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Fantasy After World: The Argo Reports!


Saturday Night Dragon-Slayer


News, Announcements, Developments

IC Relaunch: We are alive and well again!

New CO-GM Picked: @Telios has departed our thread for now. @Dragoneer Irako has volunteered in his place. Everybody give her a big hand!

Activity Still Rolling: Thanks everyone whose dropping by! Please, feel free to take part in the OOC discussion. Players and lurkers are both welcome.

CS Help and Thread Questions: Please see the GM or the CO-GM for a questions, comments, and S.O.S's for assistance.

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Wonderful introduction. You had me at, "Bastard by birth, Mercenary by profession, and Legendary by choice."

I'm leaning towards a Grenadier, Sharpshooter, or Druid depending on what others are wanting to play as. I'll get to work on a CS a little later tonight after my IRL obligations are met.

Again, that was a great introduction. Fun to read.
Fun was exactly what I was going for (^U^) Thanks!

As for the classes, I'll leave the selection up to you and other players. As GM, I'll fill any neccesary roles that remain unfilled, and create NPC's to balance the group out.

I'll be getting up some additional tabs of Lore up right now. A few are a neccesary read for players with certain classes or AEsir characters, since they mention sections of the Character Sheet. If you're a fellow Lore enthusiast, then it will be a fun read. For those who like things cut and dry, I've tried to make them engaging as possible.
This roleplay looks flipping awesome! I'm gonna post my signup tomorrow when I have more time. I think I'm gonna be a centaur mage.
Blackrabbit said:
This roleplay looks flipping awesome! I'm gonna post my signup tomorrow when I have more time. I think I'm gonna be a centaur mage.
Glad to see that you like it! Since you're going for a Centaur, and a mage at that, be sure to visit the After World at a Glance tab. Specifically, I'd suggest you study up on the Centaur nation and their region of influence, as well how Magic works in Aesir.

Looking forward to your character sheet!

Got a mean case of keyboard hand from lore writing, so I think I'm done for the night. To you lurkers out there, enjoy our threads new Lore page. Just got finished typing it a few minutes ago.
I'm very interested after reading the overview. Seriously, very impressive lore and unique concept you got there. My old nemesis, indecisiveness, has struck again in regards to what race/class I will play, but I'd prefer playing an Aesir character unless we end up with too few willing to play characters from Earth, in which case I'll be more than content with that. I'll get a cs up once I figure some more details out.
I appreciate your appreciation. Thanks for being flexible in your characters, we may need that depending on how many players get around to posting their character apps.

Also, as an FYI to potential joiners who may be intimidated or not have time for the extensive app, the Non-Required Application (CS) information does not have to be filled out, or can be finished at a later time. It is up to the player, and is soley for personal and role playing satisfaction. It will not influence my decision in accepting a character.
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Just a couple questions. Where can I find the magic sensitivity, I don't see a "Maven, Adept, and Tyro" tab? In regards to equipment, will choosing our own and not going stock effect our power at all, or will it simply be for the aesthetic?
Sha said:
Just a couple questions. Where can I find the magic sensitivity, I don't see a "Maven, Adept, and Tyro" tab? In regards to equipment, will choosing our own and not going stock effect our power at all, or will it simply be for the aesthetic?
All things on Magic, Magery and Anema can be found in the Lore section next to the Character Sign Up section. I believe its the last tab. Should have Magic written on it.

As for equipment, its more for aesthetic and player choice. Character classes and Allegiance types already set a base line for character equipment, so your power will only shift in small degrees.
Oopsie daisy. Sorry. Just wanted to check that the code would come out right. I'll be editing it now. Also, may I ask if we're allowed more than one character?

Additionally, might I ask what the available ranks are within the Argo?
Bazmund said:
Oopsie daisy. Sorry. Just wanted to check that the code would come out right. I'll be editing it now. Also, may I ask if we're allowed more than one character?
Additionally, might I ask what the available ranks are within the Argo?
You are always allowed to ask questions :)

As for characters, I will allow multiple characters for this RPs iteration. I only ask that one application be finished before another is started, and that IC'ly equal attention to posts and character development is given for each character.

For ranks, it goes as high as Captain. And whatever equivalent terms there are to other nations militaries. I may asked that you raise or lower your rank depending on group and character circumstances.
I have a question. I have decided to make my centaur a bard, and I noticed that it says that I must allot 3 points to all of my skill categories. Are these points subtracted from the total of 22 points that I can use, or are they separate. Thanks!
Sha said:
Oh dang, thanks, I didn't even notice that whole section. Looks like I got some more reading to do before round out my CS.
The Races and Creatures tab and the Magic in Aesir tab are the ones you need to skim to nab your Magic Sensitivity and Race choice. For place of birth, nation, birth date and age, that can be found in the Continents tab and the Factions tab. A lot of lore, I know. But that guarentees we always have something to do IC'ly.

Blackrabbit said:
I have a question. I have decided to make my centaur a bard, and I noticed that it says that I must allot 3 points to all of my skill categories. Are these points subtracted from the total of 22 points that I can use, or are they separate. Thanks!
They are subtracted from your total starter points. That is the mixed handicap for Political Officer and Bard characters. On the bright side, you will start off with one of the most well-rounded characters in-game.
I'm sure this will be one of the best and most in-depth RPs on the site. Hope this bad boy will get into the newsletter.
MedievalMethods said:
The Races and Creatures tab and the Magic in Aesir tab are the ones you need to skim to nab your Magic Sensitivity and Race choice. For place of birth, nation, birth date and age, that can be found in the Continents tab and the Factions tab. A lot of lore, I know. But that guarentees we always have something to do IC'ly.
They are subtracted from your total starter points. That is the mixed handicap for Political Officer and Bard characters. On the bright side, you will start off with one of the most well-rounded characters in-game.
Thanks! Gonna finish my form up.
Hello, everyone. I'm new to this forum, but I've been RPing for a while on various other RP Forums. Anyways, I just wanted to express my intention on joining this RP, and that a CS is on the way.
Heyitsjiwon said:
Hello, everyone. I'm new to this forum, but I've been RPing for a while on various other RP Forums. Anyways, I just wanted to express my intention on joining this RP, and that a CS is on the way.
Looking forward to seeing your app.

Bazmund said:
Any word on the quality/acceptance of the already existing character sheets, boss?
@Bazmund @Blackrabbit @Sha

Your character apps are accepted. Sha, just a note, but your skills are set a little wonky and may set your character at an initial disadvantage in combat. Would you like to keep your skills as is, or change them before I officially accept?
I know I've just applied - and this is probably shooting myself in the foot, but I need to mention this as I feel it's a bit...weird.

Sha, your character somehow has had combat experience - in the US Army, against Germans - and has even stolen a Luger from a dead German. But the US forces did not engage in military combat with any German forces until around November/December of 1942 / Early 1943 (and that was only in Africa, not Mainland Europe.) which means that due to the RP's timeline - which is Friday, May 5th, 1942 - you would have had no combat operations against Germans - which in turn means you most definitely would not have managed to take a Luger from a dead German soldier.
^Historical precedence is a bit of a hassle to figure out in this RP. Planning on making a Japanese allegiance character, so I wasn't sure if the Battle of Coral Sea had happened since it took place from May 4-6th.
Fletchr said:
I know I've just applied - and this is probably shooting myself in the foot, but I need to mention this as I feel it's a bit...weird.
Sha, your character somehow has had combat experience - in the US Army, against Germans - and has even stolen a Luger from a dead German. But the US forces did not engage in military combat with any German forces until around November/December of 1942 / Early 1943 (and that was only in Africa, not Mainland Europe.) which means that due to the RP's timeline - which is Friday, May 5th, 1942 - you would have had no combat operations against Germans - which in turn means you most definitely would not have managed to take a Luger from a dead German soldier.
Oops. My minds been out of it for the past couple of days due to RL, so thank you Fletchr, for correcting me.

@Sha , when you get the chance, please amend the profile of your character. Specifically, about his combat record in the US Army and the Luger. Alternatively, if you would like your character to keep the record and the Luger, you can mention him as having joined the British Army as a foreign volunteer. Either of these changes will work.

Heyitsjiwon said:
^Historical precedence is a bit of a hassle to figure out in this RP. Planning on making a Japanese allegiance character, so I wasn't sure if the Battle of Coral Sea had happened since it took place from May 4-6th.
@Heyitsjiwon , Historical precedence will be adhered to in this RP as much as it can be. While it would take a lot of time to catalogue a list of what happened, and didn't happen in the After World time line, instead, I ask that questions about events and happenings be addressed to me, over PM or in the OOC, before hand. This way we fix potential errors in character information before they happen.

As for the Battle of Coral Sea, it was interrupted by one of the maelstroms thats formed in the Pacific Ocean. The battle was indecisive, though similar losses were given to both sides due to the supernatural storm.

Additionally, do we have any artists in the house (player or lurker) who would be willing to take the challenge of crafting a map of Aesir?
Roger, I posted my CS. I assumed that the Occupation of Korea, Manchuria and the Sino-Japanese War all happened as it did in RL. May I have your seal of approval.

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