American Freaks In London


I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.
When signing up please include:


Creature: (what type of creature you are)

Power: (you can choose not to have any powers if you want)


Appearance: (post a picture)





Other: (feel free to put in as much trivia as you want)

Sexuality: (this doesn't have to be filled in)

What happened: (just do a run down of how your character ended up like how he or she is. If they were born like that, leave it blank.)

That's really about it.

It doesn't have to be a paranormal character, mine will be a test subject, so get creative.

My character:

Nick name: Wraps (he forgot his own name so people always called him Wraps)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Eye color: Red

Hair color: White

Height: 7 ft. 9 in.

Weight: ?



Behavior: Wraps is quiet until he gets used to you.

Ability: He doesn't really have anything apart from good fighting skills..

Handicap: He is in a constant, frozen, state of decomposing.

What happened: Scientists tried to make a serum that can help regenerate skin faster than a regular human's body, the serum instead back fired on all the test subjects, most of them died but Wraps was only 1 out of 4 who survived.

Fears: Due to this journey he isn't really afraid of much anymore.

Dislikes: He hates pain and death mostly due to what the scientists have done to him. He also hates being lonely and rotten food

Likes: Friends, being normal, hugging.

Sexuality: Straight.

Quirks: He really doesn't have any, he's actually quite a pessimist.

Other: 144 is his favorite number, along with 23.
1. @Stew

2. @Saul

3. @Fallen from Heaven

4. @RPLoverRP

8. @pochiko
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Name: Unknown

Code Name: Darkness

Creature: Vampire / Angel of Death

Power: Categorized as a vampire, Darkness is unlike any other. Reincarnated from the ancient god of death, Yama. Darkness was given his abilities to be the next Angel of Death.

Height: 6' 0"



Behavior: Darkness is a very quiet individual. With no one to look for and being locked up in this facility after his last incident, He stays alone. He wants to be able to see the light of day again, he does not know how long it will take. When someone taunts him he begins to become angry. Any type of hatred toward him or even one wrong word turns him into the epitome of evil. The Angel of Death.

Likes: The smell of blood.

Dislikes: People who taunt him, anyone who hurts his sister

Fears: Dying, losing his sister

Other: He wears a lot of dark clothes and enjoys to be alone.

Sexuality: Straight

What happened: As the newest addition to the facility. Darkness knows why he is there and knows well and why he did what he did. He is however in a state of amnesia and the scientists say it will last for a long time. He was walking to go see his sister when the wafted through the air like a fresh baked dessert. He ran to find it, it was toward his best friends house. Kiba. A man had come to kill kiba, a Vampire Hunter. His friend cold and dead on the floor mad Darkness angry. A visible aura taints the air around him a thin black color. He stands and turns to the hunter with blood red eyes. He explains He found a tasty snack. A blast sent from his hand knocked the man out of the window sending him straight to the concrete pavement. Darkness walked toward the man and held him by his neck. he crushed the mans throat in a firm grip. Days later the Hunter Embassy had got word of What Darkness had done and sent the facility officials to take him. He was locked up for a long time. or at least until they came back to kill him. He has no recollection of his abilities of being the angel of death. For now. 

Stew said:
1. @Stew
2. @Saul

3. @Fallen from Heaven

4. @RPLoverRP
8. @pochiko
Name: Emarni Callidus

Creature: Absolutuus-Mortus- which translates to "Perfect Dead" in Latin. Essentially a vampire but more powerful and with more abilities.



Emarni can move objects with her mind, though she finds it easier when she's looking directly at them. She also feels a need to throw her hand out dramatically every time she does this, (probably because she's a total drama queen).

Developing telepathy-

Emarni will begin to develop a very shaky form of telepathy soon, that'll enable her to read minds and communicate via mind. She'll only be able to read basic thoughts on the surface of people's minds. Darkness told her she'd develop telepathy but Emarni seemed very against the idea.

Height: 5' 11"



Behaviour: Emarni is prone to acting like a child; she throws hissy fits when she's angry, screams a hell of a lot at the smallest things and cries whenever she doesn't get what she wants. She relies on her brother to save her all the time, despite being almost as powerful at him. She lacks confidence in her abilities, which is why they sometimes falter. Sometimes, when she's angry or frustrated, Emarni grows very violent and sometimes a little psychotic.


- Her brother, the only remaining family she has left.

- The warm blood and flesh of the living.

- Slaughtering people, normally brutally.

- Shopping. She really likes shopping.


- Her brother, sometimes.

- Wraps, since they broke up, but she might still have feelings for him.

- Remembering, 'cos it hurts.

- Guns, since her parents were shot (in front of her).

- Water because.... Ugh.


- Needles. She's always detested them.

- Small spaces, they freak her out.

- Vampire slayers.

- Elevator shafts.... Bad memories.

- The facility. That place was hell.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

History: Emarni was born to Yuki and Hisao Kieran nearly seventeen years ago. She idolised her older brother Darkness from a young age because he was powerful and brave and strong and awesome and- anyway, that's not the point. She developed telepathy when she was considerably young and had almost completely mastered it by the time she was eleven. It was around this age that attacks started on their family and she was terrified, realising that a lot of people out there that really wanted to hurt her. When she was about fifteen/sixteen, the facility got her. Her parents were shot in front of her and she was kidnapped. She had all her memories wiped and was put in the Paranormal Facility; she changed her surname to Callidus, the Latin word for clever, and remade herself. In the facility, she met a bunch of people who became her (kinda) friends. Coal- "Moron"- the giant insect, who vanished at some point; Pam, who they lost along the way; Wraps, who eventually became her boyfriend; and Darkness, her older brother. They were later joined by Sugar, the girl who had teeth for a face, Ayakashi, a demon possessing a human and Alison, a hybrid freak that dared compare Emarni to a mere mortal. Emarni didn't particularly like either of them. Sugar died and was replaced by a prostitute called Candy, who Emarni doesn't know very well. All this time, they were running and they were eventually caught. They escaped the facility again and made it to England.
Heheheheheheheehehehehe *runs away, cackling evilly all the way* Wrapsarni is not dead yet... Hehehehehehehehehehehe....
Darkashi is still alive..I

And what the hell are yall's real names ;-; I'm Brandon
I'm Justin, and I hate JB, I also look like Harry Potter with glasses on.
My name... Well, they call me Satan. You may have heard of me. I reside in a fiery dimension known as hell.

(Have fun guessing my real name, bitches. I'm going to bed. See y'all tomorrow.)
Aw, I was wanting to have some more Tsun-and-no-dere Em. 
Not what I was expecting.
expecting a white kid with glasses huh? lol. Nope, I'm half black and white. 18 and graduated from high school. aaaaaaaaaanndddd..Yea that's about it lol
I was actually expecting some guy who sits around shirtless all day with only some sweats and a snapback on. (The type that's not fat)
(I miss old giant insect...i will miss him ;-;.....But anyway...I think he will be a nice guy)

Name:Yuri Solotov

Creature:Dark Walker

  • {Power}
  • Well he can do mostly anything with shadows but at night he is very strong as
  • Ability too shift between multiple Dark cretures that he can become at any moment
  • Ability too Manipulate Shadows
  • Ability too make objects out of Shadow/Dark
  • Ability too become people shadow and be Unotisable

Height:6.7 FT



Behavior:Depends in the situation as he can chage dramaticly but most of the time he is serius and gentalmen like somtimes but it depends on situation it can change too the point he is a little girl...that will never happen

Likes:Darknes (Not the character),Other peoples Shadows,Meat,Color black things,Instrumental music

Dislikes:The light too much,Vegis,Light coclors,anoying people

Fears:Very lighted places,small places

Other: He dosent have a shadow as he is the shadow (Basacly no shadow behinde him)


What happened:Born like this

u wana go m8
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"Im Yuri and i will be your Guide in Englade" xD good thing i know about Englade if you need any land mark or plase tell mi dont be afraid too ask ^-^

Name: Neon

Age: 14

Race: Furry {feline}

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Green

Fur Color: Tabby yellow-orange

Height: 6ft.

Appearance: Picture but with black stripe on forehead.


Bbehavior Very outgoing and a little quirky.

Ability: Can shrink down to 0.10 in. Can use telepathy but in moderation. {Must roll dice to determin how much energy he has today added on to unused energy from previous days. Stripe on forehead can glow bright red hence the name neon.

Handicap: When Shrunk, He Cant Use Telepathy. Is stuck that size for 3 hours. (12 hours if all energy is used up)

Likes: EDM music, Rock music, Making Music, Pizza, Girls

Dislikes: Brostep Music, Pop music, Vore (yet always seems to survive it even when chewed on), The Ruby Of Eleka (a speshal gem the person who turned him into a furry wanted), mummies.

Story: Basically, while in an eexperimentfor a pill to make humans able to talk to animals using The Ruby Of Eleka. A madman who wanted it messed up the eexperimentand caused Neon to become a furry.

Fears: Being Eaten, Needles, Death

Facts: Lucky number is 14.

Can copy any EDM song 100%.

Theme Song: Snowblind by AU5.

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