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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era (Still Accepting!)


The Grand Herald of Tea
Here is the glorious OOC chat, here you can talk about anything related to the Roleplay, and anything random as well^-^

The Character Sheet is up for everyone, I'll add the overview tonight or tomorrow and I have requested a tab for the rules~
Got my character in here :P Entirely forgot I never intro'd myself here or in the other thread!

Hello my fellow RPers! I'm as you can see, The Elder Wyvern, and I'll be throwing myself in for a Revolutionary character, aimed at being the "Clean up Crew" in more way than one. At home, at war, or in assassination, she's designed to mop up mistakes or make sure they never happen, and she's a mean cook to boot.

Her Teigu's rather strong, but its got some nasty drawbacks to flow with it and she's not on the high end of experience with it. I'm excited to see if they get accepted and to see everyone else's characters and get this rolling!
It's fine, I've read through it and I really like her. I also like the fact that you gave Rika' Teigu suitable drawback.

She's very fascinating~

Well, It seems I best get started on my Character then xD
Thanks ^^ I'm really excited to play her out, got lots of stuff I can do with her and ways to develop I'm pumped for :3

I'm hyped to see your character haha, considering she's gunna be a part of the same group especially x3
I'll read through yours in a moment @Messenger I hve to say I'm excited to see what you came up with in the end~

Half of my character has been drafted, Although I'm adding tweeks to my Teigu~ will be up by tonight!

Then after that I'll work on the Overview xD

And nice to work with you guys too, I can't wait for it all to begin, should be fun xD
Hmph, My character should be up soon though he's entirely different to the Other I had in mind.
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Oh boy, do I reuse Satsuki/Not!Jack the Ripper or come up with something new, hmm...

Oh right, gonna be absent all day but I don't have a sheet up and the IC hasn't started, so I'm not sure how much that matters. Just thought I'd let you know.
Lionheart said:
Oh boy, do I reuse Satsuki/Not!Jack the Ripper or come up with something new, hmm...
Oh right, gonna be absent all day but I don't have a sheet up and the IC hasn't started, so I'm not sure how much that matters. Just thought I'd let you know.
Don't worry about it, theres no rush to post the cs so take your time~

Also thanks for letting me know of your absence

Oh and guys, the rules have finally been posted xD ~
"I hope we see each other on the field of battle, where I will crush the life out of your worthless human form" - Commander Strax

Bunny said:
I guess I'll make an Empire character since they don't seem to be too popular.
Oh my lord.. xD that thing is a monster, is that from Doctor Who or something?

If so I stopped watching that when David Tenant (However that is spelt) stopped playing the doctor.

Am I talking rubbish?

I think so... xD
LeSoraAmari said:
Oh my lord.. xD that thing is a monster, is that from Doctor Who or something?
If so I stopped watching that when David Tenant (However that is spelt) stopped playing the doctor.

Am I talking rubbish?

I think so... xD
Yup! To both.
Bunny said:
omg xD
But I'm obviously going to be the strongest hahaha ritee?
Maybe... Maybe nottt~ xD

Meh why not^-^ just don't go on killing rampages xD


Messenger said:
Yup! To both.
Ah I see~ So I was talking rubbish


Oh well xD at least I was right ~_~
Either that OR I could be a revolutionary and we could start the rp with everyone in (basically) the same place. and I wont have to rp alone.

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