Anime Underworld (open for all)

The Joker

Elder Member
Thought i could make it easier for you guys who are reading this, to not scroll down and look for the form/skelly. soo.... here it is! :)











My Form

name: jacob

gender: male

age: 18

crush: no...

power: fire breather

family: lost all using fire


history: he was using his fire and hurt his parents.. ran away... and never heard from them ever again

other: dont get him mad... EVER

name: Ally

gender: female

age: 16

crush: jei

power: mind reading

family: none...


history: she does not want to talk about it

other: she is usually happy, until you find out what her secret is...

Jacob.::. he walked down the street, it was cold, so he put on his hoddie the covered most of his eyes. he stared at the ground walking through the streets. he thought "why was i made? with such a horrible destructible power?"

Ally.::. she walked to the shop, looking to find a new shirt. she looked out the window, and saw Jacob walking down the road. she had a hint of a smile on, then looked away.
sorry it deleted arg i hate that anywayz here is the form....











gender: male.

age: 15.

crush: Ally.

power: Shadow warrior

family: unknown.

looks: View attachment 1751

history: woke up on the street with a small sign in his hand that read "you monster" can't remember anything before that.

other: he is a huge fan of bands like slipknot, for today and black veil brides (^^)
nawh itz ok :)

Jacob.::. he walked faster afraid someone watching him he felt a pain in his head and fell to the ground "OW!"


Ally.::. she looked at the boy once more and tried to read his mind she heard he scream and stopped. she hated her power

ps. jacob's power is fire and alyy's is mindreading
OOC: well... er I did anyway xP oh, weird question: will you be filling forms for your characters, or even a image ^^

IC: Jei saw a boy fall to the ground and scream, he walked over to him to see what had happened to him, he looked at him and kicked him lightly "are you alright?" he asked, looking everywhere, but at the boy.
oh yh sure...


name: jacob

gender: male

age: 18

crush: no...

power: fire breather

family: lost all using fire

looks: black hair boy/tekaheart/animecharries/Animeboyblackhair.jpg?o=6

history: he was using his fire and hurt his parents.. ran away... and never heard from them ever again

other: dont get him mad... EVER

name: Ally

gender: female

age: 16

crush: jei

power: mind reading

family: none...

looks: blond hair girl/Moonlightofthefoursouls/dfdsgg.jpg?o=2

history: she does not want to talk about it

other: she is usually happy, until you find out what her secret is...
OOC: thanks that really helped ^^IC: Jei noticed a girl standing in a shop, he couldn't tell if she was watching or not, but he smiled anyway.
OCC: kool :)


Ally.::. she blushed and looked away, embarrassed. she thought about how the boy smiled to her, and giggled

Jacob.::. he got up from the ground rubbing his head "yh im fine.." he held out his hand "hi, im Jacob.." he said smiling
Jei shook the outstretched hand and returned the smile, "pleasure to meet you Jacob. I'm jei." he said, his voice slightly croaky and rough. He glanced over at the girl in the window, he still couldn't tell if she was looking, but he thought he would wave anyway.
p.s. people may still join!!! (just saying) ;P

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ally.::. she waved back to the boy, trying not to giggle

Jacob.::. "him Jei, thats a cool name... mines stupidly normal" he said, laughing at his own joke, he looked to where Jei was looking and sighed out happyness. "Oh her? haha, her names Ally. she the sweetest girl ever, but be careful..." he said crossing his arms and smiling "you know" he said "you should go meet each other some time... haha that would be fun"
Jei turned his head to Jacob, "careful?" he asked, his voice oddly rough.OOC: 'as we build on it they will come' just a quote I think is pretty relevant to what you said ^•^
OOC: hmk (kk) ty i hope this thang shall go well... :)


Jacob.::. she is known to make you crumbling... 'that how the cookie crumbls' haha just try and be safe... her power is.... different... rare

Ally.::. she looked at the two boys and watched trying not to read their minds... whenever she does... it hurts whoever minds she is reading
Jei tried to fake a confused look, "power?" he asked. "what do you mean by power?" He glanced back over to Ally.
Jacob.::. oh well her power is... mind reading he said in a whisper she doesnt want any part of it because whenever she reads a mind... it hurts them. she once killed a man who was flirting with her... i remember watching her... thats why you saw me screaming... she did that. so dont get to close.

Ally.::. she starred trying to think what they were saying... she had not done that in a while. it was strange for her
Jei nodded still trying to look a Little confused, he thought about going over to see her, "hey, I think I'm going to go over there, say hi" jei told Jacob.
Jacob.::. ok dude just be carefull, she can be dangerous..." he said smiling. he had a weird sense of humor

Ally.::. she saw him coming and she looked away fixing her hair, trying to look her best. she didnt want to make a bad impression
Jei couldn't help but laugh slightly at her. He opened the door of the shop and walked over to her, trying to get rid of his rough voice, but it simply wouldn't go, his voice was always like that.
Jacob.::. he hates ease dropping but he so tempted to do it sometimes, so he quietly crept up by the window and tried to listen without being loud or heard

Ally.::. she saw Jei come in and she stopped doing what she was doing and froze for a second, trying to look natural she stood kind of relaxed, but really, she looked a gangster boy!
Jei saw her and couldn't help but burst into laughter, she was standing so oddly, "hi" he said.
Jacob.::. he saw Jei laughing and thought it would go well, he stood their just in case things went wrong...

Ally.::. she saw how weird she was standing and he was laughing, she blushed (big time) and stood like a normal teenager girl. "hi" she said in a high voice like a mouse. she coughed and resaid her squeaky "hi" normaly
Jei stuck out his hand in her direction, "I'm jei" he said in that funny rough voice.
Jacob.::. he started still as a mouse but trying not to be seen

Ally.::. she smiled and shook his hand gently "hi, again" she said laughing at her joke "im..." she couldnt believe she forgot her own name "...ummm..." she was so embarrassed "... oh yh! im Ally." she said blushing
Jei laughed slightly at her, "pleasure to meet you ally" he said. Whenever he thought, he thought random things like: cat, hamster, slipknot, dog just in case she tried to read his mind.
Annette.::. "same to you.." she said trying to do small talk "umm... i see you were talking to my friends Jacob..." she said edgy making sure she was getting a good conversation going, just to make a good impression

Jacob.::. "yes! their going to talk about, all handsome, me!" he said in a excited whisper as he listened to them

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