Anyone But You (DeGage and me)


Stoner Pug
I jolted awake, looking around, wondering what had woken me up. My wolf was ready to attack the threat, but seeing as there was none, I laid back down and fell asleep.
I looked up, stared at my ceiling and thought about what had awoken me. I was a pretty heavy sleeper, not much could wake me up. "There's a disturbance in the force." I said jokingly. I decided to get up and investigate.
My wolf woke me a few minutes later, feeling something. I groaned and got up, slipping on some sweatpants and a sports bra. I decided to go eat if I couldn't sleep, so I headed out of my room and towards the pack house kitchen.
It was still pretty dark out, and he was looking around for a clock until he realized, phones exist. He looked at the bright screen. "3:47? What in the hell woke me up!" He quickly turned some lights on and looked out his window wearily. "I dont like this..and neither will my wolf..."
Throwing open the fridge, I scanned the contents for anything with meat or chocolate. Having no such luck, I opened the freezer and pulled out a carton of peanut butter cup ice cream. I sat on the counter with the ice cream and a spoon, and ate contently.
Chris opened the door and stood on his porch, He yelled loudly: "Hello!! Anybody trying to rob me here?" Chris said stupidly " Of course they're not gonna answer to that! He decided to turn everyone of his lights on to ward away the tweakers and other idiots who attempt to make a living off of stealing things. "I probably woke a bunch of people up...well rise and shine suckers!" Chris walked to his laptop and put some music on, just below loud but not to soft. "Always relaxes me." He said leaning back on his couch.
I ate about half the carton before the kitchen lights turned on, blinding me.

My older brother stood in the doorway, an eyebrow raised at me. I squinted at him.

"Turn off the lights, fucktard," I said.

He switched off the lights and walked over to me. "Would you like to tell me why you're sitting on the kitchen counter, in the dark, eating my ice cream?" Moonlight streamed through the large bay windows in the kitchen, allowing me to see the smirk on his face.
Chris stood up and walked around still listening to his music. "I woke up...and there's no going back..." He sighed. "Whatever might as well get some crap done" He walked around cleaning up random messes around the house. "I really wish I knew what woke me up." Chris's stomach rumbled. "Uhh...TO THE FRIDGE!" Chris yelled sliding around on his socks on the hard wood floor. He opened the fridge and pulled out some milk. "To za panteray!" Chris said in a french voice. He opened the pantry and looked inside. "Uhm...frosted flakes or cheerios...BOTH!" He said grabbing both boxes and pouring the onto the counter. "I forgot the bowl...." He grabbed a bowl from the sink and shoved most of the cereal into the bowl. "A Meal fit for a minor god!"
"Because I do what I want," I said to Brice. He scoffed.

"Right. Because you're such a freakin' princess." Brice rolled his eyes and took out the milk carton and drank half the jug.

"Now that's just gross." I tosse the spoon in the sink and got off the counter. I put the ice cream back in the freezer, then turned to look at Brice.
Chris jumped when he heard the door bang loudly. "Who in the hell is up this early! Oh yeah..." Chris opened the door to see his landlord staring at him. "I see that you awake" He snarled. "I suppose your ready to pay your rent now then arent you." He said vicously. "Crap....I can probably get that money tomorrow..." Chris replied. "Thats what you said 3 days ago. If you dont have the money by tomorrow your out of here." The landlord said slamming the door. Chris sat on his couch. "Im screwed."
"Goin' back to bed?" I nodded in reply. His big arms wrapped around me.

Even though we hated each other, he was my best friend.

"Night, Princess," he said, kissing my forehead.

I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. "Night, asshole."

I walked back to my room, humming lightly. I opened my door and crossed over to my enormous bay window, sitting on the window seat/bed. I sighed as I looked at the moon.
"Yeah..definitely cant pay this crap...Ill have to move in with someone. Gah...other people, worst thing to be around." Chris said as he turned off his music and ran up to his room. "Might as well pack up early."
I went to my bed and crawled under my covers, sighing from the warmth that enveloped me. Within minutes, I was fast asleep.
Chris began to pack up. He decided to call some of his...friends...sure we'll call them that. Most of them ended with: "The fuck you calling so early about?!?" But one guy, gave some sort of help. "Well, being that i just checked town for somebody in need of a roommate, your gonna be outta luck." "Really? Like nobody needs a roommate? That sucks." Chris said. "Well....what situation are you in? Is it find a roommate or you turn into a hobo?" "Yeah thats pretty much the deal." Chris responded. "There is one person...and well, heh...if its your only choice all i have to say is good luck." "Who is it?" Chris asked. "Uhh...I'll just give you the address...and you'll have to find out for yourself." "um.....okay." His "friend" Gave him the address and Chris wrote it down. He finished packing up around 6:00 AM, He didnt have very much stuff. "Ill head off tomorrow"
(Wait. Who is the person he's gonna stay with?)

I woke up again a few hours later, the sun starting to rise over the tree line. I got up and grabbed my car keys, pulling a tanktop over my head and slipping on some moccasins.

I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I brushed out my hair and pulled it to the side.

I grabbed my backpack and opened my door, walking down the hall. I stuck my head into my dad's office and smiled at him. "Hey Daddy. I'm going to school now!"

He looked up at me and smiled. "Alright, sweetheart. See you later!"

I walked out of the pack house, and over to my black Chevy suburban. Most of the cars were gone, which meant the other high school pack members were already at school.
(I don't really want to do this anymore, kinda in alot of other RP's as it is. *Shuffles out the door awkwardly*)

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