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Fantasy Aisha's Slave Manor


Indecisive Being


How has slavery returned in this world?

Simple, someone needed to feed, clean, clothe the homeless in the streets.

It has been accepted that there was no hope for the them.

It's impossible to obtain jobs without an address.

They had no way to return to society until now.


Slavery has been accepted everywhere under the condition that the slave was homeless.

Of course, there are cases when the law is broken and ordinary people are forced into slavery.

Underground slave vendors normally sell exotic slaves who were never homeless.

Aisha's Slave Manor happens to Be one of the few slave vendors who hasn't been caught selling illegal slaves.


Aisha's slaves have a tendency of disappearing.

Not only her slaves, but other slaves purchased from other vendors as well.

Police are investigating the matter.

Originally, it seemed slaves were just successfully running away from their owners.

As the numbers of supposed "escapes" increased, it was obvious that someone was stealing them.

Now, the question is who and why.

Only the Hired Henchmen of the Slave Thief are permitted to know the true identity of the Slave thief.

It is up to the slave owners to find out who's been stealing their slaves.

The police are not prioritizing the slave kidnappings.

Who will realize it first?

What will they do?

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