all is but the creation of people


(crush me)



Age: 19

Birthday: October 25th

Zodiac: Scorpio

Gender: female, goes by she/her pronouns.

Orientation: homosexual, although she will still frequently flirt with guys.

Origin: Upper West Side, Manhattan, New York City


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130 pounds

Eye colour: blue

Hair colour: blonde 

Nationality: American

Dominant hand: right

Voice claim: Sasha Pieterse


Languages: English, French, partial  Italian

Religion: n/a

Vices: formidable; thoughtless; unforgiving; withdrawn; intolerant; cunning.

Virtues:creative; calculating; independent; persistent; decisive; resourceful.

Quirks: drums her fingers against the cover of her book when bored, or waiting for

something; uproots grass and/or flowers when angry or sulking; sings incoherently

when elated.

Fears: being overrun by darkness; having her creations turn against her, although

such a thing is unlikely considering they dispel at her will; ravines, or any drop with

an invisible bottom.

Skills: adaptability to situations, focusing on her ability to adapt at will very quickly

with little to no hesitation; listening, following her own claims that she can "hear"

people's fears; ability to work well under pressure - rarely does she feel or cave to

time constraints or expectations.

Likes: pastel colours; daisy chains and flower crowns; overgrown clearings; deer;

sitting on cliff edges and listening to the ocean; bringing her creations to life to keep

herself company - the island can be a lonely place sometimes.

Dislikes: strangers; people touching her things; being made a fool of; the thought

of being used as entertainment value; the assertion that she's weak for being both

young and female; fire.

Opinions: after spending almost a decade of her life on the island, Lauren's become

depressingly used to the annual battles to the point where she doesn't quite mind them

so much anymore and simply finds them both exciting and an outlet for her the anger

she bottles up for the remainder of the year. She gets a kick out of bringing monsters

down and loves looking for a window of opportunity to use some of her more prized

manifestations. As for the escape plan? She's both for it and against it. She wants to

get off of the island and go home as much as the next misfit but she's privately worried

about what will become of both her and her creations back in the real world.

Theme: x


Power: the master of Imagination Manifestation, Lauren's magical ability enables her

to summon anything from her own imagination into existence. Naturally, any wielder of

this form of magic tends to have their own stylistic approach to the entities/objects they

summon, with Lauren tending to follow a rather dark and demonic aesthetic. All of her

creations come forth accompanied with shadows, darkness, the whole shebang, and it

completely clashes with her demure and almost innocent outer appearance. For example

one of her favourite, and most frequently used, creatures is an impossibly gigantic black

snake complete with ominous violet eyes and fangs the size of people. (Like we're talking

twice the size of the Basilisk they had lurking in the Chamber of Secrets.) While not at all

necessary for her powers to activate, and her creations to manifest, Lauren frequently

hauls around an unmarked leather-bound book containing detailed notes on all of her

favourite and most-used manifestations as well as ideas for future ones.


Biography: growing up, Lauren was always a quiet child overlooked in favour of other

children. She was polite, kind and well-behaved to the point where barely anybody paid

attention to her because there was no reason to monitor her. While left alone to her own

devices she would frequently conjure cute little animals to play with in her bedroom, all of

them promptly disappearing whenever anyone came through the door. She never knew

exactly what she was doing, or how it worked, but she unconsciously did it anyway. But

the older she got, the less it happened, and soon enough her manifestations disappeared

completely to the point where she always dismissed them as vivid imaginary friends from

when she was "just a kid". As she entered middle school, Lauren quickly became a target

of bullies for being a teacher's pet and a goody-two-shoes who never broke the rules and

constantly snitched on students who did.


Raised under the short poem that "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will

never hurt me," she took the verbal abuse with little to no issue. It wasn't until shortly after

she turned 12 that things finally took too drastic a turn and her manifestations came back

in full force to defend her. An older boy due to leave that same year had approached her

and gleefully torn to shreds the book she'd been writing in; it had been a little journal her

dad had given her before going to work abroad in France, and she'd been writing down

a story in it ever since he'd left ready to show him when he returned. The last thing that

anyone remembered after Daniel Mason tore up Lauren's book was the sight of a 40 foot

spider writhing around on the playground crushing everything in sight. After that it was

bye bye New York for Lauren as she was carted off to the island and left never to see

her home again.



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