Anime & Manga Anime Awards 2016


So Crunchyroll just released the winners of their 2016 Anime Awards and I'm curious to know what you guys think of them, and if you agree with them ^-^
Anyways I'm just gonna go through it by category that I can clearly judge.

Anime of The Year

  • Erased
  • Joker Game
  • Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
  • Mob Psycho 100
  • Boku No Hero Academia
  • Re:Zero
  • Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
  • Yuri!! On Ice

This one I'd have to give to Re:Zero based on sheer impact on the anime community, and its probably the clear cut winner of this category anyway. Erased was really good, but the ending fell short due to poor pacing. These same problems plagued Kabaneri of The Iron Fortress, but it was exasperated by probably the worst villain ever and cliche plot. Boku no Hero Academia and Mob Psycho 100 are basically riding on the coat tails of their creator's popular as hell manga. While MB100 and Hero Academia were really good, they were flattened by Re:Zero in the category they should beat it as Shounen series, Fight Scenes. The animation, choreography, and emotional impact of the fighting scenes in Re:Zero just outclassed those two by a lot. 

Joker Game I see as a dark horse that I didn't even expect to see in the running. While I'm glad it was nominated, and I think it is a good choice for its mature and realistic content, again Re:Zero just wins a lot of other categories to judge AoTY by. I've heard a lot of good things about Yuri!! On Ice, but I think its only on here due to Recency Bias. I could be wrong since I haven't watched it yet. Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju is a mix of my two opinions on Joker Game and Yuri On Ice. I haven't seen this yet, nor did I expect it to make the nomination list. From what I heard from a friend that watched it, that it was really good, but IDK. We'll see when the time comes.

Best Opening

  • Mob Psycho 100 - 「 Song 99 」 by Mob Choir
  • Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - 「 Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress 」by Egoist
  • Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju - 「 Usurai Shinjuu 」by Megumi Hayashibara
  • Yuri!! On Ice - 「History Maker 」 -  Dean Fujioka

Split between Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress and Song 99. I'm going to go with Song 99, as it pretty much goes hand in hand with everything in the show. And when you hear it, you know you're gonna be watching Mob Psycho 100.

Best Ending

  • Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - 「 Ninelie 」 by Aimer ft. Chelly 
  • Mob Psycho 100 - 「 Refrain Boy -  (リフレインボーイ)  」by All Off
  • Space Patrol Luluco - 「Pipo Password」- Teddyloid ft. Bonjour Suzuki 
  • Yuri!! On Ice - 「You Only Live Once」- YURI!!! On Ice ft. w.hatano

No okay. No Freaking contest. Ninelie wins this straight up. Egoist + Aimer = Instant Win. The beautiful stills, the cliffhanger transitions into it, the amazing vocals. God if Ninelie doesn't win this category, I'd be 100% salty.

Best Fight Scene

  • Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - Mumei vs. Kabaneri (ep. 2)
  • Mob Psycho 100 - Shigeo vs. Koyama (ep. 8 )
  • Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - Atland vs. Moss (ep. 32)
  • Boku no Hero Academia - Deku vs Kacchan (ep. 7)

Mumei vs Kabaneri was a really great way for us to see Mumei as this awesome badass female protagonist, only to get let down later when she turns out to be the same damsel in distress. So whoosh. But objectively its still a great fight scene. Next is Shigeo vs. Koyama which has a lot of build up leading up to it, as this dude absolutely deserves the beat down he gets. The visuals are amazing and are pretty much the reason why Mob Psycho 100 gets so much in the way of accolades for its work. MSG: IBO, I'm biased because I am a Gundam fan through and through, but come on. They didn't even pick the best fight scene from this half of the series.

Like two episodes later we get this beauty.

And this freaking fight scene came a few episodes after that >.< like come on crunchyroll. I know they probably had to have their submissions by some point before the New Year, but Jesus come on. This is like the best fight of the 2nd season.

I can't even talk about Deku vs Kacchan after this blasphemy. Like come on. If either of these fights were in here. They'd take the award so easily

The rest are pretty reasonable though. 

Honestly, I don't see how Mob Psycho or Kabaneri didn't win best animation. 
Honestly, I don't see how Mob Psycho or Kabaneri didn't win best animation. 

I mentioned it earlier. Its called Recency Bias. Since everyone just watched Yuri on Ice, they remember the events and specific details like the animation more clearly. So while MP100 and Kabaneri did have amazing animation quality, especially MP100 which is just visually gorgeous, Yuri will still get more votes because a lot of people aren't going to remember details like the well drawn and fluid key frames of MP100 or the shadow effects and CGI in Kabaneri.
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I honestly think all the awards were justified for the Yuri On Ice Awards ... wait, are you telling me that other amines existed this season?
I'm just super bummed that one of my new favorite animes wasn't mentioned at all. Though I can see why when it comes to animation. But the story is AMAZING, called Ajin, look it up. It will blow your mind.
Best Ending

  • Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - 「 Ninelie 」 by Aimer ft. Chelly 
  • Mob Psycho 100 - 「 Refrain Boy -  (リフレインボーイ)  」by All Off
  • Space Patrol Luluco - 「Pipo Password」- Teddyloid ft. Bonjour Suzuki 
  • Yuri!! On Ice - 「You Only Live Once」- YURI!!! On Ice ft. w.hatano

Oh my god. Space Patrol Luluco was HILARIOUS. So funny!!!!

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