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Fantasy (Alchemy New York)


New Member
After WW3, the devastation along with radiation has spread across the world and destroyed many great cities such as Washington D.C., Beijing, and New York City.

Somehow, us humans were granted superhuman abilities to practice the ways of alchemy and rebuild our past. That is if some jerk doesn't knock it down into debris first.

In a medieval-sort of society in a half-destroyed modern city, New York City has a king, queen, etc. and has become the central area for all things alchemy. There are many events that occur in NYC such as splendid firework shows, magic competitions, etc. for gold coins which can be used to purchase alchemy goods.

Time Square has all your magical needs there.

But outside the city is the uncharted wilderness, where cruel beasts lurk and wanderers of the art prey. Will you rejoin society or try to destroy it?


1. Don't act stupid and respect other roleplayers

2. Roleplay properly please! Look at Rule 1

After WW3, the devastation along with radiation has spread across the world and destroyed many great cities such as Washington D.C., Beijing, and New York City.

Somehow, us humans were granted superhuman abilities to practice the ways of alchemy and rebuild our past. That is if some jerk doesn't knock it down into debris first.

In a medieval-sort of society in a half-destroyed modern city, New York City has a king, queen, etc. and has become the central area for all things alchemy. There are many events that occur in NYC such as splendid firework shows, magic competitions, etc. for gold coins which can be used to purchase alchemy goods.

Time Square has all your magical needs there.

But outside the city is the uncharted wilderness, where cruel beasts lurk and wanderers of the art prey. Will you rejoin society or try to destroy it?

1. Don't act stupid and respect other roleplayers

2. Roleplay properly please! Look at Rule 1
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