Any sized group, medieval-fantasy oriented


General Idea

Set back some time within the Dark Ages, a rebellion was slowly brewing within the Underdark society. Word spread fast that the high priestess sought out to blacken the blue skies over Judivas and overthrow those who walked above ground. There had always been tension between the King and said high priestess, but things have been escalating ever since he commanded that the Essan mountains be mined for all the material it had, forcing the dark elves to run back north where they originated from. The drow from the Underdark aren't known for their peaceful ways… It's suspected that they're going to head south for war any day now. The people within the golden country fear every nightfall, for they don't know if they'll wake up to see the sun rise ever again.


City of Sheltleth is found buried within the Essan mountains that act as a border between two countries. Judivas is a warm country filled with various fields and forests, with an emerald sea at the south and east side. Latios is the capital of Judivas, and resides at the meeting of these two sea-side walls. It's filled with exotic folk from across seas, and believed to be the most dangerous place in the entire country. Travene is north of the Essan mountains. Many outcasts are sent to the north if they are not exiled. Beyond the mountains, they are left with nothing but thin cloth on their back and their wits. Outcasts often collect in Sheltleth, which is better known has a ghost city now. Formerly a city of elves before the war that took place close to two centuries ago, now it's a home for skeletons, predators and men branded as traitors.


A tyrant ruled over Judivas, and bargained with the dark elves that lived in Travene for assistance in uprooting the mountain elves from their home, Sheltleth. The drow cooperated and gladly slaughtered many elves, most fleeing to the south where many were caught and brought into slavery. Some years into his terrible reign, King Braun successfully managed to hoard majority of the country's currency, among other things. This provoked a rebellion, and the country was divided into two for several decades. Finally, it was an all out war between the King's supporters and the rebels. After years of battles lost and won, Braun was slain in his throne room and replaced with a man more suitable for leadership.

Races as viewed in the culture of the Judivas country.

Humans Most common humanoid creature to be found anywhere.

Dwarves Second most common humanoid creature to be found anywhere. Generally praised for the hardiness and work ethic. The species tend to be stout and incredibly masculine.

Elves Third most common humanoid creature to be found anywhere. Often valued for their grace, but still seen as lesser than humans and dwarves. Wild elves lurk in the forests surrounding the Essan mountain, traveling in small clans. Wild elves tend to be incredibly rare to find, and aren't confrontational. Both genders of the species are incredibly feminine. Male elves are incapable of growing facial hair, or very much body hair, if at all.

Drow Exceptionally rare humanoid creature to find walking above the surface. They're known to have a dislike for any humanoid that doesn't live underground. Due to their life style, they're life expectancy is terrible. It's unlikely one would ever encounter an elderly drow. They come from the Underdark, and typical gender roles are reversed. The average female drow is often stronger and taller than the male.

Misc. Other races are allowed, within reason. Anything humanoid is okay. Such as tieflings, fae, etc. but nothing too out there such as a minotaurs, gnolls, giants, etc.

OKAY. I made it short and easy to digest. Any takers?
Edited: I have two three people so far! That's awesome! Wonderful! Hopefully we can get one or two more people interested. I'd like for there to be a group of five at the very least. I'll be checking in at various times during the next two days and then I'll get this thing rolling. Tell all your friends!

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