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Fantasy Aolaris Academy Characters


Name: Annelise Eis 

age: 17

gender: Female

sexuality: Heterosexual 

Race: Ice nymph


  1. Freeze things by touching them 
  2. She can spit out icicles
  3. She breathes out a cold, icy mist
  4. She can make ice appear


  1. Heat
  2. Blunt weapons
  3. Annelise's body is very fragile



Annelise has very pale skin because she never goes out into the sun. She has long, flowing white hair and piercing blue eyes. Her chest is relatively small. Her outfits vary a lot. She mostly wears clothes that are either white or blue.


Her mother is an ice nymph and her father is a German man. As she grew up, many satyrs would disturb her because of her beauty which led to her hatred of men. The only man she doesn't hate is her father. Annelise decided to come to Aolaris to learn more about humans.


Annelise is cold (pun intended). She's aloof and quite rude, especially to males. However, the more she gets to know someone, she eventually starts getting nicer. She prefers females over males even though she's not romantically interested in women. She's considerably ruder to boys despite never actually getting to know one of them. This is due to the countless satyrs who kept bugging her because of her appearance.

Annelise has never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. She gets really awkward and flustered when it comes to the subject of love. 


+ Ice lollies

+ Cold showers and cold baths

+ Winter

+ Snow

+ Hail storms

+ Night

+ Poetry


- Hot food

- Hot springs

- Summer

- Hot days

- Annoying people

- Flirtacious males


1- Maths

2- English

3-  Gym

4- Cooking Class


5- Science

6- History

7- Art

8- Study Hall

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@Lefic Accepted. Answer roll call when you can. Just jump right in as if she had been there the whole time. I'll add her to the directory.
Name: Jamson Silas V. Rederick

age: 17

gender: Male

sexuality: straight

Race: Human

powers: Paper magic 

  • Can animate paper into living things that obey his commands telepathically and communicate by manipulating ink to write on themselves, he can control vast numbers at once.
  • He can store himself and inanimate objects in books regardless of size or weight. Whilst stored, objects do not experience the effects of time as the contents of a book don't change every time you open it. When the pages are opened  to where the item is stored it automatically come out of the book.
  • If he touches two identical books, he can open a link between them which he and inanimate objects can travel through.
  • He is capable of turning into a piece of paper, in this state he can fold himself, fly, and is very hard to hit but is fragile and weak to water.

weaknesses: Water, fire, cutting. Overuse of his magic has made is skin nearly as weak as paper.


bio: Jamson was born into a noble family of high renown, and has been trained in magic, hand to hand combat, and fencing. Jamson has always been eyed as less then his brother by many family members. After his older brother, the Rederick heir was killed in duel with a monster, Jamson became the heir to the Rederick family and developed a deep hate for monsters and was sent away by his father to an academy so his father could find a more satisfying heir.

personality: A bit obnoxious, over confident, but his heart is mostly in the right place. He has a strong sense of honor and always keeps his word.

likes: Books, Origami, Art, Dueling, Tradition, writing, bragging, classical music.

dislikes: Dirt, loud music, indecency and most importantly monsters as one killed his brother. He thinks their all beast like and un-honorable.


1- World History

2-  Creative Writing

3- Study hall

4- Art


5- English

6- Reading

7- Study Hall

8- Literature

Other: Just a note, whilst Jamson is a jerk I hope I am not, if you have any problems with my roleplaying feel free to bring it up in OCC and we can find something we both find something better. :)  also I'm too brain dead to write anymore right now.
5 minutes ago, pbtenchi said:

Name: Jamson Silas V. Rederick

age: 17

gender: Male

sexuality: straight

Race: Human

powers: Paper magic 

  • Can animate paper into living things that obey his commands telepathically and communicate by manipulating ink to write on themselves, he can control vast numbers at once.
  • He can store himself and inanimate objects in books regardless of size or weight. Whilst stored, objects do not experience the effects of time as the contents of a book don't change every time you open it. When the pages are opened  to where the item is stored it automatically come out of the book.
  • If he touches two identical books, he can open a link between them which he and inanimate objects can travel through.
  • He is capable of turning into a piece of paper, in this state he can fold himself, fly, and is very hard to hit but is fragile and weak to water.

weaknesses: Water, fire, cutting. Overuse of his magic has made is skin nearly as weak as paper.


bio: Jamson was born into a noble family of high renown, and has been trained in magic, hand to hand combat, and fencing. Jamson has always been eyed as less then his brother by many family members. After his older brother, the Rederick heir was killed in duel with a monster, Jamson became the heir to the Rederick family and developed a deep hate for monsters and was sent away by his father to an academy so his father could find a more satisfying heir.

personality: A bit obnoxious, over confident, but his heart is mostly in the right place. He has a strong sense of honor and always keeps his word.

likes: Books, Origami, Art, Dueling, Tradition, writing, bragging, classical music.

dislikes: Dirt, loud music, indecency and most importantly monsters as one killed his brother. He thinks their all beast like and un-honorable.


1- World History

2-  Creative Writing

3- Study hall

4- Art


5- English

6- Reading

7- Study Hall

8- Literature

Other: Just a note, whilst Jamson is a jerk I hope I am not, if you have any problems with my roleplaying feel free to bring it up in OCC and we can find something we both find something better. :)  also I'm too brain dead to write anymore right now.


@Skeletonjack An interesting and unique choice of power! Can humans obtain magical powers of this kind? If so, accepted. 
Name: Jamson Silas V. Rederick

age: 17

gender: Male

sexuality: straight

Race: Human

powers: Paper magic 

  • Can animate paper into living things that obey his commands telepathically and communicate by manipulating ink to write on themselves, he can control vast numbers at once.
  • He can store himself and inanimate objects in books regardless of size or weight. Whilst stored, objects do not experience the effects of time as the contents of a book don't change every time you open it. When the pages are opened  to where the item is stored it automatically come out of the book.
  • If he touches two identical books, he can open a link between them which he and inanimate objects can travel through.
  • He is capable of turning into a piece of paper, in this state he can fold himself, fly, and is very hard to hit but is fragile and weak to water.

weaknesses: Water, fire, cutting. Overuse of his magic has made is skin nearly as weak as paper.


bio: Jamson was born into a noble family of high renown, and has been trained in magic, hand to hand combat, and fencing. Jamson has always been eyed as less then his brother by many family members. After his older brother, the Rederick heir was killed in duel with a monster, Jamson became the heir to the Rederick family and developed a deep hate for monsters and was sent away by his father to an academy so his father could find a more satisfying heir.

personality: A bit obnoxious, over confident, but his heart is mostly in the right place. He has a strong sense of honor and always keeps his word.

likes: Books, Origami, Art, Dueling, Tradition, writing, bragging, classical music.

dislikes: Dirt, loud music, indecency and most importantly monsters as one killed his brother. He thinks their all beast like and un-honorable.


1- World History

2-  Creative Writing

3- Study hall

4- Art


5- English

6- Reading

7- Study Hall

8- Literature

Other: Just a note, whilst Jamson is a jerk I hope I am not, if you have any problems with my roleplaying feel free to bring it up in OCC and we can find something we both find something better. :smile1:  also I'm too brain dead to write anymore right now.

If the sword is the source of his powers (like a wand to put it simply) then yes this is allowed

(This could also be like freed from fairy tail)

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Name: Adrian "Jackal" drake

age: 19

gender: male

sexuality: straight

Race: light dragon cyborg

powers: to transform himself and his enhancements between forms


•metallic wings with booster rockets.

•light cannons.

•flame throwers

•blade extensions-this comes in the form of either his claws becoming sharp metal or his hands turning into swords

•lazer-beam gun cannons

•metalkinesis- the power to move metal with his mind

•cloaking system

•thermal vision

•dragon scale infused adamantion power armor

•emp protection 

•emp generator 

•water resistance

•chainsaw extension

•weapon formation- can use his metallic kenesis to form powerful weapons (Usually a giant battle axe or a scythe) and infuse them with one of the magics he controls

Magic powers-

•dark matter manipulation

•antimatter manipulation 

•fire manipulation

•light manipulation

weaknesses: darkness dragons, celestial dragons, the dragon king, hackers, the monster hunter head command


 -human form:

(Main outfit is first one)



-armored form:


-weaponized form:


-dragon form:


bio: when he was younger he was playing with his brother Ashel. Ashel led them out of the cave and into a forest. They were wrestling, like young dragon fledglings do, when all of a sudden they were being shocked. Both of them passed out and when the two awoke they were in their half-human forms and strapped to metal tables in a lab. They were captured by the monster hunters and experimented on by the beast-tamer division. They were trying to turn Ashel into a super dragon that could overpower the celestial dragons and dragon kings. As for Adrian they were trying to turn him into a cyborg that would follow every command given to him. They invented new weapons and parts that would morph with Adrian when he shifted from form to form. They completed their work and gave Adrian the code name Jackal. On some feild tests he decimated the monster troops, a complete success to the hunters. That soon ended the war. Under the conditions they allowed Ashel to return to his father but jackal was their "insurance policy" so to speak.

personality: cold, evil, twisted, crazy, cruel, strict, loyal

classes:None he is the security at the school

Other: he does not have any way of sensing monsters anymore and is the most powerful villain in this RP aside from the "hunter council of leadership"
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Name: Sin

Alias: Ater Nan

age: 4 (Oozes intellect is not based on age its based on size.)

gender: N/A (uses female)

sexuality: Asexual

Race: Grim Ooze

Powers: Amorphous- Able to solidify and liquefy at will but must stay one mass. When solid the ooze is as hard as steel, normally a ooze has the consistency of jello. Due to the hardening and such an intelligent ooze can create weapons and body parts by solidifying shapes. Density can also be changed with this ability. Resistant to physical attacks

Camouflage: A grim ooze can change its color and texture.

Immunities: Acid, Poison, Critical wounds, Mind affecting abilities, Pain, Fear, Bleeding.

Consuming: By eating living matter a ooze increases in size, This will replace lost mass from injuries, An oozes size decides its intelligence

Weaknesses: Oozes are highly vulnerable to the cold as there form has a freezing point of 12 degrees Fahrenheit. Fire Is also effective to oozes. Oozes are limited in how much they can learn, their size decides how much they can know. Oozes don't heal naturally so damage has to be healed by eating twice as much mass that was lost.

Looks: (anime pictures only please)

Half Form (ignore non human bits for full human form)


True Form


Bio:* Sin was created as all Grim Oozes are, A massive amount of death and negative emotions. She is born of the souls of monsters that were killed by hunters. Although the souls hold hatred towards humans, she does not feel it. She followed traces of life consuming plants, animals, even humans on her path. As she grew she became more intelligent. She changed to the shape of a human since chasing people down is hard when your a mass of high viscosity liquid. She consumed a young girl and learned of a school, to here it was more of a feeding ground, but she would learn what it means to have education. She has kept up here disguise but she has consumed life around the school time to time.

Personality: Cold, Emotionless, Simplistic, Not cautious, Holds grudges though doesn't show it.

Likes:* Food(living or dead)

Dislikes:* Heat, Cold, Lightning


1- Study Hall

2- Math

3- English

4- History


5- Study Hall

6- Public Speaking

7- Biology

8- Chemistry


Name: Sin

Alias: Ater Nan

age: 4 (Oozes intellect is not based on age its based on size.)

gender: N/A (uses female)

sexuality: Asexual

Race: Grim Ooze

Powers: Amorphous- Able to solidify and liquefy at will but must stay one mass. When solid the ooze is as hard as steel, normally a ooze has the consistency of jello. Due to the hardening and such an intelligent ooze can create weapons and body parts by solidifying shapes. Density can also be changed with this ability. Resistant to physical attacks

Camouflage: A grim ooze can change its color and texture.

Immunities: Acid, Poison, Critical wounds, Mind affecting abilities, Pain, Fear, Bleeding.

Consuming: By eating living matter a ooze increases in size, This will replace lost mass from injuries, An oozes size decides its intelligence

Weaknesses: Oozes are highly vulnerable to the cold as there form has a freezing point of 12 degrees Fahrenheit. Fire Is also effective to oozes. Oozes are limited in how much they can learn, their size decides how much they can know. Oozes don't heal naturally so damage has to be healed by eating twice as much mass that was lost.

Looks: (anime pictures only please)

Half Form (ignore non human bits for full human form)

True Form

Bio:* Sin was created as all Grim Oozes are, A massive amount of death and negative emotions. She is born of the souls of monsters that were killed by hunters. Although the souls hold hatred towards humans, she does not feel it. She followed traces of life consuming plants, animals, even humans on her path. As she grew she became more intelligent. She changed to the shape of a human since chasing people down is hard when your a mass of high viscosity liquid. She consumed a young girl and learned of a school, to here it was more of a feeding ground, but she would learn what it means to have education. She has kept up here disguise but she has consumed life around the school time to time.

Personality: Cold, Emotionless, Simplistic, Not cautious, Holds grudges though doesn't show it.

Likes:* Food(living or dead)

Dislikes:* Heat, Cold, Lightning


1- Study Hall

2- Math

3- English

4- History


5- Study Hall

6- Public Speaking

7- Biology

8- Chemistry



Try to avoid killing people in the school but accepted 
Name: Akira Fumihiro

age: 15

gender: male

sexuality: straight

Race: neko

powers: can shift into a cat, when he is in human form he has cat like features (claws, ears, tail)

weaknesses: his fear of dogs, his amnesia


http://s286.photobucket.com/user/CazCherice/media/Anime Cats/AllieandFrostOC1.jpg.html (cat form) (the white one)

bio: may be revealed later, he has amnesia and can only remember his name and age 

personality: shy, quiet (until he really opens up to you), kind, innocent

likes: cats, quiet and relaxed areas

dislikes: the dark, his amnesia, dogs


1- study hall

2- history

3- english

4- biology


5- math

6- art

7- poetry

8- study hall


@Nyctophiliac @Skeletonjack
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Name: Akira Fumihiro

age: 15

gender: male

sexuality: straight

Race: neko

powers: can shift into a cat, when he is in human form he has cat like features (claws, ears, tail)

weaknesses: his fear of dogs, his amnesia


http://s286.photobucket.com/user/CazCherice/media/Anime Cats/AllieandFrostOC1.jpg.html (cat form) (the white one)

bio: may be revealed later, he has amnesia and can only remember his name and age 

personality: shy, quiet (until he really opens up to you), kind, innocent

likes: cats, quiet and relaxed areas

dislikes: the dark, his amnesia, dogs


1- study hall

2- history

3- english

4- biology


5- math

6- art

7- poetry

8- study hall


@Nyctophiliac @Skeletonjack

Ooo yay a monster who isn't in hiding! Thank you! Accepted!
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Just going to drop this here. Don't do anything with this yet. So far the only people who can make staff characters are me and Skeletonjack.

Staff member CS:






magical item(if any) :


looks: (anime pictures only please)







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Staff Characters / NPCs

[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]✓[/COLOR] Madrigal San Maria Res Hall Director Goldilocks

[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]✓[/COLOR] Vice Principal Andrew Tomolaris

[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]✓[/COLOR] Principal Gottfried Jonson II

[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]✓[/COLOR] Felice DeRhonda, head of the Silverfern dorm

[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]✓[/COLOR] Danielle McFee, head of the Copperquill dorm

[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]✓[/COLOR] Teacher 1 with shield - Jax Maverick

[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]✓[/COLOR] Bolton Loggins

[COLOR= rgb(84, 84, 84)]✓[/COLOR] Current Events teacher

Intern boy
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Name: Madrigal San-Maria

age: 36

gender: female

sexuality: straight

Weapon: Enchanted Feather Quill (from a storm gyre)

magical item(if any) : *same as above*

weaknesses: illusions, trap spells

looks: (here she is as a young girl) Just imagine her older. 

madrigal young.jpg

bio:* Madrigal was born by two scholarly parents and gifted with skills at using enchanted items. She was very intelligent when growing up, and frequently cared for and looked after her 6 brothers and sisters. She was born the middle child of seven. Before taking on the task of being Aolaris Academy's Hall Director, she worked as a competent secretary and librarian. I believe she has some spanish or portuguese blood, which accounts for her good knowledge of languages. 

personality: motherly, direct, good at organizing people and things, she has a lot on her plate and is frequently seen in a slightly disarrayed state, efficient, orderly, sensible, has empathy, problem-solver

Job: Hall Director (Goldilocks)
Name: Andrew Tomolaris

age: 40

gender: male

sexuality: straight

Weapon: Dual Saber

magical item(if any) : a silver Chain that can expand, contract, lengthen, and be controlled

weaknesses: fire, a silver chain-cutter, general area attacks


View attachment ronnie_5494 (1).bmp

bio:* Led the humans to several victories including the eventual recapture of Aolaris. He is a military strategist and doesn't do too many field operations. Occasionally he would take on retrieval missions, but would always use others to scout and attack. His brains are prized and his various achievements are praised... these got him into the job as the Vice Principal. He is fine with being the Principal's right hand man and chairs the majority of staff meetings. 

personality: A very structured and rather refined man. He approves of efficient people and those who don't waste his time. He is more of a strategist than anything and is dedicated to whatever project he is currently working on. He strongly believes that humans (or at least the smart ones) are superior to monsters and can take advantage of monsters' abilities and traits. 

likes:* fine wines, french cuisine, collects sea glass (random), has an entire library of books on history, military strategy, and sciences as well as medical literature

dislikes:* unruly students, people who cause an unnecessary scene, unplanned events

Job: Vice Principal of Aolaris Academy

Other: is engaged to Madrigal ;D  

View attachment ronnie_5494.bmp
Name: Felice DeRhonda

age: 27

gender: female

sexuality: straight

Weapon: pistol

magical item(if any) : expandable wand (think an orchestra director's baton)

weaknesses: lightning magic, shadow magic, breaking the wand


Felice DeRhonda.jpg

bio:* She is a single child, but ever sweet and caring. She will rarely get into a temper or throw a fit, even if things don't always go her way. Some might say she is submissive, but that depends. She is willing to give way to those who are in higher position because she trusts them. Her stance on monsters is complicated. She has heard a lot of bad things about them and made up her mind that monsters are for the most part evil and a danger to humans. She doesn't think that humans and monsters can co-exist for the long term. She is loyal to the school's administration. 

personality: smiling, cheerful, fair, sensitive to students' feelings, discussions to solve problems, can be a long-winded talker, detail-oriented, caring, resilient

likes:* shopping, cute high heels, when students have values, aspirations, dreams, and goals, teaching, maths

dislikes:* dumb students (although she hides it and tries to be as nice as possible all the time), irresponsible people, dogs (especially if they are loud and messy), when Madrigal tells her to get organized ("Isn't this organized enough? ...I can find things just fine, Madge.")

Job: Hall Director, Silverfern
Name: Danielle McFee

age: 29

gender: female

sexuality: straight

Weapon: none

magical item(if any) : enchanted silver necklace (protection, beams of power radiate from it)

weaknesses: breaking the glass pendant on the necklace, unusual types of magic



bio:* She is newest to the school and as a result relies on her more experienced peers to help her out. She, however, doesn't like needing to rely on others and would much rather get things done herself. This isn't really feasible and the other two women who operate as hall directors sometimes treat her as a lackey (although Felice doesn't consciously realize it). 


likes:* chocolate, sweets, parasols, fitted suits, colorful hair accessories, making art/painting, writing letters

Job: Copperquill's Hall Director
Name:  Gale Jonson II

Age: 43

gender: male

sexuality: straight 


orion's might-

Orion's night is a magical bow that can fire heavy dual-handed weapons  as arrows.


magical item:

Orion's might-

Orion's might increases the user's strength, agility, and endurance. The bow infuses ammo with five basic elemental properties: fire, air, water, earth,and ether. The fire ammo is tipped with a canister of lit greek fire. The air ammo creates a vortex that can be used in a few different ways. The water ammo freezes the target upon impact or creates a wall of ice. The earth ammo is dragon-scale armor piercing. Ether ammo can erase reapers, ghost, and other imortal or undead creatures from existence if it hits them more than eight times within 24 hours 

-weaknesses: Over confidence, light magic, being overwhelmed 


just try to imagine him with a suit and tie on for schoolIMG_0415.JPG

bio: as a young boy gale knew he wanted to be a hunter. He despised the monsters. For years he had heard the stories of how they would prey on humans but now with his training in the human army he quickly worked to reverse that. Within months he had earned enough wins and general approval to become a member of the hunter council of generals. 

personality: strong willed, powerful, high and mighty

job: general of intelligence and principal of the school
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