• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.



faerie sightings
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realistic fcs only
first acceptance date: october 5
final deadline: october 12
use proper trigger warnings please !
“don’t be scared.”

grade (initiatives must be freshmen)

body mods
noticeable features
realistic fc

social media handles
instagram bio
twitter bio
most used app
vibe check (quick bit to explain your character’s personality)

optional, fun questions
what vine/tiktok best describes them?
would they hesitate, bitch?
no one: / your character:
on a scale of bitch to baby where are they?
what would turn their no fears shirt into a one fear shirt?
bitches be like... (your character is bitches)
all (name) knows is ____, eat hot chip, and lie
which side of tiktok are they on?
last text they sent and to who?
head empty only ______.
most played song on their playlist?

how long have you lived in pittsburgh?
(if applicable) where did you live before?
do you want to leave?
(if applicable) what’s stopping you?
are your parents alive?
do they love you?
do you have any trauma that you need to admit to?
what is your deepest secret?
were you raised a witch or did you find out on accident?
how long have you known?
do you think you’re worthy?
do you have any physical or mental ailments?
do you sleep with the light on?
are you afraid?
do you think you should be?
are you ready?
(if yes) are you sure?
choose only one: flashlight, map, tent.
choose only one: loneliness, pain, despair.
choose only one: life or death.
they deserve to die. who?
what magic do you want most?
what’s missing?

  • rowena
    queen of the underworld
code by valen t.
  • rhett
    the advisor
code by valen t.
Last edited:
  • emiri
    nancy drew
code by valen t.
  • laurence
    the spare
code by valen t.

  • fabienne
code by valen t.

ectobius cho

codeine when i piss!


ectobius cho

age: 18

dob: april 17th

gender: cismale

orientation: male leaning bisexual, demiromantic

grade: freshman

major: popular culture


body mods: industrial, helix, orbital, tragus, daith and lobe piercings on left ear, helix and lobe on right ear, left nostril stud, septum pierced, labret piercing, ring on left side of his lip, tattoo sleeve on his left arm primarily made of eyes, tentacles and teeth, tattoos scattered across the rest of his body

scars: normal childhood scars, a slash across his left knee, a piece of lead in his palm from a pencil, thin scar stemming from his right shoulder blade to his right elbow from a car crash

noticeable features: straight white teeth, clearly the result of braces, always wearing diamond earrings

realistic fc: jaebom


optional, fun questions
what vine/tiktok best describes them ?:
'if i had a penny for every time i wasn't cool'
bde% ? a good 98%
would they hesitate, bitch ? lowkey
no one: / tobi: 'dude i told you i have a warrant-'
on a scale of bitch to baby where are they? highkey baby
what would turn their no fears shirt into a one fear shirt? christmas photos from the time his mom dated twins
tobi be like... 'give me a lil' kiss kiss'
all tobi knows is be bisexual, overconsume everything, forget to charge his phone and love friends
which side of tiktok are they on? alt
last text they sent and to who? 'i'll come home when he leaves', to his mother
head empty only physical affection
most played song on their playlist? dead man walking by brent faiyaz


social media handle:

social media bio: ‘ i want whtvr u want’

most used app: instagram

vibe check: just what he sounds like, it's easy to take tobi at face value. he's a pretty boy with money to spend and too much time on his hands. he lives in excess and doesn't think about the hard things until he has to--and he never has to.

alignment: chaotic good or chaotic neutral, jus’ depends on who he’s with

likes: r&b, backstage events and vip parties, matching outfits, mainlining mdma, girls who look like boys, boys who look like girls, snakeskin, glassware, long acrylic nails, nightclubs, misandry

dislikes: nike shoes, cookie cutter houses, standardized testing, discourse, official settings, being flaked on, natural blondes, peta, long flights, shitty djs

headcanons: thin fingers heavy with diamonds, manspreading, carrying himself like he’s 6’4 and has a gun, stealing his friends slang, sleeping through days, “i can’t but i know someone who can”, pupils blown to shit, carrying hundreds of dollars in him cash, won’t drive unless he’s drunk, folding his shirts an inch or two shorter, getting all up in your space

skills: mimicry in all aspects, hard to shock, singing, getting his hands dirty

weaknesses: physically exerting himself, budgeting, so so forgetful, accepts everything at face value

fears: nothing except for the nightmare where he’s in a taxidermist office and all the glassy-eyed animals around him come to life coming true


how long have you lived in pittsburgh?
'i've lived here officially for a few months but i stay with a friend here a lot"

where did you live before ? "houston and new york city and a few years in cali ! my mom goes all over but my dad has a dinky little apartment outside of san francisco'

do you want to leave? 'honestly, a little bit, this place is weird as fuck. no offense though!'

what’s stopping you? 'almost everyone i love is here so i guess you could say i'm bound by love'

are your parents alive? 'very much so. mom's at fashion week with svetlana and hans and my dad is--fuck, where is he ? he's a simple dude, doesn't do the extras, you know ? sometimes i forget to keep track of him but i know he's doing fine'

do they love you? 'yes. i love them too even though my mother is a blood thirsty cocksucker. did i mention she's--"

do you have any trauma that you need to admit to? "i do and that's what i pay my therapist for! next question"

what is your deepest secret? "keep asking these questions and the poor woman's gonna be out of a job. let's change the topic please"

were you raised a witch or did you find out on accident? "accident ! it was traumatizing when it happened but now it's pretty funny. let me take you out sometime--i'll tell you all about it"

how long have you known? "six years, give or take"

do you think you’re worthy? "what do you mean ? like, a good person ? i guess, i don't know. i don't know"

do you have any physical or mental ailments? "again, therapist"

do you sleep with the light on? "i don't sleep at all. people to see, things to do"

are you afraid? "no. at least not now--"

do you think you should be? "no, my friends are all here. we take care of each other"

are you ready? "no, i'm sober"

choose only one: flashlight, map, tent. "flashlight. seeing is half the battle"

choose only one: loneliness, pain, despair. "do you want to see my therapist ? and despair, i guess. suffering makes a fun story to tell bouncers"

choose only one: life or death. "life, obviously ! dead people don't get adrenaline rushes. okay--maybe death. marilyn monroe is up there"

they deserve to die. who? "i don't wish death on people but if i did ? god. god they'd deserve it"

what magic do you want most? x

what’s missing? "some arms around me, a chest against my back. actual fucking love"

  • I'M
    tired of the city
    scream if your with me
    if i'm gonna die
    lets die somewhere pretty
code by valen t.
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  • jude monroe
    welcome to flavortown
    sanity pending

coded by weldherwings.
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!! TW: ABUSE !!
name briar sutcliffe

age 20

d.o.b december 12th

gender cismale

s.o male-leaning bisexual

r.o biromantic

grade freshman

major photography
height 6'1

body mods standard lobe and helix piercings

notable features high cheekbones ; always wears too many rings ; large crucifix-shaped scar on his inner left forearm

f.c marcus sivyer
handles briartakesphotos

bio dm for business enquiries

m.u.a instagram

vibe check briar's an easygoing guy. he's friendly, but quiet, and keeps to himself a lot; it's not that he's deliberately antisocial, he just gets wrapped up in his projects too easily. you've probably modelled for one of his shoots, or begged him to take a good candid picture of you on a night out.

alignment neutral good

likes unconventionally attractive / unusual physical features ; gold jewellery ; polaroids ; brioche bread ; coffee shops ; vintage clothing ; bad movies

dislikes lager ; boats ; the sea in general ; unsolved mysteries ; psychedelics ; salads ; rats ; church

skills artistic ; persuasion ; cooking

weaknesses aversion to violence ; non-committal ; prone to fainting

fears deep water ; submerged objects ; enclosed spaces ; insects ; religious figures
vine x

bde 65%

would he hesitate, bitch? initially, yes

head empty only pastries

song woods - [ bon iver ]

How long have you lived in Pittsburgh?
"About two years now. Time flies, I guess."

Where did you live before?
"I'm from Alabama, originally. A real small town, traditional, you know what I mean?"

Do you want to leave?
"Pittsburgh? Not immediately, no. I quite like it here. Thinking I might move around for a few years, travel, see the big cities, and maybe settle back here when I'm older."

Are your parents alive?
"Last I heard, yeah. I don't really check up on them much, which sounds shitty, but... I guess things are just the way they are."

Do they love you?
"Scholars have been debating this question for years! Dude, you can laugh, it was a joke. Alright, um... It's sort of hard to tell. Mom did -- probably still does -- of course, she just loved my father more. Father's a special case. I wish I could tell you how he feels about me, I really do."

Do you have any trauma that you need to admit to?
"Now we're getting into it. You wanna know how I got these scars? Did you get that? It was a reference. My Joker impression's not great, apologies. Uh, I don't talk about this kind thing much, it feels weird. Basically, my father gave 'em to me. He used to get into these rages, real fanatic, I'm sure you know the type. Look, if I tell you that Father's a massive, angry religious nut, and that he's never been right in the head, can you connect the dots?"

What is your deepest secret?
"I knew my mom was sick, and I didn't get her the help she needed. God, you should've seen the state of the house when Father went away with the church. Dirt, and rotting food, and bugs everywhere... I should've gotten her to see someone sooner, but all I did was clear up for her and try to get her to get out of bed in the mornings."

Were you raised a witch or did you find out on accident?
"Take a wild guess. Obviously I wasn't raised that way. I sort of knew, but it was like, heavily discouraged."

Do you think you’re worthy?
"That's a pretty vague question.

Do you have any physical or mental ailments?
"Anger management issues run in the family, but mine aren't so bad these days. I've got like, really mild asthma. That's pretty much it."

Do you sleep with the light on?
"Never really thought about it. Uh, I think sometimes? Depends if I remember to turn it off."

Are you afraid?
"Another vague question."

Do you think you should be?
"You seem to be implying I should be."

Are you ready?
"Alright, cut it out now."

Choose only one: flashlight, map, tent.
"Flashlight. I like to see what I'm dealing with."

Choose only one: loneliness, pain, despair.
"Let's go for loneliness; I know I can handle that."

Choose only one: life or death.
"Well I didn't make it this far to just choose death now."

They deserve to die. Who?
"The list's pretty extensive. Not sure if you've heard, but the human race are pretty awful."

What magic do you want most?
"I'm not sure. I'm not gonna be picky about it."

What’s missing?
"Some semblance of a family. Christ, that makes me sound so wet.
hung pictures of patron
saints up on my wall
to remind me that i am a fool
code by valen t.
!! TW: DEATH !!
name euphemia "effie" demarco

age 18

d.o.b april 10th

gender cisfemale

s.o heterosexual

r.o heteromantic

grade freshman

major english literature & creative writing
height 5'3

body mods standard lobe piercings ; a septum ring she never wears

notable features doe eyes ; full lips ; prominent front teeth

f.c nicole zimmermann
handles effievescent

bio saw a snail today...

m.u.a twitter

vibe check effie's one of those people who never seems to be entirely present. sure, physically she's standing right in front of you, but her eyes are glazed over and her mind is elsewhere. she's a creative, and incredibly talented; you might even have a copy of one of the books she published in her early teenage years. the girl's a freak, but all the best people are.

alignment chaotic good

likes libraries ; shopping for stationery ; party planning ; helium balloons ; fresh fruit ; hearing people's anecdotes ; public transport ; open fires

dislikes monotony ; people who live relentlessly in reality ; being called immature ; most forms of alcohol ; taking showers instead of baths

skills intelligence ; wit ; problem solving ; keeping a level head ; imagination

weaknesses lack of strength or stamina ; easily distracted ; overestimates her capabilities

fears blood ; showers ; coffins ; the idea of being buried alive
vine x

bde 50%

would she hesitate, bitch? depends on whether or not she's paying attention

head empty only fictional universes

song for the damaged coda - [ blonde redhead ]

How long have you lived in Pittsburgh?
"I want to say four years? I've definitely had four Halloweens here so far, and that's the way I tend to measure time."

Where did you live before?
"A few places; I was in foster care for a while, so I moved around every so often. I liked Oregon the best."

Do you want to leave?
"Eventually, sure. My plans involve a whole lot of travelling, it's good for inspiration; I'm going to go all over the world. That's not a comment on Pittsburgh, I like it here, it's just not the only place for me."

Are your parents alive?
"Mom's dead, and Dad's in jail. So he might as well be. I'm still in contact with one of my old foster parents, but now I live with my Uncle Al, so he's sort of like my new parent."

Do they love you?
"I'm gonna say yes. Even Dad, sure. Grief does terrible things to a person, I can understand that."

Do you have any trauma that you need to admit to?
"I found Mom when she died. Turned out she'd slipped in the shower and hit her head, and because nobody was home she couldn't get help. It was awful, seriously, blood everywhere. I was only about twelve. Some bad things happened to me after that, too, but that's the one thing I'll never be able to forget."

What is your deepest secret?
"All of my characters, and some of my plots, are based on real people I know personally. That sounds sweet and all, like a dedication, but I don't think they'd agree; my characters are, in general, awful people. Flawed, you know? So if you read into my books, between the lines I mean, there's plenty of truth in there. Confessions, even."

Were you raised a witch or did you find out on accident?
"It was an accident, actually. I only found out when I moved to Pittsburgh."

Do you think you’re worthy?
"I'm trying to be."

Do you have any physical or mental ailments?
"Ask my doctor and my therapist."

Do you sleep with the light on?
"Not the overhead light, but I've got a little lamp. I'm trying to wean myself out of the habit."

Are you afraid?
"A little, sure."

Do you think you should be?
"Everyone should be afraid, it's an evolutionary advantage."

Are you ready?

Choose only one: flashlight, map, tent.
"A map, easy. Then I can get to somewhere where I no longer need the other two."

Choose only one: loneliness, pain, despair.
"Pain, as long as you mean physical."

Choose only one: life or death.
"Life. I'm terrified of death, and what happens after. Spiritually and physically. I can't stand the idea of being buried."

They deserve to die. Who?
"Nobody deserves to die. But I'm quite a forgiving person."

What magic do you want most?
"Illusions, maybe. Oh, but I sort of want to talk to Mom again. Just once."

What’s missing?
"There's always something, isn't there?"
now i toss and turn
i can't sleep at night
code by valen t.
  • leda larue
    "oh to be me"

coded by weldherwings.
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HAAKON (haw - kon) .

NAME: Haakon Bianchi
AGE: 22
DOB: December 29th
MAJOR: MA in Physical/Biological Anthropology

FC: Jack Fenenga
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Hazel
NOTICEABLE FEATURES: Sharp jaw; intimidating eyes

VIBE CHECK: Haakon is the physically intimidating man that people step aside for. His natural expression is cold and he's overall quiet, but he's a heartwarming person to be around when given a chance. He is loyal to those he cares for and he's keen on protecting those that are weak or come off as vulnerable. Though he has his own problems, he always puts others first and finds personal solace in ensuring that everyone is happy.
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral
LIKES: Coffee with cream only, cold weather, the piano, studying bones, tracking, camping
DISLIKES: Sweets, tires screeching, tbh not much bothers him
SKILLS: Anatomy, analytical reading, physical combat
WEAKNESSES: Emotionally detached, oblivious to others at time, poor social skills
FEARS: Losing Reuven, losing Georgette, being alone

WOULD HE HESITATE, BITCH?: No. Not unless Gigi is involved.
NO ONE: / HAAKON: "Stop that."
ALL HAAKON KNOWS IS: Gigi, Reuven, eat, sleep, train, repeat.
LAST TEXT TO REUVEN: When are you coming home? Dog misses you
MOST PLAYED SONG: Whatever Gigi last played

How long have you lived in Pittsburgh?
"It will be five years soon."

Where did you live before?
"It would be easier to tell you where I have not lived. I originate from Sweden, but my adoptive brother and I had a nomadic life until I turned eighteen." The mention of his brother invites a feeling of calmness into the room.

Do you want to leave?
"No. Yes. I don't know."

What's stopping you?
"Georgette." There's a softness in the way he says her name.

Are your parents alive?
"No." He tenses.

Did they love you?
"Yes." His expression stiffens but it slowly softens. "I think so."

Do you have any trauma that you need to admit to?
Haakon remains tense. He picks at the skin around his fingers, eyes lowering for a brief second before he meets the eyes of the interviewer. "No," he lies easily.

What is your deepest secret?
"It would not be a secret if I told you." He says, but his tone shifts as he opens his mouth a few seconds later. "I am the reason my town was attacked. I used my magic selfishly and a hunter followed me home."

Were you raised a witch or did you find out on accident?
"I was raised a witch."

How long have you known?
"Since I was five. I accidentally burned the hair of the girl I liked at the time."

Do you think you're worthy?

Do you have any physical or mental ailments?
"No," he lies.

Do you sleep with the light on?

Are you afraid?
"Of what?"

Do you think you should be?
"Tell me what I should be afraid of, and then I will answer you."

Are you ready?

Are you sure?
"Yes. I choose map, pain, and life."

They deserve to die. Who?
"The hunters that murdered my family."

What magic do you want most?
"One that will help anyone when I need it to."

What's missing?
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fleurs des morts
666 following 21k followers
gigi @gigimercier

softness is deadly

gigi @gigimercier

resident crazy bitch ; ceo of morbidity ; queen of creeping people out ; oui oui baguette ; soft little baby ; dead inside

gigi @gigimercier

georgette anais mercier ; gigi ; 20 ; november 30 ; cisfemale ; bi ; junior ; mortuary science ; 5’8 ; no body mods ; multiple scars across her body, noticeably one on her throat ; pixie like face ; mina bell

gigi @gigimercier

georgette is a cross between a garden fairy and a grim reaper. she’s soft and sweet with an affinity for lace, but she’s obsessed with death and the process surrounding it.

chaotic good ; likes include gardening, tea parties, pretty things, her teddy bear, and dead things ; dislikes include being touched when she’s not expecting it, older men, the german language, and being cold ; skills include botany, cooking, potions, and sewing ; weaknesses include physical strength, her brother, allergic to several types of weeds and bees, and daddy issues

gigi @gigimercier

tiktok: x
bde%? -4%
would they hesitate, bitch? yes, absolutely
no one: / georgette: would you like to see a dead body?
scale? baby
one fear shirt? her stepdad
bitches be like obsessing over what happens over death to the point of dissociating is a valid coping mechanism for trauma. georgette is bitches.
all georgette knows is garden, cry, research death, and lie
last text they sent and to who? “je pense que je l'aime” to her brother
head empty only her teddy bear.
most played song on their playlist? dreams fleetwood mac

gigi @gigimercier

how long have you lived in pittsburgh? she’s smiling. it’s almost unsettling how cheerful she appears. “two years, i lived in france before. outside of paris. then we lived in boston. now i’m here.”
do you want to leave? “sometimes, when i’m scared. then i remember i’m safe.” she sounds unsure, still.
are your parents alive? “my birth parents aren’t.” a sad look crosses her face, but it’s replaced quickly.
do they love you? “they did.” she sounds confident.
do you have any trauma that you need to admit to? “i don’t think you’d like to hear what he did to me.” that smile doesn’t falter.
what is your deepest secret? she’s quiet for a moment before sighing, “i killed my mother. she was so sick and i just gave her a little potion, she went right to sleep.”
were you raised a witch or did you find out on accident? “raised, i suppose.”
do you think you’re worthy? without missing a beat she answers a simple “no.”
do you have any physical or mental ailments? “oh, a whole host of them!” she laughs. “i don’t have any formal diagnoses to give you, i’m afraid.”
do you sleep with the light on? “no, you should never do that. it draws them in.”
are you afraid? “yes.”
do you think you should be? “everyone should be afraid.”
are you ready? “yes.”
are you sure? “i’ve died a hundred times, what’s another?”
choose only one: flashlight, map, tent. “a map would be nice. i get lost easily.”
choose only one: loneliness, pain, despair. “i’ve lived in despair most of my life, i think i’ll take that.”
choose only one: life or death. quickly, again. “death.”
they deserve to die. who? “him.”
what magic do you want most? “is there a magic that eases the ache my death would cause others? i’d like that one.”
what’s missing? “my brother.”

let’s do it baby i know the law acab
420 following 68.9k followers
titus @titalwave

i need 100 followers asap

titus @titalwave

resident stoner ; ceo of longboarding under the influence ; hayley williams call him

titus @titalwave

titus blaine mercier ; 20 ; january 28 ; male ; bisexual ; freshman ; pre-law ; 6’1 ; tattoos and some piercings ; scars from falling down a hill as a kid ; he is scruffy boy ; goody grace

titus @titalwave

he’s dead ass just vibing man he’s just living his life and vibing but also he knows almost every law in the country and how to get through it.

chaotic good ; likes include long boarding, weed, vodka, paramore ; dislikes include The Man, earthquakes, buzzkills, driving ; skills include being good with directions, excellent at getting around laws, can talk himself out of any situation, sings good ; weaknesses include his family, gets bored easily, shit sleeping schedule, can’t fight for shit

titus @titalwave

what vine/tiktok best describes them? chris, is that a weed?
bde%? depends on the day but a solid 69%
would they hesitate, bitch? yeah probably
no one: / titus: no jury would convict me.
on a scale of bitch to baby where are they? bastard.
what would turn their no fears shirt into a one fear shirt? running out of vodka
bitches be like its perfectly legal to longboard while drinking vodka and you can’t stop me. titus is bitches.
all titus knows is drink vodka, smoke weed, eat hot chip, and lie
which side of tiktok are they on? stoner
last text they sent and to who? “technically speaking if you wanted to rob him, he can’t legally own a gun” to his sister
head empty only vibes.
most played song on their playlist? misery business by paramore

titus @titalwave

how long have you lived in pittsburgh? he takes a moment to calculate “a few months.”
where did you live before? “boston!”
do you want to leave? “nah, i kinda like it here. or at least i like the people.” he smiles a certain way.
are your parents alive? “yeah!”
do they love you? “if they don’t they’ve been lying to me a long time.”
do you have any trauma that you need to admit to? “not really?”
what is your deepest secret? “i once helped my cousin steal a corpse.” he laughs, heartily.
were you raised a witch or did you find out on accident? “raised.”
how long have you known? “i was six when i accidentally electrocuted my neighbor.” he holds his hands up in defense, “he was fine! it’s fine. everything is fine.”
do you think you’re worthy? “satan no.”
do you have any physical or mental ailments? “adhd and insomnia, i think. never been tested.”
do you sleep with the light on? “yes, but only because i just kind of pass out eventually.”
are you afraid? “nah”
do you think you should be? “probably”
are you ready? “nah”
choose only one: flashlight, map, tent. “flashlight, man. what am i gonna do in the dark?”
choose only one: loneliness, pain, despair. “uhhhh physical pain?”
choose only one: life or death. “life what the fuck”
they deserve to die. who? “uhhhhhhhhhhh i don’t know man. this seems like entrapment.”
what magic do you want most? “i already have electricity, so it’d be cool to have like. i don’t know, the ability to turn water to wine or some shit.”
what’s missing? “nothing, man. i’m happy.”
  • DON'T
    stick around you
    should save yourself
    but you can hit my phone
    if you need some help
code by valen t.
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