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Futuristic An End of an Era and a Beginning of a New: Character Sheet


Florian Society Member
In this character sheet i want you to have fun but not be all important leaders but i will accept some under the right conditions.

The character sheet is as follows but changes will be added if and when necessary. As well as any concerning questions just ask me.

Race: (Yes there are aliens but don't have names for them so if you have any ideas just tell me).
Job: Ex: Chieftain (leader of a group or village), Soldier, Doctor, Bounty Hunter... (You get the idea. any other questions just ask me.)
Skills: EX: Excellent marksman, agile, acrobatic, excellent piloting skills, etc... ( Can have one or two comparing what they are).
Weakness/ Fears"
Background: (Don't need to write paragraphs of stuff. Just a nice short description should do).

Name: John Percy (AKA Jon).
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Job: Special Forces
Skills: Trained marksman and computer expert
Weakness / Fears: Can't stand the cold and doesn't think things through all the time.
Strengths: A person who knows his way around computers and is pretty handy with range and close combat fighting thanks to his training.
Background: At age eight Jon was drafted into the forces after being taken away by his family to help in the civil war on his planet. The training was brutal and had pulled its tow on him until he went onto the battlefield reprogramming droids, security defenses, and ships. In his recent mission he was captured and was pronounced as MIA until the fateful hour when both sides used world ending weaponry. Many many many years later the world is repopulated and even a few new alien species have decided to make this place their new home. Recently a old war site was dug up and with it had information and names and one being John Percy STATUS MIA.


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