Andre Wallace



"You know what sucks? When you're not black and you're not white, so you're stuck in the fucking middle having to struggle against the people who want to ruin you for being you. You gotta live with the knowledge of being a mistake, of being the one thing that kept your mom from being the star she deserves to be. But what do I know though? What can I do? I'm just a fucked up mixed breed who has no place to call home and has no one to call his own. All I have is my ma, but she looks at me the way I look at myself in the mirror. Broken, confused, and worthless.


"My name is Andre and this is my story."
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andre (ahn-drey)


name - Andre Jamie Wallace

nickname - Andre, Dre, Andy

age - 18

dob - November 3rd

pob - NYC, New York

zodiac - Scorpio

gender - Cismale

ethnicity - African American-Caucasian

nationality - American

sexual orientation - Heterosexual

romantic orientation - Demiromantic

occupation - diner chef/server

grade - 12th (failed freshmen year)


fc -  fraser dene

vc - dayo okeniyi

height - 6'3"

weight - 186 lbs

hair - black

eyes - brown

build - lean and toned

features - freckles, lighter skin, a couple scars

style - He's not the richest guy in the city, so his clothes aren't anything worth taking a second look at. A snapback, shirt, jeans, and some Nikes would be his go-to.


personality -

Andre is too out spoken for his own good. He doesn't know how to hold his tongue and speaks his mind regardless of the situation at hand. It was like this when he was a child and it only got progressively with age. What makes things even better is the growing anger and aggression that seemed to form every time he thought of his absent father.

The boy's determination and passions drive him to do things many would see as idiotic, crazy, harmful, and even dangerous to those around him. But it is this determination to become successful and his passion to act out his frustration that makes him who he is. Andre is a down-to-earth guy who only wants to what most people would want. He wants to be respected not for what color he is but who he is and what he has accomplished.

Only those who are close to him, or even acquaintanced, know the true Andre. Everyone else sees him as the miserly guy who flunked Freshmen year and could easily put a guy in a hospital. He's really not like that. Throw away that resting bitch face and never ending sarcasm and bluntness, and you'll get a guy who would do anything for his dreams and the people he cares about.

goals -

> get the fuck out of Brooklyn

> find his dad and beat the shit out of him

> explore the world

> become a known actor (secret)


singing, rapping, acting, cooking, loyalty, determination, trying new things, family

dislikes -

violence, liars, bullies, people who mock his ethnicity, his mom working 24/7, corruption


losing his mom, never reaching his goals

habits -

> clicking his tongue

> clenching his fists/jaw until he bleeds

> humming randomly

> punching things


Used to be in one but got out after he failed Freshmen year

no explanation







"Like you know anything."

(just a piece (; )

Andre Jamie Wallace was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York after his mother, like many others, chased after her dreams of becoming a Broadway star. Being a black woman was her ultimate downfall, however, and it didn't take long before she was forced to dwell upon the alleys and sewers. That is until she caught the eye of a rather wealthy white man.

Their love was innocent at first--young, passionate, raw. He brought her home and showed her the life of luxury. This dreamy life continued for a year and when Leah Wallace was 20, she became pregnant with Andre. After learning he'd knocked up his African American girlfriend, he kicked her out of his life because his future as a millionaire businessman was more important than taking care of what he called a "fling."

With the little money he gave Leah, she set out and got herself a small apartment (which the Wallace family lives in to this day). She got a job and worked until she had to take leave and go into labor, bringing baby Andre into the light.

*time skip*

When Andre was 13, his mother became pregnant by her then boyfriend, a drunkard who had somehow deceived Leah into thinking he was decent. Anastasia Denise Wallace was the new addition to this small three-person family. And now, instead of Andre having his own room, he shared it with his baby sister.

With this going on, Andre was already showing signs of spontaneousness and danger. He got involved in things he shouldn't have, believing the people he worked with would help him find his father. They told him lies, saying he wouldn't be discriminated for being a little "too white." But of course, things went to shit.

Andre put a kid in the hospital at the prime of his Freshmen year, which got him expelled. After the school year finished, he reentered a different high school and told himself he'd straighten up, especially after seeing his mother's face when he had failed. 
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