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Realistic or Modern Almost Might (Super Hero RP) - Lore


Ace Character - Final 4
The Setting

The year is 2016, and super powers exist.

In fact, there’s always been people with super powers, ever since the ancient days. Back then, such individuals rose above the common man, using their powers for both good and bad. Their feats and deeds often inspired the mythical stories of legend; Gilgamesh, Achilles, Hercules to name a few we still hear about even today.

During the course of history the view of super powers has varied. In medieval Europe for example, people grew vary of individuals with super powers and how dangerous they could potentially become, and as such the powers where banned. Effectively, anyone that showed signs of super powers were accused for being a witch and often prosecuted

This trend spread throughout the world, and these powers became more so a curse than the blessing it had been in ancient history. Up until the modern day, most people that possess super powers (Supes) have been treated like second class citizens, and many have chosen to hide their abilities in an attempt to live normal lives without having to fall under the stigma. For a time, it was almost as if these powers where forgotten.

However, in the mid-1900’s things started going in another direction. With the rise of commercialism came Super Heroes and Super Villains in colorful capes and costumes; an effective way of gaining profit from comic books, movies and merchandise. Suddenly, super powers where something desirable again, something that people awed.

But even if the public often welcome the newfound love for supes, not all governments enjoy their sudden rise in popularity, and in many places super powers are still outlawed, forcing supes to hide their identities when showing their powers in the open. Super powered (and untrained) individuals taking upon them to become vigilantes that try to solve crime and even armed conflicts and wars more often than not mess things up, especially from a bureaucratic point of view. And then there is of course the rise of super powered terrorism that has brought up the question whether or not the armies of the world should start training super humans in order to use their powers in war. Supes in war is a subject often debated, on the one hand it is against international war-treaties, but on the other hand it’s got great potential... Then again, guns and tanks probably do the job better in the long run anyway.

And of course there are still groups that do not agree with this new trend and to all in their power to reverse it, or in other ways eliminate the presence of super humans.
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Magic and the Occult

It’s hard to draw a line where Super Powers turn into magic or start touching upon occult themes. But we’re going to keep it quite clear that magic does not exist, nor does any magical creatures, such as vampires, werewolves or unicorns. Sure, there might be Super Powers that appear to be magical, and cannot be explained by modern day sience. And this is totally fine. What you need to remember is that, in this setting, stories about magic, and magical beings sprang from the extraordinary effects of super powers.

Imagine this: Perhaps there was once a Romanian count named Vlad. And perhaps, Vlad had the super power to turn invisible, or transform into a bat? Perhaps his flaw was that he couldn’t stand the rays of the sun (a thing that doesn't have to be unnatural at all, really)? And perhaps he just had a thing for drinking blood since he was sort of a crazy, warmongering, maniac? Could be real in this setting. Like, Vlad was clearly extraordinary in his own time and struck fear in the people around him, which in turn gave birth to his legacy. Today, however, he'd been considered just another crazy supe, not a Vampire cursed by god (well, unless you asked a very, very, religious person).

In short, stories of magic and such things originated from stories that often included super powers in one way or another. But these stories are almost always extremely exaggerated and inaccurate. Which is why, even in this setting, they’re generally considered myths and legends.

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