Aislinn Carrol


drinks coffee and cries
Name: Aislinn Carrol

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Season: Winter

Powers: Creating snow and frost

Subject: History


Personality: Tired as the default, the day has yet to come where Aislinn doesn't arrive to her class with a giant cup of coffee and dark circles under her eyes, no matter when it's meeting. She seems to avoid playing favorites by not showing much care for anyone's work at all; however, she appreciates hard work, and is the type to usually award points for effort even if the work itself isn't perfect. Blunt and lacking a bit of a filter, she's more than likely to slip up and curse someone or something out in front of the class, and isn't very likely to acknowledge her slip up with anything more than a "don't tell the other teachers". Despite her seemingly lazy and uncaring nature, she's actually incredibly disciplined, likely owing to a brief stint in the military before she decided to teach at the academy, and expects everyone, not just her students, to have the same level of discipline; more often than not, she's disappointed. 

Appearance: aislinn.jpg

Other: - Originally from Ireland, and has the accent to match, although her family moved to New York when she was 13. Her parents moved back, her sister decided to stay in the United States.

- The only thing she loves more than coffee is probably alcohol, however she's learned to exercise some restraint, mostly so she doesn't wake up irritated and with a massive hangover.

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