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Realistic or Modern After The Fall


New Member
Okay so just wanted to give you guys a heads up. In this RP Zombies aren't necessarily 'zombies' what I'm saying is they aren't your usually walking dead. Any injury that would be mortal to a survivor is just as mortal to a zombie. Zombies in this game are just people that lost their minds to the virus.





Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets):

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.):



Strengths and weaknesses:

Description or Picture:
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Name: Torin Alaine

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Skills: she's incredible with aim, including with throwing knives, guns, and a bow. She's able to hold her own in a hand to hand battle, but doesn't prefer close range combat. She can also track, provide basic medical help, and set up a camp.

Equipment: she's got a tool belt with throwing knives in one pouch, a medical kit in another, and a free other needed materials in another. Her major weapon is a bow on her back with a quiver of arrows.

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.): Torin is compact, standing at 5"4 and 105 lbs. she's thin, with a fine layer of muscle over her body to allow swift movements and flexibility. She's got deep set scars starting on her right cheek and her lip, down her neck and over her chest and back, as well a her arm. She has a tattoo on her left arm in a band as well as a raven tattoo on her leg.

Personality: Torin is a person that prefers a situation she's getting the upper hand with. She'll do whatever it takes to turn the odds in her favor. She's cunning. Likely to stay silent until she's certain of what to say.

Background: Torin was born to an average family. A mom, a dad, two older brothers. They were happy. It was her father who taught her all about how to hunt, only doing it back then for sport. The night of the collapse, her father fell ill. He killed her two brothers, leaving only her and her mom. In a crazy attempt to escape, her mother set the house on fire. She was burned in the escape, giving her her scars as well as making her go deaf in her right ear. Her mother was trapped inside of the house, leaving her all alone. She scored the belt in a raid of a local department store, but the bow and arrows came from her father's hunting shed. She's been going around looking for safe haven ever since.

Strengths and weaknesses:






-sword play/close blade fighting

-forward attacking

-she doesn't do well with authority

Description or Picture:

Along with the description above, Torin wears a tank top, wrapping her arms and torso in bandages to cover the extent of the damage. She wears combat boots, a pair of jeans, and a hoody with the hood up to cover her face. She keeps a locket with her mother and father's pictures inside around her neck and a pocket watch on her at all times.
[QUOTE="Lightning Quick]Name: Torin Alaine
Age: 18

Sex: Female

Skills: she's incredible with aim, including with throwing knives, guns, and a bow. She's able to hold her own in a hand to hand battle, but doesn't prefer close range combat. She can also track, provide basic medical help, and set up a camp.

Equipment: she's got a tool belt with throwing knives in one pouch, a medical kit in another, and a free other needed materials in another. Her major weapon is a bow on her back with a quiver of arrows.

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.): Torin is compact, standing at 5"4 and 105 lbs. she's thin, with a fine layer of muscle over her body to allow swift movements and flexibility. She's got deep set scars starting on her right cheek and her lip, down her neck and over her chest and back, as well a her arm. She has a tattoo on her left arm in a band as well as a raven tattoo on her leg.

Personality: Torin is a person that prefers a situation she's getting the upper hand with. She'll do whatever it takes to turn the odds in her favor. She's cunning. Likely to stay silent until she's certain of what to say.

Background: Torin was born to an average family. A mom, a dad, two older brothers. They were happy. It was her father who taught her all about how to hunt, only doing it back then for sport. The night of the collapse, her father fell ill. He killed her two brothers, leaving only her and her mom. In a crazy attempt to escape, her mother set the house on fire. She was burned in the escape, giving her her scars as well as making her go deaf in her right ear. Her mother was trapped inside of the house, leaving her all alone. She scored the belt in a raid of a local department store, but the bow and arrows came from her father's hunting shed. She's been going around looking for safe haven ever since.

Strengths and weaknesses:






-sword play/close blade fighting

-forward attacking

-she doesn't do well with authority

Description or Picture:

Along with the description above, Torin wears a tank top, wrapping her arms and torso in bandages to cover the extent of the damage. She wears combat boots, a pair of jeans, and a hoody with the hood up to cover her face. She keeps a locket with her mother and father's pictures inside around her neck and a pocket watch on her at all times.

Accepted m8! You can start posting now if you want. I would start the RP off myself but I kind of got writers block atm
Hey, no problem :3 I'm always happy to chip in. Pardon any mistakes, I'm not the best in the grammar department... Sorry in advance (' :| )
Name:Anastasia Porte



Skills:finding editable fruits,hunting animals ,creating traps ,climbing high objects of a sort .

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets):a sword ,two hand guns and lasting supply of bullets hidden in secret areas that she knows about .

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.):height she is 5'7 ,her weight is 123 pounds ,her build is very slender and curvy .She has scars from previous work with hunting animals and other things ,work from living around a farm her whole life .She has long Brown hair in waves .

Personality:she is very witty and outgoing ,not afraid to tell people what is what and what's going down .She is not afraid to hurt people a feelings when it's the right time ,she can be sweet when needed to be ,bosy in some ways .never gives up ,cunning ,also smart and intelligent.focused on what she needs to do without question.not afraid to start a fight with someone .

Background:she lived on a farm when she was little her parents wanted her to be proactive ,so she did a lot of things ,doing crops raising animals and hunting them when they were low on food ,she never had to rely on anyone to take care of her .She wouldn't want that now or ever ,she doesn't get the whole let a man be a man she never had one .people get surprised when she says she a virgin ,and I mean with everything .

Strengths and weaknesses:she doesn't like to be grouped upon ,she is a good fighter ,so don't get her straight on ,she doesn't like the dark .

Description or Picture:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/igd_5ee397a6a992e7f4c073fba3f599f7aa.jpg.f4cc94530f6ebca059a0cb4870824c96.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69590" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/igd_5ee397a6a992e7f4c073fba3f599f7aa.jpg.f4cc94530f6ebca059a0cb4870824c96.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • igd_5ee397a6a992e7f4c073fba3f599f7aa.jpg
    37.8 KB · Views: 15
claryfawn said:
Name:Anastasia Porte


Skills:finding editable fruits,hunting animals ,creating traps ,climbing high objects of a sort .

Equipment (ie. any firearms, tools, or gadgets):a sword ,two hand guns and lasting supply of bullets hidden in secret areas that she knows about .

Physical Characteristics (height, weight, build, etc.):height she is 5'7 ,her weight is 123 pounds ,her build is very slender and curvy .She has scars from previous work with hunting animals and other things ,work from living around a farm her whole life .She has long Brown hair in waves .

Personality:she is very witty and outgoing ,not afraid to tell people what is what and what's going down .She is not afraid to hurt people a feelings when it's the right time ,she can be sweet when needed to be ,bosy in some ways .never gives up ,cunning ,also smart and intelligent.focused on what she needs to do without question.not afraid to start a fight with someone .

Background:she lived on a farm when she was little her parents wanted her to be proactive ,so she did a lot of things ,doing crops raising animals and hunting them when they were low on food ,she never had to rely on anyone to take care of her .She wouldn't want that now or ever ,she doesn't get the whole let a man be a man she never had one .people get surprised when she says she a virgin ,and I mean with everything .

Strengths and weaknesses:she doesn't like to be grouped upon ,she is a good fighter ,so don't get her straight on ,she doesn't like the dark .

Description or Picture:

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