Alley Cats {Open/Accepting} {OOC/Info/SU}


Netherworld Overlord
You don't know why but every night no matter what you were doing, you black out. When you come to, you are now an animal. A cat, a dog, a bird, maybe even a ferret or a rat. Regardless of what you now are, you are no longer in your human body. Beside your human mind, you can feel the animal mind as well and feel their instincts. You are both yourself and the animal.

Each night it plays out like this no matter what you do. At one o' clock in the morning you become this animal, always somewhere in your city and each morning at five, you black out again only to awake hours (maybe minutes) later as a human once again.

This is not your choice.

You have no idea why this has been happening or how to stop it or even what could be possibly gained from this experience. All of you take it differently than others, but have all come to accept this is a reality and is happening. It has been six months since these transformations have begun to occur. Not only does this happen nightly, but you have started to take on a characteristic of your animal side, something small and barely noticeable or something that may be effecting your personality and/or life.

You may also be aware that you are not alone in this strange situation. Some of you may have come across others who have had this, somehow able to communicate with them as an animal. Yet no one is sure who is telling the truth and who anyone actually may be outside their animal form. Trust is low when you have little control over such a situation.

But answers may become solved as a shadowy force begins to watch you during the day. You may also feel it is time to meet people as humans, though not everyone would be welcome to this idea.

No matter what happens later, all you know for right now is the basics. You, against your will (or willingly now) turn into an animal each night for four hours free to do as you will. Nothing else.

What will you find out? What might happen next? The animal part is already beginning to effect your human life and this may not be the first effect from this constant transforming. No one is quite sure but they all hope for it to end. Somehow, someway.

So the summary supplies a lot of the needed information but let me said it again and add a few things:

  • Each and every night from 1 to 5 (I may change this though) you turn into an animal. There is no exception. It happens to everyone every single night during the exact same time for the exact same length. What happens is always this: At 1am you black out and come to as an animal somewhere in the city. At 5am you black out and awake later (can be any amount of time) as a human.
  • This animal can be anything that might be roaming around a city. A cat, a dog, a bird/owl, a rat, a ferret, a goddamn bunny rabbit maybe. Something. No wild animals except for wolves, coyotes and foxes. Only one person may claim one of these and they must be realistic as an animal and their explanation for people not reacting. People can react to them, but I do not want a huge issue to come from it. At least not for right now. Also the gender of the animal does not have to be the gender of your person.
  • Some of you may have run into another one of the others through any reasonable way. You can know one to how ever many you want, but the other person must be willing to let them know them. You can not be aware that it's happening to other people as well! Or you may know but do not interact with anyone, keeping to yourself.
  • As an animal you are free to do whatever, but keep it realistic and reasonable. You're an animal, not a goddamn superhero. This is not like being a werewolf or something. As an animal you are limited to what that animal can do.
  • This occurrence has been going on for sixth months at the start of the RP. Your character should be familiarized with the change and all that comes with it. All should have accepted it's not a dream or delusion, but I am open to having one or two characters stuck on this. But most have accepted it is really happening. Some may have tried to figure it out as well, but so far no one else is aware that it's happening besides them.
  • Your character is NOT ALLOWED to go near to where they passed out at. Your character will find that they are turned away from that spot if they get too close. They will not think this is weird until much later. I may change this rule.
  • Last thing (for now), each person has a characteristic from their animal part that is coming through their human life. It can be a small thing or a big thing but it's nothing physical and nothing that will make them seem crazy. For instance my character will become more and more territorial as time goes on.

So the only rules besides following what I said above and the obvious site rules is you can have only two characters. Well I guess that is all I need to add. Onwards the the character sheets!

Name: (First and Last. Middle is not necessary)

Age: (They must be over 16)

Appearance: (Link, description, picture, it's all good to me)

Personality: (Should be obvious what to write. Give me a good amount of sentences)

History: (Tell me about them. Don't have to go into too much detail of their time as an animal before the start)

Animal: (What do they turn into?)

Effected Behavior: (What is the thing that is happening to them based off their animal?)

Other: (Include anything else)
Name: Autumn Riley Elizabeth



(Needs to PM you)

Autumn was born Semptember 3, 1988 to Kimberly Iris Mason and Joseph Rick Elizabeth. She grew up In a good home with hardly any fighting. That all changed this past summer when her Nana, her mother's mother, moved in. To be frank, her dad doesn't like her Nana very much. Her parents fight constantly now and Autumn is rather terrified.

When she first turned she had no idea what was happening and didn't understand why. She constantly questioned whether or not she was going insane. It was all a nightmarish bluer but she has slowly learned to live with it.

Cottontail Rabbit,

Effected Behavior: Very fast paced and warm.

Name: Madison Stone.

Age: 19.


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Personality: Sneaky and ruthless, Madison is not easily trusted. She sneaks around constantly, eavesdropping or simply just wanting to annoy people. You'll always find her around. She may seem like a nasty person, but actually, she is very sweet and is always kind to people. It's just the part about how she never talks that sets people off. People have tried talking to her in the past, but she never speaks back.

History: Her past is fairly rough and abusive. Her parents were alcoholics, and every time they would get drunk, they would become violent and beat up poor Madison. She did nothing but let them. What else could she do?

After 13 long years of being abused, she finally fought back. But it didn't end up pretty. Her temper raged, and it didn't stop for a long time. Grabbing a broken beer bottle, she smashed it against her Father's head, killing him instantly from the hard blow. Her Mother, died from blood loss. Confused and alone, she ran away, running all the way to the city. She was never the same since that terrible night.

Animal: She turns into a fox. (If that's alright?)

Effected Behavior: Her temper, which is usually calm and polite, is beginning to expand. She is starting to get angry easily, and she has no idea why.

Other: Instead of a red fox, her coat is black and white. (Example:
Woah, long RP sign up sheet to read, but totally worth it!

Name: Rico Rin

Age: 19


Personality+History: Rico is allergic to cats, and tends to be very clumsy. He is usually a very nice guy, and very compassionate. He loves to do sports, but because of his very non-athletic skills, he does'nt do many. He is kind of weak minded and does not think before he does.

When he transformed into a cat, he did not realize that he was actually a cat. He thought he was in some kind if dream, a transe. He did know that he felt smaller, and more nimble than usual. Rico finally realized when he walked past a puddle, and saw that he was a cat. He freaked out, and was the most fluffy cat you've ever seen. He finally began to calm down when he began to transform daily. He has not told anyone, because he is afraid people might think of him as a psychopath.

Animal: Orange city cat.

Effected Behavior: Rico listens and notices every little movement in the area around him. He can hear things other people can not hear, basically.

Other: cat form...
Name: Ophelia Cruor

Age: 16

Height: 5'9 Weight: 160 fit // a smaller, agile wolf with a black coat and piercing blue eyes

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Personality:It's hard to know what's at this girls core, her actions and persona always seem to change depending on what she wants or needs. If one may be able to peak beneath the mask, they perhaps would question her sanity, but that's objectionable, is it not?

Comes from a pedigree of wealth and lawyer types, Phel was born into the world of deception and learned at a young age how important concealing the truth and keeping secrets must be. She grew up with an older brother, (Lionel?) but he was disinherited when she was young and only has relocation of him in her first seven or so years.

At first Phel was in disbelief, but that feeling subsided as she took her natural poise in such a majestic form, looking forward to the nights of change, feeling as if she has a better bearing on the world in this form, knowing it is something she should look into, but aside from half hearted online searches she decides to embrace her new beastly half.

Animal: Wolf

Effected Behavior:
Phel was always somewhat territorial and possessive to what she deems 'hers', and was observant of others from a distant, but now finds herself studying others more intensely... hungrily, looking for how they work, their weaknesses, who they bond to, ect. (She is also starting to develop an aggressiveness that is best left agitated.)

Other: Black Lily.

Name: Alina Katrin

Age: 23

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Personality: Mostly cheerful, but in a slightly evil and socially awkward way. Loves food, especially meat.

History: When she was enrolled into the Ficarus Private Academy, she was later expelled for killing and cooking the class hamster. Since then, she was continually expelled from every single school she stepped into. Her mother eventually gave up, and started home teaching her. Alina became very intelligient, but began having a strange lust for venison and cooked chipmunk. She moved out at the age of 20. Six months ago, she started having visions of flying and attacking people in the face. Her strange behavior worried her mother, who advised her to go to a therapist three days after her visions. She was diagnosed by a psychologist with severe hallucinations. Since then, she has been regarded by the public as insane and mental, expecting her to shatter any second. Alina believes that these sleep-shattering dreams are true, after stealing the town mayor's hot dog and reading about a crow in the newspaper that attacked the mayor, robbing his hot dog and scratching his hands.

Animal: Carrion Crow

Effected Behavior: A taste for small rodents and a slight increase in intelligence.

Other: Edited and improved, History is more detailed and behavior is shortened.
I guess it's somewhat in the middle-it's a city. Or maybe cold in winter and fall, warm in spring and summer. Dunno.
The area is usually warmer than some areas and does get pretty hot in the summer.

People please add a little more to your backgrounds. I mean
all of you. Some I want a little more detail to their background and others I just want some detail about their experience after they transformed or their thoughts on it.

Also please remember for the effected behavior is it
one thing and does not effect them physically.

Name: Jin

Age: 20


Personality: Jin is not the nicest girl around. She tends to be blunt about things and can be a bit of a brat as well. Jin is outgoing as well and doesn't shy away from being herself and out there as well. She can be nice to people, she just doesn't see the point in always acting this way and refuses to let people step all over her. She can be sarcastic, but has a good sense of humor as well. She can be kind of bossy as well.

History: Jin's parents were born oversea or so they both were told. They came over to America young and eventually met up n college. Her mother went to get a degree in law and eventually her father dropped out and went to go and manage and eventually own his parents Korean restaurant. Three years into their relationship and they got pregnant with Jin. They soon married and Jin's mother took a break from college. She did not go back after Jin's birth though as she got pregnant two years later with Jin's younger brother. She is now working towards it.

Jin is trying her best to break away from her parents but works in the restaurant like her brother to help pay for her college tuition. She hopes to make it as a game designer but has told no one in her family about his choice. She knows her father plans for her to take over the business eventually and this is something Jin does not wish.

When Jin first began the transforming, she was freaked out but only thought them as vivid dreams. As they continued, she began to accept them more and more as reality but is still freaked out by it as she had no choice. Jin is also weirded out by having her gender changed as an animal. She knows some of the others, but rarely interacts.

Animal: Tom(cat)


Effected Behavior: Jin is finding herself to become more and more territorial as time progresses and is beginning to "mark" her territory with purfumes and sprays.


Will be making a second character soon.
Name: Nathaniel "Nate" Filmore

Age: 19

Appearance: View attachment 6193

Personality: Has the determination of a rabid pitbull to see something through. A guy who enjoys having fun and life on the fast track, Nate does take the time to think things through when the situation calls for it. He has a tendency to be quite openly opinionated at times however, and is rather distrustful of others at first, but once one gets past this he's fairly loyal and expresses concern more openly.

History: Nate, an only child, basically grew up on the beach since his father fancied the ocean and sailing so much. When his parents marriage fell apart at the age of 12 however, he found himself leaving his house on these weekend trips less and less. When he hit 16, his mother got sick and the fighting between his parents began to increase rapidly over different things. It came down to his father no longer coming by to visit, and losing contact with his old man, though spanned out over a long course of time, didn't seem like a very long time at all.

At present, Nate currently goes to college for forensics. His mother is still sick but to the point where her condition has paved over somewhat, so that leaves him plenty more time for school work. However, transforming into a raccoon nightly does put a damper on his plans every now and then.

Six months ago when the transforming first began, Nate was sure it was simply just a vivid dream, though the repetition of it puzzled him and planned on seeing a doctor about it. However, one night not too long after he began having the "dreams", as his animal self he cut his paw on a garbage can. The pain wasn't anything a regular dream could produce, and when Nate woke up the next morning he found his light sheets covered in blood from the very same injury he received hours earlier.

Obviously he was freaked out beyond comprehension, but fought the urge to see a doctor because he knew he'd be labeled as crazy. Hell, maybe he
was crazy. But nothing particularly dangerous happened after that initial incident, so after a while he began to cool down and accept that what was happening was actually real. His family needed him around, and while the occurrence was weird and he couldn't even begin to understand why it was happening to him, it seemed to be out of his hands.

Animal: Raccoon

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Effected Behavior: His attention to detail and alertness is considerably heightened. Often, this is the cause of him losing track of certain conversations; Nate finds himself staring into space when something odd or different catches him.

Other: --
Name: Aubree Clayton

Age: 17




Responsible, Bossy, Caring, Ambitious, and Determined. Always thinks her answer is right, and can sometimes get catty about it; a typical mom-like figure.


The oldest sibling of her family by five years, Aubree was her parent’s pride and joy; they wanted to be the perfect parents, and they tried to succeed this through Aubree. Pushed harder than most, she was a teacher’s pet and also enrolled in after school programs; her parents wanted her to be the something they never were.

It was when she was eight that her life flipped, her father passing away and leaving her with her mother and her three year old brother. The girl now had a different kind of responsibility, and it involved helping her mother after her father’s death. This was with both chores and taking care of her little brother, Christopher, whenever her mother asked her too.

Twelve years old she met her best friend, although at the time she didn’t like his attitude or his ability to beat her. They met at an arcade, where she had taken her brother for the day; she wasn’t much for games, but her competitive nature got the best of her. When she finally chose one, someone was already there; a boy by the name of Julian Locktar.

Not one to back down, she challenged him in the game, and the boy was quick to get on her nerves with his lackadaisical nature. Especially so when he ended up beating her! She would have to brush it off though; it wasn’t like the two were ever going to meet again. The fact quickly was proven wrong when she found that he went to the same school as her, running into him yet again.

One again, she tried to brush off the meeting, although they had both recognized each other and were surprised. It was when they had bumped into each other third time that she finally gave up, and started talking to him. Although the two were polar opposites, they soon found themselves becoming friends. After five years of knowing Julian, the two are best friends, or at least really close enemies…

Although the two are close, she still hasn’t told Julian about the transformation that happens to her at night. At first, she was very confused at what was happening and she has taken it upon herself to figure out why it happens. Like always, she’s trying to do this on her own though, and is refusing to tell anybody until she knows why.

Animal: Champagne Ferret (Male)


Effected Behavior:
Aubree is starting to go carnivorous, much like the ferret.

I think it's time for some accepting.

Xx-Katherine-xX: Accepted

Lost_in_Paradise: Accepted

Forks: Pending (Add more background)

AlwaysChaos: Pending (Add more background to include her thoughts about the transformation/Effected behavior is only one thing for now.)

Mystisnow: Accepted-ish (Just clean up the effected behavior part. It's one thing and one thing only for now)

wichita: Accepted

Kagura: Accepted
Name: Julian Locktar

Age: 17

Appearance: Julian doesn't stand out much. While he's not thin, no one would call him fat either. He's on the shorter side and his hair's a mess of ordinary brown; it's almost never tidy, but when it is, it's certainly not by his own choice. His eye color is hard to pin down; he usually describes it as maybe-hazel-or-brown-or-something. He's often seen with his old baseball hat on.

Personality: He's not really lazy, like his family sometimes exasperatedly says. He doesn't mind doing stuff- unless, you know, someone tells him to. His rebellious nature makes it hard to get along with him, as does his spontaneity; but in the end, Julian doesn't want to be just another dropout. He just doesn't know how to change. He can be sarcastic and often rash, preferring instinct over logic; and also, he never really cared what people said about him- until recently, when he's begun to think twice.

History: Julian was a third child, and, frankly, a disappointment; but no one said it out loud, of course. His parents told him they love him. His brother, the eldest, tousled his hair. And his sister... Well, she did her own thing. However, it was etched in their faces every time he'd misbehaved; the same old contained sigh and irritation. And you know what? He didn't really care.

Maybe it was some recessive gene or something; a lot of people had given a mental double-take when told that he was Harrison's younger brother. It's not like they had anything in common, after all. Harrison was eight years older and acted it, graduating early like everyone'd always expected him to with his complicated computer gizmos. Julian's sister was a little looked over in the face of her brother's brilliance; but she, however, had thrived outside of everyone's attention. She had acted nonchalant at the dinner table and focused on things other than academic studies, until there wasn't a girl at her high school who didn't know the name Tracey Locktar.

Julian, however, hadn't done much of anything.

They could say what they wanted about him; life was good and he had his friends. He had his own interests and projects, even if they didn't count for high school credit. He wasn't lazy, after all; he just didn't like being told what to do.

Moving from a different state at the age of twelve, he'd lived in the same place ever since. Julian had resented the change at first, but it proved to be a good turn to his life; the benefits came into fruition later that year, when a stranger happened to challenge him to a game at a flashy arcade.

Slamming the final button, he crowed, "Yeah! High score!" to the disapproving frown of Aubree Clayton.

He'd not gotten the best first impression of her that day- she seemed a little uptight to twelve-year-old Julian- so when he ran into her a second time at his new school, he dolefully navigated around her without speaking. He was in a rotten mood that day anyways, his parents having practically exploded at him that morning.

It was at a park's playground when he saw her next, in an even worse mood. It seemed to be impossible to go 24 hours without being yelled at nowadays, and young Julian really didn't know how to change. It stood to reason he didn't feel like talking to Aubree when she struck up conversation- but, well, at least she wasn't yelling at him. She was nice, sort of, and he himself wasn't up to dropping so many sarcastic comments that day.

Five years later he's still rebellious and lackadaisical, and his C- average hasn't risen much; but it's more important that he's still fast friends with Aubree, and maybe less so that she still can't beat him at Galaga. Life is good.

The werehawk thing, though, he might be able to go without that part. Also the gender changing thing. That still weirds him out sometimes.

Julian's not exactly known for his honesty, and is pretty sure no one would believe his story; he dropped it on a friend of his once, and he only laughed. Since then, he didn't even tell Aubree; she thought he was crazy enough as it is. And you know what, he's sort of okay with all that. It's a weird experience to be an animal, but you know? In the end, flying through the night air really is cool.

Except the one time he ate a mouse. Blegh.

Animal: Red-tailed hawk (female)

Effected Behavior: He's become oddly defensive of himself, often snapping out because of it.

Other: (I suppose you know by now that I'm in cahoots with Kagura.)
Accepted Niv. I am working on my second character. Once everyone fixes their character we can begin.

And it's fine now Mystis. And yes as the RP goes the behavior can become greater or become more effected.
Note that this sheet may need editing, formatting and proper spellchecking once i'm on laptop, though i'll inform you of any alterations so you can go through before i start posting:

Name: Alexander 'Sasha' Donally

Age: 23

Appearance: (incomplete; will add physique and feature colours later tonight)


Joyful, fast-learning, dynamic, assertive and outspoken, Alexander possesses enormous amounts of energy which he channels outwards into enlivenig the world around him and he is inclined toward taking impulsive and ill considered risks in his single minded enthusiasm, eager yet lacking in his capacity for self reflection and concentration, his youthful attention span limited. He dislikes constraint and ambiguity, subtlety is foreign to him, nuance escapes him and he finds the various shades of grey to be confounding, most comfortable with and preferring of empathetic contrasts; black and white, yes and no, good and bad, right and wrong. Needless to say he can be impatient and does not have much of a tolerance for boredom, easily distracted with his affections as inconstant as his attention resulting in difficulty forming and maintaining more intimate/personal relationships with others, even as he cares deeply about said bonds.

He can be flirtatious in tone when interacting, a pleasant approach to connecting with others regardless of their gender; comfortable and confident in his sexuality-, though he is just as likely to prompt conflict and revel in it all the same. For Alexander any form of contact better than none at all, and even an arguement or jibe becomes a form of telling intimacy.

History: The oldest of three, the only boy in a house of girls growing up, Alexander's parents divorced when he was nine years old with his mother given main custody over their two children at the time, though this is not to say they fell out out touch. Rather Sasha would often spend his weekends and school holiday's travelling across Yorkshire to spend time with his otherwise absent father, a clockmaker and a good man who always made the effort and took the time to see his children at every opportunity. Never allowing the conflict with his ex-wife, Sasha's mother, to influence or stand in the way.

He was never the brightest at school, easily confused by complexity, though what he lacked in mental prowess he made up for by being a fast learner, able to grasp simplified concepts and practical lessons quickly, and though calmer now than it was, his limitless energy was put to good use on the field, on the track, on the pitch and in the courts. Naturally social, he was well known amongst his peers and also had several girlfriends throughout the course, though despite his experience living with them, growing up alongside them has never been able to understand their wants or maintain a stable relationship, renowned in school for being flighty and cold.

When he was sixteen, Alexander's mother remarried to a man whom he to this day struggles to interact in a civil manner, his initial dislike of the man's intrusion upon his father's position coupled with an over protectiveness of his mother having never fully ebbed resulting in a tense and easily sparked atmosphere. Though it was from this union that his little sister, Aine, now five years old, was born whom Alexander worships and spoils like no other and so he cannot regret or be upset with his moher's decision.

Now in his twenties Alexander lives alone in a converted warehouse apartment that is little more than a rundown ice box though is nonetheless his own and is a tender of his local bar.

Six months ago he began to change, unaware at first, a heavy sleeper sleeping blissully unware through the transformation for those first few days. It was his girlfriend at the time who made him take notice, screaming and waking he night time visitor that had crawled into bed beside her and he promptly freaked out. In fact he continued to freak out for the following week or so, usually in fear that he would turn in the middle of a crowd though he has grown accustomed to the changes since noticing the pattern in his routine daily changes planning his life in suh a way as to be least effected. He has even spent time as a pup in his ex-girlfriends presence on more than one occasion those times she stayed over for a prolonger period, going so far as to lie about his work shifts and play the homeless pupy act to prevent discovery.

In recent months his home has also become a labellers haven, colours marked all over [may edit this later].

Animal: Jack Russel Terrier (short hair) //

Effected Behaviour(s): His world is steadily becoming one of black and white after the initial change with only the brighter shades remaining, though even these have dulled in comparrison to their former vibrancy, yellow near enough is now entirely lost on him.

Other: Despite any suggestion or behaviour that may indicate otherwise, Alexander is straight.
Name: Daniel Webbings

Age: 27


Personality: Daniel is still very much a kid at heart. He likes to have fun and mess around, but can be serious if they situation calls for it. He is always looking on the brighter side of things and can be considered naive for his viewpoint on subjects. He just likes seeing the best of everyone. Daniel is hard-working as well, but he would rather be enjoying himself. Daniels always tries to go out of his way to brighten people's day if he can.

History: Daniel had a pretty fair childhood. He was born to a middle class family and was the oldest brother of two, with a younger brother of a few years. Daniel was always an outdoors type of kid and he loved to have fun outside. He would always try and go on "adventures" and once even wander into a woods for a few others. Daniel has a hard time keeping still as a kid, always bursting with energy.

Daniel eventually used that energy in sports. Although he mellowed a bit as he aged, he never completely got rid of the child-like wonder and desire for adventure within him. Daniel went on to go to college and is now working as a 1st grade teacher and during the summer, a camp advisor. He loves working with kids and hopes to set them on the path to find their own adventure and to enjoy life as well. Daniel is also dating a banker for about two months now.

Daniel was confused by what was happening and also sought out help from a therapist, afraid he might be going mad. But he has learned to accept it and sees it as a way to be free and have an adventure. He wishes to tell his girlfriend, but has not yet done so.

Animal: Tawny Owl


Effected Behavior: Daniel finds himself more focused to small details and movements that happen around him.


RP is here:
[MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION], can you please help me on the effected behavior?
Think of cat traits. He could start taking random naps or even just a bit lazier in nature. Maybe be more drawn to movements. More alert to the movement of things.

Hope that helps Forks.
Thanks [MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION], I editted it! Sorry I tag you all the time, just gets your attention.
Name: Avox Broadnaft

Age: 22


View attachment 6760

Personality: Avox is a quiet person whose voice is loudest when he dances. He's playful by nature, as all Manx's are, but that is only if you can get him to play. He is a bit of an introvert and usually speaks before he thinks. He doesn't deal with people unless he has to, but once he likes someone he is loyal to them and finds it difficult to unattach himself after he accepts a person as a friend.

History: When he was younger his father left so his mother had to work multiple jobs. She'd let him stay at home with his older sister until she went to college. After trying many different daycares and activities that were too expensive he wound up being put into gymnastics to keep him busy as his mother worked. He hated it for the first few years as many picked on him, calling him a girly-boy. By the time he entered high school he'd come to like being a gymnast and found that he liked dance as well so joined his schools team. He took dance all the way through his high school years and it eventually lead to him having a scholarship to Juliard in New York. This was to be his last year at the school before he graduated to become a choreographer. He planned on just cruising through the year enjoying his time until he started to change. Now his life has been as hectic as ever.

Animal: Manx cat

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Effected Behavior: He likes to sleep in small, dark, inclosed places just as any cat does. Because his drawer is too big for his body he finds the closet a perfect place to take naps and sleep at night. Catnip is quite hypnotizing to him, it drives him crazy, putting him into a sort of trance. And also he had developed the habit to shower whenever possible. As a cat he licks himself often to keep clean and as a man he finds he is most satisfied with an after a long cleansing shower.

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