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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era (Still Accepting!)

"Amy Pond: 'I thought... well, I started to think you were just a madman with a box.'

The Doctor: 'Amy Pond, there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. [He Smiles] I am definitely a madman with a box" - The 11th doctor... that is the best quote you can ever get.


-starts throwing random Doctor Who quotes everywhere-


Bunny said:
Either that OR I could be a revolutionary and we could start the rp with everyone in (basically) the same place. and I wont have to rp alone.
Poor Lonely Bunny T^T
I might swap over to The Empire and edit her backstory slightly to suit :P

As is her role of Apathetic Robot has become the norm x3, Team Arctic over here. So I'll likely swap her into The Empire to give her more of a Niche in RP and down-time interactions :P That way Bunny can remain Empire as well without being lonely.
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Awh, kind Wyvern~ Well in that case, would you like me to switch your character over to the Empire section?~
Alright, I'll get to that right away for you!~

Also just a heads up, I will be gone for a few hours today as my college decided to call me up for an induction day, so I won't be active a few hours~ they want me to meet new people ew
Ew New people, what do they think we humans do? Socialize? Not in this day and age! (No but seriously ew new people x3)

Ah, sorry to double post here. I made the edits (They're not huge changes*, but if you re-read things it changes her character quite nicely both in her image as a person and her current life and role in the world). So if you'd like check 'em out and lemme know what y'all think!

*Scrap that not huge changes things, she's quite different now and I love it x3
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[QUOTE="The Elder Wyvern]Ew New people, what do they think we humans do? Socialize? Not in this day and age! (No but seriously ew new people x3)
Ah, sorry to double post here. I made the edits (They're not huge changes*, but if you re-read things it changes her character quite nicely both in her image as a person and her current life and role in the world). So if you'd like check 'em out and lemme know what y'all think!

*Scrap that not huge changes things, she's quite different now and I love it x3

She's great!~ to me, she seems to be the roleplays version of Esdeath xD but yes, I like her~

Oh and I changed your characters allegiance from Revolutionary Army to Empire since you seemed to have forgotten to change that bit xD I hope you don't mind~
Cheers! I entirely forgot about that bit >_<

I thought she might come off like that haha, I don't mind too much if she seems similar, just gotta put my own spin to it in practice eh? :P
I'll have the overview up tomorrow for definite.. today was busier than I thought it would be~

I take it you two love yaoi then? xD
I know I know xD I've been busy all day!

I'm just gonna stay up still stupid o clock and post it xD


I posted the overview but I accidentally deleted that whole tab... Like who even does this.

Looks like I'll have to write it all again.

Sorry guys if this caused any inconvenience ugh~ It's probably what I get for drafting when tired af~

I've requested another overview tab and I'll get to work as soon as it's linked up~ Again I apologise xD
Im very interested to see the overview though. Also interested in getting this roleplay started :)

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