Alfheim 2: Sword Art [Inactive]

As they encountered the cave it was decorated with giant statues made of stone that held words unimportant to Apollo and was sealed by a giant double door. the door opens and the crew enters and more ice says something about flight and Apollo replies "yeah that's so interesting does anyone know what were up against"
"Oh yeah some flying robot fairy things. Look here comes some now." Lance yelled while drawing his sword. The others drew their weapons too.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpeg.fa9e6bd6ce808aceb1d8e745f16394e3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpeg.fa9e6bd6ce808aceb1d8e745f16394e3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Some stayed in the back and fired arrows of light. Some surged forward in groups with swords. Yonka dropped back and began firing. More Ice took the left. Saji took the right. Firekick and Lance surged forward.



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"well lets do this" he flew to the enemies shooting arrow slashing them from behind compared to the deer's they were easy kills he killed at least 9, but there was several others that he had to deflect withe small weapon but got shot several times but he quickly retreated and healed up watching the others battle it out unsure if he should return or just move on.
The sentinels kept coming but in a brief moment of rest Lance took in the whole room. It was about half the height of the World Tree. The canopy on top was sealed shut. They probably have to beat all th sentinels to get up there. Each sentinel itself was lv5. Not to mention they attack enmasse and keep coming. Lance got back to hacking and slashing. It was one of Yonka's missed arrows that gave him an idea. It had struck one of the diamonds in the wall in which the sentinels came through. The diamond shattered and no more sentinels came from that diamond.

"Yonka start chanting a thunder spell. I know you put all your skill points into your magic, so use your highest thunder spell and aim for the diamonds. Everyone else guard Yonka, the kind of spell she's chanting has 20 words and each time she's hit she has to start over." Lance barked.

The others formed a perimeter around Yonka. Lance joined as the front of the perimeter.
"so the diamonds are the key" he decides to stick back and attack from behind instead of forming a perimeter with the others. he jumped from behind slash 3 each attack then retreats back to an unseen spot. He noticed with each attack that his form and technique was getting better than the last.
Suddenly, the other half of the diamonds on the other half of the tree activated and started spawning more enemies. Apollo's unseen is now seen. The crew adjusted their formation to accomadate. Lance slashed at the enemies, he seemed to cleave right through them. Firekick's flames could be seen engulfing on coming group after group. Saji meanwhile was sheltering Yonka from arrows with his shield. More Icewas sending waves of frost over the enemy with his sword slowing them down.
Yonka's spell was ready. Everyone swerved to avoid it as it hit the walls and shattered the diamonds.

"Charge" Lance roared.

Everyone surged forward hacking and slashing while dodging arrows. Saji even threw his shield like a boomerang and took the lowest line of archers. Lance, Firekick, and More Ice were operating in perfect unison laying waste to the enemy group after group. Eventually the place was clear, Firekick and Lance did their handshake again while saying,

"We did it"

"We showed them"

""Oppai, Maliness, Yeah, Yeah""

Lance's rewards showed up then

Money: 90000


Items: Armor of the Sentinels, Sword of the Sentinel

"Whoa check out my rewards, got enough to buy a guild hall. I can max out some of skills now." Lance exclaimed

"Remember, deaths and stuff takes away exp and money." More Ice said

"Whoa i got a new bow." Yonka said brandishing her bow of the sentinel.

The group then equipped their armor of the Sentinel. Though now one changed their weapon.

"I just noticed, something. If you check your skill chart, for some Maxing out a skills is not really maxing it out. They opened up to the next round of choices or you can add more exp to increase good effects and lessen bad ones like sword skill cooldown time. Yonka made a good choice leveling up her lightning magic. 
(ran out of room on the other one.)

"See if you clikc on skill it says general skill exp but if you click it opens up into different things. I clicked one handed straight sword and it opened up into sword skills, which opened up into indivisiual sword skills. Wow so there's alot more to managing your skills. So looks like i'm not maxing out anything." Lance said sadly.
Apollo leveled up his dagger skill as well as his hiding,,detection, lisening, tracking ,and beast communication skill which was something he knew could come in handy towards his adventure. as he assumed he was going to need alot of food to tame anything stronger then Rex who wasn't an actual tame beast more of a practicing tool that will disappear in another hour or so so he said his good byes and joined up with the group to move on.

"you guys are not bad it kinda makes up for your personality" he said honestly trying to be nice to them.
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Lance said "Thanks now lets level up our skills before going ahead."

Lance leveld up as follows:

One handed Straight Sword 500- 1000 which is the max for any skill by the way

Sword skills One handed straight sword 0-1000

Fire Magic 0-500

Then he maxed out these skills

Extended Weight Limit



Battle Healing

Light Metal Equipment



Leaving him 30,000 exp left since he couldn't decide
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as the others leveled up there skills Apollo checks his stats:

one hand dagger 450/1000

hiding 308/1000

tracking 202/1000

listening 370/1000

beast communication 550/1000

beast healing 100/1000

sprint 200/1000

acrobatics 270/1000

"Well that's fine for right now" he says to himself he then waits for the others
The others finished leveling themselves up. Lance said "Ok through that canopy is the boss. Who's knows how strong he is or what his minions are like. It's important we work together."

Lance flew up towards the canopy and it opened. The others followed and as soon as everyone was in it closed. The chamber was vast and brooding. The light in the chamber came on it was sunlight which shown through the windows on two sides of the chamber. Standing in the center was a large Golden Sentinel. There were about a dozen regular sized silver ones guarding it. Lance drew his sword and said "Go after the minions first each of us gets two." Lance said

Each minion was about a level 8 and all had swords. They charged forward. So did Lance and his friends.
As soon as everyone was in it closed Apollo didn't really care. The chamber was massive. The light in the chamber came on it was sunlight which shown through the windows on two sides of the chamber. Standing in the center was a large Golden Sentinel like creature and it's mini me's.

A split second later they charged even though he isn't the charging type of player he did anyway clashing with one. Then sliding past it to grab the attention of anther who he slashes in the leg then rolls out of it line of sight to jump on top of the other one slitting its neck killing it. He then goes for the other one who was more knowledgeable about the way that Apollo fought he clashed with it but is knocked against the wall (losing a third of his hp) which it doesn't hesitate to attack but just before it could Rex bites his leg and is slashed in half .

"...." he had no words who would have thought an NPC in a game could have this much effect on him he stands up with shaky legs whipping away some tears and sobbing a little. And charges slashing away hitting the creature at least 30 times not caring if it was already dead then it vanishes and drops to his knees but stands back up to fight.
Lance rolled over the first back and hit the second one with Serration Wave. He did a backflip infront of the first then parried it's attack, he retaliated with Vorpal Strike cleaving a good chunk of hp from it. The second one came again, Lance sidestepped and slashed it with Howling Octave. The first one attacked again and was met by a quick 5 word Fireball spell. Then he grabbed it by it's arm and shoved his sword into it's face.

Yonka fired two high impact arrows knockint back her opponents.

More Ice cast an ice spell 
(Having technical difficulties)

The ice spell made an ice shard explosion impaling the sentitenls slowing and damaging them. He dash forward and sliced both of lethargic sentinels.

Firekick was having great luck fending off his two with well coordinated attacks and parries. All the while his flame immolating and passively damaging the sentinels.

Saji was fend off one with his sword and the other with his shield. He jumped in the air and then came down using a a basic earthhquake spell.
As he looks around as the others were fighting he noticed that they all used spells but he didn't he just made the assumption he was to good and didn't need them.
When Lance was finished forcing his blade through the face of a sentinel another stabbed him in the back. This is what he gets for using such a move and being to slow. Speaking of too slow, The sentinel he killed shatter and he managed to turn his blade around and stabbed the one behind him. It back away and Lance yanked out the blade and tossed it to the ground. He opened his skill menu and looked at sprint, al he did was level up the general sprint skill. He clicked it and it opened up to duration and Make. He maxed out the duration. He upraded to mach 5. Leaving 24000 exp.

He moved just in time to blitz his opponent and diced him into pieces.

The others finished their opponents too. Then the big one started moving. 4 bars of health appeared, and it was level 20. It pulled a sword proportioned to it. Yonka dropped back and use a Heath Dragon, a bow sword skill that fires a huge and fast barrage of arrows continuously. Saji used howl to attract it's attention. It swung and hit his shield. Luckily he must up leveled up his Tank block skill.
"well finally the boss well my category the legs" he goes straight for the right leg getting three slashes in but it doesn't do much to the boss "da*n" he then retreats for a better view "where can I attack ?" he takes a seat and puts his head down as in defeat.
The 12 meter Sentinel struck his sword in the ground and for some reason everyone lost their balance. Lance stood again and so did his friends.

"Saji sword arm, Firekick other arm, Yonka cover, More Ice left leg, King right leg, and i the head. "Lance commanded. Lance flew up and above his target and struck from above at the head. Everyone did their roles and shaved off one and a half bars of life from the giant. Then it's helmet glowed with a red X mark. It suddenly collasped. The armor then started to float up, glow,and then flew in all directions like projectiles. Lance managed to avoid with his new speed. Firekick took cover by stopping one and using it as cover. More ice wasn't so lucky was flatenned into the wall. Yonk took cover behind Saji's shield which seemed to have doubled in size and has a blue glow to it.
After all the armor had been thrown a Golden Sentinel emerged, it was normal person sized now. It held a golden sword.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/IMG_20140413_181152.jpg.e7b84de407a8caa163d68b2469d3f862.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/IMG_20140413_181152.jpg.e7b84de407a8caa163d68b2469d3f862.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Then the to everyone except Lance it would look like the Sentinel was a blur. Suddenly it was between Saji and Yonka. It stabbed Saji and kicked Yonka. Saji lost most of hp and now was in the red zone. Yonka made a nice crater in the wall next to More Ice. The Sentinel was moving as fast as Lance and no one probably level up their sprint mach.



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The sentinel came towards Apollo but it wasn't fast enough to hit him even with its speed Apollo's listening skill combined with his sprint gave him the advantage to slash it across its chest with the sacrifice 3/4 of his hp but he did at least a third of damage to the sentinel meaning it only needed another slash but he couldn't take the chance.
The Sentinel turned it's attention to Firekick who charged it with his spear ablaze. The sentinel easily countered severing putting his hp and red then severing his arm . Firekick was then kicked acrossed the floor. Lance attack the sentinel from behind striking it's with Vorpal Strike. Another third was lost. The Sentinel seemed to glow even brighter now. It and Lance attacked each other furiously. Lance was at the edge of his hp when a giant arrow separated him and the sentinel. Another caught the sentinel in the faceand it shattered. Yonka unexpectedly killed the sentinel. "Nice shot, Yonka" Lance congratulated.

Yonka hid her face, apparently she was caught off guard with what happened.

The exp and money was divided into six equal parts automatically.
In a surprising turn of events Yonka finishes the sentinel in which Apollo applauds trying to get use to his new companions "Great shot Yonka" as he got his share of the reward he automatically thought to by a new weapon and was eager to go but he didn't want to be rude again and just leave so he asked "So where to next?"
"We should go buy some equipment and a guild hall. So we'll be hittin up the best store in Yggdrasil City." Lance said.

He recieved 6000 exp and 1000 credits. He recieved a Sword of the Golden Sentinel and Armor of the Golden Sentinel.

Firekick said "Come on let's give Yonka a round of applause."

Yonka seemed so embarrassed as everyone clapped.

Then they were teleportedd out of the dungeon and into the square of Yggdrasil city. The crew began celebrating their first victory. Yonka said "Oh, it's nothin really."

Firekick and Lance chest bump and did their handshake. More Ice also joined in. Saji hugged Yonka.
"that sounds great" he says as if he wasn't already planning to do that anyway and he joins in the around of applause to Yonka and a few seconds latter Apollo and the others were back in the square of Yggdrasil city. Apollo went straight for the best shop he could find that would supply him with a sufficient dagger.

He approaches a shop and he welcomed by a young man "let me guess you need a dagger am I right?" Apollo replies "uhh yeah you got me some kinda deal?" the man replies"yep I saw you before buying that" he points to his dagger"and I knew you would need this and these" the man pulls out a dagger and guarantees its offensive power "i'll take it" Apollo says.
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