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Fantasy Ancient Order of Angels

Yuri would take his Final Glimps of Barselona from the roof top and start to walk towards the stairs and grab his bag on the way as he feels Multiple diferent Auras as he Knows now that Demons are here and aswell Angels but he dosent know there Exact Location so its better too wait wen there closer or he is closer.As he grabs his bag and walks down the stairs and then walks up the elevator taking it too the first floor and wait,as its stops he would exit the building with his bag that has his sword inside and start to walk down street pasing by crowds of humans as he needed to know were wer those Auras as they were geting stronger each time he walk down aswell Other Auras as he dint mater as he walks with the Human crowd to blend in with his sorroundings as he start to walks closer too the Auras but aswell only too know what is produsing them as he dosent need to know exacly what is it but he was still far off from them.
Heru looked at Gil as he could tell Gill saw something, but what was is as he began to walk in his direction He all of a sudden felt a blast of strong dark Aura moving at highspeeds. "Everybody hold up....does anybody feel that?!" He say as he says as he stops in his tracks. He looks over at Gil to see if he felt anything. The aura was so strong That Heru could seem to pinpoint the direction of travel. "Wonder where your going....." Heru says with interest. His phone rings he picks it up and notices it His grandfather. "Yes....I know I can feel it. Heru says to him on the phone. "Ok....were on our way..." He says before hanging up. Heru has a grim look on his face as he tells everybody. "We must go like now my jiddoh says we have to be as discreet as possible" Heru says as he feel the aura. Thing just became a bit harder for him because he had to get to one place in a hurry. "Come on Gil we must get to the university fast." He yells running toward Gil.
A loud beeping woke Auron up from his slumber. "Good morning master Auron." An automated voice greeted him. Unlike the other demons, Auron preferred to remain in the human world, where technology is widespread. It was his influence, after all, that urged humans to create the technologies they enjoy. Their laziness to do menial and burdensome work is what allowed for the creation of these technologies, and it was his right to enjoy it.

"Master Auron," The voice continued. "It appears that one of your legions is missing." Now that was new, his legions never did anything with out his command. He quickly changed his clothes, from the silky pajama and white tee shirt he woke up in, to a elegant, custom tailored black suit and pants. Wearing his gauntlet, in the guise of a black, silk gloves, he proceeded to his car. But, he felt a sudden pain, due to the summons. He saw a portal opening in front of him. "Well, looks like it has begun." He said, entering the portal.

Upon arriving at his destination, a hotel suite in Barcelona, no one was there. "Well, I was never known for coming in time." Auron said, sighing. He whipped out his phone. The phone was connected to every single camera on Earth. Whether it was a cctv camera, a cellphone camera, a traffic light camera, it was some form of demon magic only known to him. He spotted them, the centurions Wrath, Pride, Greed and Lust, as well as the horsemen Famine and War. They were gathered at some monastery. It was a bit far, at least when walking. He went out of the building, paying a driver to take him to the monastery. "Things are about to be interesting." He said, grinning.
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"Thats what I've been trying to tell you guys." Gil yelled as he grabbed Heru and John by their arms and drug the down the alley way. The sounds of the steps they made began to echo. The walls appeared to be made of books again. "Are you guys seeing this?" Before he knew it he could hear the chattering of a few voices again walking between what seemed like bookshelves.

"Gil, I know that's you. Why did you leave the first time?" Gil could hear his abuelo's voice again. Gil peered around the corner to find his abuelo and Heru's jiddoh. They were having a conversation with the dean of the university. "Abuelo I don't even know how I got here. I left to get my friends." Gil replied. "So, you where able to bring them through the shadows with you my son." his abuelo stated. "I didn't think you would be able to do that. Especially since your powers are all there." he added. Gil's face turned up at the word powers and also at the fact that his abuelo knew exactly what was going on. He looked over at Heru with a 'really they didn't tell us anything' face.
Lust stopped dead in her tracks in the front entrance of the monastery. The number of powerful demons in her area had skyrocketed. She realized she was being followed, and not just by Centurions. Looks like I'm doing all the work today. Sighing, she ran a hand through her long chestnut locks of hair. Her demeanor completely changed as she decided to get more serious. Looks like the time for fun is over. She looked like a real police officer now. The seductive swagger of her hips was gone, replaced by pure efficiency. She walked forward and opened the door, walking into the monastery. The heavy wooden door closed behind her with a creak. There were lights inside, but most of them were shattered. Blood was splattered on the walls and the floor. Some of the walls had holes in them with black scorch marks on the edges.

Looks like someone had a good time in here. From the looks off it, it could be Urobach.. If it was, she was hardly surprised. He was reckless and completely careless, the type to attack with no thought whatsoever. That wasn't his purpose though; he was her greatest warrior and bodyguard. She was surprised it had taken this long to find him. She turned the corner and strode calmly into the sanctuary of the church. A priest stood at the altar, but she could tell he was no priest. Mostly because he was nearly completely covered in blood and gore. Bodies in various states of dismemberment sat in the pews. Even Lilith was somewhat disturbed. She preferred her victims alive and fully intact so she could spend more time with them.

Behind the priest were 20 of her strongest soldiers, all in demon form, since they couldn't possess human bodies. The priest held his arms up to the sky as she walked up to the sanctuary.
"Ah, Lilith! Finally you've come. Sorry, but I'm taking orders from someone else now." The possessed priest said. She rolled her eyes when she heard his voice. To the human ear he sounded like the real priest.. to a demon, it was clearly demonic. Almost like a second voice drowning out the mortal's speech. "Urobach. What a surprise. If I didn't value your strength, I would destroy you for coming heree behind my back." She muttered an incantation and the priest fell to the ground, writhing in pain. A moment later, the priest stopped writhing. He was dead. Standing above his body, however, was a massive ten-foot tall fire elemental. "Now, you will obey me or I will cast you back down to Infernus." She glared at him, eyes blazing with anger. Slowly the big demon got down on one knee. "Yes my Lady. Forgive me."
Sora was about to follow the others down the alley when Kori dropped down infront of him. Kori said "They're gone now, besides they'd only hold us back with thier lack of knowledge, I'm guessing you know a little more than them so we'll team up." Sora replied " Who are you?" Sora was puzzled by the sudden appearence of another person and this one seemed to know about things. Kori answered "I'm Kori and I'm an angel as well. There's one more coming so we might as well go to him. We'll go in angel form remember to fly above the clouds even if you will yourself to not be seen by humans it's to hide visually from demons." Sora said "Alright I hear yahh." Sora and Kori entered their hymnal forms and ascended into the clouds now invisible to humans. They traveled alot faster with their flight and descended suddenly, Kori aimed to tackle Yuri from his dive.
Yuri dosent see him and falls as he sees an angel Tackle him "What in heaven?....Why you do that and ho are you?"he says in kinda a Inritated Voice as he gets up and looks at them and were they comfrom but as he sees them in there Hymnal form he Sigh and says "My Apolagis of mi way i dint see you were angels...I am Yuri and Ho are you?"he ask politli as he dint whant too look rude too other angels but feeling a nother Aura of a good angel makes him happy too know there near.

(sorry that was unexpectid)
Heru looked around in complete awe as he looked at the greatness of the library. Heru was a person who studies and being in a library this big meant there was plenty to read. Heru looked at his Grandfather while Gil's was speaking. Before Heru knew it his Grandfather slapped him knocking him to the ground. "Now you listen here boy, I'm not gonna have some child look at me with hatred. Lets not forget where you came from." His Grandfather says with anger. Heru laid there in shock as its been quite awhile since his Grandfather has laid his hands on him. He knew not to go up against him so he just got himself up and stood in silence. "Now listen Heru.....you are a unique individual. You have a lot of business that you need to tend to." His Grandfather says. "What's so unique about me?" Heru sharply replies. "You and I both know that you know about yourself Heru...I know you have known for awhile now and you didn't want to believe it." His Grandfather states. Heru turned around and began walking toward the exit. "You must be joking I know nothing of what you say." Heru says coldly. "Really? is that how you feel?" Heru Grandfather began to walk toward him. "You know I've about had it with you young man...." Heru quickly came to a stop feeling the presence of His Grandfather coming. "Hey, look....." before heru could turn around his Grandfather was upon him. "You have anything else you need to say to me......boy...." His Grandfather says as he grabs him and looks deep into his eyes. Heru grinned, "Well it would seem you are quite upset old man...." He says. "Hmph leave it to you to push my buttons." His Grandfather follows up. Heru turned to Gil. "I knew.....I'm sorry man I...." He says to him. Heru knew Gil would be upset with him.

Ever since Heru was the age of 6 he knew he was a strange being. It was all new to him then so he just kept it to himself. One day he asked his Grandfather about it but he felt Heru was a little to young. It was about age 12 when Heru realized some of his gifts. He knew these gifts were very special. He was at school one day and was being bullied due to his accent. The bullies would continue all day until after school when they cornered him. These bullies were older more like high school students. While they were beating him up and tossing him around he blacked out and woke up to them all on the ground with a look that sent a chill up a person's spine. From that day on he kept his gifts a secret only he and his Grandfather knew. His Grandfather would train him every now and again to hone his skills but kept alot things away from Heru as he felt he wasn't ready.
John shrugged as he was pulled into the alleyway, letting Gil lead him. Then, they stepped through a shadow and he stumbled, feeling as if the world had somehow shifted beneath him. His equilibrium slowly returned. Looking around, he expected to see buildings. Instead, bookshelves covered the walls. He looked up to find several more floors with spiral staircases leading up. Amazing.. If I had access to all of this information, who knows what I would be able to find out? The voices of Gil and his grandfather drew him back to reality, and then Heru's grandfather hit him. John was completely stunned, but he made no comment. He would hold his tongue until Gil and Heru were done.

When they were done, he walked up to the group of them slowly. All of his pent-up anxiety and questions came out. "Umm.. okay, this day.. well, these couple days, really, have been insane. I thought I was the only one.. and now there's four of us, maybe more? And I've got no idea what you guys are." He made a gesture to the grandparents. "A monastery was destroyed by demons somehow. Our train hit an invisible object and derailed. Oh, not to mention a crazy demon chick giving us information, according to Sora. Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on, because I'm confused. This is nothing like the Apocalypse I've read about." He took a deep breath, and noticed everyone was staring at him. He had spoken loud enough for the whole library to hear. "Uh.. sorry about that, I'm just.. really tired, hungry and confused here." He looked around suddenly, worried look on his face. "Hey.. where is that Sora guy anyway?"
Arriving at his destination, Auron paid the driver and he went out of the vehicle. The energies of demons were so strong it was exhilarating. "Now this is interesting." He said, chuckling. I looked around, seeing the horsemen War and Famine. Auron approached the monastery, nodding at the two horsemen.

Auron stopped in front of the monastery. He felt many demonic presence inside the monastery. Having not heard the horseman Pestilence's orders, Auron slowly changed into his demonic form. His enormous bat wings, unfurling and spreading open. His curling horns, big and intimidating. His yellow eyes, empty of mercy and compassion. His enormous gauntlets, large and deadly. Above the monastery, a huge storm started brewing. "Now things are about to get exciting." He said, his voice low and menacing. A huge bolt of lightning struck the doors of the monastery, blowing it off the hinges.

He entered the monastery, only to be confronted by a legion of lesser demons. Every demon who dared to attack him or even block his path were all struck by lightning, charring the demons. "Fancy meeting you here, Lilith." He said, seeing the beautiful demon.
After John rambled on for a few minutes. Gil looked back over at Heru with anger. "What do you mean you knew? What the hell did you know Heru? You really don't trust me with anything do you? Why do you even call me your friend?" Gil yelled at Heru as loud as he could. By the end of his statement the darkness had been gathering around Heru's leg. Once he finished talking a tentacle like formation of darkness around Heru's leg had pulled him into the air upside down.

Gil's abuela quickly sprung into action. He knocked Gil to the ground, which made the darkness disperse dropping Heru. "I asked them to keep it from you my child." He quickly spoke to Gil. "With all the trouble you are already having the misfortune to deal with I didn't want you to have to deal with this too. However it is to late for that now." He continued. "Here place this around your wrist. It is the family locket. It was forged of two separate necklaces. One that belonged to your father. The other belonged to your mother. This should help you control yourself. It will also open your eyes." He said handing him the locket made completely of amethyst.

After placing the chain around his wrist, a feeling of love blew across Gil almost completely changing his personality. "Well well well, thank you abuelo. This accessory definitely completes my ensemble. It matches my eyes so perfectly." He then looked over at Heru, "Isn't someone just a bit distraught about what just happened. I thought you were better than that." And without stopping he then turned to John. "You talk to much. Also you should take care of that stomach sir due to it being just a little bit on the annoying side."
Kori stood up and dusted him self off. He flapped his icy wings once stirring up a cold breeze. He said "I'm Kori from Iceland." Sora landed a little bit afterwards and returned to human form. "Yay we found someone who knows enough well, how about coming with us there's a university we need to find, wait sorry too fast there. I'm Sora since everyone calls me by my last name. I'm an angel too. Not to be rude or anything but I can hardly understand some of what you're saying." He then turned to Kori and said "Nice tackle!" Kori acknowledged this with a shiny tooth grin and a thumbs up.
"My....My....John your quite the person full of questions arent you?" Heru chuckled then became serious and walked over to him. "You ever make an outburst like that again your gonna wish you could reverse time." He says with a wink. Heru looked over at Gill and he wanted to pull him off to the side so he could explain himself but he felt it was to soon. He could read his feelings but didn't want to make it anymore awkward. Heru pulled out his note pad and began flipping pages. His Grandfather asks "What do you have so far?" "Not much Jiddoh all I know is that we have Chief demons walking around here, before we came here I could feel a lot of Aura's converging on to one spot." Heru says. Heru turns to Gil's Grandfather, "Now would be a great time to begin explaining to Gil the severity of this situation. We cannot have a weak link when dealing with these guys." He indicated as he looked in the direction of Gil. "I also know that he has quite an ability that could be off good use, so go ahead." Heru began looking over his notes. "We need to get to that monastery quick something bad is about to happen there." Heru followed up. "John?....you can cut the crap now Gil knows about me now so, What information do you have on the demons?" He asked John.

Heru immediately got up and began walking toward Gil. "Well...isn't this quite unfortunate?" Heru suggested. "You need to get control of your Grandson" He uttered to Gil's Grandfather. Heru had a personality that was quite unique he was sometimes this way then that. Much like here nor there. You never knew what he was capable of because he never really felt the need to leak out everything. Heru wanted to speak to Gil about this but he was a little to heated for that. There were far mor important things going on that required his attention. "We will discuss this later...Jiddoh walk with me we have much to discuss." He prompted his Grandfather. "Oh and John.....try not to be a burden if your hungry go eat ok?" He added as he grinned.
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(OOC, me and shade worked on this post together)

"OH... MY... GOSH, Luna! Most perfect Idea ever! We need to take two of every kind of animal off of earth and put them here on the moon for people to see! 'Luna landing zoo. We may be in outta space but this zoo is definitely not.'" Vesper shouts ecstatically while hopping about the place. She suddenly stops, puts her right hand on her hip and the left arm into the air, head tilted upward to the left and her eyes closed. Lunae's just sitting there with her chin on her knees and arms wrapped around her bent legs, keeping her eyes on the earth.

Lunae flops her head back, looking back at Vesper.
"How are the human's supposed to get here without wings?". She moves her head slowly back down to her knees again.

Vesper moves her hand down to her mouth in the "thinking position". "Hmm... I guess you're right. Oh oh oh, I know. We can build parking lots on the moon for them to park their cars!" "Car's can't fly" Lunae mutter's in her chin. Vesper continue's to ramble on and on about random things for their Zoo.

Lunae started to focus more on what was happening on earth. "
"This many high powered demons on earth? This isn't right at all." Lunae thought to herself, worried of what could happen to God's children. "Vesper!" Lunae yells, but Vesper is still rambling on about her little fantasy.

"We can have a deep-fried burger stand and a game and the winner can ride a ostrich through the Sun... the game can be... "What Animal did I Lick?"

"VESPER!!!" Lunae throws her hands down and creates a frosty powder wind that picks her off the ground and spins her to face Vesper. "Do you see what's going on down there?!" Lunae shouts as she pointing her index finger at Earth. "There is a large amount of high powered demons. This can't be good. Should we go down and help the other angels? They might really need it if the Demons are making this big of a move."

Vesper stops in her tracks. She ends alittle over and studies Earth for a moment. "You're right... There's a cluster of dark energy coming from somewhere in Western Europe." Vesper says just about as serious as Lunae is. "We should probably go check that out. Sorry about before. I was a bit carried away.

"It's fine," Lunae turns her head and looks towards the threatened planet, "but we should get down there now and not waste any time doing so."

Vesper nods, "Right... Lets go!"

A bright light shines from the both of them and the light starts to form wings from their backs. the light starts to dim revealing them in their Hymnal forms. They both jump, Lunae jumping a little bit sooner, and start heading their way towards Spain.

Lunae turns her head back towards Vesper,
"Has there been any word in Heaven about your brother?" Vesper looks up at Lunae and looks off to her left, touching her cheek to shoulder.
Mort would act...

Soon. Yeah, soon he would decide whether to do something at all, and to do that he needed his fellow horsemen. His plan was only partly to be revealed, but enough that all would benefit, for the moment. So he stood from his throne, still in human form and cut at the air. The portal was made, something less efficient than manually transferring himself but for the benefit of Conquest. Yes, he would refer to her in the name of her first incarnation, the red rider king. She was still waiting fro a response and he would be it.

"The other two are somewhere near the church, child. I suggest we do meet them before they get angsty." Mort said with a chuckle as he looked into the eyes of what seemed to be an impatient little girl. He took her shoulder before she could say anything, gently like he was holding a little bird, before again passing through the same portal. If she would be angry, there was nothing she could have done about it anyway, as he was the most powerful of the four, no matter how many times he would behave otherwise.

Again the pair materialized, appearing before the other pair, Mort smiling all the while. "We must act now, and I have the best plan. I'm about to launch a purely frontal assault, anyone want to join in?" Even in his reduced state, he was stronger than five angels combined. It would take all of them to even have a chance of subduing him. If others joined the fight, he would reap the souls of angels that day, and the end of days would come all the more closer.
Yuri raises and eye brow and looks at the too "well i would be glad to go with you and im from australia so its gana be hard too talk too you perfectly....Now about whats happening here...Demons thats all i can say there here as you may know and as a Arch angel i have mi duti and what i need to do....im very sorry but i dont know much i Came from Australia and Information is limited...Now like i have Less knowledge here why dont you try and explain what hase bin happening all this time"he says in a serius tone as he put his hands behind his back holding his bag and looking at the two wating for a respons as he needed more information atleats what hase bin happening here.
"Archangel?" Sora whispered to himself, this was his first time hearing someone call themselves an archangel. Kori simply continued "It appears many powerful demons are gathering here, maybe to bring about the Apocalypse. I can tell because there are four exact auras stronger than the rest, if it's exactly four then they must be the Four Horsemen. Now we need to link up with the others we'll talk a little on the way." Sora at that when right back into hymnal, Kori flapped his icy wings. They took off into the sky above the clouds towardw the university.
Yuri would see them as they fly away "Well i better catch up"he says too himself as he turns too his Hymnal form as armore appears on him and a hood,as his face canot be seen anymore and only bright light blue eyes,as he Flaps his large wings and Took off aswell as he passes the clouds and see the two as he hasent seen a nother Arch Angel were can they be,as he ask that question in his minde he would say "More angels are here...thats good news...Now were are we going"he ask as he flyies with them.
"We are heading to the university that's where the others are, ok land dive now." Kori yelled over the rushing winds. The group went into a dive and descended rapidly. They were like airplanes coming in for landing while invisible to humans. Kori and Sora pulled up a bit to land in an unpopulated area of campus to go back to human form. Kori said "Guys they're this way I can sense atleast five auras this way." Kori began wallking followed by Sora. They sped up a bit in a few minutes entered what seemed like a library. At the back they heard someone yelling. Sora saw that it was John being hungry? Kori walked next to Sora when they finally made it to Gil and John Sora said "You guys left me behind! Anyway found a person or two." Sora gestured to Kori and Yuri.
Yuri would see this place as he aswell sees others but he keeps silens as he dint whant too interrupt whatever is happening,as he stays near Kori and looks at the people he knows there angels but he stays silent as his hands behinde his back and waits for them too finish whatever is going on,aswell he would have his sword in his bag so he dosent seem imtimidate in any means.
Gil giggles at Sora. "It's not my fault you didn't follow now is it?" He then turn back to his abuelo. "So abuelo what is going on? Also how are you going to keep my in check as my so called best friend stated." Gil's abuelo quickly responded, "You will have to keep yourself in check. Don't let the darkness take over you. Back to the current situation at hand. You and Heru are angels, but not just angels. You two are of the most powerful among the angels. You are archangels. Like your two friends over there. However not the one with the white hair. Your responsibility is to protect the humans from the demons and evil in general. Also you two will always be friends. The reason being your powers are alike. Where as Heru can do almost anything with his mind you can do the same with darkness and just the same is Heru. You also have more power than you think." His abuelo stated while ending by pointing at the locker he gave to Gil. Gil's smile faded as her began to feel more darkness gather. "Heru tell me you can feel the darkness gathering and becoming more powerful." He looked over at Heru and waited his response by adding. , "Do you think we will have fun?" He began to giggle.
Heru's sudden attitude change was infuriating, but he held his tongue. John wasn't used to being talked to like that. He also wasn't fond of the threatening tone of his voice. If there was something that annoyed him most, it had to be arrogance, and that's what he felt was being displayed. As if suddenly he didn't matter. He was being dismissed and it pissed him off. If Heru wasn't his friend, then he would've punched him in the face for that. He had come all the way across the world to check on Heru, and he's saying he's being a burden? That's what he heard, anyway. Clenching his fists, he turned to Sora. "Sorry man. Didn't mean to leave you, but Gil practically dragged us over here."

John felt Gil's anger was completely justified, and his grandfather's reaction a bit harsh. The archangel revelation didn't surprise him much. "Listen Sora, I don't think I can be in a room with Heru right now. Like I told them I'm angry, tired, and hungry, and I have to get out of here before I do something I'll regret." He stormed out of the library, not even seeing the new angels. He walked until he got to the street. Generally calm and easygoing, something Heru said had set him off.
A burden huh..? Is that what my parents thought of me too? His childhood had been rough with no real parents. He had devoted all his time to his abilities and research, and it seemed to have born little fruit. He took out his phone and found a cab company's number. He called a cab to take him to a nearby hotel. He waited several minutes for the cab, and hopped in the back when the vehicle pulled up. "Take me to Hotel Aristol.. Did I pronounce that right?" The cab driver nodded and started driving. 
The monastery door blew open and she spun around quickly. She yelled to her Strongman. "Urobach. Defend me." The giant fire elemental jumped and flew into the air, landing in front of her. He roared and made a show of cracking his flaming knuckles. She heard the voice of the demon, though, and relaxed a bit. She walked out from behind Urobach, placing a hand on him gently. "Sloth? What brings you here, dear?" She smiled charmingly. Her elite soldiers surrounded her, various weapons held before them. "I found part of my Legion, as you can see. I've reminded them who's in charge. I was just about to question them when you showed up." She leaned against the large elemental, placing her left arm around him.

"My sweet little Urobach hssn't caused any trouble for you, has he?" She looked up at her Strongman questioningly. One could swear the massive creature was blushing. "I believe a tender hand is required at times. You catch far more flies with honey than vinegar, after all." She smiled at Sloth and winked. "Well, which do you prefer, sweetie? Honey or vinegar?" Her tone had a hint of malice in the word vinegar. Her right hand rested at her hip, ready to draw on him if need be.
Heru watched John leave he could feel the anger growing inside him after the comment he had made. Heru halted the conversation with his Grandfather to speak to John only to grin just a little and sternly says. "What did you say to me? You must be joking right?..let me relax cause I almost lost my cool there.....Don't interrupt. If you have something important to contribute to the conversation then you may add but if not then don't waste your time on my Jiddoh and I conversation." He looked over at Gil and shook his head "Hmph we have quite the sensitive bunch...no matter." Heru passed out once more this time with a bit more care as if he knew what he was doing. He ended up outside the library and walked to the cab holding the passenger side door. "Don't pull off cabby I have a few things I want to say to the gentleman in the back." He says to the cab driver. "You'll be able to pull off in a minute." Heru looked over at John. "Couldn't feel me coming huh?" He asked John. "You seem to have quite the issue John is something the matter?" Heru could tell John was a little upset, he knew that John stormed out because of what he said. "So you call me arrogant hmmmm?" Heru implied. "If anything I don't think I like that comment." He followed up. "Listen John I never meant to stomp all over your feelings I know what you have been through. Most of us have been through a lot not only you." Heru expressed. Heru lifted his hand from the car and coldly looked at John as if he were looking deep inside him. "So don't be selfish" Heru said sneeringly. Heru turned around and began walking back toward the door. He was a little hurt at the fact that John stormed out on him. They've been through so much and Heru is just dumbfounded.
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"Ah, Lust. I see you have found your legion." Auron said, walking over to her. "Greetings Urobach. You may relax now, I have no intentions of hurting your master, well at least, not yet." He said with a smirk. "Why I would prefer honey of course, seeing as how I am the most subtle among the centurions." He said, laughing at the irony of his entrance. "But I assume that your legion is not the only reason you, as well as the other centurions and chiefs are here." He said. "So, tell me, what is in here?"
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Sora was a little shocked to hear he was an archangel. Then he jumped up and down in an "oh yeah" kind of way. After he was done he watched John leave angered by Heru's personality doing a 180. Sora decided John may need some space. Sora paid close attention to what Gil's Grandfather was saying about Gil's and Heru's abilities. Sora then asked "How clear is the difference between an archangel and angel. What makes them different from regulars?"

Kori took a seat a meditated, he could feel the shift in aura's power as well as energy. He could roughly tell what may be happening on the demons' side.Demons seemed to be all over the place and not just literally. Kori spoke now asking "So what do we do know? It's clear the demons are gonna come after us. So we need a plan and more like get a feel for what each of us can do." Kori's presence in the library made the place atleast 10° colder.

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