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Realistic or Modern Another Day the Sun Will Rise - Characters


Name // Age // Sex
Height // Weight // Hair Color // Eye Color
Sexuality // Relationships
What do they look like? (Realistic image/gif only please)
Why were they on the plane to Maui?
Likes // Dislikes // Fears
Possessions (what do they still have or what have they collected)
Who were they travelling with and are they alive or dead?
Injuries (if it's too major they may as well be dead)
Tattoos // Scars // Piercings

Damafaud Damafaud Play On Words Play On Words Graecus Scum Graecus Scum ThatOneWeirdo ThatOneWeirdo Wonder Woman Wonder Woman MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat @Smoaki Bellz Bellz Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
Military Girl

Rowan Rodgers
"I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay."

Physical Appearance
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125

Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue/Grey


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Additional info
Why she was on the plane:
Family Reuinion before she was sent back out on tour in Iraq
-Small knife
-Old matches
-Couple Granola Bars
Travelling with:
-Father (dead)
-Brother (Alive)
-Cut on her forehead
-Burn on her leg

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-Moving around
-Her Work
-Being in Charge
-Her Brother
-Staying in one place for too long
-Not Speaking her mind
-Loosing her brother



Bio: As long as Rowan can remember her father was a drill Sargent. He was a seasoned veteran who respected the military and let it reflect every aspect of his life, especially after the twins mother passed away. She knew he wanted her brother, Ryan to enlist but Ryan was shy, meek and more of a lover than a fighter. So Rowan enlisted instead, letting her brother go to university. She actually liked fighting for something but she preferred being a trainer back home and often wanted to leave the military but didn't in respect for her father.
She had just been called for her second tour so her Aunt had an idea of a family trip to Maui for a reuinion and to say goodbye... and well we know how that's going.

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Code by: Cychotic
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Sam Jewel Blu


Sam Jewel Blu // 22 // Female
5'6" // 110 LBS // Blonde Hair // Blue Eyes
Heterosexual // Single, Family was on a different plane

She was on her way to Maui for a surf competition
+Surfing, sun, water, books, music. // -Planes, bugs, sharks, bad weather. // -Planes and Sharks are her biggest fears.
Personality: She is a free spirit. She is energetic, funny, caring. She is always happy, and and enjoys cheering people up. When she is in a sticky situation, she does her best to keep motivated and brave (like when a shark attacked her).
History: Sam has lived in a small beach town on the West Coast her whole life. Her father owned a series of surf shops, and her mother surfed. With that combination, Sam pretty much never left the water. She was always seen in the water or sitting near the water. As she got older, she started competing in competitions. But she had to stop, after she got attacked by a shark she couldn't surf for a long time. Sam healed, and of course got back in the water. She was on her way to Maui for a surf competition when the plane crashed.
Possessions: A piece of scrap metal from the plane ~ a metal nail file ~ a miniature first aid kit ~ and a small bag of trail mix from the food cart.
Who were they travelling with: Her Manager (deceased)
Injuries: Cut on her forehead and thigh, sprained wrist.


"~Take me to the ocean~... Oh wait..."
code by pasta
Gentle Giant

Ryan Rodgers
"He was a big guy, with a big heart"

Physical Appearance
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 246 lbs

Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
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Additional info
Why he was on the plane:
Family Reuinion before his sister was sent back out on tour in Iraq
-Fire blanket
-Old Watch
-Dinky Plane first aid kit
Travelling with:
-Father (dead)
-Sister (Alive)
-Cut on back
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-Stayinf grounded
-His Family
-Bodies of water
-Basically Everything on earth



Bio: Ryan was not the son his father wanted. Well physically yes, with the help of his athletic sister he stayed in shape and kept his father happy but he knew he would never be happy in the military like his father wanted. Then, when Rowan took over and enlisted his father basically blocked him out. Barely wanting to look at him for letting his sister do the dirty work while he applied to do a degree in Music at the university. For a long time his only friend was his sister and now that she was being sent away on tour once again he wanted to stay with her as long as he could and well... here we are
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Code by: Cychotic


Name // Age // Sex
Carmela Walters\\ 25\\ Female\\

Height // Weight // Hair Color // Eye Color
5"3\\Black To Deep Auburn Ombre\\Brown\\

Sexuality // Relationships
Heterosexual\\ TBA\\

Why were they on the plane to Maui?
A conference for psychologists

Likes // Dislikes // Fears

Possessions (what do they still have or what have they collected)
Who were they travelling with and are they alive or dead?
Injuries (if it's too major they may as well be dead)
Tattoos // Scars // Piercings

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Daniel (Danny) Wyatt Johnsson

Danny Wyatt Johnsson // 30 // Male
6'2" // 205 LBS // Generally bald but has natural black hair // Blue Eyes
Heterosexual // Single, No family

He was on his way to Maui to be a surgeon at one of the hospitals
+Being a doctors, air conditioning, working out. // -Failure, hot weather, not getting into a surgery. // -Failure.
Personality: He is fairly serious. He doesn't often smile, and when he does he has to be in a perfect mood. He is a little flirty, but in a more serious way. He likes to get what he wants and when he does it puts him in a good mood. He is determined and strong and will do everything in his power to get everyone off the island and safe. He seems angry, but he's usually not.
History: World-class surgeon - large house - successful - rich. All the words that could ever describe Danny. At a young age he got used to the fact his parents were never home, and that a nanny became his parent. He looked up to his parents. He got the idea of being a surgeon from them, and with that idea, he worked hard to become the best in Chicago. He was being transferred to Maui to work in one of their few hospitals, primarily to have a good job and live somewhere constantly warm.
Possessions: He holds the deceased plane martial's gun ~ he plans to take the first aid kid from Sam ~ fruit from the jungle ~ plans to build a tent with the seat fabric from the plane.
Who were they travelling with: No one
Injuries: Fairly deep cut in his abdomen by scrap metal from the plane so he plans to stitch it up when he gets the first aid kid.


"So when can I get back to the operating room?"
code by pasta

Kyle Parks// 23 // Male
6'1// 160 // Dirty Blonde // Green-Blue
Heterosexual// Single
Why were they on the plane to Maui: Was on a vacation to take a break from the everyday mundane lifestyle he had been stuck in
Likes:The Ocean, Reading, Coffee, Licorice, Cats, Dogs, Outdoors // Dislikes: Bananas, Liars, Cheaters, Cooking // Fears:Being Alone and Death

Personality: Kyle has a sweet personality and wouldn't harm a fly...well maybe a fly but that's only because they are gross insects. He can be quite charming if he chooses but also can be just as awful depending on how you treat him. He is social and will talk with everyone but that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy his quiet time as well. He however can have a stubbornness to him that can cause quite a many problems. He like everyone else has both his good and bad qualities.

History: Kyle grew up in New York and had done everything there. He did everything from graduating both his school and his university there. He fell in love with the woman he thought he would marry only to have his heart broken. He lived with his mother and father growing up and got his first job as a busboy and then became a bartender. His life has had its moments but he doesn't talk much about his heartbreak.

Possessions: A watch, a broken cellphone, some clothes

Who were they traveling with and are they alive or dead: Traveling alone

Injuries: Scratch just above the eyebrow, not too deep, a bruised abdomen, and a big gash on his leg that thankfully wasn't an artery.
Tattoos: None // Scars: On his shoulder from a tree climbing accident when he was younger // Piercings: None​

Maddison Clarke // 22 // Female
5'4" // 130 lbs // Brown with blonde mixed in // Brown
Heterosexual // Brother: Ronnie Clarke
Why were they on the plane to Maui?: Maddison was sent to Hawaii as part of her graduate degree project to study genetic diversity in the endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals.
Animals, Tattoos, Beanies, Whiskey, Nature, singing, tea, reading scientific papers or journals // her stepmother, abuse, dishonesty, broccoli, loud noises, coffee, irresponsibility, too much emotion // airplanes, small or tight spaces, failure
Personality: kind, extremely selfless, caring, a true sweetheart deep down, quiet and shy when first met, very cautious and sometimes hostile
History: Maddison grew up on a farm in eastern Kansas. Her mother died in childbirth, so it was always just her Grandmother, her Father, her brother, and her. She grew very close with her small family. Madi spent most of her childhood running around on the farm with Ronnie, being a typical kid. Her father taught them how to grow her own food, raise animals, fix tractors, and do pretty much anything that needed to be done. When she was 8 years old, her father remarried to a woman who hated children and didn't want any to get in the way of her marriage. While she treated Madi's father and grandmother extremely well, she both mentally and physically abused Madi and Ronnie every day. Maddison took a job at the local diner at 16 to become a waitress. She told her story to a few close friends or regulars, who always tipped well over 20% to help Maddison save up enough money to leave. On the night of her high school graduation, Madi and Ronnie packed all of their things into Ronnie's old powder blue Ford Ranger and drove cross country to their new home near in Los Angeles. She never spoke a word to her father or stepmother after that, only keeping in contact with her grandmother. Maddison currently attends the UCLA to get a Master's degree in Ecology.
Possessions: two sets of clothes, her medication, a Plants and Animals of Hawaii ID guide, and a couple of protein bars
Who were they travelling with and are they alive or dead?: Her brother Ronnie (alive) and a couple of other graduate students (dead)
Injuries: small piece of scrap metal embedded in her left shoulder, thankfully missing the brachial artery
// Scars: plenty scattered across her body from the abuse as a child // Piercings: Nose ring


Ronnie Clarke // 24 // Male
5'11" // 175 lbs // Light brown // Brown
Heterosexual // Sister: Maddison Clarke
Why were they on the plane to Maui?: Decided to tag along with Maddison on her grad project to go and experience the food culture of Hawaii
cooking any and all types of food, surfing, swimming, partying, Vodka, walking barefoot in the sand, dogs, playing the drums
// people picking on him or his friends (especially Madi), Beer, being told no, parties ending to soon, being bored, people not doing their jobs on the line correctly // Roller coasters, spiders, letting his sister down
Personality: incredibly brave and determined, super protective of his cousin Maddison, loyal to his friends, happy-go-lucky and always ready to have a good time, organized and precise due to his job, stubborn, loud, sometimes arrogant, parties a little too much
History: See Madi's for childhood. Ronnie was always the procrastinator of the twins, even though he was the older brother. He never did well in school, and tended to disappoint his father. However, he is fiercely loyal to his sister, and vowed that he would do anything to protect her after they left home. After moving to LA, Ronnie began a job as a line cook in a local hot spot restaurant. Over the few years that they have lived in LA, he has impressed his bosses so much that he is now the Sous Chef at said restaurant. His was allowed to take a leave of absence in order to roam Hawaii with his sister, study the food, and hopefully bring back some fresh ideas to the restaurant.
Possessions: an extra outfit, his chef knife set, a pencil and notebook
Who were they travelling with and are they alive or dead?: He was travelling wit his sister Madi (alive) and a couple of her fellow graduate students (dead).
Injuries: a cut above his right eye and a burn on his left ankle
Scars: plenty scattered across his body from the abuse as a child // Piercings: none
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Xavier | Manson ;
name: Xavier Manson
age: 18

gender:: male
Sexuality : Bisexual

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s t a t s
Height: 5'1
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Black right now (he dyes it regularly)
Eye color: dark brown
Relationships: TBA
Why were they on the plane to Maui? Xavier was on his way to meet up with an internet friend that he has been talking to since he was 15.
Likes: Listening to music, Get Scared, Candy, Sugar in general, his puppy, working at the music store, nice people, writing, reading, going to concerts, watching movies, playing video games, band merch
Dislikes: rude people, conceited people, liars, cheaters, pain, getting hurt, being the center of attention, airplanes(!), being put in an embarrassing situation, pop music, the noise couples make when they pull away from a kiss, PDA, sluts, socializing, sight of blood, stereotypical bullshit
Fears: heights, planes, the unknown, being hated by people, snakes, spiders, seagulls
Possessions: a broken phone, some clothes, earphones, scratched up tablet, a gift for his friend (broken)
Who were they traveling with and are they alive or dead? Traveling by himself
Injuries: Cut lip (piercing was ripped out), broken ankle, gash on his rib cage, minor trauma to the head
Tattoos: A flatline on his on his left ribcage
Scars: one on the side of his knee cap
Piercing: Lip piercing

Personality: Blunt, loyal, zero tolerance for drama, independent, sometimes even emotionless, tense, can't seem to loosen up and have fun, hot headed, stubborn, sometimes a little harsh, responsible, protective of the ones he loves, sometimes brave

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b i o
"Why do you want to know so much about me? Im not that interesting am I?"

""You're not gonna leave until I tell you something huh?"

Well if you must know, then continue reading. Let me warn you though. My life isn't that exciting as you think. I was born in London, England. Like every other family in a commercial, my mother and my father were present. They never seemed to get into an argument. I guess you can say they were lucky enough to live a life of peace. But that doesn't mean my parents and I never had a problem. They actually hated me. I don't know why to be honest. I would consider myself a normal teenager who is just trying to make it out alive in this cruel world.

Oh wait. Maybe it was because they weren't actually together. I later figured out that my mother was actually that man's mistress. The man was being unfaithful towards his wife. My mother was just an employee at his company. They both hated me because I had started chaos when my birth happened. Hey don't blame me for that! I wasn't the guy who decided to have a side chick. Leave now. Ive told you enough!

"Seriously, you're still here?! How are you not bored by me? My life isn't all that exciting for gods sakes!"

"If I tell you a bit more information about me, will you leave me alone?"

"YOU WILL?! Okay great. Well here is the rest."

Since I was hated so much, I decided to
move out at an early age. 16 to be exact. I live an a small apartment by myself. Oh wait thats a lie. I have my kitty by my side. She's such a sweetheart, you really need to get to know her. I work at a nearby music store. Surprisingly, it pays good money. With the extra shifts that I take I can actually afford to buy a house. But im fine in an apartment. Besides, its just me and Charlotte (thats my kitty's name). No one is going to come a live with us. So whats the point am I right? Anyways, Ive been spending too much time at the house. So I just decided to visit an internet friend of mine. I have before, but I haven't seen her for a few years. Thought I'd stop by and say hi.
coded by dwale
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