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Fantasy Amber Lite

Turtle Queen1010

Turtles are amazing!
Okay excuse rhe lack of detail im judt trying to fill my posts in. The next two are old ones

Name: Amber

Full name: Amber lite

Hair color: blonde

Likes: Pizza, snow, animals and winter

Dislikes: bullies

Powers: snow/ ice

Age: 10

Pets: a small white bunny name snowball

[C] mother- alive
[C] dad- alive
[C] brother- younger and alive

Bio: Amber lite is a sweet young girl she loves her family and she loves her younger brother James. Her dad is a doctor and her mothers a school teacher she loves to play in the snow with her little brother James. She has a great life and great friends she couldn't ask for anything better.

Favorite color: white and light blue

Pets: one white bunny rabbit name snowball

Best friend: melody heart

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