Akira Yosuzume


Just another face.


A K I R A     Y O S U Z U M E

27 . Male . Suzaku

☁ Protective

☁ Confident


The only son of his mother, Ria Haneki, Akira has always been surrounded with women. He is the eldest in his family, of seven other siblings, all girls. When he was five, his mother passed away from an unknown illness. His father remarried a Tsumei woman, and they got very busy. Akira's not allowed to talk about his mother, but it's not as though his stepmother was unkind. Eona Tsumei was the best second mother a boy could have, and gave him lots of little siblings to love. Being the oldest of all girls, taking care of them instilled a protective streak that never went away even after he became leader. In fact, some would say that because of his sisters, he became the Suzaku of the tribe.

His first little sister was born when Akira was eight, and at first he wasn't impressed. He wanted nothing to do with the small infant that followed him around and wanted to know what he was up to at every waking moment. She was always so enamored with his ability to fly, and when she finally learned how to, she followed him around even then. Just a year after, his stepmother had twin girls that were troublemakers from the start. The moment they were old enough to talk and fly, they always flew off to charm one boy or another. He was always chasing other boys off from flirting with his beautiful, little sisters.

After three years, two more girls were born one year after the other, and by then Akira knew the drill. Kill every man in sight, and try to lock his sisters up to keep them safe. As if that ever worked. It wasn't until he took the Suzaku title that his last two sisters -- twins again -- were born. He could no longer watch them like a hawk, and had already heard rumors of the twins both dating one boy at the same time... He's considered teaching that boy a lesson at the festival for trying to steal both his sisters.

As for the specifics of how he became head of the tribe, it just sort of happened. They were looking at other candidates while Akira grew up, but through the years he gained recognition. Helping out in the market, watching over his sisters, helping at the Tsumei bird farms, spending lots of time in Tochiko lands with his sisters, and doing all sorts of odd jobs without even realizing what he was doing. In his eyes, all that mattered was the family he loved so much. Many admired him for being able to love his stepmother as much as he did, and all of his sisters as well. 

What sealed the deal was the way he handled a fight with a Haneki boy, known to be one of the strongest in his platoon. After messing around with the oldest girl in his family, the Haneki had thrown her aside and claimed wins of a bet. Honor being so important to the Sorako tribe, Akira's sister even contemplated suicide. He knew the only way to regain her lost honor was to best the Haneki boy at his own game -- an aerial spear fight. It was common knowledge that most Yosuzume were weak flyers, and Akira had always shown difficulty flying. But many say that the outcome of this fight -- of his victory -- was due to the Haneki blood of his mother. The Haneki boy will always have a scar his future Suzaku gave him, always carry the physical evidence of shame, but the whole tribe praised Akira. Among all that, the only that mattered to him was that his sister was smiling and happy once more.


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