Ali-Qual, Homeworld of the Al-Quhr


One Thousand Club
 download (13).jpg

  A mostly low-tech planet scourged by poverty. This planet lacks the resources to support a growing nation. Currently owned by the Al-Quhr.

Al-Quhr High Council

 At first, the message from the Imperial Empire of Lorraine had been taken straight to the Shah-En-Shah. After that, the process of diplomacy had been put into motion. The Imam of the Ulema had been called and the head Mufti. The majority of the political leaders who could attend the meeting were called, and the ones who couldn't were put on screens. After about 2 hour the meeting was put in motion.

 The discussion was mostly led by the political leaders, as the Ulema leaders didn't have much to contribute. Past if this new nation was in line with their god (It was good enough) they mostly kept to themselves. Most of the discussion was about the last sentence, though after some time it was thrown to the side. The Shah-En-Shah was eventually persuaded to accept the alliance, due to the aid that was sent by the Lorraineian's. The correct officials were put to work on writing an official response. 

Defensive Alliance Treaty Transcript

 [SIZE= 24px]"The Al-Quhr have decided to accept your Treaty and enter a Defensive Alliance with you. The help sent to Ademar to help repel the UTA has been examined and is appreciated. An ally against the UTA would be helpful. As for the Kaisic's, we have never had any true quarrel with them. However, they have violated our borders before, and we are not friends of them. If the UTA can be repelled from Ademar, we shall see about war with the Kaisic's. The threat at the end of your transmission was not well received. See to it that no more are made. The Al-Quhr don't like to associate themselves in this way with many foreign nations, and this is for good reason. Don't prove us wrong in trusting you."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]@Proxploxtops[/SIZE]
Encrypted Transmission-[Sent from {Imperial Empire of Lorraine}

{Private Transmission from [Emporerof Lorraine]}

We understand your fustration with our warnings. It just so happens that we tend to...dislike being betrayed. See to it that you help us in our...crusade on the galaxy and you shall be rewarded gloriously. Ademar shall be liberated and we may discuss terms on future relations. Long live our empires, long live Lorraine,

End Transmission- {Directly from [Robert Gadigan]}

Jamal, Al-Quhrian Diplomat

Transcript of "Lorrianian 3:2"

   "The Ademarian peoples are currently being talked to by us. We hope to integrate them into our empire by the end of the year. Though they want to retain more freedoms then we would like, this should end on good terms. They are off limits to you. 

 As of the matter of land, we are willing to offer a large plot of land around a rich mineral deposit. This land encompasses around 10% of the planet. Additionally, we offer a 10% discount on future trades involving metals. We recommend you accept the offer as it is, because you won't get much further then you are. You came because you are our ally, not because you'd get an award."



Robert Gadigan


The offer was better than he expected. He figured civilians would make good use of the land. Trade would also be a nice bonus. He started a transmission.


[Transmission to Ali-Qual]



We thank you for your offer. In addition to land, we would like to have a Ali-Qual-Cleron embassy be built in each of our planets as well as a joint Al-Quhr-Lorraine space station on Ademar for defence and to maintain relationships on off-world planets. Other than what has been stated, we accept your offer. We will be sending your transport fleet to Ademar to drop off civilians. Thank you.


[End Transmission]



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Cleron Intelligence Transmission


{Private Transmission}


[Encryption Successful]


To the government of the Al-Quhr, Lorraine will be sending a fleet of transports and some cruisers to escort your armies to the soon to be invaded Terra. In it you will find dated gear though still feasible in the field that may be of use to your troops. Training may be required to have your soldiers accommodated to the setting and to their new outfits for strategic purposes in regards to your troops.

With regards,

Imperial Senate and Strategic Intelligence of Lorraine


[End Transmission]

[Transmission to Alkar]

{Lorraine Intelligence Agency}



[Encryption Successful]


The Imperial Intelligence Agency


We have sent the transports if supplies to Ali-Qual for the upcoming invasion. For the tactics of the battle, we hope your subordinates on Ademar has disclosed the plan to your government. In which case you were not informed, we require a shipment of dared by usable armor and weapons given to the Al-Quhr though unecessary, highly suggested.


With regards,

the Lorraine Intelligence Aganecy [LIA]

[End Transmission]





Transmission to the Lorraine Intelligence Agency.


We will send a transport filled with our old tech to help the Al-Quhr on their front. Thank you for reminding us. We have also received the plans from our fleet above Ademar.

From the Alkaran Grand Council 


Ending transmission



Space above Ademar


A mass fleet of transports and cruisers appeared overhead. They slowly moved towards Ali-Qual. Officers bustled around the ship, checking hangars and cabins. Bridge Officers scrambled trying to connect comms to the Ali-Qual government.


The ship most protected however was the ILS Patriot. It was one of the newer cruisers in the fleet complete with heavy armor and weapons and was the most powerful ship in the fleet, the other cruisers were with the old designs. The Patriot was run by Captain James Liland who was panicking, hoping the messages were sent to the government before their arrival.


"Ladies and Gentlemen,  welcome to Ali-Qual, our ally and soon to be fodder...," He said solemnly, "let's see if we can get them aboard our ship, establish contacts ASAP"

[Transmission to Alkar]


[Encryption Successful]


Lorraine Intelligence Agency


We thank you for taking notice. In order for the success of the operation to be fully carried out, we suggest sending them ASAP. We have already provided transports at Ali-Qual and only want the dated weapons and armor for the Al-Quhr troops. We thank you for your generosity


[End Transmission]










Al-Quhr Government

 After a brief moment of excitement caused by a mass of ships jumping into the sector, it was soon found out that the ships where from Lorrianian descent. Quadir went to stand with Shah-En-Shah Alvan Qaseem. They would be making contact with the Lorrianians. It was a great honor for Quadir.

 A screen was set up, and communications were connected. Alvan Qaseem sat at his desk, casually, yet professionally. Quadir stood straight up at attention. They were both the more disciplined of the Al-Quhr.

 As connection with the Lorrianians was gained, Alvan Qaseem introduced himself.

   "Welcome to our planet."

 Alvan spoke in a slow, casual tone.

   "I am Alvan Qaseem, Shah-En-Shah of the Al-quhr, and standing next to me is Quadir Dalia, my Admiral. I assume you've brought your Transports as promised?"

[SIZE= 24px]@Proxploxtops[/SIZE]

Note: Shah-En-Shah means King-Of-Kings.
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Aboard the ILS Patriot-Hornet class cruiser


Commodore James Liland


The bridge crew were anxious to meet the Ali-Qual. Many of the higher officers were given basic training on the Al-Quhr culture and terms.


"Sir, we've established comms, shall I put it up?" The comms officer said.


"What the hell do you think officer?" James said sarcastically before composing himself, "put it up"


A projection appeared in front of the crew. Many of the officers saluted whilst many other attended regular duties as necessary to maintain the ship. James stood up as he heard the introduction.


"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance your highness," James bowed respectfully, "I am Commodore James Liland in command of this transport fleet. I'm tasked aboard the ILS Patriot as ordered to transport your army to the front lines and the eventual future invasion. In our transports contain Lorrainian gear to be given to your troops, it should be a sort of...upgrade. Alkar troops will also be arriving shortly delivering a shipment of weapons and armor as well, thank you your highness"


James feared he may have said too much. He remained upright and firm. He took a deep breath.


"Your highness, may we have permission to land our small transports to deliver your army aboard?" He asked.


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Manifest Transport Group

"Sergeant, were approaching Ali-Qual." the pilot said to a Co on board. "Alright. Open coms up, get us a signal." the sergeant said. There were 5 Ravens containing older equipment the Alkarans used. It was still useful and effective tech. He hoped the Al-Quhr would like it.


Communications to Ali-Qual

This is the Alkaran equipment transport group. We are entering your atmosphere soon. Do not be alarmed.


Al-Quhr Government

 Alvan Qaseem sat back and took in a breath.

   "Of course. I assume Quadir will tell you where to land?"

 Quadir, upon hearing his name, straightened himself up again.

[SIZE= 24px]   "Yes, of course your highness."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px] He looked towards the people on the screen.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]   "I'll be sending you the coordinates soon. It's a flat piece of land south of our Capital. There's some pavement there, but most of it's sand, so make sure your crafts won't sink."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px] Alvan sat back up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]   "Yes, it would seem that would be all. You are dismissed Commodore."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px] And with that, Alvan made a hand-motion to the side. The screen shut off. Alvan looked over at Quadir.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]   "You are dismissed to, Quadir."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]   "Of course, my King."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px] Quadir left the room. One of the engineers who was now taking down the screen approached Alvan. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]   "My lord, the Alkar have also contacted us."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]   "Anything important?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]   "Nothing more then already said, your highness. They will be landing soon."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]   "Very well, send them the coordinates as well. I think we talked enough with the Lorrianians."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 24px]@Proxploxtops  @Reaper 1-1[/SIZE]
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ILS Patriot


Commodore James Liland


James was dussapointed at the sudden dissapear in the conversation. They certainly seemed as if they were nobles from the medieval period. They were arrogant and pampered. James could still see the pampered and arrogant attitude in the king's talk and actions. He supposed the alliance would only be necessary for a short period of time.


"Sir, we're receiving coordinates, south of their capital as stated sir," an officer reported.


"Send our transports down and have them on hover just below the ground, we can't take chances," James ordered.


The officer nodded and went on with his duty, contacting the fleet and the captains in it. The Captain's officers would the relay the information to the hangars. Withing ten minutes, the transports that were already heading to the surface deployed their STTs and headed to the coordinates.


It was slow for military standards however most of the Transport Fleets were run by civilians and veterans alike. Given a state of battle, it would likely be two minutes tops to transport the soldiers down. Of course, it would have to be in waves and each wave landing would take two minutes.


James watched silently as streams of ships came out and made way to the landing point. It would be a slow process, transporting and nature army however he figured it would take an hour tops. The soldiers could gather their gear during warp.



"Sir, we've got coordinates. No message though. Probably busy talking with the Lorrainians." the pilot said. The sergeant nodded, " Probably. Head to those coordinates. ". The pilot nodded back and locked in the coordinates. "Alright people, once we get there I want you to move quick and get these guys our tech." the sergeant said. He was confused why they didn't even hear a word from the Al-Quhrans. It made the sergeant feel a little suspicious. Were they planning something?



Quadir Dalia, Al-Quhrian Admiral

 Once Quadir had been dismissed, he had headed to the landing zone to help organize things. He joined certain generals to put the groups together. The men were either excited, nervous, or scared. None of those made for a very calm preceding. He was chosen personally by the Shah-En-Shah to meet with the with the Lorrianians, and Alkarians when they eventually arrived, and help organize things.

 He looked up about a minute later to see the ships landing. They were coming down, a bit unorganized but generally calmly. Quadir stood and waited for the crafts to land. When most of them had, he walked into the stray to find their organizers, hoping for his uniform to display his importance.


ILS Patriot


Commodore James Liland


"Sir, we've got Alkarians in the sector," reports th radarman.


"Good get us a communications line," James reported. It was good to have open communications with allies. It was especially good after the not-so-good impressions from the Al-Quhr.


Ali-Qual, south of the Capital


The radio as buzzing with communications as the officer navigated their way to the barren landscape. A large city could be seen in the distance though it was no metropolis. A palace stood in the center, adorned with fancy architecture and colors. A patch of pavement was surrounded by a large ocean of sand.


"This is Lead 1104, we have confirmed landing zone, pavement is visible, " the pilot said. His radio buzzed, "stand by, new order, we're to hover above the surface ever so slightly above the sand"


A range of confirmations drowned the radio. The pilots in formation hovered above the landing zone, an army waiting visibly at attention. It was a large army however quality was always useful. The invasion would test the competence of the soldiers and leaders.


"This is Lead 1104, we have confirmed objectives. Beginning loading process," the pilot slowly pressed some buttons and maneuvered the transport to the landing zone. Many other pilots did the same. It was going to take about an hour to take the whole army on board.


The pilot hopped out after landing his transport, one of the few with permission as duty forced him. He stepped into the pavement to meet the leader. His badge and rank insignia signified his rank (a Major) however it was up to the Al-Quhr leader to decide if it was enough to meet him. It was his job to greet their general. He waited outside at a forced march, approaching the general.




Quadir Dalia, Al-Quhrian Admiral

 Quadir turned around and noticed one of the Lorrianians walking towards him. He didn't know the Lorrianian ranks, but he had expected something more extravagant, such as the gold lining his suit, or the small gemstones on his wrists.

 He stood there trying to make himself look taller then he was, waiting for the Lorrianian to reach him. He kept a neutral face. Even in small exchanges like this, he didn't let himself rest. He needed to keep himself presentable.

[SIZE= 24px]@Proxploxtops[/SIZE]

Ali-Qual Landing Zone


Major Charlie Nikumura


Charlie walked at a steady pace. Well, walking was a simple way to describe it, he walked with more of a forced march. He worn ribbons on top of his formal flight suit (typically for diplomatic missions and for escorting important figures as a sign of competence). Ribbons weren't the norm on uniforms for pilots as functionality outweighed looks. Ribbons might even make leaders more if a target.


Charlie kept marching a steady pace. He walked with no guards and was unsure whether he would regret that or not. He did have his trusty pistol with him (the standard amongst pilots). It wasn't a fancy machine pistols like the Commandoes though it was functional.


He approached the man standing in front. He was unsure his ranking though he seemed more adorned than the rest. Charlie was also unsure whether they knew his rank or not however he hoped his patch was enough to prove it. He walked with no helmet and only his flight suit.


The man was prominent among the crowd now. It was a short walk though a lot seemed to be going through Charlie's mind. As he stood right in front of the man in front of him he saluted out of instinct. He had no clue of the customs for saluting a Al-Quhr high rank. It seemed to have skipped the mind.


"Uh, ehm, sir, I am major Charlie Nikumura of the Lorraine Air Services, as promised we have the requested transports. The Alkarian transports shall be coming soon. I am to escort the commander...," Charlie was light headed but managed to compose himself, "Sir, aboard our transports your soldiers shall find adequate equipment as planned for the invasion. Their should be more than enough time to change and practice your soldiers with the equipment, ehm, sir"






Approaching the site

"Sir, we're here" the pilot said. The sergeant moved to the front to see the landing site. It was covered in sand and only a little concrete was visible. "Thats the landing site?" he asked. The pilot answered him "Those are the coordinates. The Lorrainians are there to.". The sergeant nodded and looked over his shoulder and smiled the the other soldiers. "Alright. Tell the other 4 to touch down there as well. Get these guys what they asked for" he said as he put his gun down. "Drop your weapons" he said to the others, then turned to the pilot "Tell the others that to". The Raven landed with a bump as one of the wheels slid into a gap in the concrete. "You guys start getting stuff around. I'll do the talking" the sergeant said as he brushed off his stripes indicating his rank. They used old, Earthen ranks created by the U.S. He slid the side door open and stepped down. Looking around the area he saw the Lorrainian ships and sand. He saw where he believed the commanders were meeting and started walking over at a quick pace. 



Quadir Dalia, Al-Quhrian Admiral

 Quadir was rather unimpressed. The amount of stuttering was bewildering to him, but the Lorrianians speech eventually cleared up. Quadir simple stood there and stared at the person.

 After a short while he looked to the left and noticed someone.

   "That must be our Alkarian friend."

 The first words were he had said to the Lorrianian were rather uninspiring, but he felt he could keep the real talk to when the Alkarian reached them. He didn't want to have to repeat himself.

(Sorry for the lackluster post. I couldn't think of what to say without @Reaper 1-1's character being here first.)

The sergeant walked up to the two men who had been conversing before. He extended his hand to the Al-Quhran leader and introduced himself. "Sergeant Ethan Portlan. Pleasure to be here sir" he said with no stutter. He was used to speak to people. Ethan was commonly the spokesman for his clubs in school. Crowds and unknown people were not a bother.



(Sorry it's short. Just introducing my soldier)



Quadir Dalia, Al-Quhrian Admiral

 Quadir did not shake Ethan's hand. Instead, he simply looked back at him.

   "Great. You're both here."

 He looked towards Charlie.

   "If I remember correctly, you mentioned equipment? That would be appreciated." 

 Quadir turned around and pointed.

   "If you can see around that dune, most of army is stationed back there. It would be great if you could tell your men to put it back there. The generals will help you organize further."

 Despite his enthusiastic words, Quadir kept a cold tone. He was anything but enthusiatic about this meeting. He had personally opposed the idea of an alliance at first, he only was greeting these people because he was told to.

   "About escorting a commander, i'm afraid that won't be me. While I was chose to meet you, it will be the generals who will be going with you. If you go around the dune they should approach you."

 After this, Quadir stood there. He was waiting to see if they had any questions or such. No matter how much he wanted to leave them, he had to make sure they didn't get lost.

Ethan took back his hand after the Al-Quhran rejected it. As he listened he looked back to his ships to see men moving the equipment out. Turning back to the Al-Quhran as he finished he said "Alright, I'll get right on it. Goodbye, Sir". Ethan gave a salute to the Al-Quhran and turned back to his ships once more. He began to jog over to them to give them their orders. "Alright. Get these crates on carts quick" he ordered. The soldiers responded with a reverberating "Yes, Sir!" as they began moving quicker. Ethan stepped into the bird and talked to the pilot. "How was it?" the pilot asked. "He seemed a little too serious. Wouldn't even shake my hand." he answered. Ethan then moved back to help out with getting the equipment ready.



Ali-Qual Landing Zone


Major Charlie Nikumura


Charlie was pretty sure the cold tone of the Al-Quhr commander was due to his impression. It was his first major mission as a commander and be was already failing. The promotion was only a few weeks ago upon the launch of the transport fleet and he was caught off guard when talking to such a high rank. Besides his stuttering he had kept his calm, he had managed to somehow compose himself though the general was certainly unwelcoming. He could hear the reluctance in his words. The Alkarian commander then appeared.


"Nice to meet you, Ethan sir!" He saluted.


He heard what they had to say and kept silent. Charlie didn't feel much in the mood for messing up anymore than he already was. He heard what they had to say.


"V-very well, equipment is in the transports and shl be found into one, transports shall come in waves as to not clutter the landing zone, I shall coordinate with your generals to bring them to our ships," Charlie said with whatever diligence he had left. His mind wandered at the coldness of the general, never had he seen such a sturdy man.


Charlie left with a salute and walked towards the dune, optimistic to meet the generals. He hypothesized that should relations and conversations continue at its current state the alliance would not last long. He hoped the Al-Quhr could at least hold their own. The MP aboard the ships should be able to meet them in check. Rebellion aboard the ship was the last thing needed for the largest naval invasion in history. He jogged towards the dunes, nodding st Ethan politely.






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