

Senior Member

Name: Alaric, the boy warrior, the blade by the hearth.

Spheres and domains: Community (Bonds) War (Combat)

Attack 3

Defence 3

HP 4

Themes: The wannabe hero. The spirit of chivalry.

Description: Despite what's shown above when Alaric came into the world he appears much younger, looking hardly older than a boy of thirteen years. Dressed in a tribesman's crude furs and leathers with a bold blue cape of wool and armed with a simple wooden spear. (The picture above is an idea of what he could become over time) Alaric is full of youthful energy, far more than a mortal could ever be, and is constantly lusting for his next challenge and adventure. But despite his habit of disappearing over the horizon in search of something new, Alaric always finds himself searching for a warm fire and somewhere cosy to lay his head come nightfall. Like a lot of children he doesn't like the dark and yearns for comfort in the lonely cold. That may explain his other great interest, mortals. As a deity Alaric has lived an exciting but lonely life while watching mortals gather together in groups and love that last all their short lives. And he envies that. So time and again he tries to break into their lives, to understand them, only he can't. They are as alien to his juvenile mind just as he is to their human one. The part he's managed to latch onto are the stories of heroes. Slaying monsters and conquering mountains! That and the heroism part, stories like that egged on Alaric's naive perception of the world. Alaric likes the idea of playing the hero, so he he looks for fun and trouble and can help out those in need. But once the monster's defeated the stories over to him and he's off to find the next one. As you can imagine, this doesn't leave a lot of time for looking back at the aftermath of his actions.


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