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Fantasy Age of the Black flag

She looked down and tried slipping past the two guys but ended up tripping partial way "s-sorry.." she squeaked gently closing her eyes
“I know because I saw you drop it into the ocean. I’m not gonna day when, or you might not do it! And please don’t do it on purpose, we don’t need a paradox...”

Benjamin pulls an ice pac out of the box and hands it to Elli, “yes, but it was more along the lines that you told me to remember before we all went our separate ways.”
"Sometimes." He chuckled, looking up at Benjamin. Without looking down to Aya, he talked.

"I have to talk to you later."
She looked up to Benjamin confused gently holding the ice pack.. She looked to Damien and nodded "o-ok.. I'll uh. Be on the deck.." she went past them her tail swishing behind her
“Nothing if I can help it. Anything I say, you already knew so you didn’t mention it to me. Necessarily”
“ ‘That is one thing that I’m not allowed to say‘. You told me to say that!”, Benjamin laughs
Damian narrows his eyes further, confused even more. He'd take a step further to Benjamin.

"What happens to my eye?" He kept interrogating him
“ ‘Interrogation will get you nowhere’, you also told me to say that!”, he laughs harder, “you did say you would be a little pushy. I shouldn’t have doubted it”
they slowly sit up
Dawn "I think we need a nap"
Leo "agreed," he said standing them up
Elli "to the nest then" and began walking out of the room quietly taking the ice bag from Ava as they left
"What the fuck-" Damian grabs his collar and lifts the kid up above his feet, looking at his eyes.

"What, what happened to my.."

"Who the fuck are you!?"
“You should each pick out a room now, it will save you the hassle later... unless you ignore me... which you probably will”,

he gets lifted up, “you will know me as Benjamin. I know I can say that. I can’t tell you about the eye though. Except for what I-EYE already said”
He'd pant, releasing him, and shaking his head.

"Okay.. Benjamin.." He'd look at him, flustered a bit. He'd stare at him for a bit, and walked away, turning to Aya and watching her for a bti before walking to the rooms.
Benjamin calls to Damian, “don’t get too paranoid about it, you don’t wanna cause it!”
He mouthed the words, the idea of someone knowing that happens to him shaked him a bit, and he ignored him as he entered a room.
She say staring into the ocean fiddling with her hands wondering what it is that Damien wished to speak to her about.
After getting settled, he'd exit, going to find Aya. He'd see her staring out by the ocean, and walked toward her. He'd slide in next to her, leaning over the balcony deck.

"Hey, loves."

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