Alone in the world

Name: - (unknown, not revealed.)

NickName: Clive.

Age: 17



Weapons: None at the moment, although he may acquire some in the future. He does, however, have some skill in unarmed close combat.

Crush: Michi

Difference: A mutation of wings, although he doesn't have much skill in flying whatsoever, as being stuck in the lab gave him no opportunity to practice.


Clive doesn’t remember much if his childhood. If he even had one. His earliest memories are a scattering of fear and confusion. He was a loner, isolating himself out of uncertainty and lack of trust for the others within the lab. They were all cold, self-sustaining, and independent, only forming groups out of necessity or business. Clive did his duties, eventually got a place in warmer housing and developed a few way allies. Yet, he was still so afraid, nothing quite made sense, off kilter just enough to feel alien, manufactured.

He was returning from his work at the farm when he found the girl. She was small, timid, but there was a certain light about her, a positivity. She had somehow managed to get lost in the contained space of the lab, calling out “Michi” in rapid fire. Clive led the young girl back to his housing and offered her soup, conversing with her until she calmed, and was able to explain what had happened. The next day, they set off to find this “Michi”, wandering about the lab. Upon finding him, the other boy appeared so relieved that no doubt escaped that they loved one another. The two were a family.

The warmth was overpowering, so Clive introduced himself and began hanging around, bringing little gifts and becoming closer with them over time. Michi and Ririri weren’t related by blood, they explained, yet were brother and sister in every other meaning. Eventually, Clive was a regular, glued to their sides and finding himself more loyal by the day. A few months later, Michi admitted that Clive was practically a part of the ragged little family, much to his surprise and delight.

After they escaped from the lab, finding themselves stranded in a destroyed and barren world, the bond is practically unbreakable. Caring for Ririri comes first, and for Michi? Clive still isn’t sure what he feels. . . Nevertheless, there’s nothing more important to him than remaining together, and alive. It’s difficult to keep everything straight though, when every day is more running, more scrambling for his life. The three tend to keep a small distance from the rest of the group, simply as an act of protection and paranoia.


Clive is generally lighthearted, and more prone to optimism than anything else. It’s a fair sign that something is wrong if he isn’t joking or laughing, doing whatever he can to lift the mood. Conflict is something he avoids, so utilizing his humor to break up a fight is common, and possibly irritating, to his peers. After all, disputes are normal, and can’t always be avoided. Nevertheless, he put full effort into edging away from them. Conclusively, it’s ne of his assets, and could be useful to the group somewhere down the road.

When it comes to his family, Clive is highly protective, even territorial at times. His loyalty is unwavering, after all, it was them that let him into the group, gave his life meaning, purpose, and light. There aren’t many things he wouldn’t sacrifice for them, though Michi tends to insist on taking most shifts, and wearing himself out. Fortunately, Michi can’t always escape Clive’s insistence, and Clive often worries for the other boy’s health. He isn’t invincible, and had to take care if himself if he hopes to take care of Ririri. If a stranger would to approach the group, especially in a hostile manner, he wouldn’t hesitate to be on the defense.

But things have changed, since they immerged from that hole in the ground. The world outside is deplorable, devastated, and ultimately, terrifying. Clive can’t help but he scared, and uncertain. Thus, he often lets the important decisions fall onto Micihi, depending on him for plans. Every day is so tiring, seemingly impossible, sometimes Clive just feels like giving up, sinking into the sand and laying there forever. But his family. They give him motivation, drive, and a purpose for waking up the next day. Clive also tends to be shy, especially when romance is concerned. He’s never been in a relationship, he doesn’t even know how they work, having no reference to fall back on. Not that he could ever admit he had feelings for Michi. There’s a fear that exposing his emotions would be devastating, destroy perfectly function relation he already has, breaking the one good thing he has.
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Vin drafted/lured me in. So I'mma need two places please.

-Under Construction-

Michi & Ririri

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/579875_275262622574373_326534121_n_large.jpg.cf91a6975c143db89b51e3f4ccedb957.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10415" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/579875_275262622574373_326534121_n_large.jpg.cf91a6975c143db89b51e3f4ccedb957.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Character Sheet 1-

Name: Michi (No last name that he knows of)

NickName: N/A

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/michi.jpg.d15ab94ef2a761b74c9d1b105cffd4f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10414" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/michi.jpg.d15ab94ef2a761b74c9d1b105cffd4f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Michi stands at 5 foot 3 inches, with a weight that varies from 102 to 117 lbs. He as medium thick, straight, dark brown hair with randomly placed blonde and red highlights. The red highlights mostly decorate the front of his head. Smallish, slanted, dark brown eyes are often hidden behind red framed sunglasses.

Weapons: Skilled in hand to hand combat

Crush: Clive (Unadmittedly)

Difference: Michi was one of the ones mixed with Avian DNA, so he has wings, but they mostly remain tucked against his back under a shirt. For the most part he looks normal, but his brain is programed like a computer, it picks up and retains information, especially languages. Bright lights give him a headache which is why he normally wears sunglasses, unless it's night.

History: As far as Michi knows, he'd lived there his whole life. This was his life. This was normal.


-Character Sheet 2-

Name: Ririri (Given by Michi)

NickName: N/A

Age: 4


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/ririri___by_rawrimyourdaddybish-d59b4eb.jpg.e700e8c6e503784ec1e762ef8aa21fc3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/ririri___by_rawrimyourdaddybish-d59b4eb.jpg.e700e8c6e503784ec1e762ef8aa21fc3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has long, thick, straight, dark brown hair found in a ponytail and sometimes pigtails more often than not. She's about 3 foot 2, and weighs about 45 lbs. Her eyes are similar to Michi's but slightly wider.

Weapons: N/A

Crush: N/A

Difference: Ririri was born in the lab though this isn't known to anyone but those who had worked on her themselves. She's bred from Michi's DNA with another (failed) Human/Avian hybrid. Though she had passed away and never met either Michi or Ririri. Her wings are more natural, and she has superior eyesight and hearing.





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Name: Taryn Grigori

Nickname: Ryn

Age: 18

Looks: Taryn has brown hair and steel blue eyes that change shades with her mood. She is small and lithe.


Weapons: She's good with blades and likes to get up close and personal. Can also use a bow.

Crush: Unknown

Difference: She has characteristics of a Jaguar. She has claws and fangs and her skin is patched with a black jaguar's spots. Her pupils are like the cat's, and she has the temper of the cat as well.

History: Taryn was one of the lab's darker experiments. She was genetically altered with a jaguar's DNA. However, the scientist did not get the wanted effect. The genetic testing took too well in the girl. Instead of getting a few characteristics, they got more than they bargained for. She adopted the looks and temperament of the jaguar. Since she could not function like a human being any longer, they kept her in a cage in the back room, constantly running tests and trying to "fix" her. She eventually grew feral and violent and allowed no one to touch her. She constantly combats her volatile nature from being locked in a cage constantly.

The moment she escaped she learned as much as she possibly could to defend herself from being locked up again. She is a loner and can't function in society. She desperately wishes to fit in somewhere, but her warring halves prevent her from doing so.
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Name: Unknown

Nickname: Jade

Age: 17

Looks: Bright green eyes with wavy brown hair that's usually up in a pony tail, and freckles. 5'8"

Crush: Unknown

Difference: Genetic experiment that gives very dark/demon like powers: Voice imitation, telepathy, telekinesis, causes injuries without touching the other person.

History: In hopes of tracking neurological information easier for a better outlook on all the hidden frontiers of the brain and how it works, the lab had used her as a test subject to exercise these methods on. This opened up a new door with more information that was better off left unseen and unheard of, and with that spawned an almost evil entity due to the gain of knowledge and telepathic strength. She has yet been unable to control this strength/force.

Personality: Calm, deceptive, stubborn, headstrong, short tempered, protective, secretive<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/summer_skin__by_dastorm_photography-d56hmdb.jpg.7a2ee36fd28e6f3728458a932e318131.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/summer_skin__by_dastorm_photography-d56hmdb.jpg.7a2ee36fd28e6f3728458a932e318131.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Sheet:

Name: Bethany Smiths

NickName: Anny



Weapons(optional): pistol (i know its not in the pic)

Crush: Clive

Difference(From the whole testy thing): genetic experiment that gives her the power to move things with her mind and start things on fire with her eyes.

History(Brief at the very least): The place wanted to test on her because of her phycic abilities, which get stronger as she learns how to use them better.

Personality: kind of a smart ass, likes to prank people, is sort of a bad girl in a way.
Name: White Wolf

NickName: Shot Eye

Age: 17


Weapons(optional): Bow and Arrow

Crush: Open

Difference: Can transform into a White Wolf at Will

History: Was a spy before she was captured, her friends and her were captured and killed for information, uslessly tossed to the side. She was prodded with needles, and poked. One day one of the scientists did a bad job of locking up. She escaped, and lives as a loner, but doesn't mind company, even if it seems like she hates it. When you get to know her, she's kind, and a sweetheart, but outside she's kinda jerk and will shun you off.
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