Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War [Accepting]


"I am Archangel Malphaerus Albyraux Agni"

Some may refer to me...

"as Archangel Malphaerus"

I am...

"a Great General of Heaven's Armies"

I stopped aging at...

"23 years of age."


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...


My tale, one which some may relate, but it is mine nonetheless...

"My tale does not begin, it has always been and may always continue to be- I have existed since the dawn of time and my loyalty to the throne has never once been questioned. I am an Archangel, the absolute weapon of which the just may throw upon the wicked- to punish them and cleans their misdeeds. I am a tool for my kings will, I am an instrument of the holy, and that I have been for uncountable millenia.

My body has found itself in many different wars and many different battles to confront utter evil and prevail. I bear gifts beyond the palms of almost any angel, this is a testament to my power, but also of my loyalty to the throne. My strategies have often prevailed, to lead angels into the times of victory in combat during every battle I have participated.

My participation in leading the heavens armies, and also training its ruler has stood as the foundation since unrecorded times. Yet there remains still information which I may still acquire, information about such things as my precursors and my ancestors- I live to uncover the truth of this universe, of these realms through these texts.

But I still lust for times long since passed, of times where I turned the face of battle with a single display of my might; I long for war and conflict- something of which is a sin amongst angels, but I cannot confront my inner urges; soon there will be confrontation, and once more I will be known as the Crucifier."


My Might is powerful, and thus I will show you what I command...

- Holy Fire Manipulation; to wield the purifying flame as if it was an extension of oneself.

- Light Manipulation; to carry light at ones side as if one of your brothers.

- A body which fits my title, the body of an Archangel.

People speak of me as a...

""Man of vast knowledge, yet a speaker of riddles and poetry. A person who carries the tongue of a serpent, cunning but dangerous- yet remains true to the principles of heaven; that the just prevail and the innocent should remain untouched. Unlike some, he holds no hate for mortal men, because he has recieved no reason to. Malphaerus is an archangel who takes matters into his own hands, but does so intelligently, and with great patience. He stays true to the words of angels whom have since long passed away- but some find that part about him reliable, others call it selfish- but he has aided the rule of heaven and made it prosper, he thinks of this as a testament to his might." That is what they say of me."

Refrain from speaking of this...


"Her righteous wings turns the heaven pale in comparison, she is pure- she is virture itself. But alas, it cannot be."


❤ The thrill of battle, the joy of valor.

❤ To dwell into the history of his ancestors.

❤ Poetry, few may meet his interest, but he enjoys the art nevertheless.

❤ Inner peace, calmness- to hear the heavenly bells ring during every hour.

❤ The sound of a holy organ playing in the distance, few things bring such calmness to the world.

❤ To deliver the unjust, the terrible their sentence in the name of justice and righteousness.

❤ To lead men into war, to confront unjustice and deal the righteous blow.

❤ Heaven, the palace of his people- the epicenter of his will.


✖ Hell, the core of terror- the creator of all things unjust and terrible.

✖ Dishonor, the destroyer of all things righteous.

✖ Slaughtering of the innocent, the murder of the unworthy.

✖ Thievery of any kind, the display of disloyalty.

✖ Injustice, forger of all things evil.


My lord is.. Malpaestus

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(Top Pic him without armor)

The Abyssal ArchDemon Azazel Leone Heart

Greetings! My name is...Azazel Leone Heart

But feel free to call me... Azazel

I am known as the ....Lieutenant of Hells Army, Also servant to the Royal Family

I stopped aging at... 19 years old


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...Straight

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...Azazel was the son of the Fallen Angel Crowley and Powerful Witch and Grand Coven member Rowena. Azazel never knew his father, as Rowena had conceived Fergus on a winter solstice. What is known is that he was not a practitioner of witchcraft, which got Rowena cast out. Although Azazel learned magic and spells from his mother,
[3] he was supposedly abused by her, with him recounting that she had once tried to sell him for three pigs. At the age of 8, Azazel was abandoned by Rowena when she got in trouble with the Coven and left on her own. He held a grudge against her for centuries, believing that she had always hated him.he rose through the ranks of high level demons in Hell and became one of Lucifer's most devoted and trusted servants.


I have special ability's...[1: Pyro kinesis - He could generate and manipulate fire. His power over fire was extensive enough that he could render entire buildings ablaze in minutes or even seconds. 2:Brilliant Reflexes, A portion of absolute Regeneration,

His Ferocity in Battle is his greatest assest

It's what is said about me...He claims to love humanity although his definition of "love" is much different than one would assume. What he specifically loves about humanity is the unpredictability of human nature and greatly enjoys putting people in enjoyable or chaotic situations in order to observe their reactions. He is able to determine peoples thoughts and predict their reactions with high accuracy. He has a very jolly and mocking personality speaking informally with most people as if they were close friends. He enjoys conflict often showing up where ever there is potential for one. Preferring to observe the fight instead of directly taking part in it. However , when provoked , he quickly puts his opponent in his place, simply proving his superiority without actually beating the other person.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush-No One

❤ Likes-Cake, Grapes, Kitty Kats,Honey

Demons have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-Being Lied to , Annoying People, Being Challenged, Rainy Days


Say hello to my puppet master...Kenji Jensai Cuppy Cake


(Him with Armor)

Scratch out abyssal archangel hes an arch demon
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/AnimeDemon.jpg.bb18d7fe8d713f03f3561610e1800fd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54606" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/AnimeDemon.jpg.bb18d7fe8d713f03f3561610e1800fd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Remember the name.....(Daakoon Aincras Mendellon)

Just Call Me....(Whatever floats your boat)

I am known as....(Just another Demon warrior amongst the hordes of us...maybe the ranks need to be thinned...or maybe I just too mellow to stand out. Can't say I'm bothered by either possibility....)

I stopped aging at (22)

I must inform you that my sexual orientation is....(Heterosexual)

It's a long story but you'll get over it....(Daakoon was a child who was born into a rough neighborhood and by the age 13, he had learned that life was fickle and fragile and it could be taken away at a second's notice...or none. He knew it was kill or be killed and felt he needed to join up with others to survive or die alone in the empty alleys of the backstreets. Being an orphan anyways, he joined a local gang and rose in the ranks to being a Chief Enforcer by age 18 because his sheer acts of fearsome cruelty, which was around the upper echelon of the heirarchy, just below the bosses and above the lieutenants when he met a girl whose older brother he had gunned down a few years earlier in a rival gang shootout when he was 16. One thing led to another and they fell in love and Daakoon found that he felt less and less satisfied with his criminal lifestyle that caused pain and suffering and decided he would devote himself to pleasing his new fiancee who still had no idea he was the one who murdered her older brother because he was head over heels for her. He also felt that maybe by helping her an when they had children, if he was to raise a kind and gentle child of his own, he could atone for the children whose lives he took when he was a child himself in the multiple gun battles he'd been forced into. However, when they married when Daakoon was 20, a competitive member of Daakoon's own gang grew jealous of Daakoon's growing influence and increasing happiness and felt the need to ruin it. He sneakily filtered the information of Daakoon being his wife's older brother's killer to the wife, which led to a major dispute between Daakoon and his newly-wed wife, one thing led to another and the jealous fellow gangster decided to raid and kill both Daakoon and his wife while they were distracted with their own problems from the past. Daakoon was victorious in repelling and killing every attacker including the ringleader who caused the whole mess, but his wife was killed in the crossfire by a stray bullet and Daakoon himself was severely wounded. He bled to death in his own bedroom holding his lifeless wife's corpse, cursing the very final breaths he would take before his heart stopped. He should have never been born. He fell to hell shortly thereafter and enlisted in the military because fighting was all he knew when he lived as a human.

What Can I do? Wanna find out? -

Steel Skin Creation (Can manipulate his skin into steel creating a near perfect defense from physical or mental attacks as well as a powerhouse of melee attack moves)

Berserk Tendency (Can Self-Induce an intense adrenaline rush which increases his strength and movements temporarily though leaves him pretty much exhausted once it's over.)

Art Of Solid Hammer Boxing (Is a Master of this style of fighting where the fists and arms are the sole uses of offensive moves and can take unrealistic amounts of punishment easily and the pain threshold is reduced to allow more reckless assaults if needed though if severely wounded, may need extensive healing magic or prolonged rest and relaxation periods before the style of fighting can be reused once more).

It's what is said about me...(Stoic, reserved, not much for caring about position or rank or strength because high position, high rank, and great strength only meant more enemies and an earlier death when he was human. Not normally social, known to be a lone wolf even in the battlefield and avoid crowds but if he makes a friendly connection with anyone, he's known to open up. Has a quiet voice, very rarely shouts and never truly looks angry at anything whether he's truly angry or not. Facial expressions are sort of rare from him. Can be friendly and doesn't mind being so, but would rather be left alone if possible. Social clubs are pathetic to him because it only allows the many to overcome the few. "Don't be a coward, come at me with your own strength or fuck off....".....However Daakoon is known to create bloody messes when and if he does finally lose his cool. Picture a room caked in the blood of dozens of decapitated and mauled corpses and you have a scene of what happens if Daakoon's cool is finally broken)

You better not tell.....(Tell what? Most likely I wouldn't care. Tell the pope if you want...what's gonna happen? I'll die again? Been there done that....wrote a book on it...sold it...made a I'm waiting for something else to surprise me....good luck....(Sarcasm)

Crushes....(Eh...who knows. Haven't been watching lately. Maybe I'm just too lazy to bother with it anymore)

Likes....(Food and it doesn't typically matter what kind as long as its edible, Silence, People who don't talk too much, People who piss off bragging and prove it...or piss off altogether)

Dislikes....(Loud music, battles taking longer than an hour or so considering he prefer's to tear shit up and then make himself scarce because who has the time to stand around and look tough...that's a little boring if you ask him...., crowds, overtalkative people whom he doesn't particularly know well or at all, most Angels but he's known to make exceptions for a few here or there, if he hasn't been forced to fight them by now. High ranking demons who think position and authority makes you something special. Nobility is a dime a dozen....once your dead and fried....some other pompous ass will take your place....your not irreplaceable....quit pretending you is too fragile for something like that)

Say hell to my puppet master: EasternGhost



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(img)Anime only(img) -- Angel

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2a385e75_cutelittleanimeboy.jpg.de91dc9f839a30398a6e316f7862b05f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54633" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2a385e75_cutelittleanimeboy.jpg.de91dc9f839a30398a6e316f7862b05f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fallen Angel/Demon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.d8624ce92994c73efa946a96b53cd9dd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/downloadfile.jpeg.d8624ce92994c73efa946a96b53cd9dd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

F i r s t Middle Last

Greetings! My name is...[insert full name here.] -

Gabriel Denen Kortsy

But feel free to call me...[Nickname(s)] - Dene

I am known as the...[your role. Prince,princess,queen,king etc] z- Youngest Angelic Prince (Until Fallen)

I stopped aging at...[place your "age" here] - 8


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is...[Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual, Pan-sexual,etc.] - Heterosexual

It's a long story,but it's one that must be told...[Your characters history. 1 paragraph minimum.] - I am the son of Charmeine Leie Kortsy (@RiahB), the Angelic Queen, and

Inias Bethor Kortsy (@Guilded Clover), the Angelic King. I was born and raised in Heaven and I never even went near Earth or Hell until Age 5. I got in a dispute with my mother and flew away, me being a very defiant child, not taking orders from anyone not going anywhere, and soon I found myself lost in hell. I hid and cried, until a female demon found me. She tried to make me be evil, become a Demon, but I refused and ran away, but over the months, I kept finding myself compelled to visit Hell again and again to speak with the woman and to pester Lesser Demons, sometimes even play with the Demon Children, and I managed to always keep my visits to hell a secret. One day I went to Earth, and I found a suicidal man. He had a gun to his head, and he was about to pull the trigger, I could just tell...I stared into his eyes and said "Don't do it." He put the gun down and went away. I discovered my power and I loved it, I took advantage all the time. I felt guilty for doing it, somehow knowing it was mean, but the Demon Lady told me it was okay. So, I kept visiting Hell everyonce and a while, but mostly I lived in Heaven, oblivious to most things. After my last visit, she made me a Demon. ("Demon Lady" is Electra @Bambie)


I have special ability's...[three special ability's max] - I can spawn Flaming Blades that can extend to 3 yards, which I will later dub the Blades of Gabriel soon after discovery. So fan fly withth no wings. I can travel almost as fast as light. Not the Angel Warrior, like light, you know.

It's what is said about me...[personality,habits,etc here] - I am very quirky, fun, and annoying sometimes. I like to spy on lesser demons, those who cannot hurt me, and bug them. If it is a demon child or infant, I may attempt to communicate and play, if it is a demon adult, I'll just pester them or kick them in the shin or whatever.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush-[Who you are interested in] - Ayrabelle Mariana Kortsy (@Chiryoshi)

❤ Likes-[4 minimum] - Flirting with Ayrabelle, playing with Ayrabelle, playing in general, annoying demons, fighting, killing demons

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes-[4 minimum] - Being scolded, being hated, being hurt, anyone he cares about being hurt.


Say hello to my puppet master..[Your username here] - @KurtH6355



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♦♦♦ E U R Y N O M E


Remember the name… Eurynome, and nothing more. I was known once as Seraphia Caelum Uriel. But that name was taken from me long ago.

Just call me… Eurynome. I have no patience for petty nicknames.

I am known as the… Warrior to the Demon King and his family.

I stopped aging at… 24 Human years.

I must inform you that my sexual orientation is… Heterosexual

It’s a long story, but you’ll get over it…

Upon the blackest of nights would the softest of angels enter the world above the clouds. The reigning Archangel Michael was blessed with a daughter he would cherish until his dying breath and so was she groomed to follow in his footsteps. Trained in the arts of warriors and healers, Seraphia grew gorgeous and strong. Not long after her dear father had passed did the angel take the Healer’s Oath, vowing upon her very wings to never again let another of the Light fall so easily. And so began her life as a battle healer, a warrior destined to slay and protect simultaneously. It was this life that lead to her eventual downfall.

A battle raged on, the fiercest Seraphia had ever seen in all her decades of life. Many of her comrades had fallen to the demons at hand and it seemed that all was lost. Yet the few angels pushed on and by some miracle in Heaven, they survived, though not without casualties and one in particular—a beast’s ichor had splattered on her wings, tainting the source of her healing touch. She thought perhaps after a wash in the river, all would be well, and she could continue her life in the clouds; alas, ‘twas never to be so simple for the young warrior of the Light.

Seraphia returned to her home and began her medic duties, yet every healing touch served only to worsen her patients’ ills. It was then Archangels discovered her taint.

By order of the King, the wings were ripped from Seraphia’s back as was her Soul’s name and she was banished to Underworld to live out her life among the demons. There, surrounded by monsters of other’s nightmares, did the taint enter her soul.

Malevolent horns sprouted from her head and her eyes grew clouded by shades of red. Now as demonic as the rest of them and consumed with revenge, she has taken the name Eurynome and serves as a hired sword for the Underworld’s royalty.


What can I do? You wanna find out…?

1. Shapeshifting – Can take on the form of a white raven

2. Aetherial/Darkness Manipulation — As an angel, she stole power from the stars to aid in her healing, but now the power has turned dark with its source inside the shadows, used instead for illusions.

3. Empathy — Heightened perception of emotions without the need for noting symptoms (such as accelerated heartbeat or sweating) and ability to project emotions onto others.

It’s what is said about me…

Eurynome has grown cold and uncaring during her decades among demons. She longs for vengeance against the King and his angels for exiling her so harshly, yet secretly wishes just as much to regain her wings and join the Holy ranks once more. Though not exactly a friend to the beasts despite becoming one herself, she has come to tolerate them. When on the battlefield, she loses all emotion and becomes a merciless machine. Off the field, she is hard to amuse and easy to annoy, with an anger akin to dynamite. She has little tolerance for naiveté, ignorance, or foolishness. Because of her cold nature, she can be difficult to get close to, but there remains a bit of warmth somewhere deep inside her—she just has to find it first, be it on her own or led by someone else.

You better not tell…

♥ Crush: [TBA]

♥ Likes:

1. Birds, specifically scavengers

2. Reading

3. Thunderstorms

4. Summer breezes


1. Fools/Clowns

2. Fighting

3. Dumb questions

4. Darkness

5. Cuppycakes...

Say hello to my puppet master… ataraxiandream

EURYNOME = yur-RIH-nuh-mee
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Angel Skeleton Key


Greetings! My name is... Malenkai Envesta Wulfgar

But feel free to call me... Maka

I am known as the Arcane Angelic Warrior.

I stopped aging at... 21.


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Heterosexual.

It's a long story, but it's one that must be told... When I was a mortal lad long ago, I could always here the voices of angels and demons. It was a gift from God himself, our priest told me. But I did not agree with him at first. A voice called to me one night, he said his name was Envesta. He asked me to accept him into my heart so that I may prosper in life and begin my true destiny. I asked why I must do such a thing, but there was no answer. He only insisted that I do this, for it was God's will. I made the deal, and accepted Envesta into my heart unknowing of why I must. In an instant I was taught the truth of Angels and Demons and the upcoming war between them. Accepting this voice into my heart changed me forever. I was no longer mortal, nor weak. In my fear of what I've done, a comforting light shone upon me and guided me above. Wings I had no control of at first had spread about me and took me to the skies. It's been 200 years since that strange night, and to this day I do not question "why" anymore. I just simple do as I must to ensure that the Angels win this war.


I have special ability's... one is my telekinetic ability and connection to the natural elements. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Lightning are all at my will. I am an amazing gladiator of the Lord. My arms are as strong as a Leviathan and my sword play is unmatched. With my intelligence of my telekinetic limitations and understanding of the elements, I can combine different elements to create new substances either for dealing damage to an opponent or healing the wounded.

It's what is said about me... I am courageous, and brave but do have a short temper and do not talk much to the others. I do not make attachments nor friends amongst the Angels. They are my brothers and sisters in arms, my comrades, and nothing more. I am, however, kind-hearted and compassionate. If someone does need help or advice, they can feel free to approach me. You could say I'm... bipolar in way.

Please don't tell anyone...

❤ Crush- None~

❤ Likes- Reading ancient tomes of knowledge, Training my magic and sword play, Fighting Demons if I must, Taking time to myself every now and again

Angels have there bad days to...

✖ Dislikes- Demons are my # 1 dislike, Heaven's order is all wrong in my opinion, Angels and Demons are said to be one in the same; but I will not accept that knowledge, Disturbances on my alone time


Say hello to my puppet master... King Dalmasca!!!

Demon Skeleton Key


Remember the name... Fayte Allistor Rome

Just call me... Faeroh

I am known as the... Arcane Demonic Warrior

I stopped aging at... 24.


I must inform you that my sexual orientation is... Heterosexual.

It's a long story, but you'll get over it... long ago, when I was weak and small, my brother and I would go steal from our neighbors as a game. It was a fun game, breaking in and killing people, then taking their stuff as my own, I loved it. We were on our own from the start, no family; no friends. Just each other. One day we wanted to rob this rich family just because we could. Taking from the rich and keeping to yourself, am I right? As soon as we stepped foot on their land however, we were severely outmatched. These people had security that would kill you on sight, as they did my brother and I. My brother was shot in the head but I was shot in the heart. I could see it, falling from my body straight into the belly of hell, along side my brother. A true tragic end that was fitting for us, but my brother did not agree. He grabbed my soul and threw me back up to my body along with some of the flames of hell. My soul was not reunited with my body and the essence of hell grew strong inside ever so quickly. I massacred the lot of them, and the rich family as revenge for what they did to my and my brother. Then I descended to hell and laid waste to any that opposed me as I took Satan's right side. Now one of his most trusted warriors, I stand as the strongest Demon to account, and no one can oppose me!


What can I do? You wanna find out?... I can summon demon spawns to do my bidding. My sword play is the greatest across this universe as far as I know. No one's beaten me yet. I can control the essence of hell to do marvelous things to the mind, and body of others. Torture is my specialty.

It's what is said about me... I love to kill, I love the screams of my foes and prey, and most of all I hate everyone else but myself, my brother and Lord Satan. I show no mercy and back down from no one. One who does not communicate well and is quite distant from others is I, though I can give one helluva speech if need be.

You better not tell...

❤ Crush- None ~

❤ Likes- Fighting strong opponents, Killing the weak and the strong, Blood Baths, Power is my everything; the very air I breathe

You'll need to know...

✖ Dislikes- Angels are disgusting, Demons are no better, Authority can kiss my ass, If i'm not alone when I need to be; I get pissy


Say hello to my puppet master.. King Dalmasca!!!
Name: Killigan Perrigote

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ca7cf10_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.32f7501d30e8118a63cdbb4687ee8366.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ca7cf10_KilliganPerrigote.jpg.32f7501d30e8118a63cdbb4687ee8366.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Just Call Me: The one who wishes for the end of way or another.....Reality is a disease.....shall we spread it?

I am known as: The one who wishes the BEST and WORST for Daakoon

I stopped aging at: (20)

I must inform you that my sexual preference is (Heterosexual)

It's a long story but you'll get over it: (Killigan grew up in the same chaotic and violent area as Daakoon and Shyne did and they grew up together in the endless constant warfare which one day, they three all became embroiled within. The three friends were as close as any than actual brothers by relation and would have died for one another. The fought together and they survived countless shootouts and won many victories against rival gangs. Killigan always carried guilt deep down for when he was one day forced to kill his actual blood brother to protect Shyne and Daakoon when they were all still teenagers and he forever had nightmares about that night he had to shoot his brother dead or watch Shyne and Daakoon be tortured and killed by Killigan's older brother and his followers. This led to a massive war between Daakoon, Killigan, and Shyne's gang versus Killigan's dead brother's group. This war led to Shyne being killed when he jumped in front of a gunmen who was about to fire upon Killigan, saving Killigan's life but ending Shyne's life instead. After this, Killigan was never able to forgive himself and his guilt led him to grow insane and psychotic until only Daakoon could stand to be around him and eventually Killigan grew to hate everyone but Daakoon and would even shoot at his own allies and kill them if they disagreed with his decisions. Together, Daakoon and Killigan grew to be feared and hated by all rival gangs and their leaders and they both became horror stories told to children to frighten them at night. Until Daakoon met the girl that became his fiancee and he began to grow less and less aggressive until one day, Daakoon stopped participating in the battles between their rivals, and Killigan grew jealous of the woman. How dare she take his last precious friend he thought? He tried to convince Daakoon to leave her but he refused and so when they became engaged, Killigan decided to kill them both. He wanted to kill Daakoon before he became completely soft and no longer the vicious and murderous friend he had grown up with. He wanted to kill Daakoon before they married and he lost his best friend forever. So he led the raid that ended Daakoon's fiancee's life, as well as Daakoon dying in the fighting as well. Killigan was also killed in the shooting and thus ended Killigan's life as a human. Recently reborn as a demon, Killigan seeks once more to turn Daakoon to the same vicious monster of a person he had grown up with by taking away anything good and kind from him so he has no choice but to become cold and cruel once more.

What can I do? Wanna find out?:

1) Acid Blood - He can shed his own blood and it burn anything and melt anything it touches since it is Acid.

2) Acid Blood Manipulation - He can shed his blood and it covers his skin to burn away anything that tries to harm him before it physically touches him or make it chase after his enemies attacking them as if it is alive or he can make it explode on command.

3) Eyes of Bloodied Hatred - His blood red eyes can be used to manipulate someone's anger. He can make people grow angry and enraged by looking them in the eyes and activating his ability though using it more than once a day drains him considerably.

Whats said about me: I am insane, I find anything chaotic and violent to be interesting and amusing. I have little compassion or kindness for the weak and I feel that Daakoon needs to be reminded of who he once was. Kindness is weakness and I cannot allow that. Smiles often though they always seem like smiles of insanity. Bloodshed in fun and fear is intoxicating.

Crushes: How should I know?

Likes: Those who are insane and those who spill blood for fun.

Dislikes: Anything he considers weak

MY puppet master is EasternGhost

Name: Shyne Sayecoten

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ca974a0_ShyneSayecoten.jpg.f76317c3f4a6c82a496f14551690fa53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56273" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ca974a0_ShyneSayecoten.jpg.f76317c3f4a6c82a496f14551690fa53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Just Call Me: Shyne I guess

I stopped aging at (20)

My sexual preference: Heterosexual

It's a long story but you'll get over it: Shyne grew up with Daakoon and Killigan and together, the three of them fought countless wars with rival gangs and Shyne ended they lives of dozens of his enemies before one day being killed when everyone was ambushed outside a gas station and Shyne jumped in front of a gunmen who was about to kill Killigan and Shyne died in his place. While this should have guaranteed Shyne a place in Heaven, self-sacrifice for another, his heart was still violent and he still had endless amounts of hatred for any and all except Daakoon and Killigan...his closest friends and brothers in his eyes. So he descended to Hell, and found himself as little more than the lowest of the low living in the gutters and scraping a living off of homelessness and dumpster diving. This was until he decided to join the military. He now serves as a lowly grunt as he hears word of Daakoon being present somewhere in Hell and whispers of a movement for peace is growing.........Shyne has dreams about the lives he took as a human and hopes one day he can atone for the pain he caused by doing things out of kindness, but in Hell, is that possible?

What can I do? Wanna find out?

1) Master Swordsmanship and a sword that cannot be broken and cuts through anything

2) Ability of Flight

3) Has the ability to see events that just recently come to pass though only when Daakoon and Killigan are involved

Whats said about me: I am calm and silent must like Daakoon...though I am less negative and less bitter. I try to be as kind as possible, though my temper is explosive and violence comes easy and natural to me. I hold grudges and consider vengeance very popular and if I hate you...I really hate you. Though I am kind to my friends and allies, I will laugh and enjoy hurting my enemies. I wish to go back to the day when me, Killigan, and Daakoon were like brothers.

Crushes: None yet

Likes: and Daakoon used to have eating contests all the time..I never won any of them though. Daakoon is a pig hands down.

Dislikes: Anything that threatens me, Daakoon, or Killigan

My puppet master is EasternGhost



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