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Fantasy Ancient Order of Angels

John furrowed his brow in confusion. "Hello? Earth to Heru?" He said, to no response. "Hello!? Can you hear me?" John sighed. I'm switching cell providers. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice behind him, dropping his cell phone in the floor. He could have sworn Heru was behind him if he didn't know he was halfway around the world. He took a deep breath and spun around, hands forward and ready to go to hymnal form. Could be a demon mimicking his voice..

Imagine his surprise when he saw Heru standing before him, attempting to pinch himself. He knew it was him, because he could sense his light.. but it was faint, like he was far away. He tried to play it cool. "You're just dreaming. I am your subconscious mind. I've been meaning to talk to you about all the fast food. You have got to eat more veggies."
A knife? Honestly, Iris had seen better attempts at piercing her defense, and each of them had failed. She had to wonder what sort of fates had put her under the beck and call of feeble-minded masters. Or course, she wouldn't question their authority. There was good reason why they were Chiefs, and not her. It may possibly be because she had a fully human soul, untarnished by demon blood. This seemed to, however, also cause a little bit of underestimation from her peers. She could have swatted the small implement away with her own hand, never mind using her umbrella. Thankfully, she didn’t need to raise a single finger to do much. One of the Chiefs flicked away the dagger, sending it hitting the wall some distance away from her. She tapped her feet, wondering if the other Centurions could PLEASE join the party soon. Scratch that thought. If her higher ups were acting like psychopathic children, she feared to see their underlings. The only ones she had seen acting like complete monsters were those that actually resembled monsters. Iris had one passing thought as she mulled over this: when was their come-uppance? They had simply, and carelessly, killed humans without thinking of the consequences and created a fickle disorder within the system. Pettiness and idiocy was…unbecoming. She hung back from the group, spinning her umbrella in her hands, an emotionless smile on her face.

Even with her shortened hair, and smaller physique, Iris could still recognise the Horseman of Pestilence. She seemed to be the only one who had any sense of tact amongst the gathering. She was also, possibly, the only one that Alastor had mentioned to be agreeable with his taste, despite having reported that she had tormented an imp earlier. Iris shrugged mentally. If Alastor saw Sidwy Belamere as a fitting commander, Iris should at least give her some leeway. The Centurion of Pride watched as Sidwy took control of the situation slightly. Iris nodded with her every word. Sidwy was right, more or less.

"You shall accompany me, I may have use of your skills, among your brethren." Sidwy said, as she turned to acknowledge the Centurion’s presence. That alone settled the matter. Iris was Sidwy’s to command, for the time being. She did not try to challenge Iris, nor did she completely ignore her presence. It was quite touching, really. Iris gave a short curtsy, her umbrella's crook hanging upon one arm.

"I am pleased to be of service, miss. I will do my utmost to support you. Currently, my services are limited to simply intelligence gathering and protection, but if you wish something else from me, I am most obliged to attend to your needs." Iris gave a slight smile as she followed Sidwy down the hallway to the elevator.
"Children." Mort said with a sigh as his powers dispersed. He did not think they would listen to him much this day, so he would do what he had always done, leave them to their fate. he would watch from a far for a while, maybe even watch a small scale battle or two, He would want to watch them squirm and squabble for a little while before he had to end it all. The hunt for the seventh seal as been more than fruitful, he knew it's location, and how it was going to be used, the only problem was breaking the damn thing, a job for the Lamb.

The Pride was proud, such a stupid thought, thinking there was no rhyme or reason to the workings of the Horsemen, it was written all over her face. He could not comprehend why she would even begin to serve any of them, but perhaps her feeble mind had some sort of emotional attachment to the woman, the rider with many names. It was probably human, something weak, fickle and destined to end. Even the other three horsemen were such, creations of the human mind made manifest. But he was Death, the end, the shadow of creation, of life. He was before, and would be after.

"Have fun." Those where his parting words as he returned to his own castle, to rest, throwing the others the keys to the lower floors. Time was just as powerful as he was, if not slightly weaker. To bend it to his will, in this form of course, took most of his strength. Still he had one thing left to do before all things were to begin. A dark tendril sought out the knife, impregnating it with his dark energy before it was sent on it's way, hurtling through the open hallway and shattering the very air as it flew by. Upon impact, it would most likely behave like a bullet, peicing most walls in it's path, and in it's path was the slowly closing door of an elevator.

It's target: the Pride.
"Pardon me, Ms. Belamere, but could you step back?" Iris' hand closed around the grip of her umbrella, and whirled around, her scarf swirling around her neck, the tails of her jacket following. With a ghost of a smile still present on her lips, she brought the tip of the umbrella forth, directed at the closing elevator doors, at the split second a dagger empowered by darkness shot through the gap. The knife scraped by the umbrella, barely missing the center by an inch and embedded itself a few inches under Iris' left shoulder.

"Hmmm..." Her skills must be lacking. She had spent far too many days lurking around as a human and relying on her underlings. Gathering intelligence had become her job rather than protecting Hell. As such, her abilities had slipped off the charts. No matter, it should only take a few warm ups to return to her perfect form. As for now, she woukd have to deal with the implement stuck on her chest. Again with the knives. Vegner really didn't enjoy knives for many reasons. They were small, for one, and they often troubled the demon by being piling yoctograms of annoyances. It didn't hurt when they hit, but they certainly leave a mark, on both armor, as a demon, and skin, as a human.

The doors shut in front of her, and the last that any of those in the corridor could see was Iris reaching to the blade forcefully thrust upon her personage. "I apologise, Ms. Belamere. It does seem I have been amiss in training. Nevertheless," she grasped the exposed part of the knife and grunted, "I am Vegner, Centurion of-" she gave a gasp as she snapped the metal implement in half, leaving part of it still within her. She threw the handle to one side, cursing, "Ah, by the nine circles of Hell. That wasn't supposed to..." Iris dug her fingers into the wound, grasping the metal, and extracting it without as much as a scowl. "There. A coward's weapon, finally free from its prison. I should return this to its owner some time soon. It would be rude not to."

Iris resumed her smile, as her wound clotted up with dark blood. She withdrew a white handkerchief from her pocket and wrapped the blade up within it, and tucked it back into the depths of her jeans. She bowed low to the Horseman of Pestilence, apologising once more.
A thing to remember next time, don't sleep in a giant box marked for mail. You end up on a plane who knows where and then have to creatively sneak away unseen. Atleast the sheets were nice and soft.

Aaron was scolding himself for getting airmailed. He was inside a box with a luxury set of sheets and pillows. He could tell he's one a plane just by the turbalance and pressure in his ears. Then he felt it land. He wondered if he should bust out or wait. In the end he decided to wait. He heard two men arguing over the merchandise not being delivered in time if they wait for the all clear to fly again. Then he felt the box being lifted up and carried onto a luggage cart. For 30 minutes he felt himself being pushed on a cart and then unloaded onto another vehicle. A train he could guess by the vibrations. When it was finally moving he made his way out of the box. This train car must be only for expensive luggage for that's all he saw. He opened the door leading to another car and waited.

If i walk in there now from here someone will suspect something. Better wait until a tunnel then I can rush in as a blur and pretend i was there the whole time.

Aaron waited until the train entered a tunnel. He opened the door quitely as saw the dining car in darkness. He closed the door and then using his ultra vibration become a blur and sat instantly made his way into a seat next to a pair of friends, one was trying to get the other's attention. Aaron exhaled and leaned his back. He was relieved to be safe for the moment.
Death's knife came hurtling into the elevator and planted itself in Iris's chest. She had barely flinched. Always with the reckless killing off of the lesser. War I can understand, Famine, less aggressive, but still unpredictable. Death, a whole different animal. If he hadn't destroyed Iris, there had to be a reason for it. Possibly he had implanted some power into Iris with that strike? He could have just given it to her, not likely. A test? If it was for defense, she failed in a sense, but she took the hit well. If it was for loyalty, she passed. Despite her positive thoughts on it, she decided a scolding for carelessness was in order, "Next time, either fully deflect it or step aside, I cannot afford to lose valuable competence due to a moment's frailty of mind." She stood facing the doors, not even turning to look at Iris. The elevator stopped on a lower floor, not theirs, to pick up several other passengers. Thankfully, the knife was spiritually charged, not a physical attack, so it was not a visible wound to humans. Sidwy plastered a fake smile on her face as she said, "Which floor would you like?" "Ground floor, please," came the reply, and she took the opportunity of touching the buttons to release a wave of putrid disease over them. She would not need to come in contact with the next person in this elevator personally, and yet there would be several cases of the flu, a dozen colds and sore throats, as well as an intolerant allergic reaction to the scented pollen that wafted through the air this time of year.

They reached the thirteenth floor finally, and Sidwy stepped off, thanking the gentleman who held the door for her, brushing her coat against his hand, he would have bronchitis later on. Their room was quite similar to the one they had been in before, though the view was significantly closer and less scenic. "To are free to do as you please for the time being, though do not be out of range of a summons if I should need your services. If you go out, your mission is to be on the lookout for any of our stray legions, my own or the other Chiefs', interrogate them about their absence, and report to me as soon as you have finished, am I understood?" She took command, idle hands were the devil's playground, sure, but directively dedicated hands were his amusement park. "You will not be alone, I will have other Centurions out as well, so you are authorized to work out any plans you wish between yourselves, though the objective remains the same."

She left Iris to her own devices, went into the living room and drew a symbol on the floor with her finger, leaving a glowing red trace in the floor that winked once, twice, then faded invisibly to the ground. It was a summons for any available Centurions, providing a gateway portal directly to and from here, so that they were allowed access to the human world, though only under her power. If they strayed too far from her, they would be banished back, not by her will, but by the strength of the summons.

@ProcFailures @ArsenicJohn @ Any other Centurions that want something to do :3
Lilith walked to her chamber door and flung it open. A scream erupted from just beyond and a trickle of black blood ran under the heavy stone door. She closed the door behind her, looking down to see what the blood was from. She picked up a dying fire imp gently. She pressed her lips to its forehead in a gentle kiss. "You poor dear. You should know better than to snoop on me. Be a good imp and finish yourself off for me." She said softly. The imp's eyes shone with love for her. It reached straight into its chest and ripped its own black heart out. She ate the imp's heart, tossing its lifeless body aside as she walked through the brimstone halls of her sanctum.

She fell to her knees, suddenly, when the summons from her Mistress reached her. It felt like her spirit was being torn apart.
Damn.. This summons, I've never felt anything like it.. She forced herself to stand, then stepped through the portal to Hominibus, appearing precisely in the center of the symbol. At the instant she appeared, she assumed human form. She chose to appear dressed in a black cocktail dress and black combat boots. No need of makeup.. to every eye, she was stunning. She smiled pleasantly. "Mistress Sidwy. To what do I owe the pleasure of your honored company? Have you inflicted any lovely plagues this evening?"

Figuring she had been summoned about her Legion, she quickly added, "I was informed by my head of spies that my Legion has vanished. Let me assure you, Mistress, I will find out who did this. They will suffer for not consulting you." Her smile grew wicked as she anticipated the pain she would inflict.
Had you taken a look into the sky in Andorra, any human would see a clear sky, untainted by even the slightest hint of cloudiness. To the trained eye, however, the sky was covered in bright strokes of light, illuminated with the ethereal aura of tens of fox spirits, centered around another specifically large, flourescent fox, large enough to fit a person on its back. Lo and behold, upon the back of this alpha sat Noel, legs crossed and back in the position of meditation. Unfortunately, his meditation was an uneasy one. These beings fell under the command of Noel himself... but it's all he could muster. Between his departure point and his current location, he'd summoned the vast majority of his forces, only to receive nothing in return. The situation was growing worse and worse by the minute, and he hadn't even arrived at his destination. Needless to say, this caused great agitation within him, though not he even would notice it under the overwhelmingly thick layer of confusion that engulfed his psyche. All would be answered soon, he thought. After all, Andorra bordered Spain.

"Another half hour...," he thought to himself.

No. He couldn't do it. He couldn't wait. This was not a situation where he could afford to pace himself. He needed to act with a sense of urgency. Again, he opened his eyes, commanding the attention of the kitsune surrounding him. He was to give an order:

"Let's increase our spe-"

His order was interrupted by a jolt of energy in the form of a chill up his spine. Was this fear? Had Noel's nervousness begun to affect him? His mind wandered... he had lost control of his forces, and four of the most powerful beings in existence congregated in one place. This was no coincidence, and there was absolutely no way there could be a positive aspect of this situation.... No. This was not fear, dread, or anything of the sort. Noel was being summoned. He exhaled, partly in relief, as well as surprise. No matter, he thought. He decided to act on his own until he received an order, and this was an order, of sorts. He would not refuse, especially considering the circumstances. Noel would change his course as he gave another order:

"Continue to Barcelona. When you arrive, remain on standby. I am departing."

He received no reply, only the increased speed of the sea of spirits, themselves. This was all the confirmation he needed. With his mind now on his new destination, Noel, would tighten the grip on his sheath and take a nosedive from the back of the gargantuan fox demon. Ten seconds into his fall, he would close his eyes and focus. The world around him changed as the sky faded, along with the wind resistance of his fall. The rush of blood to his head leveled itself out, along with the position of his body: Noel had touched down. He opened his eyes to find himself in a living room. More importantly, he felt the rush of power from the numerous demons of equal and higher standing that were gathered in the very structure he'd been summoned to. It would seem Noel's trip was expedited. As for the question of "who," that did not take long to answer: Stationed before him was none other than Sidwy Belamere, who had been joined by the Centurion of Lust. Unlike the latter, however, Noel remained in his black kimono and tabi, his only difference being his black hair running down his back, as opposed to his sides, as usual. Still grasping his katana, as any swordsman would, he would skip what he felt would be some form of sucking up to Lady Sidwy, as he referred to her as, and get straight to the point while maintaining his eerie state of calm.

"I assume we're all here for the same reason."
Diablo was rather amused on seeing death do the same thing, indeed can be a foolish hag at times but was a important part of their group. He looked around before walking forward, he gave a glance towards All the three chiefs the the only centurion currently present. " I Have my own arrangements " He said with a sly giggle. Diablo just walked towards the shadows disappearing with a creepy giggle. Diablo would have never liked to stay in a crapped place with the other chiefs but more over in the human realm. All the humans always fought under his presence and so normally made him oblivious to the very state of calm and peace that he cherished a lot. The horseman of war or not Diablo did prefer a few days of silence, and this was something that was almost impossible to be discovered in the mortal lands. This was indeed a reason why Diablo always had a hate for the humans.

Diablo soon appeared in another part of the city, one could easily guess the place to be situated at the outskirts of the city. Diablo gaze upon the towering castle that stood there, after then end of World War 2 Diablo had disappeared and had been visiting Hominibus regularly. No one dared to question or inquire why and so the secret is still kept with Diablo only. He walked toward the castle that seemed to be engulfed in darkness, it was nice calm place one well suited for Diablo's stay. " Home sweet home " he said as he keeled down. Diablo slowly formed a illusion around the castle making it look like the ruins of some old fort. Finally he could have some peace before the war. Diablo slowly removed his mask as he entered into the castle, none could track him as he rested in his new lair. Well he did need to rest in order to grab all his strength for the war.

( sorry for the well not that great post :/ i was in a hurry
Heru looked just as surprised, he was looking at John with a confused look. "So you can see me?" He asked him waiting for an answer. It took awhile for Heru to take in what was going on...He could hear Gil talking as if he was standing near him. "Yes I would be highly up set if you slapped me." He said to himself. If matters didn't seem to get any worse he begin feeling the feeling of some close by. It was if they were hiding from something. "What's this?....Why am I feeling this way all of a sudden...I can teel he has been through alot." Heru looked back over at John. "Woah....woah...woah dont come at me, wait what were you about to do?" He asked John. Heru begin feeling himself being pulled aggressively, He had never felt this way since he was four when he had a very bad and chilling dream. "John I'm going to need you to call my grandfather.........." before he could finish Heru woke up breathing intensely and in a cold sweat.His eyes were blood shot. He looks around trying to regather himself he looks over at Gil and then the strange feeling of abandonment hit him again. This time even stronger.

Heru tends to get carried away with his ability to sense thing although he doesn't know much about it he still acts as if he has been doing it for awhile. He looks over at the kid next to him and notices his ragged look. "He's been through a lot I can feel it.." Without impulse Heru got up from Gil and walked over to the kid. He touches the kid on his shoulders and instantly felt his pain. "Pardon me....but are you ok?" Heru looks at the seat next to him and takes a seat. He pulls out his phone and shoots a text to Gil. "Just trust me...don't follow me I'll let you know what happens." After he put up his phone he felt a chill go up his spine. "Something bad is going on and as we get close it gets stronger." Heru thinks to himself beginning to worry. "What is going on?" He thinks to himself. He hides his worries, he didn't want to freak out Gil anymore than he is so he just waited. He looks over at the kid "You don't look so good if I wasn't mistaken it would seem you are a stowaway." Heru says as he looks back out the window.
Aaron snapped out of his daze when Heru tapped him. He quickly said "Shuuuuush, keep it on the low. It was an accident." Aaron then noticed he was sensing a kind of aura from Heru. Aaron decided he shouldn't push the matter yet, you don't ask strangers if they're superpowered beings just like you. Aaron shifted in his seat to sit upright. He said "Let's just say be careful when sleeping in a box. Anyway i'm Aaron Sora nice to meet you." Aaron offered out his hand for a manly handshake. He asked "sSo what's with the phone?"
John nodded in response. "Yes.. I can see you." He noticed Heru was as confused as he was. That meant this was new to him. Could he be an angel like me..? John wondered to himself. Although the situation of his powers awakening was completely different. Or was it? Barcelona seemed to be in crisis. Certainly seems like good criteria to awaken an angel. He reached up and scratched the back of his head absently. "What was I doing? Oh, practicing my karate stance. I thought you were an intruder." He did take a karate class once.. it wasn't really his thing though. He was more of a brawler in human form.. He had his staff, sure, but it was more for focusing light.

Now he looked confused again. "Wait, who's been through a lot?" He didn't get an answer though. Heru said something about calling his grandfather and disappeared, leaving John alone and utterly confused. He picked his cell phone back up and put it in his pocket. He thought for a moment and then came to a conclusion. He wasn't doing any good here. Barcelona needed help. He could call Heru's grandfather from Barcelona. John ran into his room and grabbed his trenchcoat from the closet. He put his staff in a hidden pocket and then put on the trenchcoat.

"Okay.. That's everything." He said out loud.. and then he started to focus. A white light started emanating from his body, pure and brilliant. He felt his body transform as he became a being of light, his hymnal spirit awakening. He stood in his apartment in all his angelic majesty. He focused still, willing himself to become something else. Something he could bend to his will. Pure light. His body became nothing more than densely packed photons, moving towards Heru at light speed. He appeared inside of a bathroom several train cars ahead, in first class.

John fell back on the toilet, stunned and confused. His stomach felt like World War 2 had broken out inside of him. He turned and knelt in front of the toilet, vomiting noisily.
Maybe that was a bad idea.. He thought to himself. Quickly, he cleaned himself up and went to find Heru. Hopefully soon, because his vision was getting dim and his legs felt like lead weights.
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Yuri wuld see the news of what happend in Barselona and he feels....Somthing as he cant explain but he needed to go too Barselona nomater what.He gets up from his chair and pick his cellphone from the counter and call Frank his StepDad as he dint have the money to go too Barselona and needed to know what was going on.as he wuld diel his number and hear the rings as his "Dad" wuld pick the phone up and speak.

"Hey! hows you doing yuri you ok? have you bin doing your work and all right"Frank says in a very happi tone and very helpfull for Yuri in this time too hear him "Yes Frank hey i kinda need a favor from you if you dont minde"Yuri says as he wuld sit on the chair near the TV and as he wuld start too Manipulate the gem on his Pendant as he still dosent know well how too use his power and sudently wille doing so frank responds"Yuri..pleas call mi your father ok....Tell mi what you whant anything really i will try mi best...so what is it Yuri"Frank says in a very Serius and helpfull tone as he clearly whanted too help him as he has gone by emotional stuff the past few years,as yuri wuld hear that he wuld say what he needs "Thanks Dad....i need a Flight Ticket too Barselona....i really whant too visit that place"Yuri says in a confusing voice as he still have that odd feeling but he dint whant to confuse frank,and he Responds "Ofcourse anything like i said dont worry i will do that right now online ok...and remember dont loose your flight ok"He says in a happi tone at the end as yuri feels happi of his "Father" as now he was going too Barselona...as he needed too know what was going on "Thanks dad i wont miss the flight...tomorrow right?"he says as he gets up from the chair and looks out the window "yes tomorrow..the plane will leave at 4.00 PM"Frank says "Ok thanks i will seeya soon goodbie"Yuri says as he was near too hang up but frank says befor he did so ""Goodbye and call mi wen you get there *Boop*"As frank hangs up yuri wuld put his cellphone on the table and wuld sit down on the chair as he now was ready too go to Barselona.

(sorry i took so long was busy other RP things)
Gil hears Heru say he would be upset if Gil had slapped him. He quickly distracted himself from his hand to look over at Heru hoping he was awake. If fact Heru was still sleep. What the hell he thought to himself. Heru then jumped up in a cold sweat. "What the hell" Gil screamed when Heru woke with bloodshot eyes. Heru got up and went over to the boy in the seats across the middle row.

Gil received a text from Heru to not worry and don't follow. He then somehow was able to hear the conversation between the boy and Heru. So his name is Aaron Sora? Wait how did I hear their conversation? "What the hell is going on?" Gil yells to himself.
Heru looked at the boy reach out his hand, he then looked the other way, "Why were you sleeping in a box Aaron? You know that is not a place for you." Heru said to him. Heru knew something was up he looked as if he'd been forgotten and left on someone's door step. He knew that this was no way a person should be treated. "I'm Heru Chidubem...pardon my curiosity but by any chance do you feel like its your fault?" Heru asked Aaron hoping he didn't overstep his boundaries. "Stay out of this Gil." Heru said to himself while having the feeling of his presence. "It's ok I wont judge." Heru said confortingly. Heru knew something strange was going on he was sensing stuff, doing stuff, he'd never done, going place he'd never been; "What is all this adding up to?" He asked himself.

*Your attention we are 45min outside the province Barcelona, any luggage, carry-ons, or anything personal will be taken to lost and found. Thank you for riding with AVE 'Getting to your Destination the Right Way'.* "What a terrible slogan..." Heru says as he shakes his head. By this time Heru had drifted off because he was tired. He began to yawn and doze off here and there but before he could knock out he noticed a strange figure approaching. It seemed to be someone familiar because Heru has already been around this presence before it felt like John's but he wasn't really sure. He didn't want to take any chances so he stood up and walked and stood in front of the kid's seat to keep him from getting in trouble in case he was noticed. Heru tried to look hard but really could see as the windows were a little foggy. "Sit down kid..." One passenger says to him with irritation. Heru ignored the lowly individual. "I Said sit sown kid...you here me talking to you?" The passenger says again this time with a little more anger. Heru ignored him again. "Hey kid...I thought I told you......" Heru interrupted him "You told me to what?...sit down? is that what you said? hmph." Heru coldly turned toward the man as he began to stand up. This man towered over Heru leaving him sort of disadvantage. "It's kid like you who should respect their elders and know their place......" The man said as if he were trying to intimidate Heru. Heru nodded at the individual and fired back "Well.....you should know the difference between there is a time and there is a place and this is not the time nor the place" Heru unconsciously tapped the man on his shoulders this touch made the man's body weak and unenergized. "W.....w...what is happening to me..." The man said looking horrified. Heru then unconsciously told the man in a ice cold way looking him dead in his eye. "Nothing my friend....its just soon your time will be coming to an end......" Heru smiled at the man and came back to reality and looked over at Gil with a What just happened face as if he actually did not know what happened. "Why is this man looking at me strangely?" He said to himself.
Gil looked over at Heru seeing his "What Happened Face" I'm not sure what the hell just happened but I wish that man would leave Heru alone. At the moment this thought crossed Gil's mind, it seemed as though something reached out of the man's shadow and pushed him over the seat behind him. Gil stood up in shock. "Are you kidding me?" Did I really just cause that to happen? He thought to himself. "Obviously you should have followed you own advice and sat down. You must be drunk or something. For one who do you think you are to boss a total stranger around with such disrespect? You have to give it to receive it. Hopefully that taught you that lesson." Gil yelled at the man defending his friend.

"Sora it is nice to meet you. The name is Gil, Gil Vincente" Why don't you come over and sit behind me and Heru so we can talk for a bit." He looked over and smiled at Aaron Sora. Gil then began to feel this oddly familiar presence. He looked around and noticed a person walking closer. If that will get Sora in trouble I will handle it. Gil had this strange feeling in his gut. He took his ticket out of his pocket and threw it to Aaron and sat back down. Sinking farther and farther into the seat, almost as if he was passing through it. I wonder if this will work.
Sora said "To answer you question, i'm a traveler and I was just tired after some activities and decided to nap in a box." Then he whispered to himself. "These guys must be awakening differently but they're definitely not human." Sora was thankful to Heru for stopping that rude man. Sora would've been easily found out if he fought that man instead. But he didn't fail to notice the strangeness of how Heru took him down.

Sora hopped into Gil's booth at Gil's offer as the Conducter was coming. He said "Thank you Gil, i'm sure you know what mine name is." Sora decided he wanted to poke at their awakening a bit. Then he saw Gil sinking into the shadows. The conductor walked by failing to notice Gil and checked Sora's ticket. "Ummmmm, so have you guys noticed anything strange about yourselves and each other lately." Sora asked.
"As long as you are safe Aaron no need to ask any questions." Heru said to Aaron while trying to forget the whole ordeal. "But to answer your question I know what your getting at....by the looks of it you know something I don't and I request you leave it at that." Heru continued. Heru sat there in pure silence as he begin to replay the days events over and over. He couldn't seem to understand what was going on. He knew he was different from most people, of course he knew that since he was a young age but never really thought about it. Heru would always remember his grandfather saying to him, "You are a very gifted individual don't ever let anybody tell you other wise." "Gifted?" Heru asked himself. "What does gifted even mean?" He asked himself again. Heru got up from his seat and began walking toward the end of the train. "Hey I'll be back I'm going to the restroom." Heru walked toward the bathroom looking at each and every passenger just kind of dipping into their lives. He smiled and thought of how his life would have been if he had a complete family. His memory was kind of shady of his past he could only remember things here and there. As he was approaching the bathroom he looked out the window to take in the scenery, but at a split second something dark was approaching and it was approaching fast. Before he could react the dark entity slammed directly into the train knocking it completely off course.

The train fell of the track with about 125 people aboard. Heru was knocked unconscious after the fall. A strange figure seemed to be standing over him shielding him from harm. Heru opened his eyes to a vary gruesome scene he could intensely feel the pain of people as well as see their lifeless bodies lying around. Heru couldn't believe the sight he was seeing, but one strange sight he saw was his grandfather standing over him covered in blood. Heru's body began to shake to its core. "J....J.....Jiddoh...Jiddoh......!" Heru screamed. His Grandfather fell over and hit the ground, to Heru it felt like slow motion. Heru began to scream. "Heeeeeelp......Heeeeeelp.....Someone please!!, you'll be okay Jiddoh I'll get us some help" Heru eyes began to tear up at the sight of seeing his grandfather like this. "How did you get here you were in New York when we last spoke." He asked him. His Grandfather began coughing. "H...Heru, don't worry my child *cough* my time has come where my journey ends." His grandfather said while lying in a pool of blood. Heru look at his grandfather and could see the his him slowly drifting away. "If you leave me old man I'll never forgive....don't leave me in this world alone!" Heru said crying at him. His Grandfather smiled at him "You'll be fine Heru as I will always be with you no matter what." His Grandfather with the little strength he had left grabbed Heru's hand and place a watch in it. "Don't ever forget this my child for we will always be with you good bye my gifted grandson." After those words his Grandfather took his last breath and died. Leaving Heru destroyed. "Jiddoh? Wake up.....don't die.....Jiddoh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Heru screamed at the top of his lungs and began to sob.
"What I actually have less info than you think? But it's nothing you should worry about." Sora replied. Sora wondered if Heru noticed his friend become almost one with the sest, hopefully he didn't. This matter shouldn't be forced there are far too many blanks in this situation.

Then the world turned upside down in Sora's opinion. Sora was ragdolled to the opposite side of the train but managed to land just fine on the wall. But it kept rolling and Sora relaxed after his landing which ended up sending him tumbling to the next car. When the train was finally done tumbling he noticed the people around him were dead or dying. Sora was fine for the most part atleast. Sora felt immense dread and negativity. He touch a person who's neck went the wrong way and didn't feel a pulse. He wondered aimlessly into the next car.
He heard someone screaming, crying in sorrow. He saw Heru holding a dead man in his arms screaming and crying. Sora decided to check himself and found some glass shards in his arms,legs, and one in his shoulder. Sora shut the door so Heru couldn't see him. He vibrated intensely and shard fell apart and out of his skin. Sora started to heal quite fast so he made sure to clean the blood of him. If someone ased they were just scratches. Sora walked back into the car he was in before the train toppled over. He called out for Gil. "Gil, Giiiiiiiiiiiilllllll, Gil your friend needs you right now."
Gil awoke in extreme pain. He rubbed his forehead and looked at his hand it was covered in blood. What the hell happened. His vision was very blurred. He could hear many people screaming in pain. It was a little hard and painful but Gil managed to stand. He vision became a little clearer and he could notice all of the debris around him from the train. There were many bodies laying around as well, either screaming in agony or already dead.

He could then hear sobbing from a familiar voice. "That has got to be Heru, but what is going on?" He scanned the area and spotted Heru. He was so fat away that it seemed like a football field could be placed in between them. However, Gil could see him like he was only a few feet away. Heru was knelt down on the ground sobbing and crying. He raced over to and upon arriving at the scene Gil began to make out who it was. Tears started to form in his eyes. It can't be He thought noticing it was Heru's grandfather. "How did he get here." He asked then looked up, "How did any of this happen." Gil then remembered what his grandfather said. "Heru we have to go now. Remember what my grandfather said. If anything out of the ordinary happens to run. We have to go come on." He began to yell as he began pulling on Heru's arm. He then could hear Sora calling to him. "Come on Sora we have to go now." He yelled out to him still looking down at Heru trying to get him off of the ground.
Yuri wuld wakeup on his Chair in his apartment and looks at the clock on the wall and it was 1.27 Pm as the Plane would leave at 4.00 pm.As he gets up and yawns he still feels that odd feeling as he canot explain it yet,as he wuld start too pack his things not much only what is nesesary like Cloath and wuld Proside too the elevator on the apartment and press number 1 too go too the first Floor,As he reaches the floor he lends the Key too his apartment too the Man behinde the couter "Have a nice day sir Yuri"the man behinde the couter say befor yuri left the apartment building and wuld wait for a cab too stop.As the Taxi stops Yuri opens the door and sits down and the man says "were too"as yuri wuld put his Things on an empty side he wuld say the man "Too sydney airport"as he wuld say that he wuld lend the man 30 AUD (australian cash)and the man wuld take it and say "No problem we will be there shortly"as the man wuld start too drive too the Airport and Yuri wuld lay back and look at his pendant as it is the only thing he has left too remember his parents.

(Gona be gone today so this might be mi last post of the day)
Sora heard Gil call hik and said "Yeah we should, I don't think it's safe to stay here. I'll make an exit." Sora walked over to the wall behind Heru. He picked up a crowbar and used his energy ultra vibrations of it. It sawed effortlessly into the wall of the train. Sora then used the bar to widen the hole for people to get through. Sora said "It's cheap train with an expensive crowbar nothing ahnormal here." He hoped Gil hadn't noticed completely what he just did. Sora emerged into the forest like land outside of Barcelona he looked around for danger because he could definitely sense it. "Hurry before we see something we don't want too. Grab the man Heru's holding if you have to." Sora said in a loud whisper to Gil.
John collapsed before he made it to Heru's location, completely drained. He wasn't unconscious, just asleep, as his snoring would've been audible from far away. He missed every bit of what happened. Didn't get to sleep long though. He woke up when the train derailed. He slammed into a man sitting on the right side of the train as the train car flipped onto its side. He climbed to his feet slowly, pulling himself up by a piece of debris. Bodies surrounded him, most bleeding and injured. "Heru!" He called out.

He waved his right arm in his friend's direction. That's when he noticed a piece of debris in his arm. A thin, sharp piece of metal protruded from his forearm, buried about 3 inches deep. Blood leaked out of the wound slowly. John groaned in pain and ripped it out. He ripped a piece of fabric from his shirt and tied it tight around his elbow to slow the bleeding. He walked until he found Heru huddled over his grandfather. "Oh, man.. wait, how did he.." John said out loud.
How did he get here from New York? He thought to himself. He saw Gil and a kid trying to get Heru to move. "Hey.. Gil right?" He'd only met Gil a few times.

He knew Heru and his grandfather a lot better, from work actually. It's surprising how you can get to know someone when you make their coffee so often. John nodded at what the kid said. He noticed the use of an ability but didn't mention it. "He's right. I don't think we can help these people anymore than the emergency responders." He said to Gil. Slowly he turned back to Heru and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss, man.. but we have to go. Something big is happening."

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