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Fandom After the Avengers

"None of us want to be a part of this team, but we have no choice. You have a problem with it, go talk to Fury. I'm not going to be dealing with this throughout the entire mission. We do what we have to do to get this done, then we can all go on our ways, but until then we work together. None of us will survive this mission, unless we work together. So suck it up, and get over yourselves." Maison said standing up and placing her katana back in its sheath.

Alex listened quietly to everyone arguing. With a sigh he spoke clearly to the group.

We need to detain him, but we need to be aware of our own strengths and weakness's, like it our not we have to work as a team so it would be best to find a way to work together.

Alex looked around the group, waiting for anyone to speak up. While he may not get along with other people, he knew they had to work together.

Raven sighed, there was no way they could just jump into a top priority mission before learning about how they fought.

"Alex is right, since no one can seem to be adults, we're going to really act like children. When I point to you, you tell everyone your name, your biological parents and your specialty. After that, suit up, I have a practice mission for us." She paused and gestured to herself. "You know who I am, and you know what I do. My parents are James Buchanan Barnes and Steve Rodgers." She said, pointing to Alex. "You're up."@Haus Of Alaska @Crimson smile @Maison Romanoff @BlueLikeATardis
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Alex agreed with Raven, to show a united front he spoke.

My name is Alex, my biological parents are Dr. Bruce Banner and Natasha Romanov. I am a fully trained assassin following the same training given to Natasha. But also.... also my mind is affected by the "other guy". If I lose it my body strength goes way up

He finished speaking before leaning against the desk, he looked around wondering how people would react when they had a parent in common with another

Chanel was pretty peeved at Raven for calling her an “egotistical dumbass” which was completely uncalled for. Chanel always assumed people deserved to die because no one has ever given her reason to think otherwise. She had a high success rate in the S.H.I.E.L.D head quarters and was a very valuable asset in her mind. Teams meant you had to trust others to keep you alive just as much as you keep theirs. Chanel has never been comfortable taking that type of responsibility; barely even wants anyone doing the same for her.

Yet, Fury somehow thought this was the right action to take. Why?

Apparently everybody agreed on making sure we wrangle this Loki/Clint kid in alive until death was the last resort. She knew this was going to end badly; she could practically sense that this guy was going to make her regret not taking him out the first chance she got.

“Not very team friendly and completely uncalled for, Raven.” she snarked. Who died and made her queen all of a sudden?

“You want me to play nice, fine but don’t get upset with me when I say ‘ i told you so’ when it backfires in your faces”

Barely even a few moments later, Mr. Rude Guy suggest they learn about each others’ strengths and weaknesses. Although Chanel would never admit it to his face, it was a really good idea. She can get a sense of what she was working with because if she had to depend on them to help her stay alive then they better be on their A-game. Chanel watched as Raven agreed with Mr. Rude Guy and pointed at him to inform the ‘team’ on who he was and what his specialty. Raven had already given her description and much to Chanel’s surprise they shared a common parent, Steve Rogers. “We are half siblings, crazy huh?”

“You are Bruce’s Kid… interesting” Chanel said while the corners of her mouth turned upward in a small smile.

“Well, I am Chanel Rogers- Stark. My parents are Steve Rogers and Tony Stark which is blatantly obvious just off my name. My specialty is hand to hand combat and marksmanship.
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"You take after your father then I see..." Maison muttered.

"Maison Rose Romanoff. My parents are Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff. Specialties include hand-to-hand, long range, bow and pistol, sword fighting, and throwing knives." Maison introduces herself.
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Alex looked to Maison and raised an eyebrow

Same mother

@Maison Romanoff

He stated before letting the others speak, making a mental list of who they were and what they could do.

From what he was hearing the team was very balanced over all,

from the sounds of it, working together would be their main problem
Well this was just fantastic they were after his brother. He sighed calling off his transformation as he caught glimpse of the video feed, standing on top of the roof from where he could see it looked like they were conversing in a tame matter.

Well now looked like a good time to stroll in possibly cause some sort of trouble. "Don't worry Ren I won't allow these fools to capture you that easily, though I am positive that you can take care of yourself though our old men wouldn't take a liking to that now will they?"

Leaping off the building, Vargr lands on the ground in a crouched position with one palm flat on the ground "Lets go introduce ourselves shall we?" He said grinning.

With that he heads into the building....

Alex made no reaction, he did not know Maison's background regarding her parents.

For now he would keep his opinions to himself until the team was more in sync.

(Why did no one tell me we were starting?¿?¿) Tony sat in his room tinkering with some new upgrades on his hulk armour. He shocked himself and growled, his skin gaining a bit of a green tinge tht quickly faded.
Raven smirked and ran her hand through her hair. "Well, im an asshole, wha'd you expect?" She said rolling her eyes. Her half sister had all of Starks snarkiness going around with a hint of the Rogers innocence. Unlike her, who had just about all of Buckys sarcasm and Rodgers leadership if she felt like it. Well there was the Barnes loyalty and the Rodgers emotional constipation but it would much sooner die than show it. "But yea, its cool I have a half sister." ((Softball game gotta go.))
@Maison Romanoff

Chanel overheard Maison’s murmur of her genetics and quirked a wider smile as she nodded. "And I can see by your specialties that your parents run very strong within you."


“Well, sis.You are lucky to have me because well I am pretty awesome.” Chanel joked.

It made a lot more sense now, the apparent sense of leadership Raven almost instantly clicked into. Chanel never really thought she would have a half sibling, but here Raven was in flesh and blood as her sibling. She was part of Steve Rogers genetic DNA and that made her kind of like family. Chanel was not sure what she really thought about family. She probably was supposed to feel what Maison felt for their target; like kin.

Chanel didn’t feel that, it was more like acknowledgment of bloodlines but anything more just felt too far out of reach. She is terrible at feelings; it’s why she would rather finds ways dissociate from them then actually deal with it head on. This particular trait helps her become good at her job; she doesn’t feel anything or hindered in any way, she just does what is necessary.

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Talon said:
(Why did no one tell me we were starting?¿?¿) Tony sat in his room tinkering with some new upgrades on his hulk armour. He shocked himself and growled, his skin gaining a bit of a green tinge that quickly faded.
((We are all in the room down the hall talking about crap if you want to join us there.))
((Im back, turns out I didnt have a game, drove around for an hour making sure. But on the bright side I got Chick-Fil-A so yea. Food.))

Ravens POV:

She smiled at her sister. It felt weird having one, like she spent her whole life up until this point, only to find out she had a half-sister. It was cool but oddly offsetting.

Raven pushed her thoughts to the side and looked around the room. The room was full of people with perfect abilities, just bad social skills. Except of course, those who were trained as spies. Oh yea, the mission Fury sent me.

She waved her phone in the air and a holographic file appeared. She spilled the contents and held up an object that was inside of a briefcase.

"There is a terror attack on London airlines in approximately four hours. That's long enough for us to get over there and stop it. There will be a person holding a briefcase with an untraceable, invisible bomb inside. There will be at least eight people close by, making sure it goes without interruption. Our job is to take out all of the Agents without the publics awareness. Its a small test to see how we all react and act on public missions because our real target, lets call him Ren. Wont be so stupid as to be alone for more than 10 minuets. Discreet is key." She said. tossing the holographic bomb and watching it go kaboom.​
Tony had heard voices from down the hall and ha gone to see who it was. "So your telling hulk to be dicreet?¿?¿ got it." He walked into the room. "Whats the floorplan of the airport?¿?¿" He asked.
"Banner and Stark?" She asked as Tony walked in. "Because yes, why not put two of the most explosive people together, its brilliant." She murmured sarcastically. Okay, she had to admit, it wasn't just Bucks sarcasm, she had developed some on her own.

"Stark, we'll see how this mission goes, you can't use your suit and you cant green light, but I know that you are well trained in hand to hand so you're fine." She said, picking up a glowing ball and stretching it, causing it to turn into a layout of the airport.

Raven pointed to each of the corners of the fourth and fifth floors.

"This is where the action will be taking place. Banner (@Haus Of Alaska ), I need you behind, when they get in the elevator you go with them, stick to them like glue, we need to know this isn't a decoy. Rodgers (@BlueLikeATardis ) I need you on the ground, you need to be ready to fight, there is a slightly empty space where Romanoff (@Maison Romanoff ) will be leading them. Romanoff (@Maison Romanoff ) will be going undercover as a security check, she will lead them to the area for a deep check and thats when its go time.

By then there should be a minimum of four guards left. Stark (@Talon ) you are left to defuse the bomb while Romanoff (@Crimson smile ) and I take out the guards as this whole ordeal goes down. Anyone see any holes in my plan or are we good to suit up?"
((Im sorry if I forgot anyone, imma be offline for a few, but i'll be back on in about 10-20 min.))
"Got it. 5 minutes. Go suit up and get ready, then meet in the hanger at one of the Quinjets. Got it? Good." Maison said before walking out.

Alex went straight into business mode, nodding before leaving to get suited up.

Back in his room he was getting into his gear and checking his equipment before heading out.

The Quinjet was in the main hanger and he was quickly making his way there.

He was thinking over all of the information from the meeting.

He stepped to the hanger, his blue armour glinting slightly from the light.
Tony nodded and turned to leave. No green light huh?¿?¿ He had no problem with that, it was a good chance to try out his new pwer gloves!¡!¡ They looked like normal leather gloves but were able to double his punching power. He grabbed them from his room and headed to the quinjet. He took a seat at the controls and got the jet ready to go.
Raven pulled her hair into a ponytail and walked into her room. She slid the electric chopsticks in the ponytail and sheathed her knife. She slid the razor blade in the heel of her combat boots. She always put it there just in case she was captured and needed to escape. She already had her guns on her and decided against her sniper rifle because it wasn't that type of mission. She looked at the shield for a second, its black and silver metal gleaming. She turned away and walked out, heading to the Quin-jet.
Maison walked to her room and slipped into her black leather pants, black crop top, and black heels. (pic on sign up sheet) She pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail and strapped all of her weapons to her body. Her pistol on her thigh, her katanas across her back, arrow sheath across her back, bow in hand, and throwing knives in various hidden places. Once she was happy with her appearance she made her way down to the hanger to meet up with the others.

Chanel snorted at Raven's comment towards Tony. It was interesting to find out that there was someone from the Stark line as well, but the fact they had two hulks on the team was even more interesting. She just hoped that they would do well on the mission, after all, Raven did say discreet.

Raven promptly began giving the details of the plan, which once again Chanel agreed with. So, maybe being apart of a team was not too bad, but Chanel still did not love the idea.

“Okay, on the ground got it. Plans sounds good.” she said. As soon as Chanel got the full layout of the plan, she began walking out to her room.

It was not anything spectacular, but it was enough to hold in her clothes, weapons, and snacks she hid underneath her bed. Chanel walked over to her closet and pulled out her black choker off the shoulder top, black skinny jeans, black laced up zipper chunky boots, studded earrings, and a beanie. She also pulled on a holster to put her two silverballer pistols in; Chanel concealed them underneath a leather jacket. She also pulled on some leg holsters to carry some of her throwing knives.

“Always coming prepared.” she mumbled to herself. Before Chanel walked out of the room towards the Quin-jet, she began fixing her hair into a ponytail.

Chanel walked onto the hangar, she looked over part the team that was ready.

@Haus Of Alaska

“Nice suit, Alex.” Chanel complimented, although the tone of her voice would imply otherwise.
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