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Fandom Allegiance CS


Follower of the Vanished Sun
Roleplay Availability
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(Picture of OC)


Faction you were born into:

Chosen Faction:




Anything extra:
Name: Damien "Dam" Black

Age: 16

Height: 5'9"

peter-allegiant.jpgDoB: April 15th

Faction you were born into: Candor

Chosen Faction: Dauntless

Quote(s): "Let's get this over with."

Personailty: Kind, Caring.

History: Born to Alex and Bella Black, Damien was born into the faction of Candor. At first, he thought he was going to choose Candor. Then, something inside struck him like a punch to the gut. It was fear, anxiety, and bravery. He internally made the choice of Dauntless, despite the outrage from both his family and fellow Candor.

Anything extra: Image is Peter Hayes from the films.
Name: Yazmin Evans

Age: 16

DoB: January 3d

Faction you were born into: Erudite

Chosen Faction: Dauntless

Quote(s): "The only time someone can be brave is when they are afraid."

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 5'3

+Determind -Stubborn
+Adventerous -Emotional
+Extrovert -Loud
+Loyal -Perfectionist
+Strong Willed -Blunt
Yazmin never quite fit into the faction she was born into, most people assuming that she would transfer to Dauntless, a faction far more suited for her personality. She never cared for learning like her siblings or parents, thristing for some form of excitement in everything she did, pretending she was fighting monsters with a stick or imagining she was exploring a lost temple in her room. She tried to learn or grow some desire to gain knowlegde but it never really developed. The only books that were able to hold her attention were stories and fantasies of long lost places and unknown lands.

Not to mention whenever she did get into debates with fellow Erudite's she let her emotions through in her work, defending what she thought was right and not just what the facts said. This posed a problem for her parents as they just couldn't seem to get their daughter to act the way she was supposed to. She was determinded to try and get better along with also being to stubbron to stop doing what she was doing. It didn't take her long to know what she would most likely become after she turned 16, already reminding her family of the faction they were not a fan of.

Yazmin is a huge perfectionist when it comes to herself. She doesn't accept anything less then perfect from herself, and gets angry and aggitated when things don't go they way she wanted them to or she fails at something. Thus, knowledge is a big sore spot for her. Her family is all smart and her lack of their skills is something she beat herself up for most of her childhood, however she knows that Dauntless will be better for her future along with what she wants for herself.

♡New things
♡ Challenges/Competitions
❥SItting still
❥Being called stupid
❥Being held down
❥Failing or making mistakes
❥Not having control

History: Yazmin is the middle child of 5 kids for her parents. She was always the black sheep for her family and her faction, never seeming to be able to fit quite right in what they expected for her. Most people expected from early on in her life that she would switch to Dauntless once she came of age. She tried very hard as a kid to become what her parents wanted but in the end she realized she could never fit into Erudite. She began to try less and accepted the fact that she would not be in the faction for much longer.

Anything extra: (Posted on phone, pictures may be messed up or they may be spelling mistakes since I have no auto correct or spell check. Will fix it up if there are problem once I return home from my trip.)
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Rowan Reed

Name -- Rowan Reed

Height -- 6"3

Hair -- Coffee brown

Eyes -- Golden hazel

Date of birth -- November 25th

Faction of origin -- Amity

Chosen faction -- Dauntless

Personality -- Rowan has been known to fall into certain categories to puzzle piece him together. He's not a loud type, but demands to be heard when he speaks. He's calculated and cunning, but habitually warm and inviting to the majority of those immersed in conversation with him. Rowan definitely couldn't be described as naive, or an airhead. In fact, he was often groomed by associates to consider Erudite as his faction of choice. Rowan is pretty well encased in confidence, but it doesn't overtake his all around behavior. It only fuels his ideas and methods as he pushes to make decisions. Despite doing his utmost to be comical and fun to be around, Rowan can at times be rather cold and calloused when he interprets any kind of behavior as agitating or pretentious. At that point, it's rather difficult to sway him back onto your winning side.

History -- While he doesn't necessarily delve into the intense details, Rowan expresses disdain for his prior faction 'Amity'. It was suffocating and forceful in its ways of persistent 'perfection' of character, and slipping into the Dauntless faction helped him feel he could loosen up and just exist as himself. His parents were rather unbecoming in their false kindness, constantly pushing forward a facade that gradually chipped Rowan into the dust of self-reliance.

Extra -- Loves sweets, snakes, testing himself, testing others, cooking, and acrobatics.

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