An Introductory Speech


New Member
Hello lovelies!

As school year is wrapping up with only four months till graduation, I thought it would be time to get back into roleplay -- this time, on a new and better site. Anyway, my name is Emmaline. Most people call me Em or Emma, but any name's a name. We'll probably get along well if you like coffee, indie music, and country music, as well as good food, but everybody loves that. Although editing anything from stories to articles is my passion, writing is a huge hobby of mine (which may be redundant to say, considering I'm on this website). I've been roleplaying for years now (an understatement). I'm usually up for any type of genre, especially if it's a complex plot that's well thought out.

Sorry for the length! I tend to write thoughtless banter that wastes five minutes of people's lives (:

Em <3
Hullo, Emmie-chan~ Welcome to RpNation!

I hope you enjoy your stay to full capacity and hopefully overfill the bucket. (≧∇≦)I'd love to role play with you sometime (we're already beginning a RP but hehe). *huggles* I can't wait to get a taste of your writing style, I bet it's a goodie! ( ^ω^ )

One thing you need to know, I abuse my poor silly emoticons, bear with me~ Also the hugs, but you like huggles don't you? ^u^

Huggles and Many Warm Welcomes,

Nerdy ~(^u^~)
Hugs are always welcome, of course c:

Can't wait for our roleplay! It's been a while since I've read such a good one.

Kidding. xD Welcome to RpN! If you do happen to have any questions, reach out to someone (or poke them as I prefer) and they'll surely be able to help. The community here is awesome.

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