility).

Guild Assassins have a creed: Death must be swift.

These Assassins always kill their target as swiftly as possible to spare them any pain. Most of the time the Guild Assassins have no issue with their target, so they seek no "retribution" for whatever wrongs put them in the Guild's crosshairs. The faster the death, the better for everyone.

Organization Assassins, by contrast, have the following creed: Results matter more than method.

So long as the job is done, it doesn't matter how you accomplish it. If you have to chase the target while they run naked through the streets screaming like maniacs the entire way until you catch them and end their misery, do it.

There is no glamor. There is no hesitation. There is no restraint.

The job gets done, or you don't come back.

End of story.

Organized Crime Rings

Organized Crime Rings are put together primarily by corrupt politicians and/or nobility. They are done so very carefully, with great diligence, and with efficiency at the core. They have to be, or they won't last very long.

In most Organized Crime Rings, there is a common structure at play:

1 - The 'Heart' - The primary architect of the Ring, usually a single upper echelon noble with a bone to pick with society.

2 - The 'Brain' - Usually consists of four members, each one presiding over a specific part of the operation divided into "intelligence," "scouting," "preparation," and "execution."

3 - The 'Pump' - Typically comprised of two members, both of whom help interpret and refine the information provided by the 'Brain' group before passing them on to the next group.

4 - The 'Blood' - The bulk of the membership who are split into the four "sections" named in the 'Brain' segment for intelligence, scouting, preparation, and execution.

5 - The 'Insurance' - Typically a maximum of five people, all of whom are the most highly trained from the "Blood" group who watch from a distance and only intervene if things start to go wrong.

Within this structure are opportunities for customization by whoever's organizing the entire operation at the "Heart" level. Very often these customizations are based more on need than desire, and serve a larger function in the chances for success and proper maintenance of the organization as a whole.

Organized Crime Rings typically arrange political conspiracies, falsifying crimes to get their enemies or associates of enemies removed from the equation, etc.

Professional Snitches

A Professional Snitch is someone who will take a paycheck from their client first, infiltrate some sort of situation to learn information beneficial to their client, and then rat out whoever they got the information from to authorities or to their client directly so they can take further advantageous action against the target.

Professional Snitches, despite their name, are not cowardly or weak by any stretch of the imagination. It takes a lot of balls to do what they do when so many of their "targets" are people of power and social/political importance.

So never bash a Professional Snitch. Especially if you have one in your employ.

Cause they'll fuck you up!
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