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Fantasy After World: The Argo Reports!

Gah, just noticed the character's bio was clumped into a huge mess, sorry about that.


So just noticed there's most likely going to be a dragon. Does that mean we'll be cleared with the Human-world equivalent(Which I assume is most likely a Tank.) Or...?
@Telios @MedievalMethods

I'm...not quite sure that seems very...I'm not sure what the word for it is. I suppose it's just generally overpowered in its nature, but if the Soldiers from the ww2-realm have a Dragon I can't quite see a point to bringing even a pistol. We've got a bloody dragon helping us, that seems like it would be more than enough to 'do-in' anything we come across.

I don't mean to stir up trouble, or irritate people - It just seems that a player actually playing as a dragon that was allied with the WW2 soldiers would be far too overpowered, whilst on the other hand not having a trump-card of their own would also put them at a large disadvantage due to things such as magic, enemy dragons, and the like.

Again I don't want to come off as insulting or discourteous, I am very excited about the RP and happy that it has been made, just thought It would be best to voice some issues rather than letting them stew.
I don't think you should worry about irritating people by simply being shrewd. If it's important to the roleplay then it affects all of us and I'd say it's better to clear everything up now than still having doubts when we're partway through.
Fletchr said:
@Telios @MedievalMethods
I'm...not quite sure that seems very...I'm not sure what the word for it is. I suppose it's just generally overpowered in its nature, but if the Soldiers from the ww2-realm have a Dragon I can't quite see a point to bringing even a pistol. We've got a bloody dragon helping us, that seems like it would be more than enough to 'do-in' anything we come across.
That is not quite the case. He is not willing to fight a war for humans or any of the other races. He is only doing defence for the Men, and will not join any war/attack by Men.
Honestly, it's questionable to allow dragons as a playable race at all (in this case.) If they're over-powered compared to the majority of the players, then there's already a very big indication that someone is making a bad decision. They're fine as NPCs under the OP's control, but that's because we need opposition.

You don't start a roleplay with a team that works together, but then this one person that is fantastical. Accepting the risk of sounding childish: It's unfair.

I'm also strongly against the extra points... I know you helped, but still.
Heyitsjiwo said:
Roger, I posted my CS. I assumed that the Occupation of Korea, Manchuria and the Sino-Japanese War all happened as it did in RL. May I have your seal of approval.
You do. Nice Bio.

Sha said:
Accepted. Thanks for doing that.

Fletchr said:
Gah, just noticed the character's bio was clumped into a huge mess, sorry about that.

So just noticed there's most likely going to be a dragon. Does that mean we'll be cleared with the Human-world equivalent(Which I assume is most likely a Tank.) Or...?
Fletchr said:
@Telios @MedievalMethods
I'm...not quite sure that seems very...I'm not sure what the word for it is. I suppose it's just generally overpowered in its nature, but if the Soldiers from the ww2-realm have a Dragon I can't quite see a point to bringing even a pistol. We've got a bloody dragon helping us, that seems like it would be more than enough to 'do-in' anything we come across.

I don't mean to stir up trouble, or irritate people - It just seems that a player actually playing as a dragon that was allied with the WW2 soldiers would be far too overpowered, whilst on the other hand not having a trump-card of their own would also put them at a large disadvantage due to things such as magic, enemy dragons, and the like.

Again I don't want to come off as insulting or discourteous, I am very excited about the RP and happy that it has been made, just thought It would be best to voice some issues rather than letting them stew.
I have an open door policy to anyone with comments, questions or objections in threads that I make. So long as they do so in a courteous manner, as you have. So chill :P you are good. Now, on with the questions:

The decision to allow Telios to play a dragon character, as well as giving him that bump in points, was made because he volunteered to be my CO-GM for this iteration of After World. As such, his Main NPC character must be on the same level of power that I have put my Main NPC's, in case he needs to lead the plot in my stead for a time.

As for your earlier question, the Argo Expedition will have vehicles such as tanks, jeeps, self-propelled artillery and armored personnel carriers. At times, they will also be available for player use, as well as new ones being introduced through happenings in my GM IC posts. I have a full list of our beginning vehicles and equipment that I will release to the OOC in my next post.

Now, back to your concern about the balance of power. Let me assure you, that no matter how much equipment it looks like I give you for a mission, that anything will be a cake walk. At the same time, it will not be impossible to succeed. It will always be in that middle ground of what we call "challenging". Even if everything seems to be to your advantage, chances are, its not. So beware Gamemasters bringing gifts :P
Dragons are strong, sure. That's why most of the races tries to stay away from where most of them live. But he is still able to be taken down with good tattics. Also, this is dice-based, so he can still miss and be damaged, even opened for crits. :P
@MedievalMethods @Telios

Why does the GM need a dragon? Is it part of the story, or is it how they're going to be like a player? If not the former, then this just seems to be a leg up that serves no purpose beyond what this individual person desires. If it is the latter, then never mind.


Though not certain of what the answer to the above is, I'll respond to you, Telios. It's not a question of whether or not the dragon can die, it's a question of how hard it is; if I came in with the deathstar, justifying it with "You could kill it" would be unlikely to change anyone's mind. The reason for that is, obviously, because defeating it is so unlikely. If you are going to be on the same level as a player, it's wrong to boost you up like this.

Not trying to be rude, but I think a blunt answer is usually the best one.
The Gunrunner] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4288-telios/ said:

Though not certain of what the answer to the above is, I'll respond to you, Telios. It's not a question of whether or not the dragon can die, it's a question of how hard it is; if I came in with the deathstar, justifying it with "You could kill it" would be unlikely to change anyone's mind. The reason for that is, obviously, because defeating it is so unlikely. If you are going to be on the same level as a player, it's wrong to boost you up like this.

Not trying to be rude, but I think a blunt answer is usually the best one.
Okay then. I'll be taking the dragon out of the RP will be a moderator in stead of a player if you and others want.

If I'm alone on that point, or it's for the story/campaign, then I can cave.

Edit: And I wasn't saying you shouldn't be allowed to play. I just had a problem with it being a dragon.
The Gunrunner] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4288-telios/ said:
If I'm alone on that point, or it's for the story/campaign, then I can cave.

Edit: And I wasn't saying you shouldn't be allowed to play. I just had a problem with it being a dragon.
I understand fully. But I'd prefer being a true neutral rather on either of the sides in this war. If no dragons is what you want, you get it. I'm not a douche GM who only do what he wants and ignore his players.
Also, everyone with a completed app posted in the Character Sign Ups up today is accepted. That means you, @Heyitsjiwon @Fletchr @The Gunrunner and @Telios , of course.

As a minor note, I need everyone to check their character application tab that reads, "Allegiance". I noticed some people put things such as Allies or Axis powers. Please, change it to one of the terms I detailed when talking about Allegiance. To save you time, I have them choices written below me.

The United States of America

The Third Reich

The Japanese Empire

The United Kingdom

The Soviet Union

The reason for my specificity, is that your Allegiance determines the weapons, equipment and training your character has or can obtain later. To a larger extent, it also determines your loyalty. The terms provided help in this.

And now that vehicle list. I combined it with an account of Argo's starting forces, which is divided into five sections based on Allegiance. This list will be a kind of 'order of battle' when major IC conflict and action take place.

The Argo Expeditionary Force


Total Personnel: 400​

United States Argo


Total Personnel: 80

Commander: NPC TBD

Infantry: 60 total infantrymen

Vehicles: 1x M4 Sherman (5 total crewmen)

1x Willy Jeep w/ mounted machine gun (2 total crewmen)

6x M3 Halftrack w/ mounted machine gun (6 total crewmen)

2x M1 57mm anti-tank guns (6 total gun-crew)

Wounded: None Killed:None

Earth Reinforcements: None | Aesir Conscripts: None

United Kingdom Argo


Total Personnel: 80

Commander: NPC TBD

Infantry: 59 total infantrymen


2x Daimler armoured car mk. II (6 total crewmen)

1x Austin K2/Y Ambulance (3 total crewmen)

1x AEC Armoured Command Vehicle (1 total crewman)

7x Bedford QLs (7 total crewmen)

2x Ordance SB 4.2 inch Mortar (4 total gun-crew)

Wounded: None | Killed:None

Earth Reinforcements: None |Aesir Conscripts: None



Total Personnel: 80

Commander: TBD

Infantry: 62 total infantrymen

Vehicles: 1x T-34 (5 total crewmen)

2x Katyusha rocket lauchers (4 total crewmen)

6x lend-leased M3 Halftracks (6 total crewmen)

1x 37mm M1939 AA-gun (3 total crewmen)

Wounded: None Killed:None

Reinforcements: None Aesir conscripts: None

Third Reich Argo


Total Personnel: 80

Commander: NPC TBD

Infantry: 59 total infantry


1x Panzerkampfwagen IV (5 total crewmen)

1x Kübelwagen (1 total crewman)

6x Sd.Kfz. 251s (6 total crewmen)

1x Wespe (5 total crewmen)

2x BMW R75 w/ mounted guns (4 total crewmen)

Wounded: None | Killed: None

Earth Reinforcements: None | Aesir Conscripts: None

Japanese Empire Argo


Total Personnel: 80

Commander: TBD

Infantry: 60 total infantrymen


1x Type 2 Ka-Mi (5 total crewmen)

1x Type 95 reconnaissance car (1 total crewman)

2x Type 96 25mm Gun (6 total crewmen)

6x Type 1 Ho-Has (6 total crewmen)

1x Type 94 Ambulance (3 total crewmen)

Wounded: None | Killed:None

Earth Reinforcements: None | Aesir Conscripts: None
MedievalMethods said:
Also, everyone with a completed app posted in the Character Sign Ups up today is accepted. That means you, @Heyitsjiwon @Fletchr @The Gunrunner and @Telios , of course.
As a minor note, I need everyone to check their character application tab that reads, "Allegiance". I noticed some people put things such as Allies or Axis powers. Please, change it to one of the terms I detailed when talking about Allegiance. To save you time, I have them choices written below me.

The United States of America

The Third Reich

The Japanese Empire

The United Kingdom

The Soviet Union

The reason for my specificity, is that your Allegiance determines the weapons, equipment and training your character has or can obtain later. To a larger extent, it also determines your loyalty. The terms provided help in this.

And now that vehicle list. I combined it with an account of Argo's starting forces, which is divided into five sections based on Allegiance. This list will be a kind of 'order of battle' when major IC conflict and action take place.

The Argo Expeditionary Force


Total Personnel: 400​

United States Argo


Total Personnel: 80

Commander: NPC TBD

Infantry: 60 total infantrymen

Vehicles: 1x M4 Sherman (5 total crewmen)

1x Willy Jeep w/ mounted machine gun (2 total crewmen)

6x M3 Halftrack w/ mounted machine gun (6 total crewmen)

2x M1 57mm anti-tank guns (6 total gun-crew)

Wounded: None Killed:None

Earth Reinforcements: None | Aesir Conscripts: None

United Kingdom Argo


Total Personnel: 80

Commander: NPC TBD

Infantry: 59 total infantrymen


2x Daimler armoured car mk. II (6 total crewmen)

1x Austin K2/Y Ambulance (3 total crewmen)

1x AEC Armoured Command Vehicle (1 total crewman)

7x Bedford QLs (7 total crewmen)

2x Ordance SB 4.2 inch Mortar (4 total gun-crew)

Wounded: None | Killed:None

Earth Reinforcements: None |Aesir Conscripts: None



Total Personnel: 80

Commander: TBD

Infantry: 62 total infantrymen

Vehicles: 1x T-34 (5 total crewmen)

2x Katyusha rocket lauchers (4 total crewmen)

6x lend-leased M3 Halftracks (6 total crewmen)

1x 37mm M1939 AA-gun (3 total crewmen)

Wounded: None Killed:None

Reinforcements: None Aesir conscripts: None

Third Reich Argo


Total Personnel: 80

Commander: NPC TBD

Infantry: 59 total infantry


1x Panzerkampfwagen IV (5 total crewmen)

1x Kübelwagen (1 total crewman)

6x Sd.Kfz. 251s (6 total crewmen)

1x Wespe (5 total crewmen)

2x BMW R75 w/ mounted guns (4 total crewmen)

Wounded: None | Killed: None

Earth Reinforcements: None | Aesir Conscripts: None

Japanese Empire Argo


Total Personnel: 80

Commander: TBD

Infantry: 60 total infantrymen


1x Type 2 Ka-Mi (5 total crewmen)

1x Type 95 reconnaissance car (1 total crewman)

2x Type 96 25mm Gun (6 total crewmen)

6x Type 1 Ho-Has (6 total crewmen)

1x Type 94 Ambulance (3 total crewmen)

Wounded: None | Killed:None

Earth Reinforcements: None | Aesir Conscripts: None
I have stated that i will not play but will only moderate this RP as a Co-GM. School is coming and plus, dragons don't seem to be necessary in this.
Also, shouldn't our classes give us some stat bonuses too? Like, I personally think that commandos should get bonuses to their melee related skills, or their melee attacks - especially if they're regarded as the masters of melee and sneaking, you know?
O.o ... the Japanese have a rare, amphibious, light tank. Not much of firepower for the Japanese vehicles, but pretty maneuverable.
The Gunrunner] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20445-medievalmethods/ said:
@MedievalMethods[/URL] @Telios
Why does the GM need a dragon? Is it part of the story, or is it how they're going to be like a player? If not the former, then this just seems to be a leg up that serves no purpose beyond what this individual person desires. If it is the latter, then never mind.
I have worked his dragon NPC into the story. Trust me, I don't do things on whimsy's :P

Telios said:
I have stated that i will not play but will only moderate this RP as a Co-GM. School is coming and plus, dragons don't seem to be necessary in this.
See PM please. We need to iron that out before I am comfortable launching the IC.

Heyitsjiwon said:
So,.how many more people are we waiting for before this launches?
I'll begin working on the IC starter post now that I have some free time and we have a good amount of players. @Killigrew and a few other RPers from the interest thread have said they would like to make apps, so I'll work them into the IC when they apply in the Sign Up.

Bazmund said:
Also, shouldn't our classes give us some stat bonuses too? Like, I personally think that commandos should get bonuses to their melee related skills, or their melee attacks - especially if they're regarded as the masters of melee and sneaking, you know?
I havn't gotten around to hammering out stat bonuses and penalties for classes. RL has kept me busy, and I want to start the IC for After World before I add any further mechanics. I'll keep this in mind though.
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Another question - How will we be handling the Character's and their language barrier(s)? Seeing as how we've got a Japanese soldier, two Germans, and two English speakers. I'm all for having the character learn another language, etc, just curious what the plan on that is.

Also - Fixed up the allegiance section, sorry 'bout that.
Esperanto. Let's make it happen. That said, my character should know a bit of English from his education. A lot of Asian nobility and royalty went overseas to learn. Many went to the UK (especially the south east asian countries like Siam). A couple to the US (among them a lot of Korean). Thus, it's not unfeasible for my character to know some English especially from his privileged upbringing.
Fletchr said:
Another question - How will we be handling the Character's and their language barrier(s)? Seeing as how we've got a Japanese soldier, two Germans, and two English speakers. I'm all for having the character learn another language, etc, just curious what the plan on that is.
Also - Fixed up the allegiance section, sorry 'bout that.
English will be the common tongue among all Earth Characters. IC'ly, Earth characters would have been selected for the Expeditionary Force for a variety of factors. One of them would be proficiency in English.

The language barrier between Earth and Aesir characters will be handled a bit differently. But we'll discuss that when we come to it.

I'm currently working on finishing the character index, so the current cast of the RP can be checked out by players and lurkers alike. After this, I move on towards the IC.
@Heyitsjiwon , you might be on to something :P

To my knowledge, I believe the character index is complete. There has been a few persons added to it, so feel free to check out the new additions. Now, I'll get to work on that IC

@DergTheDergon , need some assistance on that application? We'll hopefully be launching today, and I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on it.

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