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Fandom Anime RP

Outside was her crush Sasuke. "Hello to you too." He said, calmly greeting his secret crush.

(can the Uchiha massacre not happen?)
"May I come in? I brought a chilled watermellon." He said, holding up said watermellon. Once inside and settled into enjoying the watermellon, Sasuke spoke. "Your mom asked me to deliver this." Sasuke said, handing the team assignment. It read Naruto Uzumaki, Kano Kishi, Sasuke Uchiha and Patorikku Kishi. "we're teammates!" Patorikku said, hugging his older sister.
Sasuke blushed as well. "So, you ok with being the first four genin squad?" He asked, scratching his cheek in nervousness.

(also please react to more than just one character at a time.)
"I'm happy we're on the same team." He said. He knew his sister adored him, and he adored her, but why did she act like it was embaressing.

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