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Fantasy An Exiled Paradise


A writer of words and drawer of lines
It's been four months. There was some event in Australia. A meteor or something, I don't know. Soon after, almost all the people who were in contact of the radiation were dead. More or less.

Then it spread. That damn virus spread faster than a wildfire. No one really knew what it was. It changed people. I don't believe them, but they said it killed them and reanimated them. Nah, that's just some scared dick, making things up. Well, anyway it had this effect. Like a, a umm, it wasn't a virus. Not a fungus. Augh, I don't know. But it would almost mutate the people. Once infection hit someone, it seemed like allergies. No biggie. It wasn't until about four hours in that things got real. I watched it happen.

It started with the nose, always the nose. It would bleed and bleed and bleed. She went through so many tissues. I didn't know what was going on, so naturally, I took her to the hospital. But the military was already there. It was quarantined. When they saw her nosebleed, they took her. And without any explanation, they torched my car. I got arrested and sent to the local jail. But while I was in there, the same thing was happening to someone in the cell next to me, only they were halucinating. There were a few times that he was clear headed, he told me he got really bad allergies about seven hours ago. He started hallucinating a few minutes after I got there. Mid conversation too. The prison guard was too infatuated with his tv in the other room to realize what was going on. He just stood there, watching. I could hear it, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

I tried to get his attention, but all he did was close the door. Anyway, the prisoner started seriously hallucinating. Like bad. He thought someone was coming to get him, and that he had to hide from him. Something about hiding behind corpses and escaping something. That was when he did it. He broke something sharp, a piece of his toilet I think. But he started to attack imaginary things. He was so angry.

He ended up throwing the piece at me. He got me right in my damn forehead. I had to cut my shirt to make a makeshift bandage cause the idiot cop was watching tv. Well my neighbor ended up getting hungry. The bugs were gone I guess. But he was really hungry. for anything. He even gave himself a Chelsea grin. I had never been so scared in my life. He needed a "bigger mouth". After trying to eat stuff in his cell, he though I looked tasty. His words were getting all mixed together and difficult to understand. I was so scared. That's when the idiot cop opened the door to bring someone else in. He hadn't heard a bloody thing! Idiot. Well he did something really stupid. There was a kid with him. Probably around 18 or 19. He had just be arrested for something similar to me. Well the cop was confused and terrified. And he did what any normal man would have done. He ran. Last thing he said was something about allergies and his wife.

Okay, so I've got this crazy guy who want's to eat me four feet away in his cell, his arms reaching for me through the bars, and a kid who is frozen, terrified of what was going on. I told the kid to find some keys. But he heard something and ran into the other room. Turns out some freaks like my neighbor had jumped through the glass. The kid ran back inside and shut the door. Only this time he had keys. He tossed them to me, then locked us in. So we had this guy in his cell, and these people banging on the door. I ran to a window and tried to kick it. It didn't break, of course.

Anyway, sorry, I get sidetracked easily. Long story short, this infection came and turned people into monsters. Most have these creepy Joker like cuts on their cheeks. It's terrifying. But it takes twelve hours after infection to become the mindless beasts. It's been about four months. I think I said that. But some of the infected people will slow down after a while. But when people first get infected, they'll sprint everywhere. It's like they have unlimited stamina. After a few weeks, they slow, eventually turning to walking.

Well, here I am. I don't know why I bother writing in this stupid journal every night. Half the time it's the same story. Well, hell is behind me, and hell is ahead of me. That's really all I know at the moment.

Hell, I may be the only sane human left.

Well, goodnight you damn journal. See you tomorrow. If I last the night.


As you can probably tell, this is a zombie RP. I've been wanting to do a serious one for a good while. But can never find people who actually take it seriously. So here's to finding people that do.


I wanted this to be different, so I tried to do my own take on them. Inspired by That Last of Us and The Walking Dead.

When first infected, it's like allergies. Stuffy nose and congestion. That goes on for about four hours. Then comes the bloody nose, which goes on for about two hours. Then start hallucinations. The bloody nose sort of stops, but is a case to case situation. The infected person begins hallucinating their biggest fears. During this time, they often will do whatever it takes to make it stop. If its fear of bugs, they'll take a knife and try to cut the bugs away and stuff. Gruesome, I know. During the hallucinations, the virus sets on changing their jaw structure to open wider and stuff. After the hallucinations, the victim will do whatever it takes to sate hunger. Often times, they'll take bites out of everything nearby. Cars, walls, weapons, people. Most times they end up with chipped and jagged teeth and a chelsea grin. Terrifying, I know. The virus will typically do something with the jaw so it opens wider and can sate it's hunger easier. After this is done, it will continue to slowly change the victim to optimize speed and killing ability.

The infected will sometimes go on all fours, having had it's limbs changed so they will move faster. Over time, they do get slower and easier to kill. But for a good while, infected are fast and highly dangerous. A good portion of the human race was immune, however, that doesn't make them immune to death. Not many still live.


be serious. If you know or don't know that you arent' very good at putting yourself in the shoes of other characters, don't. Just base your character off yourself, and be honest. You won't walk away from a fight joking when your friend got torn apart. Even if you are the funny one.

Make your character average. No "and then he pulled out his katana and like jumped over the charging zombie and then killed it. but the katana broke, so he pulled out his swiss army knife and took out the other like four zombies with taht and his ninjas skillz". You know what I mean.

Any questions, just ask. 
Sorry about any typos. I'll admit, I'm not the best at spelling. But that's okay.

Another rule. Please be literate. I mean a few spelling and grammar mistakes, no biggie. But be sure it's understandable and everything.
Lilac sat up in a tree, looking at the three "Mutants" below her. She had been stuck up there for two days, she had hoped that by this time they would've gotten bored and left, but that's not the case.

The mutants groaned and clawed at the tree hungrily, occasionally the smaller of the three would run at the tree and try to climb up, but that only resulted in the bark falling off, along with a small chunk of skin from his forearm.

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