Alliance of Seven Nations

Death Korps of Krieg

Keeper of the Ruins
Official Name: Alliance of Seven Nations
Demonym: Depends on which of the seven nations that make up the alliance the person one is referring to comes from.
Government Type: Confederacy
Queen Iriyaz of Amaerus
Grand Minister Keros Shelos of Ethos(no rhyme intended)
Grand Magister Rommath Stormweaver of Fridei
King Najentus of Beldel
Highlord Megrent of Kul’tiras
Lady Sharaz of Stromgarde
Emperor Metzler of Malantar

Galaxy: Andromeda
Territory: A tiny dot near the edge adjacent to the Milky Way
Number of Systems: 30 colonized systems. 200 outpost systems.
Influence Rank: 2

Capital World: Kul’tiras, a water world with no land save for a single island that rings the entire equator.
Population by Race: 13 billion Humans, 9 billion Amarans, 16 billion Ethisites, 5 billion Eldrazun, 19 billion Sindorites, 9 billion Etherians, 12 billion Stromern

Technology Rank: 7.8 is the average, though Amaerus and Ethos are both 8.1.
FTL Travel: The seven nations all have different modes, though all except for Amaerus and Ethos use some form of hyperspace travel.

Amaerus - Wormhole technology. Affords them long range, but it is very costly in terms of energy and forces a long cool down.

Ethos - Warp travel. Likewise, affords long range, but costly in energy.

Kul’tiras, Stromgarde, Beldel, Fridei, Malantar - Hyperspace drive. Medium range, but has less energy cost and lower cooldown.

Technological Development Focus: Balanced
Exceptional Technologies: The Alliance has several exceptional technologies at its disposal.

Long Jump - The starships of Kul’tiras are able to massively increase their FTL range by allowing black holes to pull them in with their immense gravity, causing rapid acceleration right before activating their hyperspace engine in a flyby maneouver. Kul’tiras ships are sometimes destroyed by these attempts.

Hardened Shields - Amaerus battleships have extra hardened shields capable of absorbing near infinite amounts of damage for a few minutes when the hardened shields are activated. This allows the battleships to charge into the fray and potentially change the course of the battle in the few minutes they spend raining hellfire upon their foes.

Hyper neutron beam - Ethos asteroid bases are armed with a single hyper neutron beam - extremely powerful energy weapons that disintegrate anything that is small enough in their path. The downside is that it is useless against massive ships and it is easy to dodge if the enemy commander knows the signs that the beam is about to fire. It also fires very slowly and costs huge amounts of energy.

Culture: WIP
Government: WIP
Military: WIP

History: The Alliance had its roots in an interstellar war within the Endar Sector, where the worlds of Kul’tiras, Amaerus, and Ethos lay. Kul’tiras was settled by humans during the days of the Light, and these humans lived near two other alien civilizations - The Amarans and Ethisites. The Amarans of Amaerus were remarkably intelligent xenos that forged trade deals with the humans of Kul’tiras. The Ethisites of Ethos were less friendly, only going as far as signing a nonaggression pact, but nothing more. Later on, the Light disappeared, paralyzing all of human civilization. Kul’tiras was no exception, and it suffered. Neither the Amarans nor the Ethisites came to its aid, until another space faring xeno race came along - the Stromern of Stromgarde. The Stromern were kind enough to give the Kul’tirans semantics of a hyperdrive engine, and this they outfitted into their long defunct ships. The Kul’tirans and Stromern then decided to see the situation of the Amarans and the Ethisites, and they found them in a gruelling interstellar war. The Amarans had allies, called the Eldrazun. The Eldrazun are enigmatic beings of energy that directed the Amaran forces with such brilliance that they drove the once proud Ethisite fleet into near extinction. The war went unchecked, and the Amarans were held away from Ethos itself only by the Ethisite asteroid bases armed with hyper neutron beams that threatened to obliterate the Amaran ships if they ever dare come close. The Amarans decided to have an ally with the Etherians and Sindorites, two races that lived in the nearest star sector of Etjer. The massive Etherian battleships rendered the Ethisite beam cannons useless, and Ethos stood in the brink of destruction. However, in the last moment, Stromern diplomats called for peace in all sides, for it was a pointless bloodshed. Indeed it was, as it all started when the Grand Minister of Ethos insulted the Queen of Amaerus, enraging the honor bound Amarans and brought all their weapons to bear. It was at this moment that they saw that their actions so far were for a worthless cause, and the Queen Iriyaz herself realized that petty insults aren’t something to start a war over with. It was then Kul’tiras took the stage and declared that all the nations that have taken part in the war must set aside their differences for once, as a greater threat loomed - the Invaders. The alliance stood its ground and fought the Invaders with determination, slowly but surely losing entire worlds and systems to the flame. Until one day, news reached them that the Invaders have been defeated at great cost in the Second Battle of Terra Nova, explaining why the attacks against the Alliance’s systems have grown weaker and weaker. However, the seven nations have lost greatly. Their once mighty fleets are all but tattered rips of a piece of cloth, and most of their systems are all but lost to the corrupting pollution their battles with the Invaders left. Worse, the Eldrazun race lost its homeworld, and they are scattered across the Alliance’s worlds like needles in a stack of hay. Stromgarde was all but devastated, and Amaerus will never be the verdant world it once was. However despite all this, they shall rebuild. And for eternity, the alliance will stand its ground.

Goals and Hooks: Expand their fledgling alliance
Survive in a hostile universe

Misc. Notes:


Race Name: Amarans - Blue skinned humanoids
Homeworld: Amaerus
Lifespan: 125-150 years
Reproduction: Sexual
Incubation - 9 months
Infancy - 9 months to ½ years
Childhood - ½ years to 13
Juvenile - 13-19
Adult - 19-125/150
Physiology: The Amarans are humanoids whose body systems are remarkably similar to humans to the point that Amaran medicines will affect both. Their main difference is that the Amarans have perfect 20/20 vision, and have purple blood.
Psychology: The Amarans are an honor bound people that will not tolerate insults, hence them declaring war upon the Ethisites of Ethos simply because the Grand Minister of Ethos was a flirt.
Notes: They are among the most highly advanced nations in the Alliance, and have a deep understanding of what consciousness is.


Race Name: Ethisites - Diminutive human like creatures.
Homeworld: Ethos
Life span - 100-135
Reproduction: Sexual
Incubation - 9 months
Infancy - 9 months to ½ years
Childhood - ½ years to 13
Juvenile - 13-19
Adult - 19-100/135
Physiology - The Ethisites are remarkably similar to humans. It is rumoured that they are actually mutated humans that have adapted to the high gravity conditions of Ethos, but the Ethisites claim otherwise. However, given their secretive nature, it is not unlikely that the rumours are true.
Psychology: The Ethisites are known as rowdy and rough to their allies and merciless towards their enemies. While their attitude is rather undesirable, they care far more than what is seen in the surface and have proven so countless times.


Race Name: Eldrazun - Enigmatic energy beings
Homeworld: Beldel
Life span: Around 800 years.
Reproduction: Unknown. It is, however, known that the Amarans first created them.
Physiology: The Eldrazun are beings of pure energy that have somehow acquired sentience and consciousness. Their bodies are seemingly crystalline in sight, but to the touch, they are searing star flames.
Psychology: Created with the sole purpose of having such intelligence that they are some of the best commanders in the battlefield, the Eldrazun often see carbon based life forms as subject to their whims and commands. However, it is also seen that the Eldrazun have a little bit of empathy, if any. The Eldrazun are known to be bent on stopping anything that threatens the alliance,
Notes: Easily killable with lasers, immune to kinetic and ballistic weaponry.

Race Name: Etherians - Independent AI hivemind race
Homeworld: Fridei. Created by the Sindorites.
Lifespan: 400 years.
Reproduction: Self replication(creating copies of themselves digitally)
Physiology: AI’s
Psychology: The Etherians are known to be strangely enamoured with organic life forms. In other words, the Etherians wonder what it feels like to be organic instead of being virtual life forms. The Etherians are also heavily bound with the Sindorites, their creators.


Race Name: Sindorites - Mutated Amaran colonizers
Homeworld: Sindorus, a planet made completely out one massive ocean as well as a few islands.
Lifespan: 125-150
Reproduction: Sexual
Incubation - 9 months
Infancy - 9 months to ½ years
Childhood - ½ years to 13
Juvenile - 13-19
Adult - 19-125/150
Physiology: The Sindorites of Malantar have regressed in the evolutionary ladder as mutated Amarans, and it appears that their blood has become somewhat greenish, and their skin is rougher to the touch.
Psychology: The Sindorites are obssessed with finding a cure to their mutation, to the point that they created an entire race of AI(the Etherians) just to keep the cogs of society working while the Sindorite race searches for a cure that has eluded their sight.

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