All We Remain


Character Skeleton



Appearance: (Please, use realistic photos or descriptions. c:)


  • Fear(s):
  • Strength(s):
  • Weakness(es):


Bio (optional):



(Also, it's completely acceptable to have multiple characters. c: Feel free to make more than one, if desired.)
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Abigail Lee Porter






Perhaps a bit too stoic and stone-faced, Abigail often bottles up her emotions until she explodes, often resulting in her saying things she doesn't quite believe in and making rash decisions. She's gentle, but ruthless when it comes to killing. Sympathetic and still grasping onto the last remaining shreds of humanity she's got left, she believes sticking together with other people is the entire species' best shot at surviving. She tends to be suspicious upon first meeting others; it doesn't take long for her to warm up to them afterwards, however. She begins to put her trust in others fairly quickly, though she does keep an observational eye out for anything strange that may lead her or the ones she cares for into danger. (Also, quick side note: she's a sucker for puns and cheesy humor.)

  • Fear(s): Oppression and losing loved ones.
  • Strength(s): Patching people up and keeping a watchful eye.
  • Weakness(es): Low self-value and rashness.


Tracy Porter (Mother, deceased), Greg Porter (Father, unknown), Mason "M" Porter (Brother, unknown, recently separated from Abigail because of a bandit kidnapping).


Born and raised in Colorado, Abigail grew up having a pretty standard childhood with a mom, dad, a brother, and a couple of dogs. In school, she had excelled academically, but failed to make very many friends due to her introverted and reclusive nature, and nearly never played sports. Eventually she went off to college -- she hadn't been able to graduate before the outbreak began.

She'd run back to her home when she heard the news to find her mother had already become one of those damned things, and had narrowly escaped a bite before fleeing, being unable to kill her own mother. Her father, on the other hand, wasn't able to be found, while her brother had already moved out of the house at this point. M, her brother, and Abigail soon joined up and survived with each other over the period of several months, up until the point where they merged with another group of four others, including 9 year-old Eliah.

Another few months past, and the majority of the group had been kidnapped by bandits. Abigail and Eliah had barely been able to slip away during the ambush -- Abigail regrets not making more of an effort to save her brother, but she'd been unable to.

Now, Abigail and Eliah wander around and scavenge. They try their best to survive.


A blade, pistol, and anything else she can get her hands on.


Abigail: "Hey, what does a vegan zombie eat?"

Mason: "... what?"

Abigail: "Grains." Mason proceeds to shoot Abigail a glare. "Oh... too soon."


Eliah Limm (El-eye-uh)






Bright-eyed and trusting, Eliah's a generally trusting kid. She's got a bit of stubbornness in her, so don't expect her to change her mind too quickly about things. Additionally, she's a goofball, kind-hearted, and curious (perhaps a little overly so).

  • Fear(s): Dying and being alone.
  • Strength(s): Agility and stealth.
  • Weakness(es): Mention of her family.


Brynne Limm (Mother, unknown), Vince Limm (Father, unknown).


Eliah was bestowed upon the world under two loving and supportive parents, there for every hardship she encountered and more than happy to lend a shoulder to cry on when needed. When the outbreak began, her family and she evacuated the city, and along the way, picked up someone who claimed to have been pretty well at surviving. Abigail and Mason shacked up with the group not long afterwards, before the group was ransacked and kidnapped by bandits.

Eliah feels almost completely lost without her parents, but she continues to move forward, guided by Abigail's hand.


Anything. She keeps a pocket knife handy.


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Kristoff Massett


It's the end of the world. So what? We'll start over.

  • Name:

    Kristoff Massett




    Daniel Massett
    (Father, deceased)

    Lorainne Marcus-Massett
    (Mother, deceased)

    Lana Massett

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Name: Elizabeth Scalia

Age: 16

Appearance: Elizabeth has long, black hair that is almost always pulled back in a braid or up in a pony-tail. She has very pale skin and very pretty emerald green eyes. She wears a variety of different clothes, but ever since the outbreak began she is often seen wearing a leather jacket with a long sleeved t-shirt under, red and black striped gloves, and dark blue ripped up jeans and red shoes.

Personality: Elizabeth is a very caring and generous towards others and would do almost anything to help them or make them happy. Even though she's very quiet, whenever she is around her friends or family, she could literally talk for hours and hours about whatever might be on her mind to the point where she can get a bit annoying. She is a very cheerful and adventurous person who loves being around other people and family members, though she still does enjoy time to herself, she feels most comfortable being surrounded by her family or friends and hates being separated from everyone.

  • Fear(s): Losing friends or family
  • Strength(s): Being very observant and aware of her surroundings, also very swift and agile, can run very fast for long distances
  • Weakness(es): Not very strong, very dependent on others for guidance, can also be very careless at times, tends to push herself to far and can get hurt easily

Relatives: Jane Scalia (Mother), Michael Scalia (Father)

Bio (optional): Elizabeth has always had a very exciting life, her and her parents would often travel to lots of different places with her, they would always have a great time with them and wouldn't know what she would do without them. She had lots of great friends too, lots of them were friends that she had known since she was very young but she was always on the lookout for new friends. Now that the outbreak has begun, Elizabeth has been separated from her parents and friends and often feels lonely without her family and friends. Quite some time has gone by, and Elizabeth has found out that she is actually pretty good at surviving, she is very cunning and smart but still would like someone to help her out now and then.

Weapons: Throwing knives, or pretty much anything sharp that she can get her hands on.

Other: N/A

Maisy Jade Mackenzie



Personality: Maisy is your classic, boy-crazy, teenage girl. Only, instead of boys, Maisy is more fond of girls. As most teenagers, Maisy relies on sarcasm to hide her emotions and break awkward silences. She is a very sweet girl, once you get to know her, but she can seem a bit irrational at times. Maisy is often seen as selfish; it is almost like her brain forgets her actions can affect other people. Maisy typically follows others around, while at the same time keeping her distance.

Fear(s): Being rejected, Dogs

Strength(s): Running, Living off the land (aka camping skills)

Weakness(es): Not extremely friendly, Gullible

Relatives: Piper Mackenzie (Mother/Aunt, dead); Robert Mackenzie (Father/Uncle, dead); Tabitha Ross (Biological Mother, unknown); Calvin Mackenzie (Brother/Cousin, alive and well); Cayden Mackenzie (Sister/Cousin, unknown).

Bio (optional): Maisy was born to her teenage mother with addiction problems, so she was adopted by her aunt at the age of two and raised with her cousins like a sister. She was a the middle sister, with one older male cousin and one younger female cousin. She was treated as an equal, and her mother was welcomed to visit when she was on her own feet. Maisy was extremely close to her adoptive family growing up, and she was given everything she ever needed or wanted. She was never one for technology, even before the outbreak. She has a basic, hit-the-button-three-times-to-get-a-letter cell phone, with which she calls people constantly, hoping someone will answer. Once, and only once, someone did answer on the other line; it was older brother, Calvin. Maisy was in school when the outbreak reached her neighborhood. When she ran home to hide, her adoptive mother and father were already killed. The girl did not have time to grieve or even know how to do so. For all she knew, the rest of the town could be infected. She gathered random supplies and headed out of the city, towards smaller towns with smaller populations.

Weapons: Maisy has a large steak knife, taken from her kitchen and pepper spray.

Other: She is vegan and very open about her sexuality. When Maisy grows up, she dreams of becoming a cartoon artist or writer of some kind.


Calvin Ace Mackenzie



Personality: Calvin is an open book with raw feelings. He is an in-the-now-person with planned out goals. The male can seem childish, but he is actually pretty intelligent and useful. He finds joy in everything, but, at the same time, he is sensitive and easily offended. He is a typical big brother figure, especially to females, so he tries to protect everyone else before saving himself. He often gets caught up fixing other peoples' problems and forgets to take care of himself. If someone were to hand him a 60,000 piece puzzle, he would spend days not showering or eating to finish it. He loves challenges, especially changing people's opinions of him. He tries to act his age, but it is difficult seeing him as an adult, especially when he is around children. He plays and jokes around like a ten old, until danger is present. Calvin is a great guy to have on your side, and he is really hard to get on your bad side.

  • Fear(s): Losing his sisters, Heights
  • Strength(s): Protecting others with his life, cheering people up, Weapon skills, Hand-to-hand combat, Problem solving
  • Weakness(es): Insults to those he loves, Unnecessary dead, Heights, Cleaning up (he's a slob)

Relatives: Piper Mackenzie (Mother, dead); Robert Mackenzie (Father, dead); Tabitha Ross (Aunt, unknown); Maisy Mackenzie (Sister, alive and well); Cayden Mackenzie (Sister, unknown).

Bio (optional): As soon as his baby sister was born, even before Maisy moved in, Calvin was given fighting lessons, so he could protect his siblings. As a child, Calvin was a bit empty-minded and confused, but as he grew older, Calvin became the fine young man his parents dreamed for him to be. He has always accepted Maisy as his sister, and loves to be a big brother. After high school, Calvin went to a local university close to home and majored in Early Childhood Development and Education. Calvin dreams of becoming an elementary school teacher, but he has yet to start his career. He is seen as the Star Child, and he strives to please people. Although Calvin does not live at home anymore, he lives nearby his childhood home. When he arrived one afternoon, his parents attacked him, and he was forced to shoot them both on the spot with his father's shot gun. Both his sisters were gone, so he made a run for it, hoping to find them along the way. He eventually found Maisy, but he is grieving his missing sister, Cayden, as she is only thirteen years old.

Weapons: He has his father's shot gun and a metal baseball bat.






Troubled, his emotions can shift very easily, he can be a killing machine in one instant, and an emotionally weak person in another. Willing to sacrifice his life for those he loves, he is extremely trustworthy and loyal when you befriend him. This can make him appear weak, fragile, but he's the opposite of that. He is a potential danger, when he gets angry, due to that he can act stubbornly and will not care of the outcome of his actions, but, this is only when he fears for his life and of his friends, making all the possible for them to live another day. Getting close to him might envelope you in his deep burried past, but, only in an emotional way. He lost all contact of that in the physical and contact side.

Aleks is a very aggresive person when you get on his side, and him being skilled in killing doesn't help that. But, of course, bad sides? We all have them. The bad past has been long lost behind him, when in a local pub, or anything around friends, he can obviously still appear cold, heartless, get a word out of him and he can become exactly the opposite. Every monster has its heart, and this monster has a very big one. His last girlfriend, the one of over four years got killed in some business he got in with his past, this has made him very hard to get in love, being not the person you see around with a lot of ladies.

Cocky at times. His cockiness is payed off, tough, he has an excellent skill in hand to hand combat, and mastery of civilian grade weapons, counting a few civilians. Aleks is fearless, even if you put a gun in his forehead, he'd grin and try to slap the barrel off his forehead. This can be dangerous for his health, since, fearing nothing is also bad.

You'll find him killing most civilians, he's a bandit after all. His friends were killed by some bandits, and the bad habit passed trough him, and he became what he once hated. When he sees someone, he'll most likely assume they're an enemy, and try to kill them, but, of course, he doesn't pounce on everyone.

  • Fear(s): Death

  • Strength(s): The will to live another day, expert knowledge in pressure points, being able to knock out even the most experienced hand to hand combatant, mastery of civilian weaponry, extremely stealthy

  • Weakness(es): Getting crowded


Father: Deceased

Mother: Deceased


Horrible story, horrible pillars. He was born alone, lonely. Sure, very distinct words, yet, they fit so well together with him. His parents were quite never home, he'd always be outside, on the streets, this made him never recieve any type of parental love, the affection he learned was the one given by his friends. Alek's education was basic, nothing too fancy, this caused him to go trough some wrong paths. Slowly going up trough corruption, he became a contracted hitman. This is horrible, yes, paying for someone to kill another human being, but, that was his job, no degrees didn't help him in this situation.

All his skills in combat? He learned them here, in the streets, basically killing people for a pay. This made him heartless, dangerous, feared and hated at the same time, anywhere he'd go he would make a contact, or an enemy. This didn't last long, about four years he was in this business. Not everyone is a action superhero, he got caught sooner or later. A great pay was needed for him to get his feet off the prison floor and in to the street concrete, the price was payed in need of freedom. Shortly after, the infection started, and hell broke loose. He banded up with some friends, and they survived for a good while, living in an abandoned building.

But, then, his friends got killed. He was outside, scavenging, and when he arrived, he saw some bandits excecute them after looting all their stuff. He killed the bandits, and since then, he has been a lone wolf, trying to survive off looting and scavenging any store he finds. His guns were robbed sooner or later, so, he became very fond of a compound bow, having almost pin-point aim with it.


Aluminium bat

9mm pistol (9 bullets)

Compound bow (6 athletic arrows, 3 civilian, 3 improvised)




Name: Kevin Kaile

Age: 17



Personality: He tends to try to act as comic relief with varying results. He's knowledgeable about a variety of topic, and if he decides he can stand you will be glued to your side forever, though he has a problem respecting people he doesn't feel have earned his respect and prefers to avoid fighting all together, he does things that he knows will probably get him killed, tends to think about what his brother would say about what he is doing.

  • Fear(s): Those he loves dying, the world being like this forever
  • Strength(s): Book and street smart, people person, pretty good at knowing when he probably shouldn't do something
  • Weakness(es): Screwed up priorities, barely any sense of self preservation, dissociation of the world and himself

Relatives: Cameron and Teagan Kaile (Adopted parents, deceased), Marcus "Martie" Kaile (Twin brother, presumed dead)

Bio (optional): He and his brother were adopted at birth, something that they both always knew but didn't let get in the way of the love the felt for their parents. His parents were both historians who lived in a fairly small town where they raised the twins. Their parents constantly discussed the past with them, and they started looking up specific events online together. This blossomed into a love of learning and all through elementary school they tried to one-up each other with essays on topics from a certain type of sword to a word to something that could have changed the course of history.

They wrote less for fun when they entered middle school, but still talked about things they'd looked up that week with each other. They were sponges for knowledge and Kevin made sure Marcus had friends with his humor. They were just starting high school when the virus hit, toppling their life up to that point. When they went home their parents were waiting for them, car ready to go so they could all leave town. They stayed together for a bit, their parents teaching them what little they knew of self defense and what they had learned about the zombies.

Their parents killed themselves after one was bitten and the other was positive they had taught them all they knew so they could have more resources. Marcus lost it after that, taking a downward spiral, Kevin trying to make jokes as he drove, eventually ditching the car when they ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Their weapons included their kitchen knives and whatever close range items they could grab from the dead and dying.

Eventually they ran into a large group of zombies and got separated. Kevin managed to stay safe and killed as many as he could before climbing up a tree until they left in search of an easier meal, unable to find his brother afterwards. After that he packed up what little he had and just tried to keep moving, grouping up when he found a friendly group, killing and looting if they were hostile, arsenal growing.

Weapons: Down to five knives, recently got a pistol with a single bullet.

Other: He talks to dead bodies and is a sucker for knowledge.
Name: Tompson Schutte

Age: 23

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/8404_512.jpg.9e869410189095d6cfa3f7536752af81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/8404_512.jpg.9e869410189095d6cfa3f7536752af81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relatives: Bill Schutte - Deceased

Margret Schutte - Deceased

Bio: Tompson had just gotten home from his most recent deployment with 1st Marines, Second Battalion, when the entire world was turned upside down. He didn't get to enjoy a proper homecoming, as he was immediately pressed into serving on the home front. Unlike the marines he served with, Tompson isn't as prone to killing, however, will rush into nearly any situation to save a fellow human being. A bit soft-spoken and always willing to lighten the mood with a joke, he tends to try and see the best in everyone and is always willing and able to help.

He was part of the emergency task force that was tasked with trying to stem the flow of refugees leaving the city. However, that didn't go as planned and soon, despite his best efforts (and subtle curses) Tompson found himself alone as one of the only military personnel left alive. Figuring he'd have a better chance surviving without his uniform, and knowing that a higher caliber wouldn't hurt, Tompson ditched his fatigues and rifle near the outpost he was stationed at and made a beeline for the only safe haven he figured he could find. Home.

Tompson has had medical training and was a prior paramedic before leaving to serve his country and now roams the husk of what society once was, in hopes of finding a suitable group of survivors to tag along with.

Weapons: Colt 1911 and his fathers .308 hunting rifle w/ scope. Combat Knife.

Other: Medical Jump Bag (Fully Stocked).



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Lana Massett


I'll fix you.

  • Name:

    Lana Massett




    Daniel Massett (Father, deceased)

    Lorainne Marcus-Massett
    (Mother, deceased)

    Kristoff Massett

Name: Kurt Henderson

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/kala_jeremiah.jpg.c5819d246bf2fcaa764269ead33f3a45.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/kala_jeremiah.jpg.c5819d246bf2fcaa764269ead33f3a45.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 26


He's funny, he's charismatic, and the ladies love him. He always knows what to say to get you to like him, to see his view, or to give him something. This resulted in him being a spoiled child, but he didn't become completely useless. His father, a LCPD officer, taught him to fire a Glock 22, a Beretta, a AR-15, and a M16A2 after he came back from Afghanistan.

Bio: He was in Basic Training when the shit started. They pulled all of the Military back to the U.S. to deal with "Rebellions". At least, that's what they told us. His company, Falcon 6-2, was stationed in a town called Splendid in Central Texas. A herd of Walkers came through 5 weeks after his deployment in Splendid, and Falcon 6-2 and the SPD (Splendid Police Department) were over run. He, a Falcon 6-2 Soldier named Victor Castillo, another that was in a coma from a stray bullet to the hip named Joel Delkins, and a SPD Officer named Renee Alseein holed up in the basement of the School of Splendid.

Fears/Weaknesses: Scared of losing humanity during the Apocalypse, losing hope in the Apocalypse. Has a fear of Lions, and doesn't handle loss well.

Strengths: Military Training, Very Strong H2H ability, very smart and can make quick decisions, and is a very good scavenger.

Weapons: M16A2 with 6 Mags, Beretta with 2 Mags, M106 Knife, Derringer Pistol with 3 rounds.

Am I accepted?



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