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Fandom After the Avengers


Alex turned when he heard Chanel's comment and with the same neutral face as always replied with

Was the lezbien look a fashion statement or poor judgement call?

He turned away from her again, signalling the end of the conversation as he checked over his weapons and gear, the sooner they got finished the better. He could feel his iron clad control slip slightly.

Raven walked on the jet and sat down in the jet, looking at the holsters and seeing the guns poke out from behind her coat. She decided to rotate the holsters so her guns were on the back of her torso, not the sides.

"Everyone ready to go?" She asked, checking over her appearance and deciding she looked fine. Her knife was tucked away safely in her boots, out of sight.

She looked around at her teammates and sighed. I hope this goes as planned.
@Haus Of Alaska

Chanel let out a short chuckle at Alex’s response. “ Someone is salty today. Look greenie, I was just trying to be friendly and by the way, I look fantastic today.”

She turned away from Alex and stepped on the jet after Raven did. Chanel chose a seat close to the window; she always liked watching the clouds.


In response to Raven's question, Chanel instantly gave her reply.
“Yeah, I am ready to go.”

Here she was about to go on a mission with a complete bunch of strangers; Chanel was feeling really nervous inside.

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Tony looked back at them. "Alright peeps lets do this!¡!¡" He exclaimed as he closed the hatch door and few out of the hangar and set the course for the london airport. (If anyone didnt get on just pretend you did xD )

Alex sat in the quinjet as they headed for their destination. While everyone was checking their gear he was thinking back to a conversation he over heard.

Basically, other agents in his training squad talking about how Alex was cold and a tight ass.

Sighing to himself he kept thinking everything over, maybe he was too uptight but it came with being a loner.

Shaking his head he looked over to Chanel and spoke softly.

Chanel. I just want to say sorry, I didn't mean to take my crappy humour out on you

Clearing his throat he looked away again, feeling uncomfortable with the conversation but the apology needed to be made

((Maison wont be on, she had her phone taken up. Also im sorry for not replying, I had my English EOC this week and ts been crazy))

"Alright, lets kick some ass."


Raven paced the plane, going back over her plan because for unknown reasons, she felt like something was gonna go wrong. She was anxious as hell, her stomach twisting painfully. She grimaced and shook her head.

Its gonna be fine. Its gonna be fine. This is why she didn't like teams, she had other people dependent on her to make the right call and she hated knowing that. Not to mention that they could die if she gave the wrong instructions.
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@Haus Of Alaska

When Alex apologized, Chanel knew it made him very uncomfortable just by the look on his normally stony face. She knew how hard it was to apologize for something and she often avoided it like it was the plague. She decided to cut him some slack and not crack some jokes. “It’s really no problem, Alex.”

Chanel flashed him a wide smile while giving him a thumbs up, “we are good.”


Chanel let out a loud chuckle at Raven’s response. Maybe Raven wasn’t so bad after all. While Chanel’s feelings about working in a team still remained at an all time high of anxiety, she found herself kind of … sort of liking the people within the team. Chanel swore that Fury was more of an genius then she thought he was. Raven was pacing like a mad woman around the plane and it was making Chanel feel antsy.

“Raven, are you alright?"
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Genesis raised his hands and conjured flames to dance above them. He had been staying silent for the most part since everything began and just watched as everyone got to know each other. He himself was more interested in seeing how much of a wreck they were when they worked together and if they could be salvaged.
Raven racked her brain to remember what the hell Fury said about landing the damn jet.

"Theres a landing pad at the top of the building." She answered finally. Raven turned around to look at Chanel. "Im fine, just a bit snervous." She said, cracking her knuckles as they prepared for landing. "Maison, look around the corner to your left, the uniform is in the second cubby." She said.

@BlueLikeATardis @Maison Romanoff
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Tony nodded and flew the jet to the landing pad raven had said there would be. He gently settled the jet down got up after opening the hatch. "Alright peeps, lets do dis!¡!¡"
((Sorry I wasn't supposed to be on my phone, tablet, or computer. technically I'm still not supposed to be. but I'm a rebel... jk lol))

Maison nodded in response to Raven. She got prepared to sneak into the room. Once ready she made her way inside and quickly changed into the uniform. As she walked out of the room, making sure her earpiece was hidden by her hair, she messed with the ascot that was tied around her neck. "I hate this uniform so much. The ascot is so itchy." She muttered to the others through the earpiece.
((How long does your ban last? lol))

Now is not the time to be nervous. These people are as dependent in you as you are in them. If you are nervous. They are nevrous.

She said to herself, shaking her arms and fitting the headpiece in her ear, stepping off the jet.

Thank god we had S.H.I.E.L.D tech, otherwise we would have been detected a long time ago.

She pressed a button on her arm that made the jet go into camouflage mode, disappearing from view.

"Alright team, you know your roles. Move out. Stay silent and don't die."​
Tony just sat on a chair and preended to play a game on his "phone". in reality he was watching through the security cameras for the targets. Once he spoted them he would folow untilin position and then... its all over for them and their package.

Chanel understood the level of nervousness Raven was feeling because after all she was the leader of this mission and was hugely responsible if this course of action was the right one. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.” Chanel said trying to provide some type of comfort, but she was not even sure it did. Sometimes nerves needed more then an awkward pep talk. So, when the jet landed, she gave Raven a pat on the shoulder and grabbed an earpiece, sliding it into her ear with practiced ease.

Only giving a slight nod, she stepped off the jet as it was going invisible. She figured due to her weapons going in from the front would be an extremely bad idea. Chanel rounded the airlines towards the side and saw a ventilation shaft, big enough for her to climb in through. She pulled one of her throwing knives from her ankle holsters and used them to loosen the screws. The screws fell to the ground in soft patters in just a few seconds.

Once they were completely gone, she slipped the throwing knife back into it’s place in her ankle holster and began pulling the grated cover. Chanel climbed in and maneuvered herself through the constant turning she had to do throughout the vents. Every once in a while stopping to see through the grated vents where she was. She was just too far to slip pass through the security checks , so she continued on some more until she did. There was a grated vent that allowed her to see she made it passed the metal detectors. Ok, now I need to find a bathroom.

It only took a few more sharp turns in the vents before finding the bathroom in which, she quickly loosened to allow herself to jump down in one of the stalls. “That was fun.” Chanel said aloud. She opened the stall and walked out of the bathroom; she was lucky no one was in there at that moment or else she would have to waste time getting them to go unconscious. To her right, she could see people being wanded to get inside for admittance.

Her job was to stay on the ground and wait for the fight Maison was bringing her way. Chanel’s eyes instantly scanned the security; she smirked. This is going to be easy.

@Maison Romanoff

Chanel decided until she received Maison’s call, she would try to look not suspicious by mingling into crowds and heading towards the food court that was not too far. “Okay, I am in position, just waiting on you, Maison.” Chanel said softly enough for the earpiece to catch.
((idk she won't tell me how long so all of my responses will be short for now))

Maison made her way to her position waiting on the targets to approach. "In position. Waiting for targets." She said into her earpiece.

((That awkward moment when you have to check your own post to remember what you were supposed to be doing

xD ))

Raven casually walked behind the group, safe enough away that they wouldn't hear her speaking to the rest of the team.

"I have eyes on the target." She murmured, slipping besides the group, putting her phone up to her ear, pretending to be arguing with someone. She invaded their space to the point were it was discreet but still uncomfortable. They shuffled off to the side a bit to try and get away from her. The shuffled enough to where one of the guards nearly hit a wall besides the bathroom. She quickly disappeared into the crowd and reemerged next to the guard, clapping her hand over his mouth and dragging him into one of the stalls, pulling out her dagger and stabbing him in the throat.

"One down. Romanoff, its your go.(@Crimson smile )"

Raven felt slightly better, her stomach didn't have nearly as many as butterflies as it did prior to the mission. She silently thanked her half sister for the awkward pep talk earlier, for some reason, it was all she needed.​

Alex stayed in position, ready to make his move once the call came in to.

He was in civilian clothing to blend in, despite wearing headphones he kept a watchful eye on his surroundings.

This was going easy, a bit too easy if you asked him but he was following the laid out plan and he had no notion of deviating from it.

Pretending to look at his phone, he remained silent as the team made their move.

Maison stood at the end of the security check watching and waiting for the targets to approach. "I have eyes on the targets." She said as she saw them get in the line.
@Maison Romanoff "Fantastic, these fools won't even know what hit them." Chanel said; her voice muffled a bit. She was munching on a churro she bought from one of the food court restaurants. There was not a churro in Chanel's life that she was able to resist and plus she was blending in with the crowds waiting for her time to kick some butt. As she waited for her part in the mission to come up, she chomped some more into her churro. Chanel let out a very loud audible smack that echoed into her earpiece.

Alex winced at the chomping of food, he had just finished his part of the mission, which involved bugging their targets to be tracked and he was sitting in the back of a cafe

waiting for his next instructions.

Who is eating something right now?

His stomach growled at his question, dammit he was hungry now as well

@Haus Of Alaska

Chanel could only let out an embarrassed laugh in response. “Sorry, that was me, Alex. I got hungry trying to blend in; it’s hard work, you know? I have to say though, this is the best tasting churro I have had in a while.”

Chanel finished off the last chunk of the churro and tried her hardest not to chew loudly into the earpiece.

Raven chuckled at the banter raging in her ear. She was coming to like these guys. Maybe being apart of a team wasn't so bad.

She slit the last guards throat and fell back in line, luckily his body was somewhere where no one would see him. "Alright guys, we got most of them. Romanoff, you're up (@Maison Romanoff )" She said, her stomach growling when she heard them talking about churros.

"Can we get pizza afterwards?" She asked into the mic.
"On it. Oh, and I agree with pizza." Maison said. As the targets approached she plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Hi, I'm Laura. You have been randomly selected for a search, if you could just follow me this way please." She said and began walking to a secluded corner.

((I legit kept wanting to capitalize pizza))
@TheRebelAngel @Maison Romanoff

“Ooh yeah, pizza sounds great right about now.” Chanel said. "I know this one place that makes pizzas with tiny little pizzas on top. It’s like pizza inception. Crazy, huh?”

Chanel began to edge herself out of the food court and walked a bit closer to where Maison was. She kept a good distance away to still be able to blend in with the crowd. Chanel grabbed a magazine off of a table from preoccupied woman who was dealing with a fussy baby and found a small bench to sit on to pretend she was reading. It was one of this trashy magazines that Chanel secretly hated to admit she loved reading.

“Apparently some guy in Vegas was able to get himself married to a card board cut out of Brad Pitt…
interesting.” Chanel read aloud.


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