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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era

MrNeko said:
She began to blush a little then it went back to her normal look but still drunk"Is the batter in my hair?Is all the poor alcohol all out that's sad I wanted more"She said jokingly putting her arm on Lucy's shoulder she looked around the room seeing the floor and desk a mess of pancake batter."We should get this cleaned up this place is a mess"
"there's no batter in your hair" Lucy giggled, staring a large clump of it near the back of her head. "I wish containers were endless.. then i could drink forever!" she laughed. "You should clean it up, you're idea inn the first place, besides, a small mess like that's nothing, i tend to get a bit messy when I kill people" she giggled

Aden Khrysaor


"Ugh, my head..." The male finally waking up, although he was admittedly a bit light headed from him fainting earlier from the blood loss from the amazing sight of Yuri right before his very eyes. He rubbed his head twice as he was confronted by the toon's weapon. "As much as would love to wake up to a cute girl's face, I would much rather not see a weapon with them ." Aden joked before he got himself up from his latest 'mini-coma'. The memories just before a little hazy but clear enough for him to recall what happened, tilting his head to the side, not out of confusion to see the mildly psychopathic Krieg behind her, "See you also brought along our strong, burly and handsome assassin on our quest haven't you?~" His shameless flirting extending to even the evolving Teigu user.

"Speaking of which, where are we going Miss Stacy? Don't tell me you are here to confess your love to Krieg with me as a witness? ...Or perhaps it is the other way around. Sorry to say that I made it a personal rule not to date my students, no matter how cute and lovestruck they might be." Already back to his perverted and flirty self in the short time he got himself back up. To be honest, the commander didn't really even know much about the student of his, other than the overview of her odd powers and Teigu. However, it was fun simply teasing the two along with the majority of Night Raid. However, they were in those top ten people that were the most fun to flirt and tease with, simply due to them being real comedic oddballs.

@Mitchs98 @Kazehana

In company of: Krieg Stein, Stacy.

"Are you sure!?" she said squinting her eyes and looking at Lucy."Well blood sure is something I remember this one guard who is monster she tortured me a bit She stole me from my village and was burned down and looted which is quite terrible but enough of that Ive seen enough blood when that happened" She said then starting to laugh psychotically before calming down"hehe sorry about that"

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Willow was having sometime off, because there was no training, nor any missions that she was needed for that included mostly explosions. She currently at a shop debating which one was better, a sandwich or a onigiri. For minutes she debated which one was better, the sandwich or the onigiri. It felt like years to the shopkeeper who waited for her to reply which one she wanted, and longer for the customers behind her. "I would onigiri, wait no never mind a sandwic- no I mean onigiri!" Willow said with indecisiveness of the century. The world was spinning around her as she tried to decide which one she wanted. "You now what just have both, and get out of here" The Shopkeeper said as she gave her both the sandwich, and the onigiri, and ushered her out, forgetting that she had to pay for the food.

Staring straight into the sun, Hazel lies in the courtyard of the Empire barracks. Beside her are a pair of dumbbells, Hazel had been strength training for most of the morning. Sweat dripped off her forehead into the grass as she laid upon the ground. Noticing it being just passed noon, Hazel started lifting weights once again. Slowly clambering off the floor, she absorbed some thermal energy from the sunlight beaming onto her head. Feeling recharged, she continued to lift her 100 pound weights. Doing bicep curls, lunges, dumbbell presses, etc. Whilst doing her routine, she observed the pathway infront, to see if any of the other guards were up and about.
As Hazel observed the path she noticed another guard walk out from around the corner. A little curious, she dropped her dumbbells and called out, "Hey! Guard, over there!". Hazel walked over to the guardian and asked, "What's up? What's your name? I don't think we've spoken to each other yet." It was quite apparent the Hazel was a little out of breath, and very sweaty. Hazel holds out her left arm for a hand shake, as to not complicate things with her other arm. She doesn't know her own strength, and it could hurt the small girl if Hazel grips too hard.
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Rika began to break the wall a little leaving cracks into it.She went outside to calm down and walk around viewing the civilians doing their business.She saw two guards speaking to each other then she decides to get into their business "Hello there fellow guards"She said with a blank expression

@Enkye @Elikacheese
(Plz @ me so I can be aware)

"Oh my name is Willow, nice to meet you" She said as she shook hands to her fellow guard. Inside however she wanted to vomit, but given to the current situation, and the manners her family taught her she decided against it. She turned around with dread to see another guard. "Hello, um what are both of your names?" Willow said in a shaky tone, since she literally wanted to commit suicide, because there were not one, but two people try to talk to her. Her bag was shaking with the onigiris, and sandwiches, as she looked at both of them, with a fake smile. She silently cursed her parents in her head for dragging her into the stupid role as a guard again. She then debated on what to do next.

@Enkye @MrNeko
Zenith watched the both from the distance, the other women fake smile so clear to him after he had done it lots in the past as well but hated doing it so he trys not to do it too often. Zenith continues to watch from the distance not sure how to proceed at this stage, hoping they wouldn't be to weird around him.
"I'm Hazel. Nice to meet ya." she said while wiping the sweat off her neck. Feeling hot and sticky, Hazel took off her jacket, removing an armorplate labelled "HZ-1" on the side. She carried the jacket and armor plate in her right arm, holding out her left to the frustrated person beside her. Obviously this person was angry at something, Hazel spoke "Hey, uh, what's your deal?" looking a bit quizzical.
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Enkye said:
"I'm Hazel. Nice to meet ya." she said while wiping the sweat off her neck. Feeling hot and sticky, Hazel took off her jacket, removing an armorplate labelled "HZ-1" on the side. She carried the jacket and armor plate in her right arm, holding out her left to the frustrated person on beside her. Obviously this person was angry at something, Hazel spoke "Hey, uh, what's your deal?" looking a bit quizzical.
@Elikacheese @MrNeko
"My name is Rika Akiyama branch captain at your service"She said giving a salute to them. She viewed both of them beginning to observe them then just look at them "Nice to meet you Hazel my you sure are different from us.What about you? You look like you saw someone kill themselves in front of you"

@Enkye @Elikacheese
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"Oh wow," Hazel laughed, "No, no, I was just exercising." flexing her left arm, her bicep was quite swole as she lifted it up. Never had she seen someone commit suicide in front of her. The notion was quite awkward though. Scratching her hair, she questioned "Ey Rika, what about you?" lifting a brow at her.

@Elikacheese @MrNeko
"Oh I think you might of confused the question I actually asked it to the awkward one here the one who looks afraid of us"She said look at her and put her hand under the awkward one chin."Now then look at us and tell us what's wrong theirs nothing to be afraid of"She said giving a slight smile.

@Elikacheese @Enkye
(Have you ever heard of thoughts, and a fake face?)

Willow was slightly taken back by this, but still had her fake calm face on. "Well I dunno what you are talking about, and I have to eat, so if you can excuse me" Willow said as she turned, and walked towards her family's house. She cursed mentally that this happened, and thought the world hated her for some odd reason. "Well I guess it can't be help" Willow said as she took her time getting home.

@Enkye @MrNeko
Hazel looked at Willow as she walked away, "Kay then, cya round girl." She said cynically. Looking back to Rika she eyed her up and down analyzing her build and body structure. Putting a hand on her bicep. "How'd ya smash that wall over there?", she rubbed her chin puzzlingly, "you don't look very strong, muscle wise."

@MrNeko @Elikacheese
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice smiles as she's doing her thing and says" i'm not to fussed just a dress that looks good on me and thanks for understanding, i'm somewhat edgy at the moment because of of the news i heard from my friend wei-kun but i'll deal with that later" After a minutes the showers just the right temperature and then says" kay the showers perfect now it feels great on the mussels, for humans to train like that everyday must be tiring but your swordsmanship is always so graceful so i really enjoy watching".

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded to herself and looked through the closet, quickly selecting a somewhat form fitting dark green dress that extended about an inch below the knees and laying it on Spices' bed. It looked good on her, at-least Sera thought so. Soon after Spice called her to the bathroom, saying the shower was ready. "
Okay, coming." She told her. She quickly made her way to the bathroom and undressed, placing her sleep clothes in the hamper, before stepping into the shower and letting out a contented sigh. "Mm..this feels great. So, where do you want to go for lunch?" She asked her as she scrubbed her hair.

Completely ignoring virtually everything he had to say, she began with her own agenda. "We want something to do, so we were hoping to get like a super secret spy mission," she said, giving emphasis to the latter portion of her sentence. She hadn't been on too many by this point, but she liked being a super secret spy. Plus she recently discovered Krieg and his cool techno-power-thingies, which only made her more excited. Though she felt rather independent, especially given her nature, she enjoyed Krieg's company on missions. In all likelihood, she really enjoyed what she considered playing with him, though he did not feel the same way about missions. But the world was a game, and she had to play.

@Mitchs98 @T h e F o o l
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera nodded to herself and looked through the closet, quickly selecting a somewhat form fitting dark green dress that extended about an inch below the knees and laying it on Spices' bed. It looked good on her, at-least Sera thought so. Soon after Spice called her to the bathroom, saying the shower was ready. "
Okay, coming." She told her. She quickly made her way to the bathroom and undressed, placing her sleep clothes in the hamper, before stepping into the shower and letting out a contented sigh. "Mm..this feels great. So, where do you want to go for lunch?" She asked her as she scrubbed her hair.
Spice smiles and says" Glad your enjoying and i fancy caribbean for a change, by the ways i don't mean to be a downer but wei kuns sister was murdered recently so i'd like to go back if possible in the next few days to pay my respects because she was like a sister to me, people often bitch about the guards and says were all the same and to be frank i find it bloody insulting/hypocritical, considering how so many assassins and co are like when they have the power"
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Willow finally arrived at her wretched house where her rich family lived in. She opened the door, and walked inside ignoring her parent's greetings, and locked herself in her room. "At least I can finally eat in peace" Willow said as she got out her bag, and took out the sandwich, and onigiri. She then ate at peace, while taking out a book about The Empire before Empress Najenda's reign of peace. She read about the countless battles, and battles. She of course would finish her lunch, and put the book down to stretch, and have a nice drink of water.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice smiles and says" Glad your enjoying and i fancy caribbean for a change, by the ways i don't mean to be a downer but wei kuns sister was murdered recently so i'd like to go back if possible in the next few days to pay my respects because she was like a sister to me, people often bitch about the guards and says were all the same and to be frank i find it bloody insulting/hypocritical, considering how so many assassins and co are like when they have the power"

Sera Lightbane

Sera blinked. Weilows sister was murdered? That was awful. Why she felt the need to even ask if they could go was beyond her, of course they'd go! She frowned slightly and moved to hug her, gently resting her head on her shoulder. "
I'm so sorry Spice. Of course we'll go as soon as we can." She replied. "And as far as the food, that sounds fine with me." She added before sighing. "Do they know who killed her? Or are they still looking?" She asked.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera blinked. Weilows sister was murdered? That was awful. Why she felt the need to even ask if they could go was beyond her, of course they'd go! She frowned slightly and moved to hug her, gently resting her head on her shoulder. "
I'm so sorry Spice. Of course we'll go as soon as we can." She replied. "And as far as the food, that sounds fine with me." She added before sighing. "Do they know who killed her? Or are they still looking?" She asked.
Spice sighed and says" yes it was a rival gang hit their called the nonkisa their a powerful dragon criminal group, wei- kun was able to identify several of the members she killed in the fight, their ring leader is xisada a slippery and nasty piece shit but if anyone can find them it's wei-kun and thanks for being supportive i didn't want to assume anything i was planing to go on my own but i don't think i'd be able to be fully calm with out you so there you have it".
"Oh with these."She then made her right arm into her large black claw "I have a lot of strength with these I may not look like I'm strong, but I sure am dangerous with my claws.I can rip people apart with these my claws are my teigu"She said reverting her right arm into her human arm, she gave a slight smile to Hazel so she doesn't have to fear Rika in anyway.

"Woah woah woah, pretty cool!", Hazel said as she crossed her arms, "since we're talkin' about teigu now...". Hazel inhaled deeply, the atmosphere grew slightly cold around the two of them. The lights on her mechanical arm started to glow dimly. She got in a punching stance and tucked her arm in. Charging her teigu with thermal energy, Hazel took a step back and thrust her fist upwards. She let out all of the energy in one punch towards the sky, creating a noticeable amount of wind pressure. "A-1 Blast Furnace, HZ-1 Hazel, at your service." She smirked quite bit, obviously proud of her display of strength.

The sun shown high in the sky, a beautiful day in the Capital. The citizens went about their day, children played happily in the streets. A perfect time for a formal execution. In the center circle of the market district, two men had stood there. One appeared to be a young man with long, snow-white hair and crimson eyes. His stance was firm as he stood before the other male who was on his knees, a young man in his mid-twenties with short, unkempt hair. He kept his head down, his body shaking as he knew his impending fate..

People had begun to stop and circle around the two men, talking among themselves as they witnessed the scene. The white-haired male had waited until a fairly large crowd had formed around the two, before he began to speak. "People of the Capital City, today you see before you a low, and desperate man who dared to try stealing from our fair citizens..and get away with it. He speaks of Night Raid, and how they will 'punish' us for our wrongdoings. But does he not know who he dares pledge his allegiance to? The murderers and heretics that have claimed the lives of many of our friends, family, and loved ones.." The crowd began to uproar, lightly at first but soon becoming louder. "We no longer have to live in fear. We will no longer tolerate the scandalous thieves, murderers, and traitors in our grand city. As commander of the Imperial Army, I give you this promise; Night Raid will no longer bring any pain to us or our families." His eyes scanned around, before turning back to the cowering young man before him..

"And for any members or affiliates of Night Raid who are watching today, I implore you to listen." His ash-white arm reached down, holding the sheath of his blade as the other came around to grab the hilt of the blade.

"Night Raid, I offer this once. Never show your faces again.. or I promise, I will erase your existence from this world." His hand moved, pulling free the first few inches of the shimmering blade before letting it slide back into the sheath. Turning to walk away, his face was stern as he maneuvered through the crowd of people, who were now watching the male on his knees gushing blood through several

eviscerations on his body, before his head rolled clean off his neck, tumbling to the ground. Many gasped in shock, others clapped and cheered for joy..

Regardless of the people's reactions, the commander had done his job; sending a message to Night Raid. His patience with the assassins has grown thin, and is ready to eliminate the pests from the Capital City..

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