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Fantasy AP: Convergence (OOC General Discussion)

Sorry to hear that Cornflower. That's pretty scummy of the GM to not be more understanding of your situation.

You've got a place in this RP no matter what, so stay tough okay?
Just letting you know I may not respond for a little bit. It was a real blow to the confidence I was building, and I'll need some time to be able to publish my writing again.
Just letting you know I may not respond for a little bit. It was a real blow to the confidence I was building, and I'll need some time to be able to publish my writing again.

That's fine. This RP will be here when you come back. So take your time and take care of yourself.
Hi guys!

Since it can be a chore to communicate here on RPN, I decided to make a Discord server for us!

My Discord ID is ChibiGodzilla#0625. You can shoot me a friend request and let me know it's you so I can invite you to the server!

Or, if you wanna be sneaky, you can do a search for a server called "Convergence" with a dark image that has a glowing red eye in the middle and join that way! Can't really mistake it for anything else. Lol.

So if you wanna chat on Discord, I'll be waiting!
I tried to reach you, couldn’t find it. Could you send me the server link?
@Tako @egregore @A-Northern-Bee blue-jay blue-jay @kath1839 Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess @Nobuzout - Hi guys!

I just wanted to tag ya'll and see how everyone's doing. Some of you didn't finish character creation, so if you still intend to finish them and start posting then please let me know as soon as you can. If you're having trouble finishing the characters for any reason, feel free to let me know what's holding you back either here or in a DM and I can help you finish things up and get to posting.

For those who've been posting but might be caught up in school or work, please let us know how you're doing and when to expect you back okay? General courtesy and all that. And it's totally cool if you need a couple days to yourself to wind down after finals and such too. As long as we know when you'll be back in action, everything's cool.

Given that, it's only fair I give everyone a head's up as well that I won't be online for posting between December 24th and 27th as I'll be focusing on family through that stretch of the holiday break.

If anyone's decided to drop, please don't be one of those people who disappears without a word. Please confirm you're leaving here so I know not to ping you okay? It's part of the life of a role-player to have to say "goodbye" to people along the way for various reasons, so nobody's going to judge you for deciding to walk away.


@ErXiao - Hoyo!

If you'd like Jaali to engage someone in Shaharan such as NPC's or another OC I have who fits this world, lemme know and I can throw her his way. I think they'd have an interesting time together!


Life got crazy and so did my mental, but I'm back to my regularly scheduled programming!

I'll finish her up tomorrow and get to posting~!
I'm interested in joining, please enlighten me to to how I can best do that. I've spent the last hour reading lore, albeit slowly, and I still have much more to read. Are we supposed to discuss character concepts here, in the characters thread, or via private messaging?
I'm interested in joining, please enlighten me to to how I can best do that. I've spent the last hour reading lore, albeit slowly, and I still have much more to read. Are we supposed to discuss character concepts here, in the characters thread, or via private messaging?

Hi there!

We can talk about character wherever you're most comfortable doing so. Any questions you have on the topic, please feel free to ask away no matter how many questions you have and I'll answer all of them!
I'd prefer to discuss in private, my discord is Meekakitty#2315
I tried to add your discord using a post you made earlier, but I wasn't able to send the request.
I'd prefer to discuss in private, my discord is Meekakitty#2315
I tried to add your discord using a post you made earlier, but I wasn't able to send the request.

I just sent a friend request to your ID.
so- um how do I join?

Hi there.

If you'd like to join, and if you haven't done so already, please read through all of the OOC pages linked on the first post of this thread. The pages you must read are the following:

* Culture
* Technology
* The Underworld
* Lingual Quirks
* Combat
* Socio-Political Landscape
* People, Locations, Events, and More!

Once you've read and understand all of the information on these pages, please create a character profile in keeping with all of that information and post it to the "Characters" page (which is also linked on the first post of this thread). When you've finished, reply to my message here and let me know your character is ready and I will give it a quick examination to check if there are any issues or conflicts with the RP's lore and/or setting. If everything's good, I'll give you the thumbs up to begin posting.

If you have any major questions, feel free to ask here in this thread or through a private message with me at any time.

Heya, are we still open?


This particular RP is no longer open or active. However, another one set in the same world is if you're still interested.

It's called Assassin's Pledge: Whispers of Myth.

Here are the links to the main threads:

* Lore - Fantasy - Lore (OOC - Whispers of Myth)

* Main Posting Thread - Fantasy - Assassin's Pledge: Whispers Of Myth

* Characters - Fantasy - Characters (OOC - Whispers of Myth)

And if you'd like to join the Discord Server, here's an invite link: Join the Whispers Of Myth Discord Server!

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