Another Excuse to Procrastinate

Quetzal Lemon

New Member
Howdy all!

Between stumbling across rpers in a couple of MMOs I play and playing a couple of D&D games, I've been itching to try text based role plays again. The last time I role played purely through text was 6 or so years ago, and I only had one partner. I tried getting into forum roleplay on a different site, but they didn't have much that interested me to keep me going. But with this place having well over 50k members, I'm sure I'll find someone.

One of the more important things, or at least the thing I notice people making a huge deal out of, is the amount of words they want in response. To put it bluntly, I care about quality over quantity. I don't expect, nor do I want to read a full novel, just for 95% of the reply to be spent describing the shape of cloud because you felt like you needed to make some quota. I do expect some amount of meat in the reply, but as long as I'm given something to work off of and advance the role play, I'm fine. As a general rule for me, if you wouldn't put it in a book you're writing because it derails the plot too much, don't feel the need to write it. If you absolutely can't live with the idea of any reply being less than the length of a college essay, then I can tell you right now that I'm not a partner you should consider.

I prefer role playing in fantasy settings, but I'm not strict at all what kind of fantasy. I'm willing to try any new kind of setting, with whatever rules of magic, technology, etc. just as long as they're consistent. Along the same vein, I probably won't role play in fandoms. I don't mind role playing in a setting inspired by a franchise, or in a franchise meant for role playing to begin with. But you won't see me lurking around in the Naruto or whatever tags for role play.

I'm not actively seeking romance in my role plays. If our characters end up having really good chemistry together, then I'm perfectly fine with them being romantically involved. But if you're role playing only with the intent of shipping, then I do suggest you find someone else who's looking for a romantic play, since I will reject your character's advancements towards mine if I don't like the idea of them being together. Under the circumstance we do have characters romantically involved in a role play, I want it to be isolated only to that role play. My character is not "yours" just because they're together in one scenario. They're still mine and fully mine, and I could potentially wish to use them elsewhere.

I'd prefer one-on-one or small group role plays for something more fleshed out and serious. But if there's some relaxed forum role play for the sake of wasting time, having fun, and meeting new people, I wouldn't mind joining in.

With all that out of the way, I hope to be able to get back into role play and maybe even make a few friends, even outside of role playing while I'm here!
Welcome to the site! If you ever feel like brainstorming ideas, starting a roleplay or just want to talk, feel free to message me!

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