Alduin, The World Eater


Three Thousand Club
Name: Alduin

Universe from: Elder Scrolls

Gender: Male

Age: Timeless


Backstory/Bio: Alduin was the first dragon among many that ruled over men and mer. The dragons viewed humanity as a lesser species, and kept a tyrannical hold on mankind, but soon, in an event known as The Dragon War, men stood up to their dragon overlords. They were almost effortlessly driven back by the dragons. But with the help of Kynareth and the traitor dragon Paarthurnax, who held sympathy for mankind, humanity learned how to use the Voice (Dragon Language), and began to push back. On the Throat of the World, Alduin was defeated, but not killed. Instead, with an Elder Scroll, Alduin was sent forward in time, and would not return until the beginning of the Fourth Era.

Powers/weapons: Dragon shouts.

Goals: (What they want to accomplish in the universe)

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