And A Happy New Year... [All Operatives taken]


New Member
The Urban Covert Operations Bureau was formed to seek and eliminate unique threats throughout the United States. With special privilege and limited oversight, the UCOB maintains a high level of secrecy by using local law enforcement, criminal organizations, and civilian contacts to mask their hand in each mission. For twenty-four years, the UCOB has managed a high rate of successful intervention and prevention missions, stopping various organized crime syndicates and terrorist plots.

A unit from the UCOB has been called into New York City to investigate some admittedly vague intel. Whispers are circulating about a biological weapon being purchased by a criminal or terrorist organization in the city, but aside from the presumed timeline of the weapon being used on New Year's Eve, the rest is unknown. The Department of Defense has authorized a task force of six UCOB operatives to investigate the threat in the four months remaining, with full discretion granted.

Most UCOB operatives are taken from law enforcement backgrounds of one type or another, but the clandestine organization's recruiting reach is wide. If you have the skills they need, they'll find you. The underground nature of the UCOB lends itself to the disconnected elements of the world: orphans, only children, even the occasional high-functioning sociopath is brought into the fold. What matters most is the willingness to go wherever you're sent, build new relationships, then sever them once the mission is completed.

Operative Dossier


Age: (Sixteen is the absolute MINIMUM age, and I'd really prefer that not be necessary.)

Specialty: (More diverse than weapons training. UCOB recruits for unique and useful skills.)

Description: (Your physical appearance. Images are acceptable but I prefer text.)

Background: (A brief description of where you came from, how the Bureau recruited you, and maybe something you've done with them)

Accepted Operatives are Mitheral, <3desuu;), ArtisticKwittyKat234, Hanabusa Aidou, L u n a ☁, and myself.
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Name: Daniel Rosenbaum

Age: 27

Specialty: Social infiltraton – Rosenbaum is a skilled impersonator and can slip between personas easily. He is also a competent make-up artist.

Description: Daniel is, in a world, plain. Thin without being small, tall without being noticeable, and white in an ethnically vague way. His black hair is cropped short to make room for wigs, and his eyes are a nondescript brown. He prefers wearing inexpensive but well-tailored suits. His one actually distinguishing feature is a pair of gunshot scars about an inch apart on his right thigh.

Background: Daniel Rosenbaum was a very skilled actor in his youth, once even appearing in an off-Broadway play. In his teenage years, after his mother passed from a wasting disease and his already-distant father turned to drink, Daniel started using his skills to mimic the voices of those around him. At first it was innocuous – pranks on his friends, or a call from his “father” to get him a day home from school, but a friend convinced him that with the right applications of his skills, there was money to be made. At seventeen, Daniel started defrauding people by impersonating salesmen, art critics, and even, once, the CEO of a small corporation. By the end of the first year into the habit, he'd started crafting disguises to go with the impressions, and even crafting his own flexible personas. The lifestyle finally caught up to him at the age of 23, when he was shot twice trying to convince a drug dealer that he was, in fact, the man's distributor. While recovering in a prison hospital, Daniel was approached by the UCOB and offered a way out of prison, using his honed skills. It was an easy choice to make.
Name : Michael Storm

age: 28

Specialty: photographic memory, expert interrogator,train to have no conscious morality when extracting vital information from detainees. michael was trained to perform whatever methods of torture to retrieve any valuable information from any subject. trained army medic, trained in profiling individual subjects, trained in advanced hand to hand combat and light fire arms.

Physical description: Michael storm has male model features, a chiseled and well toned body with dark green eyes. michael keeps his dark brown hair shaved bald upon his head.

Background: After graduating with top honors from a prestige military academy in georgia, michael was recruited into a secret army program that trained its subjects to turn off their conscious morality to perform methodical techniques of interrogation. Now after serving his military time michael is now a security administrator who contracts with the UCOB.
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