Any League fans out there?


Illuminate the Enemy
And by fans, I mean watching the competitive scene, who's your pro favourite player and stuff like that?

On a relevant note, anyone watched that insane LMQ vs CRS match today? The comebacks are real. ^o^

There will be painful time...sad times. I'll be with you through think and thin. You are never alone. The hopes we carry are matched by the number of stars in the twinkling night sky. The rustling of the wind on our bodies are premonitions for what's to come tomorrow. Now, let us take a the melody of the fairies. -Mavis
"There will be painful time...sad times. I'll be with you through think and thin. You are never alone. The hopes we carry are matched by the number of stars in the twinkling night sky. The rustling of the wind on our bodies are premonitions for what's to come tomorrow. Now, let us take a the melody of the fairies. -Mavis"

I... play League? But this guy scares me... calm down br0. xD
I watch it sometimes. I hate the community, but the game is cool. Sadly I have few good players to play with...
TheAncientCenturion said:
Dota battlers master race 2014.
And thus the LOL -DOTA war takes its battle onto RPN

I watch I prefer Cloud 9 or Tsm as far as teams go. I like their junglers especially, it taught me a lot about the role itself

Last match i watched wasa the snowdown one. That was pretty funny.

BTW if anyone wants to add mer, my summoner name is YandereRose. Hell, if wnough of us play, we shoudl make a ranked team :D
I play on EUW, I play support like 95% of the time (playing something else when there's a premade). My favourite champion is Karma ^___^
i started out with supp myself and its what I play when I go ranked. Im moeratly okay with most of the supports (janna, leona), but the ace in the whole is Sona

to bad, i play NA D:
I actually used to have my account on NA but transfered so I could play with my bf :P He's not very good though so we mostly play ARAM and stuff together... unlike me he hasn't been playing mobas since before DotA was even a thing xD Not that I'm great I'm Gold rank I don't play that much but he's like Bronze 5 so we can't really duo queue in ranked or anything :P
ah, i can understand that, I started playing lol cuz my fiancee was. We don't play together too uc anymore but I've gotten pretty attached to mobas like LOL and Smite. I'm only S2 cuz im still too afraid to solo queue t.t Iften i get annoyed at how i do so i play whatever' sout, like Snowdown or Hide and Seek. Prolly gunna have to return to ARAM now.
The competitive scene is quite interesting to watch, that's for certain.

I'm really excited to see all the new (and old) LCS teams and how they perform this split.

By the way, supports rule!

-- NA support/ADC
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I like to think I'm a decent Thresh :P .

i can't Thresh to save my life. The hook always seems to heatseek minions regardless of where i throw it

and by complete contrast im a pretty decent Blitzcrank

.... just what o earth... i don't even....
Dead thread but- Avid League player here who also attends NA LCS matches a lot!

The ever-changing competitive scene makes it interesting, especially the impact it has in game within low elo. AKA the bronze and silver players who try and imitate the pro scene with a hit or miss outcome. I'm sure it probably has the same impact within higher elos, but I've been Silver for the 3 seasons I've played so- Meh. Not to mention higher elo players would probably know how to utilize the champions played in LCS better than us silver scrubs.

But off the topic of the competitive scene, I like to think myself a pretty competent Support main of two years, maining the typical old Ardent abusers like Nami, Janna and Lulu. But with the way low elo is, I may finally touch the tank supports I've always sort of hated playing, like Leona, Tahm Kench and Thresh even. Just to climb out of silver hell.

Edit: One of my favorite pro players has to be Olleh. He's such a sweet guy, and I remember he apologized to me for losing a Lulu match after a particularly rough game ;; w ;;​
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I like to think I'm a decent Thresh :P .
This is how I feel about Thresh...

When I play Thresh: My Q hitbox is so stupid, when I clearly hit the adc, NOPE! It grabs the minion behind them instead. My teammates never grab the lantern and when I try to throw the lantern to the jungle, he doesn't grab the lantern and tries to chase the enemy instead, and by the time the jungle is in the lane, the enemy botlane is already under the tower and 75% through with the recall animation. and I whenever I use my ult, they run into the wall and die. Then my teammates flame me for KS.

When I play against Thresh: The hitbox on the Q is so stupid, it misses by half a mile and still lands... The enemy Thresh is a god with that lantern and sets up ganks for the jungler who's half a map away. He always gets the ADC out of tight situations by throwing a lantern and he locks our whole team down because of that goddamn box and 90% slow. Then we try to run and take a huge chunk of damage from the wall and proceed to get absolutely eaten by the enemy team.

edit: I'm actually a one-trick lux... who just happens to hate Lux's character and can actually play support -.-
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