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Age of Rebirth: A Post World War 3 Roleplay

Age of Rebirth

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" was a quote said by the Late Albert Einstein, he was at least half wrong. In the year 2030, the third world war began. Yet we as a human race survived without nuclear Devastation, at least, not completely. This though, does not mean Humans as a whole where not beaten down after the war, during and slightly after the war, nations fell and new rivalries where made. The East vs West rivalry that defined the 1900s and early 2000s are no longer how the alliance lines are drawn. The year is 2050, only 10 years after the ceasefire of the third Great War, and Smaller alliances are made amongst nations, with group against group, nation against nation, this Newer World Order might be worse then the one we just escaped.

(consult the ooc tab for more information)

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