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Realistic or Modern All For The Band


Love is Love. No matter what sex.

Neptune Alexandrya Courtney


Letting out a soft yawn, Neptune slowly opened her eyes and managed to turn over to see what time it was. 6:05 AM. She had been asleep for a mere three hours. Just great. Slowly sitting up, she yawned once more, unable to stop herself before getting up and stretching out. She was still tired, but she couldn't make herself sleep the night before. Her nerves had finally gotten to her. Today, she, as well as her friends, were leaving to start off their first world tour. Walking over to her stereo, she placed in one of their own CD's and pressed play, turning the volume up as she woke up a bit more, beginning to sing along to the songs. In a way, this was her special way of practicing without actually practicing. Dancing her way to the bathroom, she started the water for a shower and smiled as she took her time getting cleaned.

When she stepped out, the seventh song of the disc had just began playing. Wrapping a towel around herself, she headed to her bags, still dancing, and began trying to find something to wear. As she looked and thought about it, she grabbed her phone and decided to text her friends to make sure they remembered where they were meeting up. She had figured it would be easier than meeting at the airport just in case someone happened to be late. This way, they could be late together.

Killer Instinct <3
Wakey wakey!!!! Be at the Buckingham fountain @ 9 or we'll be late. That means not spending two hours on your makeup guys lol

Laughing as she sent the message, she threw her phone on the bed and kept looking for an outfit. She finally found a pair of shorts and a simple short sleeve shirt. After getting dressed, she slid on a navy blue blazer and smiled as she began working on her hair, simply drying it out and loosely curling it. Packing her curling iron back up and pulling out her makeup and black vans, she began working on her makeup after slipping on her shoes. When she finally finished getting dressed, she made sure she had everything and headed downstairs with her phone in hand.


@femjapanriceball @Kanra23
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Evie made sure to wake up early this morning, she knew that they had to be up and ready to go and meet up with everyone else by 9 or else she would probably be in trouble. She got up at 5:45 and made sure to have a can or Red Bull right on her night stand to help her wake up. She had been sure to pack most of her things the night before and a little the day before, knowing her she would have forgotten too many things if she waited to pack.

She did her hair and make up and grabbed her clothes out of the closet and got dressed, she looked at her phone noticing a group text. She read it and smiled, she put her phone back and finished packing the rest of her things, she did her best to pack light. she had two suit cases and a bookbag and her purse. She brought the bags down one at a time, then cleaned her room up a little bit and laid down on her bed and replied to the text.

Killer Instinct
Wakey wakey!!!! Be at the Buckingham fountain @ 9 or we'll be late. That means not spending two hours on your makeup guys lol
Meet you guys there [/COLOR] :) [COLOR=#ff00ff] good thing I woke up early it takes me two and a half hours to do my makeup lol

She grabbed her phone and her purse and closed her door and walked into the living room and waited to leave.


Gunnar Odinsson

Gunnar was jerked awake by the sound of his phone's text message ringtone going off twice. Just like every single ringtone on his phone it was one of Killer Instinct's songs but this one in particular was a cut of one of his favorite guitar riffs on a loop. He was wearing his signature sunglasses despite the fact that he had just been a sleep but anyone who knew him also knew that this wasn't anything strange because he was always wearing those sunglasses, always. He reached around for his phone blindly on the bed before his grogginess cleared up and he remembered that it was actually on his nightstand charging.
"Fuck me..." Gunnar said with a groan as he yanked the phone from it's charger, read the messages from his band mates, and replied.

Killer Instinct!!!
Neptune: Wakey wakey!!!! Be at the Buckingham fountain @ 9 or we'll be late. That means not spending two hours on your makeup guys lol
Evie: Meet you guys there :) good thing I woke up early it takes me two and a half hours to do my makeup lol
If anyone of you wakes me up this early again...I'm killing you all in your sleep...

Gunnar wasn't really a morning person, he genuinely hated being up early in the morning, but he understood why he was being woken up. This wasn't one of their garages anymore or some dive bar venue or hell, it wasn't even a really nice big city venue, no, this was a world fucking tour. That didn't change his opinions of mornings though. Even still he was already up on his feet and beginning his routine. He walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before he started his "morning" workout routine. Twenty plank to push ups, twenty mountain climbers, twenty v-ups, thirty seconds rest and repeat five times. Nothing too intense but enough to get him awake and relatively maintain his naturally slim and muscular body. He then immediately went back to the bathroom, took a quick ten minute shower, and got dressed.

As Gunnar looked himself in the mirror and back at his open dresser and chuckled. It never ceased to amaze him how much black clothing he actually owned. He was dressed in a large black tank top with the impression of a Guy Fawkes mask, form fitting black jeans, black combat boots, and of course his sunglasses. He looked himself up and down in the mirror again and sighed.
"I'm a walking stereotype." He jokingly said to himself and went to make sure that he had all of his clothes packed and his guitar's safely secured in their cases as he waited for a good time to leave.

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Anita was already awake by the time she received the text. She had been practicing piano in her pajamas, reading horror novels, and doing anything else to pass the time. She read the text hastily and nodded. Already on it, she texted back. She then went to her room, looking for clothes. "Now what to wear? Casual or special? Special," she decided.


"That looks pretty good." Anita checked her reflection. She looked like a different person than she actually was. She straightened her jacket and got her keyboard out. It was heavy, but...meh. She dragged it outside, then got her car started.

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She began driving to the fountain.



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Mikey Morison

Mikey woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing at 5:30. He fallen asleep at 10:30 the night before, knowing that this would be a long day and he would have to be in his best condition. He arose from his bed shirtless and hair messed up and he walked over to his dresser, looking in his mirror, and yawning. He grabbed a towel from the closet in his small apartment and walked to his wash room to have a shower and freshen up.

After his shower he got dressed in a camouflage tank and a pair of jeans and began to get breakfast ready for himself. He decided to check his phone which he had had on silent as he bite into a bagel and realised that several text messages had flooded in. He read through them and laughed at gunners response and began to type back hitting send when he felt his reply was good enough.

Killer Instinct
Neptune: Wakey wakey!!!! Be at the Buckingham fountain @ 9 or we'll be late. That means not spending two hours on your makeup guys lol
Evie: Meet you guys there :) good thing I woke up early it takes me two and a half hours to do my makeup lol
Gunnar: If anyone of you wakes me up this early again...I'm killing you all in your sleep...
Anita: Already on it
WHAT?!?!?! Gunnar is out of bed?????? it must be a miracle!!!! Don't worry Gunnar, we only got to do this fr the next... How many weeks was it again??? I can't remember....

Mikey laughed and finished his Bagel, and got up from the table, grabbing his little back pack full of stuff, his bass guitars and his amp already in his car along with his suitcase. He went down into the parking garage that was just outside of his apartment and opened up the garage door. Inside was a older classic mussel car, which was once his brothers car until he had gotten a new car. He looked to a coat hanger which had a leather jacket hung on it and he put it on. and got in his car and began the drive to their meeting area.

Peter Neal

It was 5:00 When Peter had awoken, as he did every morning so that he could get something to eat and drive to morning practice. He made it to the gym around 5:45, and practice started at 6 so he went inside and hurried to get ready. This morning he had volleyball practice, ad it would be he last one he got in for a while atleast with the mens team who played in quite a few local tournaments. today he would be leaving for a world tour with his band and it would be awhile till he could enjoy playing a sport again, but that was fine, cause drummer was quite fun aswell, and he was good at it.

He finished practice at 7 and had his shower which didn't last very long. He was now dressed in a pair of shorts black that came down past his knees, a pair of vans shoes, and a simple white tank top on inside of a grey hoodie. He walked out of the Gym at 8:00 and checked his phone.

Killer Instinct
Neptune: Wakey wakey!!!! Be at the Buckingham fountain @ 9 or we'll be late. That means not spending two hours on your makeup guys lol
Evie: Meet you guys there :) good thing I woke up early it takes me two and a half hours to do my makeup lol
Gunnar: If anyone of you wakes me up this early again...I'm killing you all in your sleep...
Anita: Already on it
Mikey: WHAT?!?!?! Gunnar is out of bed?????? it must be a miracle!!!! Don't worry Gunnar, we only got to do this fr the next... How many weeks was it again??? I can't remember....
Shit that's and 45 minute drive from here in good traffic

He messaged and ran for his car, his stuff already in the back seat and he didn't waste a single second taking off from the parking lot to get to where he needed to go.​

Neptune Alexandrya Courtney


Hearing her phone chime several times with messages, she laughed as she read them all, heading downstairs as she did so. She thought about how many week a hundred days equaled and when she figured it out, she pulled out her phone to reply.

Killer Instinct <3
Wakey wakey!!!! Be at the Buckingham fountain @ 9 or we'll be late. That means not spending two hours on your makeup guys lol
Evie: Meet you guys there [/FONT] :) [FONT=Courgette] good thing I woke up early it takes me two and a half hours to do my makeup lol
Gunnar: If anyone of you wakes me up this early again...I'm killing you all in your sleep...
Anita: Already on it
Mikey: WHAT?!?!?! Gunnar is out of bed?????? it must be a miracle!!!! Don't worry Gunnar, we only got to do this fr the next... How many weeks was it again??? I can't remember....
Peter: Shit that's and 45 minute drive from here in good traffic
Gunnar, if I was scared of you killing me, I wouldn't have woken you up. And Mikey, think about it. 20 places and 5 days in each is 100 days. That's about 14 and a half weeks. That's IF we don't get asked to do anymore performances

Sending the message, Neptune finished eating before going out to her 2016 Dodge Challenger and got in, knowing her bags were in the back. Without a moment's hesitation, she pulled out of her driveway and plugged her phone in, listening and singing along to the songs on her playlist. She stopped by the coffee shop, taking it upon herself to buy them all a coffee. Once she was finished, she left and made her way to the fountain, rolling her windows down and letting the nice Chicago breeze fill her car. Once she arrived, she got out, leaving her bags in the car but grabbing the coffees and sitting on the edge, waiting patiently for her bandmates to arrive.

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Anita pulled up at the fountain, instrumental music booming from her blue car, then stepped out awkwardly. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose, wondering if her outfit was a bit....much. Oh, well. Anita looked in the mirror of her car tentatively. Relax. You look fine. She saw Neptune and waved. Right on time. Like always, Anita. I told you you wouldn't be late.

"Hi, Neptune," she said, closing her car door and walking over. Anita held onto her phone, one earbud in her ear so she could still listen to her own music, which was different than most people's tastes. [media]

She hummed the tune under her breath, flexing her fingers as though she were playing piano.

Gunnar Odinsson

Gunnar wasn't exactly a sit still kind of person unless he was either reading, watching a movie, sleeping, or playing the guitar. Otherwise he was more than likely bouncing off the walls, trying to expel the constant charismatic energy that he exuded. Naturally he got bored, pulled out one of his guitars, and started to practice. The guitar he used looked like an average guitar compared to all of the crazy custom ones that he bought or had made, it was a simple lime green Ibanez Model S electric guitar. The reason that it meant so much to him was because the Ibanez Model S was his father's first electric guitar, as well as the brand that he was loyal to, and the lime green color was homage to the knock-off fender strat that he bought when he was a kid with paper route money, and it was also just a good fucking guitar. The guitar was attached to an amp that he had in his room and he felt a smile spread across his face as he played. There was something about playing a guitar that brought a calm to him, especially this song as it was one of his favorite bands, an inspiration to him and learning this fucking solo took him a long time, well into Killer Instincts mainstream success but he had learned.


He almost didn't hear the alarm when it went off but luckily he'd seen it light up out of the corner of his eye. He quickly packed up the guitar, turned off the amp, grabbed his phone and ran to his car. He loaded up the guitars he'd be brining with him for the tour, the lime green one was one of them of course, and drove towards the fountain. He loved his car. He'd never really made a male role model in his life for obvious reasons and his uncle had tried to fill those shoes for him and while he definitely helped Gunnar a lot he never could quite get him to call him dad. Not that he was trying but it would have been nice. Point was his uncle was really into American muscle cars and they'd restored a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda (when his uncle could catch Gunnar when he wasn't playing guitar) and handed him the keys when he turned sixteen.

He was blasting a Sex Pistols song when he parked and sat there for a few minutes to let it finish before turning off the car and climbing out. He grabbed each guitar out of the car, four in total, and walked over to the fountain where he found Neptune, their young singer and Anita, their even younger pianist. While young both were good at what they did which is why they were going on a world fucking tour. He greeted both of them with his usually goofy grin and sat next to Neptune.
"So whose ready to take over the fucking world?" He asked loudly looking over that the both of them.



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Neptune Alexandrya Courtney


Upon seeing Anita, Neptune shot up from her seat, wrapping her arms around the girl. "Aloha my friend!" she said happily, unable to contain her excitement any longer. She soon released the girl and sat back down. "You look cute," she complimented with a wide grin before jumping ever so slightly as a bit of water splashed onto her leg. She remained silent, playing with the frays at the end of her shorts before she heard another car pull up, she glanced over only briefly, realizing who it was before returning to her frays, surprisingly entertained by them.

She didn't realize she had drifted off into her own little world until Gunner's voice rudely brought her out of her thoughts. Glaring at him, she shook her head as she left her shorts alone. "Damnit. I was clearly entertained and then you ruined it," she said angrily, though it was obvious she was just joking. "Just for that, I might just drink your coffee that I didn't have to spend money on," she added as she got up, making a point to slip her hair before walking off towards her car. She soon returned with three cups, handing the first one to Anita and the second to Gunnar before taking a sip of her own. "And don't get too excited. We still have to wait on the late bloomers," she told him with rolled eyes before setting her coffee down and suddenly standing up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go test something real quick," she said before leaving for her car. Getting in, she closed the door and cranked it up, sticking in a disk that had a bunch of karaoke tracks on it. She flipped through them before she found one and let it play as she sang along to the music, adding in some of her own flairs to it. In reality, she had been considering doing a cover or two of other songs during some of the performances but she wasn't sure yet. They had been known for their normally upbeat music, so she figured it wouldn't hurt to let their fans hear something along that nature, but also something soft as well.

@femjapanriceball @Kanra23

Anita hugged Neptune back, chuckling. "Aloha!" she said, pulling her earbud out as Gunnar's car pulled up. She waved at him. "I am." He appeared to be in a mood, so she didn't say anything to. Instead, she accepted Neptune's coffee. "Thanks," she said, taking a sip of it as she pulled up Garageband. She heard Neptune start singing. It looked as though she had gotten the same idea as her to practice. Anita grinned slightly, plugging her earbuds in as she pulled up the piano.


She pressed "record", flexing her fingers like she always did before she played piano, and just let her soul go into the piano. This was what she liked about her instrument. She didn't like singing in front of large crowds, but she liked to express herself through music. This song especially reminded her of her own reason for playing piano, a reason that she was keeping to herself. However, the only thing she could say about it was that this was her dream and she knew that the person she was dedicating this to would be proud.



Gunnar Odinsson

Gunnar watched as Neptune walked off and came back with cups of coffee. He grinned from ear to ear and thanked her, taking one of the cups and happily sipping from it. He waved her off when she mentioned having something to do.
"You're eighteen and going on a world tour, do whatever the hell you want." He wasn't sure if he was ever going to get tired of saying it. He then looked over at Anita as she set up her keyboard and she herself started to play. He shrugged and shook his head as he continued to sip at is coffee before lying down on the edge of the fountain. He already practiced this morning and he sure as hell wasn't about to do it again. Well the real reason was that he didn't have an amp and his guitar would sound like shit but that other thing sounded so much cooler. "Oh fuck it..." He said mostly to himself as he turned over onto his side and reached down for one of his four guitar cases. He opened up a red one and pulled out a zombie themed guitar, switched over onto his back, lazily started to play. He didn't put much effort into it and you could barely hear what he was playing as it was more of a practice for himself and his fingers.




Evie hadn't realized how much time she had wasted just sitting around waiting to leave. She got into her car and made her way to where she was told to meet everyone. As she got closer she got more and more excited. As she pulled up she noticed Neptune, Anita, and Gunnar. Before she got out, one of her favorite songs came on the radio. Personally Evie didn't care how loud or who heard her singing. She sang along hitting every note and pitch, at one point she even opened the door. Once it was over she finally stepped out of the car, adjusted her skirt, grabbed her handbag. She walked over to where everyone was, she could hear music, probably playing from a store or something, she quietly sang along and sat down on the edge of the fountain.

Neptune Alexandrya Courtney


As the song ended, she took a deep breath, deciding that the covers would be a good idea to show that their sound could be diverse. Glancing out the window, she saw Evie sitting on the fountain and grinned widely as she grabbed her keys and hopped out the car. Closing the door, she ran over and hugged her friend happily. "It's about time you got here, darling!" She said happily, her natural energetic side coming out once again. "Oh!" She said and quickly ran back to her car. She returned moments later with a coffee for Evie, handing it to her. "For you, my dear," she said and giggled softly as she sat back down on the edge of the fountain. "I'll just repeat this a bit later on but I was thinking. Why not during some of our later shows after we've had a bit of time to practice, we could do a few covers of some classic songs? Some that everyone knows, even the parents in the crowd there just for their kids? Maybe something like 'I Love Rock'n'Roll. Or 'Sweet Child 'O Mine' has a kickass guitar part. And definitely 'Stairway to Heaven'," she suggested as she looked at the members that were there.
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Mikey Morrison

Mikey was nearing the fountain when he had decided to do something totally stupid. As he got to the fountain and took the tun into the lot where everyone else was parked he pulled up on the hand break and began to drift. His basses slid around in the back and Mikey turned up the music. He drifted into a stop just a meter from Gunnar's car. He stood up through the sun roof he had installed on his car and looked down at everyone while one of his favorite songs, a cover of the classic rock song more than a feeling by Boston, was blasting from the speakers in his car. "Who's ready to fucking rock!!!!" he shouted.


Mikey got out of his car and walked over to the group after turning off his car. He sat by Anita who was playing her piano. "So what's up everyone?" He said as he looked around. "Wait..... Peter still isn't here is he...." Mikey said, thinking more about how peter would never see that cool entrance of his than being late for the world tour.

Peter Neal

Peter was stuck in a traffic jam about 15 minutes from the meeting spot, the clock changed to 8:55 as he finally got moving and began to get on track towards the fountain again. Peter was driving about 15 miles over the speed limit trying to make it to the meeting place on time. At 9:12am Peter pulled into the parking lot and got out of his car, his hair still wet from the shower he had shortly ago. "Soooooo sorry, had bad traffic, so are we ready to go or what?" he said looking around at everyone, realsing that he was the only person that was late getting there.


Gunnar Odinsson

Gunnar was in his own world now. Strumming away at his guitar, looking up a the sky, and taking deep breaths. He was completely unaware of everything that was going on around him, probably a dangerous thing but if he was going to die from some kind of avoidable accident then dying because he was too busy playing guitar was a good way to go in his opinion. His hands and finger expertly danced along the strings, making what would have been some bad ass music if he had the ability to plug his guitar into an amp. Unfortunately this wasn't the case but there was a silver lining and that was the fact that in a rather short amount of time his guitar was going to plug his guitar into an amp to entertain a sold out stadium of people in the hundreds of thousands and with his friends no less. He could hear everyone talking around him but it only really sounded like mumbling to him and he probably wouldn't have gotten up at all until someone pushed him into the fountain but a quarter that someone was trying to throw into the fountain hit him in the face which caused him to sit up.
"Do it again and it goes up your nose!" He shouted at the couple who tossed the quarter as he knelt down to pick it up and tossed it back at them, before turning to his bandmates. "Anyway, I'm glad to see that Mikey and Peter made it and to answer our beloved Peter, who punishes himself by subjecting his body to regular exercise and sports, I'm not stepping foot back in the states until everyone else in the world is yelling Killer Instinct until their throats bleed."

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