After the Dust Clears (Jon_14 and Void)

"Well it was YOUR idea to see all those movies to begin with Leonor." He reminded her,"But I won't haunt you. Well maybe Hallow- I mean never." William said that last part nervously. "Anyway I guess we should get to sleep." He laid down on the futon.
"Agreed," she sighed, relaxing into her bed as silence filled the room. Her head was still swimming, bouncing back and forth between everything that had happened that day. Part of her believed he'd just be gone when she woke up, a figment of her imagination and that she was truly crazy. It was terrifying, thinking he might be gone again. That'd she be alone to grieve and wallow in guilt. Finally, her exhaustion wore off and her eyelids sank as her breathing evening to be deep and steady. Her dreams were filled with falling stones and dirt, clogging her mouth as she struggled under the crushing weight and terror. She tried to scream, but her voice was lost in the earth.

Awoken by soft light filtering through her window, she snapped awake, twisting to check on William. Relieved to spot him, ghostly, but still present, she slid carefully from her bed as to not wake him. By the sounds in the house, her parents weren't awake either, so she relished in the blissful silence of her own home. That part was surreal too, being back here after her time in the hospital. It almost felt like she had died as well, a ghost standing where she used to live.

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