animal acceptence

can I join and if I can would it be okay if my animal ( a wolf) can have a human form (with wolf ears and tail) and can also change into a full out wolf?



Fox Anthro

age: (no younger then 17):

17 on the dot

powers (aside from the species power):

Agility, speed, cunning, good hunting/scouting skills, good hand to hand combat, incredibly sly and can lie with ease


Vex grew up in a special orphanage that her aunt and uncle paid for, they wouldn't take her in when her parents died but they did pay for a 'high class' orphanage. Even so she was treated as the scum of the orphanage and learnt never to trust anyone ever. She developed incredible acting skills and used her high intelligence to gain a foothold in her surroundings. High school time has come and she is ready to go wiggle her way up the ranks.


Well her outside personality changes depending on her situation, she can be kind and caring then suddenly cool as ice, She will never trust a single person and sees the world as a place where you must fight your way to the top or be trampled on my others.


Intelligence, high places


Stupid people, people in general, crowds, underground

looks like:

name: Crystal Sinole

species: Wolf

age: (no younger then 17): 17

powers (aside from the species power): Can see well in the dark, moves incredibly fast, heightened senses (like smell and taste etc.)

bio: She was abandoned by her parents at a very young age and was left all alone to fend for herself. She doesn't trust other's easily and doesn't have any friends because most people think of her as weak or pathetic (not the happiest background :P )

personality: very shy but isn't afraid to voice her own opinions, she tends to keep to herself, has some trust issues, honest and loyal but once you befriend her she will be full of humor and sarcasm. tom-boyish

likes:drawing, pasta, candy, night, being alone, making fun of horror movies while yelling at the characters, reading, zombie games/movies, and rain/thunderstorms

dislikes: snobby people, people who don't know what the word 'no' means, sappy movies, and snoring

looks like: (add in the Brown wolf ears and brown wolf tail)

oh and I forgot to add that she has good combat and survival skills.... yeah
Name: Vargos Valentine

Species: Wolf / Husky Mixed

Age (no younger then 17): 18

Powers (aside from the species power): Ability to punch super hard and far. Can only be used at least once or twice a day, due to the amount of energy the power uses.

Bio: Vargos is your fairly, simple kind of guy. Usually relaxed, silent and loves to mess with technology and fight. When he hit high school, he got on the boxing team, winning most of the fights for the team, in his last year of high school, he quit. Began to chase his dream as playing He just decided to lay back and relax to get out of school.

Personality: Since his mom had raised him, he had developed a rather, nice, sweet and romantic type of personality. He's not exactly the type of guy you see around normally. Just talk to him to find out more.

Likes: Guitar, Talking, Meeting new people, Hanging out, Driving around, etc.

Dislikes: Cities, Loneliness, Depression, etc.

Looks like:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/391b29cc65d19fb77a4278db257b0a85.png.07687b1711fed0736b6cafc1344aa17b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2959" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/391b29cc65d19fb77a4278db257b0a85.png.07687b1711fed0736b6cafc1344aa17b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I would like to join if that's okay. 
Name: Sora Willhaim

Species: Avian hybrid

Age (no younger then 17): 17

Powers (aside from the species power): Can persuade people into doing something by looking into their eyes but only if eye contact is made and kept.

Bio: Sora was the only one born of her clan to have wings of a different color which has caused her to stand out at home. Her parents noticed that she seemed to be by herself most of the time and wanted to find a place where she could have a chance at fitting in.

Personality: Sora usually keeps to herself. Besides the fact of her odd wing coloring Sora is considered by most to be anything but normal. She does not follow social norms and can be quite random in conversation and anything in general. She has a caring nature for those that she values and has a fierce trait of protectiveness and loyalty. She loves making people laugh and believes in soulmates and that you should not play around with love. She does not go out of her way to make friends and is very selective of who to trust or even talk to and is not afraid to show her eccentricities but she is a bit naive. she does not hide her personality around those she knows and will be hesitant to approach strangers, although she wants to make friends.

Likes: Guitar, Reading, flying, hanging out in high places, beautiful things(people with beautiful eyes), the color silver, animals, children, and sleeping.

Dislikes: Walking, the color pink, rude people, having her feathers plucked.

Looks like:
but with one black wing with a single white feather at the tip and the other white wing with a single black feather at the tip.
name: Raindell Carmen

Species:Deer Hybrid

age: 18

powers: Superb hearing, Fast reaction time.


personality: Keeps to herself, but likes to talk to people when she is bored or needs to make a good impression. Once out of her shell she can be more friendly and empathetic with people.

likes: Rainy weather, bubbles, fencing, and guitar.

Dislikes: The heat, people who are unempathetic, haters.

Looks like: (picture or description allowed pic #1 is hybrid form pic #2 full form<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-3.jpeg.d1d34d97e22bd89be5a102f7a103d7e6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-3.jpeg.d1d34d97e22bd89be5a102f7a103d7e6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-2.jpeg.da4f883cf4d8aed15c25779e1ef03b28.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/images-2.jpeg.da4f883cf4d8aed15c25779e1ef03b28.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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